Team-BHP - A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

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Originally Posted by Raajiv (Post 980431)
How to clean the interior roof material of the car? Since when we rub,it looks like that material is starting to peel.

I have some very bad marks on inside of the roof.Please help.

+1 on this. My swift also needs attention at that place. Gurus ???


Originally Posted by Raajiv (Post 980431)
How to clean the interior roof material of the car? Since when we rub,it looks like that material is starting to peel.

I have some very bad marks on inside of the roof.Please help.

Did you meant the headliner ?

You can simply follow the same tricks for cleaning the vinyl/leather. But don't give too much pressure !

Has anyone checked out this website: Car Detailing Forum :: #1 in Auto Detailing Discussion!

Over the years I have not found a better site than Autopia regarding detailing. Use the search feature and read the archives.


Originally Posted by sriturl (Post 978358)
Are there any places where we can buy small cans of paint(spray type), to touch up small dents which scraped paint?

Hi sriturl,

You can try looking in shops on JC Road in Bangalore. A few shops have touch-up spray paint cans from Com Paint. I have used a few of them and they are good for covering up small scratches on body colored bumpers and fenders.



Member of autopia since a long time, haven't gone there for a while. :) Its one of those sites where the car owners are near compulsive-obsessive about their cars. :lol:

Does anyone here have a personal machine for polishing?

Where can I find something handheld like this:

I have smoothed up all the scratches on my car. Some by just using formula 1 caranbua wax, and some by 3M rubbing compound.
Now the thing is whereever I have used the rubbing compound, it has lost all the gloss. I waxed it with waxpol, 3M liquid wax, and formula 1 carnabua wax. But still the gloss is not that good as compared to other surfaces.
Did I missed any part, or is there any other product to be used for geting back the gloss, or simly this is what can be done.


Originally Posted by Eddy (Post 981104)

Originally Posted by Raajiv
How to clean the interior roof material of the car? Since when we rub,it looks like that material is starting to peel.

I have some very bad marks on inside of the roof.Please help.
+1 on this. My swift also needs attention at that place. Gurus ???
+1 on this. My swift also needs attention at that place. Gurus ???

You get this Vanish stain remover at supermarkets.Comes in a powdered form like surf. I add some of that and some surf to a mug of water and use a cloth dipped in it. Really gets rid of all the stains.

Moms remedy and works really well :D


Originally Posted by Sahil (Post 1013446)
Does anyone here have a personal machine for polishing?

Where can I find something handheld like this:

Hi Sahil,

This is a photo of an orbital polisher. You can buy one of these in the market. BOSCH and a few other brands make this type of polisher.

Personally, I prefer to use my hand and burn a few calories polishing my car. Washing+polishing is a sure way to burn those extra calories and keep fit, whilst your car is left gleaming!lol:



Can someone guide me as to where is such a car care centre located in Chennai. I would like to get my Santro polished there.


Originally Posted by Sahil (Post 1013446)
Does anyone here have a personal machine for polishing?

Where can I find something handheld like this:

Don't go for this. It's depends highly on pressure you apply while polishing. It can eat up paint in no time.

MadhuG - Has you car's right rear quarter panel been painted? It doesn't match the colour of the other three panels on the same side.

It is just apprearing like that in the pic..there is no difference in paint color.

i have this white powdery stain as a result of water dripping from the basement roof. it normally used to form on the windshield glass from where i could easily remove it using a bit of lime juice. this time the drip fell on the paint on A Pillar. how do i remove this? any ideas? i have a feeling the lemon juice would mess the paint.

Just FYI for care care fanatics looking to buy Chamois leather -

You can contact Mr. Md. Iqubal of Southbay Enterprises, Chennai at A 2.5sq. ft. of genuine leather costs Rs. 344/-. The firm is also found on eBay for people who wish to go through that route.

I have been using it for the last two washes and believe me, it is worth every paisa. There is a bit of a technique on making it work properly, but when it does, it's pretty amazing.

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