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Old 2nd May 2012, 22:00   #196
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

I own a Swift right now and i am quite annoyed with the rattling noise inside my swift. I got a chance to TD the Ertiga and i felt that the plastic quality is not good. Its quite flimsy and i strongly feel that Ertiga will rattle too. Legacy continues. Also, Maruti has done all it could to cut down the cost.

Didnt get that wow factor which i got when i saw the Swift. I think LXi/LDi will be a VFM.

Last edited by hirajan : 2nd May 2012 at 22:01. Reason: corrected Typo
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Old 2nd May 2012, 23:05   #197
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Originally Posted by hirajan View Post
I own a Swift right now and i am quite annoyed with the rattling noise inside my swift. Ertiga will rattle too.
I owned a Swift and sold off at 56K. It started rattling when it hovered around the 50k mark. And yes you are right, all VFM products from Maruti are built for the price and are bound to rattle. Ertiga is no exception. But then again, city traffic and GQ quality highways are too good to handle with these cars. If you plan on doing 70-80% of city driving and the rest on highways, the Ertiga is ideal. But if bad roads are what you'll encounter most, then you have to look the Toyota way. My Corolla at 94k still behaves well mannered on any bad road and does not create a single squeak inside the cabin.
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Old 3rd May 2012, 14:20   #198
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Originally Posted by Rajain View Post

I took 3 different test drives in Ertiga totalling about 30 kms in different climate types ...
So, do you think you will be making the booking any time soon? You sound impressed.
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Old 3rd May 2012, 17:22   #199
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
Thread moved from the Assembly Line to the Official Reviews Section!

Personally, I'd just throw away the 3rd row seat and use the Ertiga as a spacious 4 / 5 seater, with unbeatable legroom, comfort and luggage space. Hope it's easy to remove.
+1. You spoke my mind. I'd throw away the 3rd row seat.

But the car/UV is a FAIL without an automatic offering. It somehow boggles my mind that Maruti is not in the game in offering the ATs (discounting the sub-standard products currently available from their stable).

Last edited by bsdbsd : 3rd May 2012 at 17:28. Reason: Submitted by mistake before I could complete the entry.
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Old 3rd May 2012, 17:52   #200
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Re: Interiors

Thanks for the detailed review. I am not sure if anyone has asked this question. What does this indication mean (encircled)?
Attached Thumbnails
Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga-marutiertiga_dial-arrangement.jpg  

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Old 3rd May 2012, 18:05   #201
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Re: Interiors

Originally Posted by ankur_leo View Post
Thanks for the detailed review. I am not sure if anyone has asked this question. What does this indication mean (encircled)?
Actually that's a knob just below that light. That knob is used to toggle through the MID display of range, average, and instantaneous average as well as the light intensity of the dials at night.

Similarly, you will see on the right there's "trip" written and there's a knob below that to toggle between the trip and odo.
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Old 3rd May 2012, 19:21   #202
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Originally Posted by bsdbsd
I'd throw away the 3rd row seat.
To each his own, but for many of the target-clientele, this car or for that matter any MUV is about the 3rd row.

Originally Posted by bsdbsd
But the car/UV is a FAIL without an automatic offering. It somehow boggles my mind that Maruti is not in the game in offering the ATs (discounting the sub-standard products currently available from their stable).
I too was thinking about an AT option not being offered - even on the petrol. But not sure what you mean it is a fail without AT ? If offered on petrol, there would be very few takers. Even on the diesel, interest will be minimal, since the price would increase by ~50K atleast.

And regarding their current ATs being sub-standard, I am not sure which products you are referring to. AFAIK, there is the A*-AT (which is a great AT car in driveability and more importantly FE) and the new Dzire-AT (no idea about how good this is, but I dont remember it being called sub-standard either). And then the SX4-AT - is that bad ? Dont know.
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Old 3rd May 2012, 20:26   #203
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Re: Interiors

Originally Posted by ankur_leo View Post
Thanks for the detailed review. I am not sure if anyone has asked this question. What does this indication mean (encircled)?
The Illumination Indication that you are referring to is present in the New Swift and the New Swift Dzire too.

Refer the dashboard images in the Team-BHP Reviews of these respective cars.

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Old 4th May 2012, 10:16   #204
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Source: The Ertiga’s success shows Mahindra has to shape up : Car-Nama

" In a mere 15 days, the car has accumulated bookings of close to 25,000 units."

From Maruti stable, though only SX4 seems affected by Ertiga last month, the effect on DZire will be known once the backlog is cleared, IMO. Same is the case for Innova.
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Old 4th May 2012, 15:36   #205
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Originally Posted by romeomidhun View Post
From Maruti stable, though only SX4 seems affected by Ertiga last month, the effect on DZire will be known once the backlog is cleared, IMO. Same is the case for Innova.
I doubt whether it would eat into Innova sales, primarily because of the rear-most seats. Innova 3rd row is suited for adults, but the puny 3rd row is only for kids at the best in Ertiga. Cabbies would prefer Innova anyday, owing to maintenance free and rattle free rides.

