Team-BHP - Classic Cars available for purchase

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thats what i meant.

Get the fitness done and all lapsed taxes paid and obtain the NOC at the place where the car is presently situated and in the previous owners name.

Later obtain the NOC and get the car transported over to where you stay.

You might have to spend a bit extra, But all this only if the mentioned car is "THAT DAMN GOOD".

I know how tempting all this can get, I like the way you remain calm in such situations.

Best of luck...

@Stanher, Any updates on the herald??

If stanher decides not to buy this car I would be interested. However my case is going to be very complicated since I currently do not reside in India. If someone can help me from this forum, I would be very interested provided stanher decides not to go for the car.

Iam very much keen on buying the car. Only thing as I said, is the fitness. If it is expired as he said, then the road tax also may be pending. Which would make it impossible for me to get the car down.

And I still require someone's help to go take a look at the car in the 'flesh' before I buy it.
'got a call from Ishaan yesterday. He happens to be going out of town these 2 days & Jaipur is a day's journey for him, yet he said he'd surely try & help me out.

I ask again- any bhpians from Jaipur/Rajasthan??

@ bluestraveller,
If your equally keen on going for this car your welcome to it! I dont mind a little competition! ;)
Nor do I want to be like a hindrance to you.
But as your out of India, you'd need to be all the more careful about the fitness/taxes etc.


Originally Posted by Stanher (Post 786611)
@ bluestraveller,
If your equally keen on going for this car your welcome to it! I dont mind a little competition! ;)
Nor do I want to be like a hindrance to you.
But as your out of India, you'd need to be all the more careful about the fitness/taxes etc.

I cannot go ahead unless someone can help me. I have no idea on how to transport the vehicle back to Bangalore and other various issues like how do I trust the guy if I send money directly to him, Correct papers etc. Moreover I have troubled my parents enough this past month about starting a classic car collection :D.
Competition yes!, hindrance NO!...I would urge you to follow this as my chances of knowing anybody in Jaipur is almost zero. If any Team BHP member can help stanher or me it is possible.

Well ok.....'spoke again to the owner & to Ishaan this evening....turns out he lives in Delhi (although his family & the car are based in Jaipur) so he could get in touch with Ishaan/Delhi bhpians & it would be easier for me if I were to buy the car.
Luckily he says there are no taxes pending, and fitness expired in 2007, so I'll be just lucky as the rule here is that if the fitness on an out-of-state car is invalid for over 5 years there is a penalty of 4-5k for re-fitness even though the car could be transferred here!


Originally Posted by Stanher (Post 786891)
Well ok.....'spoke again to the owner & to Ishaan this evening....turns out he lives in Delhi (although his family & the car are based in Jaipur) so he could get in touch with Ishaan/Delhi bhpians & it would be easier for me if I were to buy the car.
Luckily he says there are no taxes pending, and fitness expired in 2007, so I'll be just lucky as the rule here is that if the fitness on an out-of-state car is invalid for over 5 years there is a penalty of 4-5k for re-fitness even though the car could be transferred here!

Stanher, you're most welcome to let me know if I could do anything. Like, talk to the seller as he's in Delhi too. He shares my surname (but is not related:)). I could talk to him in the lingo, if that'd help (although in financial matters people sometimes get selective amnesia too!). But, please be sure of your intent to buy, if I were to approach the seller, since you have most details already. Ishaan and I could team up, would be an opportunity to make Ishaan's acquaintance too.

I know of at least one Delhi-based dealer in the fray (Pg3 calls him a collector), so you can be sure of quite a pack on the prowl out there, hounding the good doctor.

Wish he'd advertised a month earlier. I'd gone to Jaipur on 3rd March and could have taken a look then.

By the way, if you do make the purchase, and I hope you do, how do you plan to transport her to Hyderabad?

This ain't altruism - I have my eyes on the manual! Could I have a photocopy please:. In any case, I have a very nice workshop manual of the Heralds, will share that with you, none the less.




Originally Posted by Prabal (Post 787510)
Stanher, you're most welcome to let me know if I could do anything. Like, talk to the seller as he's in Delhi too. He shares my surname (but is not related:)). I could talk to him in the lingo, if that'd help (although in financial matters people sometimes get selective amnesia too!). But, please be sure of your intent to buy, if I were to approach the seller, since you have most details already. Ishaan and I could team up, would be an opportunity to make Ishaan's acquaintance too.

Many thanks, Prabal babu!
As for my intent to buy, make no doubts about it! I'm dead sure! Only waiting for the owner to revert with the info. regarding issuing of NOC at his RTO despite the expired fitness.


I know of at least one Delhi-based dealer in the fray (Pg3 calls him a collector), so you can be sure of quite a pack on the prowl out there, hounding the good doctor.
I did suspect something as such!
Good doctor he does sound like. But maybe didnt want to sound too good so he refuses to negotiate on the price! :)


By the way, if you do make the purchase, and I hope you do, how do you plan to transport her to Hyderabad?
Thats what I'm racking my brains on! Should I have the car packed off at jaipur itself or since he lives in delhi should I have him drive it down to Delhi & then have it sent from there (where it'll also be feasible for you/Ishan et al to check on it & see that its sent safely)


This ain't altruism - I have my eyes on the manual! Could I have a photocopy . In any case, I have a very nice workshop manual of the Heralds, will share that with you, none the less.
Sure! Your as welcome to having one as I'm to having copies of your manuals! ;)
Actually to be honest this is the main reason why I decided to take the plunge for this car! VERY rare to find a Herald with an original madras factory manual.
Are yours imported Triumph ones or Standard ones btw?

The following vehicle (need help in identification of model) would be up in an auction soon. Was informed that this is the original paint sadly though with a diesel engine retrofitted.

Suren, its a Willys Station wagon.
Hey I know this vehicle- its owned by Osmania University, have seen it often, infact saw it going past me only yesterday as I was passing thru OU campus!
'didnt know its for sale!

This is Willys station Wagon,I have seen them during my schooldays in Mangalore, Puttur and Madikeri.

Yes Shyam it is coming up for sale could PM you the contact number of the person if needed and hey while your at it could you or someone else help me in identifying the following which has had an attempt at a resto and then seems to have been left to rust. Thankfully rust hasn't set in yet and maybe could find the owner and attempt a save as you would normally do at the SVCA

Looks like a Fiat 1800.

The blue jeep looks like a '60 Willys overland wagoneer to me.
The white car looks like a Fiat 1800

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