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Old 29th January 2020, 11:05   #991
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by mazda4life View Post
My friend shared these on Whatsapp, looks like it’s from bangalore
A practical guide to "How to spot a Photoshop fake" :

Notice that the shadow on the ground is of only one car.

Shadows don't lie.
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Old 29th January 2020, 19:56   #992
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Guys - a suggestion:
Not sure if this has been happening for a while, but this thread was to relate personal experiences; not WhatsApp forwards. We do have a 'Jokes' thread for that.

Seen some amazing experiences put down by folks on this thread - be it funny or unusual, but still worth reading. Let's try to stick to that

Last edited by aah78 : 29th January 2020 at 22:28. Reason: Quoted posts moved. Leaving this post.
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Old 29th January 2020, 20:00   #993
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
Guys - a suggestion:
Not sure if this has been happening for a while, but this thread was to relate personal experiences; not whatsapp forwards. We do have a 'Jokes' thread for that.

Seen some amazing experiences put down by folks on this thread - be it funny or unusual, but still worth reading. Let's try to stick to that

I was just about to quote all of those posts and write the same thing, but you beat me to it. The last couple of posts are not in line with what this thread is supposed to be for, and I was personally disappointed to not find any new Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road when I opened it.

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Old 30th January 2020, 10:56   #994
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by srini1785 View Post
A practical guide to "How to spot a Photoshop fake" :

Notice that the shadow on the ground is of only one car.

Shadows don't lie.
Not really, check the shadow of the single car in front, that has a small shadow. Now check the shadow of this contraption. looks very much real.

BTW, putting shadow on photoshop is not all that difficult.
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Old 31st January 2020, 20:44   #995
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

2 in 1 helmet.

Saw this (what appears to be)a huge basket being carried on a scooter. Was quite hilarious!
Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_20200131_203619.jpg
PS. The pic was clicked at a traffic signal when the vehicles were stationary
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Old 11th February 2020, 16:13   #996
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This is something that happened yesterday evening while I was waiting outside my wife's company. There is a bus stop some meters behind where I had halted my car.

I was listening to some songs when a PMPML bus went by my car. Just a few seconds later a woman with a handbag went running after the bus, all the while waving her hands at the bus. Then the bus halted suddenly some distance ahead just at the foot of a flyover. A young man and a kid girl alighted from the bus.

The woman ran towards them and held the kid close. The little girl was crying but was ok. Then the whole family came from behind. It so happens that the family wanted to board the bus and the kid got ahead and took a seat. Meanwhile the family changed their minds and got off. The girl didn't get off and the bus moved ahead.

When the lady realized her child missing she ran after the bus. In the bus a young man saw all this and saw the girl crying. So he asked the conductor to halt the bus and stepped off with the girl. It was very heartwarming to see the reunion and good to see the young man do something good and not worry about missing the bus because it was peak evening hour and all buses come loaded from a terminal earlier on.

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Old 18th February 2020, 19:59   #997
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Isn't this a mobile replay of the famous "Home Alone" movie ? IN BUS ALONE !
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Old 25th February 2020, 19:51   #998
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Tired of having to clean food smeared on the car cover and the car at times when it's not covered..
Attached Thumbnails
Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_20200225_193801.jpg  

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_20200225_193750.jpg  

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Old 5th March 2020, 20:45   #999
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

During my Father-In-Laws funeral in Cochin, one uncle, bit of a jobs-worth, started rushing the home ceremony and everyone into their respective cars and hearse for the burial. While my wife, daughter and an uncle went in the hearse. As the sole son in-law, I made sure all the relatives were put in their cars. I planned to take one of the cabs on hand to the cemetery. I put my mother into that cab and was about to get in, suddenly, one person comes running out

"The Coffin Lid is still here, call the hearse back!"

In the hurry (for no reason!), the coffin lid had been forgotten. We tried to find an Innova in the crowd, no luck, spotted a Duster from Kottayam driving out.

They made a fuss and reluctantly said, "put it on the roof!"

There was nothing to tie the lid to the roof at short notice and the Duster folks were pushing back on carrying the lid inside the car. I was about to consider hiring a rickshaw when I felt something poking in my thigh. I had the Old Mans new Santro key on me, Car was parked 20 metres away, I merely got in, drive it to the Duster. All the do-gooders smirked and kept arguing with the Duster, I calmly folded the front and rear seats, lifted the lid with the help of bystander, stuffed it in the Santro and told the Duster to get stuffed. Told the cab with my mother in it to move on!