Ertiga is predicted to rattle beyond 50K kms. cabbies would touch 50,000 kms in 1.25 years at the max. Innovas are known run as good as new even with 250,000 on the ODO.

I am sorry to say but i doubt whether the Japanese Suzuki is as reliable and niggle free as Japanese Toyota..
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Old 4th May 2012, 15:50   #206
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post
I doubt whether it would eat into Innova sales, primarily because of the rear-most seats. Innova 3rd row is suited for adults, but the puny 3rd row is only for kids at the best in Ertiga. Cabbies would prefer Innova anyday, owing to maintenance free and rattle free rides.

Ertiga is predicted to rattle beyond 50K kms. cabbies would touch 50,000 kms in 1.25 years at the max. Innovas are known run as good as new even with 250,000 on the ODO.

I am sorry to say but i doubt whether the Japanese Suzuki is as reliable and niggle free as Japanese Toyota..
Come on now. Regarding the 3rd row there are enough owner reviews already and all show that for medium built people 3rd row is not bad. Its quite OK. Innova's 3rd row is also not super comfy. If you want total comfort, the only option is captain's chairs not a bench. Ertiga is good enough for most Indian people as most people are medium built only. It is a very rare sight, a family/gathering of 6/7 six-footers!

Rattles wont rattle cabbies. Even Indicas rattle like hell. Still they are cabbies favorite isint it? And in reliability also Marutis are not behind Toyotas in any way.
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Old 4th May 2012, 16:20   #207
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post
Ertiga is predicted to rattle beyond 50K kms.
Whose prediction? The manufacturer himself predicted it? Or any other doomsayer? If Ertiga rattles, what about cabbies' favorite Tata cars and Xylo?
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Old 4th May 2012, 17:07   #208
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Took the much awaited TD today. A word of appreciation for the sales guy(Vijay) at Bimal Maruti, Whitefield. He was very receptive in bringing the car over in spite of knowing the fact that I've already booked one!

Some observations from my side apart from the much discussed interiors/space:

1. Turbo lag is evident. Maybe because this is my first diesel. My Corolla's torquey engine with early power could be the one to blame. Result - I had to downshift more frequently in city traffic.

2. It is however super responsive once the turbo kicks in. Result - The Varthur-Sarjapur SH was a cakewalk, so will easily be a highway mile cruncher.

3. The suspension is tuned for perfecting Indian roads. It is neither too hard nor too soft. In my earlier post when I said my Swift rattled at 50k, the the hard suspension could also be the reason as you could really feel the impact on the inside. I expect Ertiga to last better owing to better tune of suspension. Result - Pretty Good Ride Quality. Probably the best in a MS!

4. The audio quality was just decent. The front row is to what this sounds best as the tweeters do their bit. When I sat in the 2nd row, it was sounding very average. The sales guy tried playing Backstreet boys he had on his mobile through USB, but still was only marginally better. This could be mostly owing to the huge space inside, the acoustics are not balanced and hence sound insufficient. It does come with a remote. I asked him about speed sensitive volume, his answer was negative. So not sure-Anyone? Result - Upgrade!

5. The Avg km/l in the MFD was showing 10.3!!! I was shocked and asked him about it. He said it would improve. I seriously doubt the electronics here or is it the spirited driving that these sales guys do??

6. The A/C as confirmed by others is not super cool , but does the job. The best result one can expect is to keep the blower in maximum when you start on a sunny day and then gradually turn down. I used to do the same in my Swift earlier and hence doesn't make much difference.

7. I could easily find a comfortable driving position and was at ease. The rear bench was also super comfortable for me and wifey with the center armrest down. So the seating ergonomics are definitely good. I'm not talking about space here, but comfort.

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Old 4th May 2012, 18:30   #209
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Originally Posted by joslicx View Post
Come on now. Regarding the 3rd row there are enough owner reviews already and all show that for medium built people 3rd row is not bad. Its quite OK. Innova's 3rd row is also not super comfy. If you want total comfort, the only option is captain's chairs not a bench. Ertiga is good enough for most Indian people as most people are medium built only. It is a very rare sight, a family/gathering of 6/7 six-footers!

Rattles wont rattle cabbies. Even Indicas rattle like hell. Still they are cabbies favorite isint it? And in reliability also Marutis are not behind Toyotas in any way.
The typical 7 seater usage is for outstation trips / MNC late-night drops. The person(s) sitting in the last row will be uncomfortable.

Originally Posted by romeomidhun View Post
Whose prediction? The manufacturer himself predicted it? Or any other doomsayer? If Ertiga rattles, what about cabbies' favorite Tata cars and Xylo?
There is a metion couple of posts above and also the Swift ownership threads.
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Old 4th May 2012, 19:16   #210
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re: Review: 1st-gen Maruti Ertiga

Any idea about the waiting period for the DDiS Ertiga... One of my friend has booked the Multijet Ertiga with a booking number 12, and yet has no confirmation on the delivery date.
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