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Old 18th November 2011, 21:26   #1
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Mahindra XUV500 niggles & solutions

Dear Mods, pls merge this thread with an existing one if this doesn't merit a separate discussion.

XUV 5OO W8 BHPians, I am starting this thread to discuss niggles one may have faced with their XUVs and how one pursued the solution or is pursuing the solution with Mahindra. Sincere request to not make this a rant thread, the intent is solely to find ways of working collaboratively with Mahindra to improve the lovely XUV and leverage our unlimited mileage warranty appropriately :-).

For starters, I have been trying to get the night vision reverse camera fixed in my XUV but have been receiving varied responses like accessory not available to accessory not supported! After persistent follow up, my sales guy finally told me that they have figured out how to install one with the help of Nippon personnel so I may be going by the end of this week or early next week to get it fixed :-). Fingers crossed.

Secondly, I received my XUV with all hinges rusted. It's 5 days and counting and Sireesh Auto is still trying to source new hinges. I would have expected faster response on an issue like rusting. Nevertheless, I continue to follow up to see how best to get this resolved. If anyone has any pointers to take this forward, would be great to hear from you.
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Old 18th November 2011, 22:55   #2
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re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

Originally Posted by mak10
For starters, I have been trying to get the night vision reverse camera fixed in my XUV but have been receiving varied responses like accessory not available to accessory not supported! After persistent follow up, my sales guy finally told me that they have figured out how to install one with the help of Nippon personnel so I may be going by the end of this week or early next week to get it fixed :-). Fingers crossed.
Ans: First and foremost congratulations for buying your new beast ! Since the XUV 5OO has recently been launched into the market, modifications of any sort (other than whats recommended by Mahindra) would always face some hesitation initially. I'm pretty much sure that this would be the case with more or less any other OEM. But rest assured, things will start to flow smoothly as time goes by.

Originally Posted by mak10
Secondly, I received my XUV with all hinges rusted. It's 5 days and counting and Sireesh Auto is still trying to source new hinges. I would have expected faster response on an issue like rusting. Nevertheless, I continue to follow up to see how best to get this resolved. If anyone has any pointers to take this forward, would be great to hear from you.
Ans: Mahindra is keeping a close watch on the customer complaints, especially on quality issues. Any concern on the quality of the parts must be put across to the company. You can reach out for the dealer/the area sales manager or if nothing works out, Anand Mahindra has got a twitter account too !! No kidding, you have all rights to claim for the money you've spent, so go utilize the opportuinity !

Note from Support: Quotes fixed.
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Old 30th November 2011, 00:01   #3
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re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

Originally Posted by mak10 View Post

For starters, I have been trying to get the night vision reverse camera fixed in my XUV but have been receiving varied responses like accessory not available to accessory not supported!
Please do post pictures of the camera once you receive it, Couple of my friends are waiting for the same.
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Old 30th November 2011, 12:49   #4
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re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

Originally Posted by mak10 View Post
Secondly, I received my XUV with all hinges rusted. It's 5 days and counting and Sireesh Auto is still trying to source new hinges. I would have expected faster response on an issue like rusting. Nevertheless, I continue to follow up to see how best to get this resolved. If anyone has any pointers to take this forward, would be great to hear from you.
This is unacceptable . Please oversee the replacement work carefully else the A.S.S. guys would ruin the new vehicle. I have had bad experience with the replacements with my Scorpio (it was 6 monts old then), the entire interiors were spoit (grease stains, scratches on plastics and paint). The best of cleaning efforts (by A.S.S. and lated by a Car Spa) were not able to clear the mess.
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Old 30th November 2011, 12:57   #5
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re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

I had access to an XUV for 3 days, and these are the issues i noted.

*GPS not getting a satellite lock. My standalone mapmyindia got a lock in about a minute, whereas the built in one couldnt get a lock in 3 days!

* The rear ac switch LED Conked off

*The front door just wouldn't shut properly,and needed at least 5 tries to close it. I think it has to do with the handle being too far forward in the door.

* Gear shift to first and second was very hard, and squeaking sounds were coming everytime i changed a gear.

But all in all, its an awesome vehicle.
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Old 1st December 2011, 15:54   #6
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re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

Cross posting from the XUV review thread - I didn't know this thread existed till now!

I took delivery of my red W8 from SKS Auto, Bannerghatta Road on Friday, 25th November.

