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Old 11th October 2020, 20:59   #1996
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

An over speeding Ferrari GTC4Lusso driver killed 1 person and injured another person who were walking on a footpath in Hyderabad

Apparently the car is registered on a company name (Megha engineering) and the driver fled from the spot leaving the car behind.

Relatives of the deceased person are claiming that they might change the culprit (driver of the ferrari) name and might pay and get someone else to face the crime.

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Old 12th October 2020, 13:01   #1997
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Fatal Ferrari GTC4 Lusso accident in Hyderabad

A speeding Ferrari car mowed down a pedestrian who was walking on a footpath in Hyderabad's Madhapur on Sunday afternoon. Another person was injured in the accident. Naveen Kumar Goud, who was driving the Ferrari car, has been arrested by police. He was travelling from Jubilee Hills towards Madhapur when the mishap happened. The victim was identified as 50-year-old Yesu Babu

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Old 12th October 2020, 15:11   #1998
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by GTB View Post
Unfortunately, this company has good political support. No picture of the driver has been shown on the media. I hope the driver doesn't get away with it.

True, they are major contractors for Government projects in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The guy who was driving the car will escape easily and pay some innocent guy to face the jail term in this accident. Till now police or media did not release any picture of the guy who is driving the car.

Originally Posted by grevvity View Post
And surprisingly there won't be any cctv footage of the driver driving, ramming or running away leaving the car stranded.

Yes, in the video I posted above, a cop told that the CCTV footage at the accident spot is not clear.

Atleast they should release an official CCTV footage of the accident or the speeding car at nearby location right? I highly doubt if the main culprit who made this accident would be arrested at all, they might have got rid of cctv footages by now.

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Finally they booked a case on a guy named Naveen Kumar Goud, who is a driver by profession. I mean come on, who gives a Ferrari to a driver? If it was a luxury chauffeur driven car like Rolls Royce or a Bentley or a Maybach Mercedes S Class people would have believed it. But giving a Super car to a driver doesn't make sense at all, I'm fully convinced that this case is being mislead and the main culprit is trying to be safe by framing his innocent driver in exchange of some money. I may be wrong here, but the whole scenario is very sketchy, accident CCTV footage or even CCTV footage from other signals being unclear and cops not releasing it, no pictures of culprit at the accident spot released to the media.

I really wish if some lawyer like Jolly LLB files a PIL on this accident case and solve this mystery.

Last edited by WhiteSierra : 12th October 2020 at 15:17.
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Old 12th October 2020, 21:40   #1999
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by WhiteSierra View Post

Finally they booked a case on a guy named Naveen Kumar Goud, who is a driver by profession. I mean come on, who gives a Ferrari to a driver? If it was a luxury chauffeur driven car like Rolls Royce or a Bentley or a Maybach Mercedes S Class people would have believed it. But giving a Super car to a driver doesn't make sense at all, I'm fully convinced that this case is being mislead and the main culprit is trying to be safe by framing his innocent driver in exchange of some money. I may be wrong here, but the whole scenario is very sketchy, accident CCTV footage or even CCTV footage from other signals being unclear and cops not releasing it, no pictures of culprit at the accident spot released to the media.
I don't think you are wrong. Here is a gentlemen who predicted the same 24 hours before. I haven't seen chauffeur driving a supercar especially in Hyderabad. Sadly, that's how law works when you are a billionaire and friend of CM.
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Old 12th October 2020, 22:09   #2000
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Really sad to see the news of the Megha Engineering owned GTC4 Lusso. The company is huge and they have loads of major government contracts not just in the Andhra/Telangana region but in other states in the country as well. No doubt the driver is getting blamed but I am shocked to see how the state is handling this regardless of connections involved.

I wanted to share an incident that I went through just a month before lockdown; my mother had come home from work one day to say that she had left her phone at home but it wasn't to be found anywhere. The phone was on and on silent so I assumed that even if it was lost somewhere else, no one had stolen it yet. Finally we tracked the phone and realized that she must have left the phone in the Auto that she happened to take to work that day. By this time it was getting late. In the morning we went straight to the police station in our area, told them everything and within 15 minutes we were taken to a room filled with screens. They politely asked my mom if she remembered anything about the auto. She said it had red seats (her product red iphone must have gotten wedged in the seat) within less than half an hour they took all footage from the previous day of the duration within which she would have been in the auto from all cctv cameras along the route she took to work. Before lunch the registration and all details of the auto and its owner were found, police were able to find the auto, stop it, search its back seat, find the phone and return it to my mother all by the afternoon itself. We were very impressed and made sure to pay the guy some goodwill ammount along with a box of sweets for their service. Next week an article in the newspaper mentioned Hyderabad as being the 16th most surveilled city in the WORLD now it made sense that they were able to find my mother's phone so easily.