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_0046min.jpg

Gave the Santro the beans and screamed through MG Road to the Cemetery. It looked a real sight at the traffic lights, people peering and seeing me carrying a coffin lid.

Drove up, the service had started and my absence was noted and yours truly marches in with a coffin lid on my back, helped by someone outside.

Guess my father in law would have done the same!

Last edited by ajmat : 5th March 2020 at 22:03.
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Old 5th March 2020, 21:59   #1000
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Starscream1188 View Post
Tired of having to clean food smeared on the car cover and the car at times when it's not covered..
I had this problem in my PG where the cook used to feed her kid on my bike. I didn't mind the feeding part as such but found to my peril some baby formula stuck to the back of my pants when I reached office.

So did it work?
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Old 5th March 2020, 22:15   #1001
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by JithinR View Post
I had this problem in my PG where the cook used to feed her kid on my bike. I didn't mind the feeding part as such but found to my peril some baby formula stuck to the back of my pants when I reached office.

So did it work?
Oh! It did wonders.. 1. No one uses the car as a prop anymore 2. The lift which was also dirty with baby food is spick and span now.. Looks like someone in the association took note and had some action taken
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Old 6th March 2020, 08:44   #1002
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by ajmat View Post
During my Father-In-Laws funeral in Cochin, .....

"The Coffin Lid is still here, call the hearse back!"........... I had the Old Mans new Santro key on me, Car was parked 20 metres away......
.......Guess my father in law would have done the same!
Hats-off to your thinking on the feet abilities and humanity.

Thinking from your father in-laws perspective:
Probably, the car had served the old man so much that old man desired to travel by his own car even during his final journey. When People made him travel in different car, Probably, he would have thought at least his Coffin OR it's lid travel by his car. And you made his last desire a reality.
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Old 6th March 2020, 09:18   #1003
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by gkveda View Post
Hats-off to your thinking on the feet abilities and humanity.

Thinking from your father in-laws perspective:
Probably, the car had served the old man so much that old man desired to travel .
Haha, the Santro was bought last July and had covered 175 - yes 175 km till last weekend! I have made it 500km since! He only used the car to go to the military canteen and the Naval hospital.
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Old 8th April 2020, 13:14   #1004
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Seems like the lockdown is making folks much nicer!

My apartment is right on the arterial LBS road passing through Central Mumbai suburbs. Ever since the lockdown started, the traffic has reduced to bare minimum, with a sparse number of 2 & 4 wheelers along with the BEST buses and a few trucks that are going around. Generally in a minute, you'd see about 20-30 odd vehicles passing by (both sides considered).

A lot of the 2 wheelers seem to be breaking rules as they want to; riding on the wrong side and at times, accelerating and decelerating that you wouldn't expect from an Activa or the basic 100-125cc motorbikes. But still, the near empty roads allowed them that luxury, so they did so.

But then on a windy afternoon, I see this Swift heading on the left lane slowing down; potentially looking at making a U-turn right in front of my apartments where there's a divider break. No indicator or hand shown; why would he - the road's almost empty, both sides. Ideally he should have been on the right lane; but then there's hardly any traffic to maintain lanes, so why bother.

Just behind him is a speeding Activa on the right lane, with two helmet-less blokes with handkerchief-masks tied on their faces, a bit engrossed in a chat between themselves; hardly noticing the slowed down Swift on the left that is now turning right.

And the inevitable happens, in a second. The Swift makes a swift (pun intended) right turn, directly into the lane of the Activa. Both the guys yell, and the driver breaks, a bit too late. Wham - both driver & rear guys are thrown off; Activa on the ground; and a small dent/bump appears on the Swift's door.

Both the guys stand up, lift the Activa; checking for any injuries or broken parts. The Swift guy starts explaining the U-turn he was already taking, in a kind-of apologetic tone. Instead of any arguments, both the guys just keep saying "sorry, sorry". The Swift owner shuts up; starts the car and heads on without any further ado! The guys reset their "masks"; and continue on their journey, all quiet, albeit much wiser and at lower speeds!

The only disappointment? I was kinda expecting a shouting argument, some "activity" on an otherwise pretty mundane week! Seems like no-one is interested in meeting the cops or even just spending more than a few seconds with a stranger during these strange times!
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Old 8th April 2020, 13:38   #1005
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by porsche_guy View Post
2 in 1 helmet.

Saw this (what appears to be)a huge basket being carried on a scooter. Was quite hilarious!
Attachment 1963064
PS. The pic was clicked at a traffic signal when the vehicles were stationary
A bit off topic, but hey - this thread itself is for off-topic posts

This can now come in handy to maintain Social Distance given these different times
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