Team-BHP - The Official Joke thread

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The Official Joke thread-audisand.png

Any explanation needed? :D


Originally Posted by srijit (Post 846576)
Any explanation needed? :D

None at all. I'm not the one who uses many emoticons but just this one time couldn't resist using 2 :uncontrol :uncontrol. God save the Honda owners who get this guy's friend to do up their cars.

Looks like it was a joke. Not a real thing. You can find it on forums.audiworld

The post is in correct thread :)

Originally Posted by srishiva (Post 846597)
Looks like it was a joke. Not a real thing. You can find it on forums.audiworld

DISCLAIMER: This is just a joke. No intention to offend any particular sect or language.
One Bengali = poet.
Two Bengalis = a film society.
Three Bengalis = political party.
Four Bengalis = two political parties.
More than four Bengalis = Countrywide agitation to bring Ganguli into Team.


One Bihari = Laloo Prasad Yadav .
Two Biharis = booth-capturing squad.
Three Biharis = train capture.
Four Biharis = caste riots
Five Biharis = entire literate population of Patna ...


One Punjabi =100 kg hulk named Pinky.
Two Punjabis = Pinky with his bigger brother Twinky.
Three Punjabis = assault on the McAloo Tikkis at the local McDonalds
Four Punjabis = combined IQ equal to one.


One Mallu = coconut stall.
Two Mallus = a boat race.
Three Mallus = Gulf job racket.
Four Mallus = oil slick.

UP Bhaiyya

One UP bhaiyya = a milkman.
Two UP bhaiyyas = halwai shop.
Three UP bhaiyyas = a fist-fight in the UP assembly.
Four UP bhaiyyas = mosque-destruction squad.


One Gujju = share-broker in a Bombay train.
Two Gujjus = rummy game in a Bombay train.
Three Gujjus = Bombay 's noisiest restaurant.
Four Gujjus = stock market scam.


One Andhraite = chili farmer.
Two Andhraites = software company in New Jersey ..
Three Andhraites = Naxalite outfit.
Four Andhraites = song-and-dance number in a Telugu movie.


One Kashmiri = carpet salesman.
Two Kashmiris = carpet factory.
Three Kashmiris = terrorist outfit.
Four Kashmiris = shoot-at-sight order.


One Tam-Brahm = priest at the Vardarajaperumal temple.
Two Tam-Brahms = Maths tuition class.
Three Tam-Brahms = Queue outside the U.S consulate at 4 a.m.
Four Tam-Brahms = Thyagaraja music festival in Santa Clara


One Mumbaikar = footpath vada-pav stall.
Two Mumbaikars= film studio.
Three Mumbaikars = slum.
Four Mumbaikars = The number of people standing on your foot in the train at rush hour.


One Sindhi = currency racket.
Two Sindhis = papad factory.
Three Sindhis = duplicate goods shop in Ulhasnagar ...
Four Sindhis = Hong Kong Retail Traders Association. .


One Marwari = The neighbourhood foodstuffs adulterator.
Two Marwaris = 50% of Calcutta
Three Marwaris = Finish off all Gujaratis & Sindhis.
Four Marwaris = Threaten the Jews as a community.


One Haryanavi = tube light.
Two Haryanavis = agriculture.
Three Haryannavis = Lathi squad.
Four Haryanavis = actually just one was enough.

Last but the best


One kannadiga = devegowda
Two kannadigas = devegowda with his son Kumarswamy
Three kannadigas = rivals of devegowda family
Four Kannadigas = total no of kannadigas in bengaluru


@eclectix 1st, pls do search first ! :-)


Originally Posted by srijit (Post 846576)
Attachment 17816

Any explanation needed? :D

Oh cmon this cant be for real. I am sure its a joke. If its real then this guy defenitely takes the cake for the dumbest guy on earth.


Originally Posted by condor (Post 846911)
@eclectix 1st, pls do search first ! :-)

I did. My post is an extended version. So I thought it would be appropriate to post again.


Originally Posted by srijit (Post 846576)
Attachment 17816

Any explanation needed? :D

Lol. That is really quite a brilliant way to do a port&polish job!! :D ... except not very good for the engine! :p



Originally Posted by Rehaan (Post 847279)
Lol. That is really quite a brilliant way to do a port&polish job!! :D ... except not very good for the engine! :p


:)Rest of the story:D

Hey guys, please help with my mods gone wrong.....


Originally Posted by JPL (Post 847287)

Is this guy for real?:Frustrati:Frustrati He must've just landed from a planet called MORON


Originally Posted by eclectix 1st (Post 847389)
Is this guy for real?

Nah..don't think he is.

some of you may find this discussion funny.

How do I know who is the father? - BabyCenter


Originally Posted by vivekiny2k (Post 849545)
some of you may find this discussion funny.

How do I know who is the father? - BabyCenter

Dec 19th Guy must've been reaaallly richlol:

An elderly man in North Carolina had owned a large farm for several years. He had a large pond in the back, fixed up really nice, along with some picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some apple and peach trees. The pond was properly shaped and fixed up for swimming when it was built.

One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn't been there for a while, and look it over. He grabbed a five gallon bucket to bring back some fruit.

As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. When he came closer, he realized it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond. He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end to shield themselves.

One of the women shouted to him, "We're not coming out until you leave!"

The old man frowned and replied, "I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim naked or make you get out of the pond naked." Holding the bucket up he said, "I'm here to feed the alligator."

Moral of the story: Old men may move slow but can still think fast.

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