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Old 21st June 2009, 17:22   #556
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Noida area has a typical problem. Due to some sulphur furms coming from a 'ganda naala', copper tubing in all acs become porous and gas has to be refilled every 2 years at the max. This year the cooling tubes and condensor in my Videocon (National kit) 1.5 T windows ac have rusted beyond repair and the ac has become useless.

Does anybody know of any kind of protection (paint, spray or any other thing) which could be applied on the cooling coils and condensor to protect them from corrosion, or any other solution to this problem.
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Old 21st June 2009, 17:26   #557
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If the pollution is so bad that it eats away metal, don't you think you should consider moving your family as far away as you can.
You are breathing it in. :(
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Old 21st June 2009, 17:30   #558
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Originally Posted by bblost View Post

If the pollution is so bad that it eats away metal, don't you think you should consider moving your family as far away as you can.
You are breathing it in. :(
Rightly said, but I have to stay in this place for another 2 years at least. After that may shift to some hilly area. But till then we have to bear with it.
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Old 21st June 2009, 17:32   #559
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Daikin is an excellent product. I have it in my home at native town. Cost is high though. We had tried many brands including Voltas, BlueStar etc and finally settled for Daikin and National, both of which are working flawlessly for the last 3+ years. Your room size requires a/c larger than 1.5 tonnes. 1.8 looks perfect.
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Old 22nd June 2009, 15:44   #560
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Poor experience with Samsung Split AC 1.5 ton

I purchased a 1.5 ton Samsung Split AC AS18EXA from Hari Om Electronics, Ashok Vihar-II, Delhi-110052 on 5th June' 09. The AC was fitted by one of the employees sent by the company.

Unfortunately, from day 1, this AC has not been working properly at all. The cooling has been well below satisfactory level. I have even tried setting the AC to turbo mode / 16 degree celcius auto mode etc, but without any results.

So, I registered my complaint at Samsung's helpdesk number. Their representative visited my place next day to inspect the AC. He said that their is no Gas in the unit, and he will be come again next day to rectify this issue. As promised, he came next day and refilled the Gas. I wasn't at home (he refilled it in presence of my mother), so couldn't check the AC's performance at that time.

I tried & tested the AC for few days, and to my utter dismay, there was still no improvement. Cooling is still below par. Even if I run the AC in turbo mode or at 16 degree Celsius temperature, it fails to cool the room.

So yes'day, I lodged a complaint at their helpdesk number 30308282 again. Today, their representative came to inspect the AC unit installed at my home. And, he again gave the same gyan that there is no gas in the AC. He said that he will be coming again tomorrow to fill the gas, which will solve the cooling issue.

This is the first time I got a samsung product at my home, and I'm very, very displeased with its performance.

I have two more AC units installed at my home - (not from Samsung), and they have been performing very well. I had no issues with them at all.

Even after spending close to 35 grands on a Samsung product, I'm getting no respite from the sultry heat of Delhi. There's is no use, if they can't provide a product that can meet customer's satisfaction. I feel like being cheated.

I have posted this here because I wanted to share my experience with fellow bhpians - so that they take an informed decision while buying samsung ACs.

Secondly, I wanted to know, what action can I take? I have also tried emailing on the email address, but I have got nothing from there apart from a usual computer-generated reply.

Does anybody has email addresses of their senior employees / upper management?

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Old 22nd June 2009, 16:24   #561
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Sorry to hear about your travail. In this ultra hot weather it is a real pain. I have a feeling that there is some leak in the plumbing. I had a similar issue with my Videocon Evaporator about 8 years ago. Ultimately, they ended up brazing the pipes since they could not get the flared couplings to work. I have no issues here, since I live in my own house and am unlikely to have to remove the Evaporator unit.

Many of my friends have Samsung's and I think you have been singularly unlucky. Do keep us posted about the developments.
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Old 22nd June 2009, 20:35   #562
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CliffHanger, thanks for the career giggle; have to say that I agree entirely with Samurai --- I never wanted one either, but I had to eat

Can I also mention that 2-yr-olds can often break things that are indestructible in the hands of the biggest, clumsiest adult

