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Old 17th September 2023, 19:11   #38956
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

I was traveling in our Bolero with my friends from Chennai to Hosur yesterday. After crossing Krishnagiri, there was heavy traffic on the opposite lane. A car had hit a lorry from behind it seems. The vehicles in our lane slowly started moving after witnessing the accident spot.

Not moving more than 50 metres, I was overtaking a lorry in front of me (it was going on the rightmost lane near the median) and I was just trying to merge in front of the lorry (Both of us were moving dead slow. I was just changing from 1st to 2nd gear). At this moment another lorry from the opposite lane hit an old grey Swift and toppled it sideways and the car was dragged alongside the median in front of us. Both of us applied brakes suddenly and the Swift went dragging past us. We both started looking at each other in disbelief at how narrowly we escaped. Had the centre median height been a little less, the swift would have been thrown onto our lane and hit us.

That stretch had severe ups and downs and the traffic jam was around a curve. i.e the blind spot of the upcoming vehicles. So the lorry must have come at the usual/high speed but on suddenly seeing the halted vehicles he must have tried to stop but in vain.

Just watched the news today on YouTube -
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Old 17th September 2023, 19:59   #38957
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by binand View Post
There is 30 km of Bangalore city at one end and 30 km of Chennai at the other. These two will account for a combined 2-2.5 hours depending on time of day and day of week. Generally people discount that because it is not really part of the highway run and completely unavoidable.
Okey but then if you are going to remove the slower parts of the drive then what is there to debate; going at 150 Kmph will definitely be faster than going at 80. Just taking your example; you would have done about 93 km/h on an average for the 280 or so km of
mostly empty highway. If you had done the same at an average of 70 kmph you would have taken about 4 hrs. The slower sections there is not going to be much different in terms of time. So one would have taken 4+2 (or 2.5) = 6 (or 6.5) hrs, an additional hour.

I do not know this section of highway, how good it is but if it is three lanes (one way) with relatively less traffic I believe you can maintain an average of 70 kmph average driving in the range 85-90 (top speed) assuming that you are maintaining a steady pace. On the other hand maintaining 93 you might need to go much higher (may be even 120+). I think and additional one hr is a worthy tradeoff. Furthermore flooring the gas and driving at some insane 150-180 is not going to improve the situation by much (in terms of total time taken). The risks are far higher and not worth it.

(The example that you first quoted was for a distance of 500 kms 90 vs 70 means a
difference of 1.5-1.6 hrs but then where do we get 500 kms of uninterrupted stretch).

I just checked the last stretch (post dinner) of my drive from TVM to PKD from some place in Angamali to Palakkad (about 100 kms) which has a decent amount of relatively sparse highway (that stretch was done during night time). it shows an end to end average of about 58 Kmph with a top speed of somewhere around 85-86. (based on the zconnect app). The way I see it is that a end to end average of 60 kmph is a decent average to target for longish drives. And that should be what drivers are looking to optimise (if at all speed is a priority).
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Old 17th September 2023, 23:58   #38958
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by MyLife_MyCar View Post
Who reverses a car at 40kmph??
Was the driver trying to escape a life threatening situation?
It may also be that the driver panicked for some reason (maybe inexperience) and pressed the A-pedal instead of the brake.
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Old 18th September 2023, 06:25   #38959
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Originally Posted by RavenAvi View Post
Road rage or errors in judgements? Or both?
Originally Posted by StarrySky View Post
It's an error of judgement induced by being blinded by road rage.

I have made similar mistakes in my time of driving/riding. I did learn from them and vouched to never repeat such behavior on the road. It ain't worth it. As is evident from the audio grab, the car that lost control clearly had another passenger in it. At the very least, care for them, if you don't care about yourself.

Rage slips in every now and then. It is very hard to control when you have irresponsible drivers on the road. At the very least, don't fight or compete with them.

I faced a situation recently where I was on a round about. A driver in a Holden was waiting at a Give way sign board (All traffic facing the Give way sign board has to wait for vehicles approaching from their right) and then suddenly decided to have a go. He misjudged my approach speed. I was accelerating hard from something like 20kmph. He then realized his mistake, noticing I was approaching fast. He stopped (by which time his car was partly into my lane), popped his hand out for the usual 'finger' and yelled out loud. Loud enough that I could hear him with our windows up. This irked me to the point where I wanted to give it back to him. Better sense prevailed and I decided to just move on. I'm in gora land and messing about with someone in a Holden. He won't hesitate for once if he feels like ramming into me. Even though I am right, I was loose this fight or it won't end well. A majority of Holden drivers don't see eye to eye with a non-Holden driver. Thats just how they are.