Following are the niggles I am facing/already rectified:

1) Creaking/knocking sound from the boot lid as soon as you open it. Raised the issue with SKS and they checked other XUVs with them, and found that the other cars also have the same problem. They have identified it as a noisy actuator and are waiting for a solution from M&M.
2) Car was delivered to me without the navigation working. It wouldn't go past the navigation startup page, and SKS rectified it after calling in the Nippon guys to fix the software.
3) The left front door needs a big firm push to close properly, unlike the other doors. This has been reported already by some one else.
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Old 4th December 2011, 13:42   #7
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re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

Originally Posted by Rossiter View Post
3) The left front door needs a big firm push to close properly, unlike the other doors. This has been reported already by some one else.
Have you got a purple color ? Because if thats the case, there was a purple color display car which had the same issue as you are reporting. Do check.
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Old 5th December 2011, 23:19   #8
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re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

Congratulations on being the first batch of XUV owners.

Well rust is part of the privilege of owning a Mahindra.

Installing a cam is easy. You just have to figure out any video/Svideo Input in the install in-dash system.

A tip: it is a RCA female normally at the back of double din.
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Old 7th December 2011, 20:40   #9
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Originally Posted by SirAlec
Congratulations on being the first batch of XUV owners.

Well rust is part of the privilege of owning a Mahindra.

Installing a cam is easy. You just have to figure out any video/Svideo Input in the install in-dash system.

A tip: it is a RCA female normally at the back of double din.
Hi, any idea how to access the wiring to the in dash system? Am trying to remove the video lock while the vehicle is in motion.
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Old 7th December 2011, 20:50   #10
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re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

Originally Posted by Rossiter View Post
Hi, any idea how to access the wiring to the in dash system? Am trying to remove the video lock while the vehicle is in motion.
I doubt, it would be "hard-wired". Its been done via a firmware upgrade.
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Old 10th December 2011, 09:14   #11
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re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

One owner on TBHP has mentioned that the sensitivity of the microphone (part of the bluetooth functionality) is weak and you need to shout/speak-aloud for the other party to hear you.

Can other owners please share their experience in this regard?
Also, where exactly is the microphone placed?

In my opinion, the microphone would be common to VoiceAssist also. Does that mean that you need to bark your commands?
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Old 10th December 2011, 09:35   #12
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Originally Posted by SDP
One owner on TBHP has mentioned that the sensitivity of the microphone (part of the bluetooth functionality) is weak and you need to shout/speak-aloud for the other party to hear you.

Can other owners please share their experience in this regard?
Also, where exactly is the microphone placed?

In my opinion, the microphone would be common to VoiceAssist also. Does that mean that you need to bark your commands?
No idea where the microphone is placed, but I need to shout or at least talk loudly when I'm on a call in the car. Weird thing is at a particular volume on the infotainment system, my voice can be heard very clearly at the other end. I'm trying to figure out what setting there is.

In other niggles, the TPMS issue is apparently resolved now, with the M&M guys fixing it up and changing the software on it.

A few days ago when coming back from a long drive, I experienced a grinding noise from the brakes when applied, and the RM said that it's down to a design flaw in the brake pads. I'm getting the brake pads changed to a different design when the stock comes in.
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Old 10th December 2011, 17:21   #13
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Re: Mahindra XUV500 : Test Drive & Review

Current status..

1. This was an issues reported by Kedar i guess. It should have been fixed at factory level itself

2. If the touch screen is not working and they are unable to locate the issue, ask them to update the software. If this too fails - its a no brainer - replace the Touchscreen under warranty. (Software upgraded now issue fix it seems)

3. company and dealer PDI failed in this case. (steering control replaced today and that fixed issue )

4. I feel this panel gap is okay for indian build quality. Maybe the panels of a Jap/german/british make will be more tight. (I agree)
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Old 10th December 2011, 18:24   #14
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The mic is placed near the conversation mirror according to my RM
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Old 12th December 2011, 12:29   #15
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Re: XUV 5OO niggles and their solutions

Originally Posted by Rossiter View Post
No idea where the microphone is placed, but I need to shout or at least talk loudly when I'm on a call in the car. Weird thing is at a particular volume on the infotainment system, my voice can be heard very clearly at the other end. I'm trying to figure out what setting there is.

In other niggles, the TPMS issue is apparently resolved now, with the M&M guys fixing it up and changing the software on it.

A few days ago when coming back from a long drive, I experienced a grinding noise from the brakes when applied, and the RM said that it's down to a design flaw in the brake pads. I'm getting the brake pads changed to a different design when the stock comes in.
Seems that a lot of R&D is being done at the expense of the owners of the first lot. The subsequent owners should hope to get a slightly better vehicl with at least all the known issues taken care off.
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