Et Cetera
humyum : If there was a road race organised in tamil nadu it would start like : READY......STEADY......PO... RajaTaurus : Its READY...... PIDI..... PO....
Catch whom ?
It sounds more like "Ready, catch (him) .. Go " ! :)
Arguing with your Boss is like wrestling with a pig in mud.
After a while you realize that while you are getting dirty, the pig is actually enjoying it.
- Anonymous
PS: Incidentally, my Boss shared this with me :-)
Originally Posted by rex_varghese
(Post 777879)
Arguing with your Boss is like wrestling with a pig in mud.
After a while you realize that while you are getting dirty, the pig is actually enjoying it.
- Anonymous
PS: Incidentally, my Boss shared this with me :-) |
I think every (minus 1) boss has a boss above.
Looks more like a friendly warning from his boss !
Originally Posted by condor
(Post 778165)
Looks more like a friendly warning from his boss ! |
With appraisal meetings around the corner and US economy not doing great this one sure is a warning from your boss. lol:.
So what if the father was poor? Not everyone is born with loads of cash in their pocket. Sorry, its a very poor joke, making fun of poor people. I wonder how you decided it as worth posting.
Originally Posted by theMAG
(Post 775755)
- "Well, this penny tells me you're a thrifty man." Barely able to conceal his pride, the man utters "Hmm, true enough."
- "And this penny, it tells me you're a bachelor." Surprised at her perception, he says, "Well, that's true, too."
- "And the third penny tells me that your father was one, too."
Originally Posted by diabloo
(Post 778206)
So what if the father was poor? Not everyone is born with loads of cash in their pocket. Sorry, its a very poor joke, making fun of poor people. I wonder how you decided it as worth posting.[/list] |
But she did not call him poor, instead she was calling him something else....
Originally Posted by bblost
(Post 778221)
But she did not call him poor, instead she was calling him something else.... |
That is a pretty nice joke Mag.
@diabloo, read a little deeper into the joke. bblost is right, but to put it in a more forum appropriate lingo, his father was also a BACHELOR (get it now)
George W Bush and Collin Powell was sitting in a bar, drinking and deep in some discussion. A man enters the bar and is really surprised to see them there. He asks the bartender, "Ain't that Bush and Powell?" Bartender replies "Yes".
The man walks upto them, says Hi and asks; "What're you guys thinking so hard about?" "We're going for World War III and Collin is not convinced with my plans on how to make it happen" Bush replies. "Really? How do you plan to make it happen?" asks the man. "We'll search and kill all the Iraqis around the world and one very intelligent blonde" replies Bush. "Why a blonde?" asks the man very confusingly.
Bush punches Powell on his shoulder and shouts: "I told you, nobody will worry about the Iraqis!!"
This one from a mail forward.
It was professor smith's first day at St. Johns medical college as a faculty. Known for his teaching excellence, he made his entry into a classroom of 1st year medical students, where he received a warm welcome from the students, followed by their intro.
To start with, he planned to put forth a question to the class. He said, "Well students, before we start off with today's lecture, let me ask you a simple question on human anatomy".
He gazed across the classroom, spotted a female student Suzie, and said, "Tell me Suzie, which part of the human body grows 10 times its original size when excited?"
Hearing this question, Suzie's face grew pale in embarrassment, she replied:" you should be ashamed to ask such a question to a female. I am sorry, but I can't answer your, this question".
Thwarted by the girl's reply, professor smith rolled on his sight around the classroom afresh, to find out if there was anyone else who could satisfy his query.
This time he located a male student Henry, who had already raised his hand in affirmation to answer the question, and allowed the lad to go ahead.
Henry answered: "pupil of a human eye".
The professor applauded for the boy's accurate answer; then turned back to Suzie and said: "look, Suzie, I am sorry but, I must tell you a couple of things:
(1) You lack knowledge
(2) you have a dirty mind and
(3) Your Expectations are too high!!!!!!!(10 times..........huh......MY GOD!!)
President George W Bush visited a school one day. Children were encouraged to question their Prez.
Bob stood and asked Bush 3 questions :
1.Why did you lie about the biological weapons in Iraq?
2. Why did you invade Iraq without the UN sanction?
3. Where is Osama Bin Laden?
There was a long silence. Then, to every ones relief, bell rang for a recess.
When the class met again after the recess, Bush asked whether any one ask him further questions. A boy rose and said he would ask questions no.4 & 5.
4. Why did the recess bell rang 20 minutes earlier than the usual time?
5. What happened to Bob who didnt come back into the class room?
Originally Posted by rex_varghese
(Post 777879)
Arguing with your Boss is like wrestling with a pig in mud.
After a while you realize that while you are getting dirty, the pig is actually enjoying it.
- Anonymous
PS: Incidentally, my Boss shared this with me :-) |
Your boss shared this with you so that you never argue with him.:D
Debatable analogy but funny :). Source: Mail Frwd
Over the weekend, I filled up my car's fuel tank, and I thought diesel has become really expensive after the recent price hike.
But then I compared it with other common liquids and did some quick calculations, and I felt a little better.
To know why, see the results below – you'll be surprised at how outrageous some other prices are !
Diesel (regular) in Mumbai : Rs.36.08 per litre
Petrol (regular unleaded) in Mumbai : Rs.50.51 per litre
Coca Cola 330 ml can : Rs.20 = Rs.61 per litre
Dettol antiseptic 100 ml Rs.20 = Rs.200 per litre
Radiator coolant 500 ml Rs.160 = Rs.320 per litre
Pantene conditioner 400 ml Rs.165 = Rs.413 per litre
Medicinal mouthwash like Listerine 100 ml Rs.45 = Rs. 450 per litre
Red Bull 150 ml can : Rs.75 = Rs.500 per litre
Corex cough syrup 100 ml Rs.57 = Rs. 570 per litre
Evian water 500 ml Rs. 330 = Rs. 660 per litre
Rs. 500 for a litre of WATER???!!! And the buyers don't even know the source (Evian spelled backwards is Naive.)
Kores whiteout 15 ml Rs. 15 = Rs. 1000 per litre
Cup of coffee at any decent business hotel 150 ml Rs. 175 = Rs. 1167 per litre
Old Spice after shave lotion 100 ml Rs. 175 = Rs. 1750 per litre
Pure almond oil 25 ml Rs. 68 = Rs. 2720 per litre
And this is the REAL KICKER...
HP deskjet colour ink cartridge 21 ml Rs.1900 = Rs. 90476 per litre!!!
Now you know why computer printers are so cheap ? So they have you hooked for the ink !
So, the next time you're at the pump, don't curse our honorable Petroleum minister – just be glad your car doesn't run on cough syrup, after shave, coffee, or God forbid, printer ink !
Spinnerr: thats a very good one.
A very famous, legendary ex-captain and all-rounder of the Indian cricket team who is also well known for his inability to speak proper English said something like this after a 2003 world cup match in the extra-innings studio:
"They should have bowled a couple of 2-3 overs."
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