Thinking back about the above situation, I realized how fast rage can unfold. You need to control yourself.

Last edited by sandeepmohan : 18th September 2023 at 06:26.
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Old 18th September 2023, 08:15   #38960
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

TTF Vasan a biker from Tamil Nadu who is known for doing illegal speeds and boasts himself for performing such craps met with an accident and got his hand fractured. One can see he tried performing a wheelie before he lost control. I am happy that he met his fate for his actions and only he got affected because of his stupidity. I am not sure why his license is not been revoked yet.

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Old 18th September 2023, 11:00   #38961
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Originally Posted by electric_eel View Post
if you are going to remove the slower parts of the drive then what is there to debate; going at 150 Kmph will definitely be faster than going at 80.
Exactly, so arguing with drivers that they don't save on time at all by driving faster is not going to work - they have the experience to show that it actually does. Everyone drives at similar speeds at the slower parts of the journey, and the ones who driver faster at the quicker parts then have the temporal advantage.

Originally Posted by electric_eel View Post
I think and additional one hr is a worthy tradeoff... The risks are far higher and not worth it.
And this is where I disagree. The risk-reward calculation each individual has to do for themselves and will be different for each of us. Personally, 1 hour saved in Bangalore-Chennai is a very big deal for a lot of people I know who do this drive - it often is the difference between making it a day trip or staying over at the other city and all the extra cost that entails. In my circle most people do this trip as part of their jobs (actually, a lot of them are to the US consulate).

One example I can personally relate to is the Bangalore-Mysore route - the BMEW and the quicker drive that comes with it is for me, the difference between a half-day leave and one-hour early exit permission from work (for my Bangalore-Calicut trips).

Originally Posted by electric_eel View Post
The example that you first quoted was for a distance of 500 kms 90 vs 70 means a difference of 1.5-1.6 hrs but then where do we get 500 kms of uninterrupted stretch.
The NH 44 stretch from MH-KA border till its end in Kanyakumari qualifies for the most part (excluding some large urban areas like Hubli, Salem and of course, Bangalore city). In fact I know people who drive Bangalore-Hubli in under 4 hours.

Bottom line - you want to limit speeds on highways, you have to invest in enforcement.
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Old 18th September 2023, 12:50   #38962
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by vvivek85 View Post
Freak, Doing wheelie on an under construction service road! Public Road is the place to show off your stunts.
Hope his DL is suspended permanently, habitual offender.
Has links to politicians, but sincerely wish that he never ever drive anything with wheels, endangering lives on road.
He has set a wrong precedent for youngsters in their early 20's, this accident better be a wakeup call.

With advanced camera technology, Police should actively monitor fun /publicity seeking wheelie /racing guys on public roads, they are a serious threat to safety, imagine if he had crashed on the car to his right, would disrupt the fate of that family for nothing.

I also wish some sense prevails while motor bike companies shoot their ads plus the unrealistic cinematography stunts has impact on breeding these type of mushrooms.

Last edited by tiagoatrix : 18th September 2023 at 12:52. Reason: Spelling and grammar
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Old 18th September 2023, 13:23   #38963
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Originally Posted by Shan_Kmu View Post
I was traveling in our Bolero with my friends from Chennai to Hosur yesterday. After crossing Krishnagiri, there was heavy traffic on the opposite lane. A car had hit a lorry from behind it seems. The vehicles in our lane slowly started moving after witnessing the accident spot.
If it is the Melumalai ghat, it is a cursed place to be especially downhill when there is a slowing down. It is a very very accident prone area and wonder why the Idea from THOPPUR is still not implemented here. The Thoppur ghat is only 100Kms from this place and there is an ARMY of Cops/RTO there to control traffic and brake failures (yet the occasional accidents happen there).

This ghat is no less and it nearly a 100meter descent across a 2km STRAIGHT down path, nothing can be done to the terrain but some strict lane control and speed traps are needed.

PS - that Tipper truck owner owes an explanation for that Re-belted over and over rear tyre. Most likely that truck doesnt have any paper work. And it mostly runs in an illegal stone quarry. (It is not a sand truck, but a boulder truck).
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Old 18th September 2023, 13:34   #38964
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Originally Posted by svsantosh View Post
It is a very very accident prone area and wonder why the Idea from THOPPUR is still not implemented here. The Thoppur ghat is only 100Kms from this place and there is an ARMY of Cops/RTO there to control traffic and brake failures
Yup. Have gone there also after a major accident (a trailer truck ran down a lot of vehicles a few years back). After that incident, they installed a number of speakers yelling "Go Slow". Still, accidents happen there even now
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Old 18th September 2023, 13:43   #38965
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Originally Posted by sleepyhead148 View Post
We also witnessed an accident after Vellore. A Venue had hit a Bolero pickup truck and the Venue's axle had cut. Didn't look like any casualties but it looked like there will be significant bills to the sub-compact SUV (which the insurance might cover). The culprit are the barriers that are placed haphazardly around Vellore town - with one of them at the descent of the bridge near Konavattam.
I was driving from Chennai to Bangalore and witnessed this accident. Thankfully no injuries but the road across that highway is broken and barriers are ill placed. It's like the road is perpetually under construction.