Originally Posted by bblost View Post
If the pollution is so bad that it eats away metal, don't you think you should consider moving your family as far away as you can.
You are breathing it in. :(
I have similar thoughts. Everything steel here rusts, and brass is black in a very short time
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Old 22nd June 2009, 22:23   #563
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Originally Posted by akj53 View Post
Noida area has a typical problem. Due to some sulphur furms coming from a 'ganda naala', copper tubing in all acs become porous and gas has to be refilled every 2 years at the max.
Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I have similar thoughts. Everything steel here rusts, and brass is black in a very short time
I know this is off-topic but its getting the better of my curiosity and concern. Is this also why there are dark, soot like formation on CP bathroom fittings? What are the short term and long term effect of sulphur fume on human beings? I see that its not only Noida then, if that's any consolation. I wonder why the municipal authorities are not doing anything about it. The irony of it, mosquitoes breed in those nallas.
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Old 23rd June 2009, 00:49   #564
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Is this also why there are dark, soot like formation on CP bathroom fittings?
You have that problem too? Same here! It is very difficult to remove, but, if not removed, damages the finish.

There's some stuff that a Parry's guy recommended (you can even buy it from them) that works --- but better to dry off the taps after every shower.

I don't think that the municipal authorities, here in Chennai, have any interest in pollution at all!

Offtopic, yes --- maybe we ought to get back to the AC machines!
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Old 23rd June 2009, 11:56   #565
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Originally Posted by Guite View Post
I know this is off-topic but its getting the better of my curiosity and concern. Is this also why there are dark, soot like formation on CP bathroom fittings? What are the short term and long term effect of sulphur fume on human beings? I see that its not only Noida then, if that's any consolation. I wonder why the municipal authorities are not doing anything about it. The irony of it, mosquitoes breed in those nallas.
The black soot on bathroom fittings is due to dirty untreated water. The water treatment plant of Noida is a big joke as most of the money was pocketed by sarkaari babu's when it was installed.

The Noida Authority bosses and politicians are busy pocketing money from projects and land deals and are not bothered at all about providing clean water to public.
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Old 23rd June 2009, 13:15   #566
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I bought Hitachi ACE 1.2T for my master bedroom as 1T was bit small and 1.5 T was big and useless for that size of room and showroom guy told me it will work same as other brands 1.5T AC, bit costly but this entire summer my electricity bill gave smile on my face, its 5 star rated AC and it works like 5 star product.
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Old 23rd June 2009, 14:43   #567
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Originally Posted by Ajaybiz View Post
I bought Hitachi ACE 1.2T for my master bedroom as 1T was bit small and 1.5 T was big and useless for that size of room and showroom guy told me it will work same as other brands 1.5T AC, bit costly but this entire summer my electricity bill gave smile on my face, its 5 star rated AC and it works like 5 star product.
It does appear that a slightly under-rated AC is better than an over-powered one. Ideally, the number of cut-offs and cut-ins should be minimum, for maximum efficiency to be achieved.
That is exactly what the atrociously priced 'inverter' type ACs are doing - they prevent cut-off and cut-in by regulating the motor speed of the compressor, to maintain the set temperature and never having to cut out the compressor.
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Old 23rd June 2009, 23:57   #568
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Originally Posted by akj53 View Post
The black soot on bathroom fittings is due to dirty untreated water. The water treatment plant of Noida is a big joke as most of the money was pocketed by sarkaari babu's when it was installed.
Thanks for the feedback on this. We never experienced this in Central Chennai, with metro water, only here, with Panchayat water. I did not know if it is water or air. There is plenty of small industry in the area, and also god-knows-what fumes from whatever flows down (or gets dumped in) the Buckingham Canal.
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Old 24th June 2009, 14:57   #569
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Friends finally bought a LG 3 star rated 1.5 t AC model no LWA5HW3DD1
as a replacement for my compressor burnt 9 year old samsung AC. The AC is chilling the room quite nicely and noise levels are low.

Now Voltas vertis 1.5 T bought 2 years back in other room is playing hide n seek with me. In this 46 degree delhi heat when i switched on the AC the compressor worked for 1 hour temp came down to 26 and then comp automatically shut off.
Some noise came (comp red light was still on meanin its on) and comp switched off, ac started giving warm air. Swicthed it off and restarted again after 20 mins it worked for 35 mins and again compressor tripped

What is happening? Bought a 2 T samsung AC for living room for 33k , bedroom ac got burnt bought 1 more LG for 20k and now this Voltas is gone i guess. I cant spend nearly 1L on just AC's in 1 month
Help me guys, why is compressor tripping? Because of heat? LG new ac is working fine and even Samsung 2T is working nice.
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Old 24th June 2009, 15:05   #570
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@coolboy: Please check that the condenser fins are not choked. Compressors can overheat if they have to work against high head pressures which will happen if the condenser fins are choked.
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