Please be cautious while driving on this route. Or if you can, explore alternate train/bus options.
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Old 18th September 2023, 13:56   #38966
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by sandeepmohan View Post
I faced a situation recently where I was on a round about. ... I was accelerating hard from something like 20kmph. ...
I totally agree with the rest of your post, and congratulate you on your self control. It is tough, especially when the at-fault driver is offensive and aggressive. So please excuse the nitpicking, but this bit stood out, and I had to wonder...

Why would you accelerate hard whilst on a roundabout? I wasn't there, you might have good reason. But, generally, I would advise against it. Roundabouts are a great road-design idea, but they work only so long as some idiot doesn't get it wrong, or ignore the rules. They can become dangerous places in a moment, as your experience demonstrates.

By the way, I recall being enraged, one day, by someone else's aggressive driving. My blood was hot and I was about to follow. But some sense came into my head: "To chase him, you have to drive at least as badly as he is doing. Leave it." I'm thankful to that brain cell, and have tried to remember its advice ever since

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Old 18th September 2023, 15:33   #38967
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by RavenAvi View Post
Road rage or errors in judgements? Or both?
Damn it! These both clowns! Finally managed to hit a truck which I am sure was contracted by our company!!! The bright red crates are unmistakable and belong to an iconic beverage maker. (I have been guilty of being enraged by such cuts too. Many times have tried to follow them, but with some maturity now, I avoid it. ). A regular dose of this page is important to continuously remind us, how dangerous driving can be and driving is a responsibility.

Last edited by graaja : 18th September 2023 at 20:20. Reason: Removing video from quoted text
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Old 18th September 2023, 19:32   #38968
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Overtaking in a curve! Rashly driven Thar collides with pickup in Kerala.

(watch from 0:12)

Can't help thinking that a bit of defensive driving by the Swift driver could have avoided him getting involved in the accident.
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Old 18th September 2023, 20:34   #38969
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Originally Posted by motorsan View Post
Can't help thinking that a bit of defensive driving by the Swift driver could have avoided him getting involved in the accident.
I think the Swift driver actively contributed to the accident.

Both the Thar driver and the Swift driver had full view of the approaching pick-up from about 00:13. From the first frame when the Thar's brake lights are visible, they are ON. So I assume, the driver started braking as soon as he saw the pick-up. But the Thar was probably going so fast that even though he was braking, he was still going past the Swift.

On the other hand, the Swift driver also had enough time to brake and enough space to move to the left. He did neither. He may have taken his foot off the accelerator, we don't know. Anyway that's not enough when going downhill. With the Thar still going fast despite braking, the Swift driver may have thought that the Thar wanted to overtake. So rather than lack of defensive driving, I think the Swift guy wanted to make it as difficult as possible for the Thar. In fact, the Swift's brake lights do not come on until the Thar (almost) hits the pick-up. With the Swift not slowing down, the Thar had nowhere to go.

The blame for the accident rests mainly with the Thar driver, as he was doing an illegal overtake. But the Swift driver is not an innocent party, in my view.

The pick-up also moved towards the center line rather than away from it. It seems that its tires were pointing to its left just before the collision. So it may be that the driver was braking hard, but the pick-up was still going straight due to wet roads + locked brakes.

In hindsight, it looks like the Thar may have been better off accelerating rather than braking.
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Old 18th September 2023, 20:54   #38970
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Originally Posted by StarrySky View Post
I think the Swift driver actively contributed to the accident. On the other hand, the Swift driver also had enough time to brake and enough space to move to the left.

In hindsight, it looks like the Thar may have been better off accelerating rather than braking.
Looks like wet roads. Thar is already in the lane with oncoming traffic, already going faster than speed limits. Thar is overtaking 2 cars, on a blind curve. I do not agree with your analysis, of the need for Thar to go faster. Thar driver is 100% at fault here.

It's just one lane, with an oncoming pickup, on a blind curve on wet roads. Not sure what active contribution you see from the swift driver. He has the right of way, he is in his lane, making his turn.
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