I am sure there is clear video footage of that Ferrari somewhere even if it is not clear as they claim, more footage could be found from cameras on the route that the car took. This is really sad to see as a proud Hyderabadi, I am sad to say that I am truly ashamed at this. On the one hand we claim to be the most surveilled city in the country, and on the other we are still accepting excuses that the rich used to use from 20 years ago.

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Old 12th October 2020, 23:03   #2001
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by WhiteSierra View Post
I mean come on, who gives a Ferrari to a driver?
I am not defending anyone, or even pointing to this case particularly, but... they might. If, just for one instance, they want the car delivered to a different location.

But then, the professional driver, if that for real, not a guy having fun while the boss is not there, would probably be the better driver and not get into trouble.
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Old 14th October 2020, 12:56   #2002
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Wouldn't fingerprints be a good way to establish if the accused ever sat in the car? I am sure a car like this gets cleaned and wiped pretty frequently. It is possible that there won't be a whole lot of different fingerprints on the driver's side. Once the police identify the few people who have touched the steering wheel and the door handle, witnesses can identify who was driving the car.

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Old 14th October 2020, 12:59   #2003
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by GTB View Post
Sadly, that's how law works when you are a billionaire and friend of CM.
This reminds me of a similar incident which happened in Mumbai in 2013. One of the younger Ambani's crashed his Aston Martin onto two other cars. He was whisked away by security convoy within seconds. The next day a driver surrendered before police and confessed to causing the crash during "maintenance run" of the car.

The initial news reports which appeared in local national news websites, naming the original culprit, vanished to thin air within hours.
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Old 14th October 2020, 18:03   #2004
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

While this comment may not go down well with everyone, Let me still post it.

The Indian Supercar Scene in Instagram, where a lot photographers (some are really good at their work) show case their work, is heating up with daily posts of incoming exotics across various cities making the owners bask in a glory in a virtual world. While a lot of Super car owners are men/women of high stature, who, cannot afford a negative publicity spoil their reputation chose to participate in track days, take part in organized run and enjoy their machines while keeping the community alive & interesting., A few of them mis-interpret the online fame for a false sense of pride on exhibiting their driving skills on public roads and wreck havoc at times and become a menace.

While this is a very unfortunate event, it will recur. A good acquaintance of mine who is close friends with owner of such exotics said that the person chose not to take part in Sunday or breakfast rides due to the reckless attitude displayed by some people who happened to own such supercars. He fears that he will earn the wrath of public and doesn't want to be in the wrong side of law.
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Old 14th October 2020, 18:50   #2005
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by acarun.vel View Post
While this comment may not go down well with everyone, Let me still post it.

I concur with what you said, there is one such 'not so' gentle man in Hyderabad. He owns multiple exotics and every single time I see videos of him driving around, I can think only this 'a disaster waiting to happen'.
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Old 14th October 2020, 19:08   #2006
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by BANDHAV View Post
I concur with what you said, there is one such 'not so' gentle man in Hyderabad. He owns multiple exotics and every single time I see videos of him driving around, I can think only this 'a disaster waiting to happen'.
I guess i know who you are referring to. I've felt the same when I saw videos of him speeding through traffic. IG posts and fans seem to have made people like him 'celebrities'.

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Old 14th October 2020, 19:09   #2007
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by acarun.vel View Post
While this comment may not go down well with everyone, Let me still post it.
There a few who think that super-car ownership and wealth is next to god. They may object to your post, the rest of us will see the good sense in it.
While a lot of Super car owners are men/women of high stature, who, cannot afford a negative publicity spoil their reputation chose to participate in track days, take part in organized run and enjoy their machines while keeping the community alive & interesting.,
If they truly have driving skills and just a little humanity/humility, they will not be a threat on the roads regardless of the cost of their vehicle. Kudos to your friend who does not want to be a part of the opposite: the ego-power stunt show.

I like to think that (after familiarisation, of course) I would be no more dangerous in a supercar than I am in my Polo. I like to think so, but we are all human, and there must be temptations. But wealthy or not, recklessness with the life and safety of others is not acceptable
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Old 14th October 2020, 19:17   #2008
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

There should be a rule made in India, that if the driver flees the crime scene, then despite whoever he may be, along with him, the owner of the car (or company registered) gets full responsibility of being the driver and faces the punishment as well. PERIOD. This facade is becoming too common now.

If the CCTV footage was not clear enough to capture the face, at least the colour of the driver's clothes could have been visualised which could have been compared with other CCTV cameras that captured the car (and its driver) on that day to come to a conclusion.

Also considering how many mad people on bikes under the name of "supercar spotters", chase such cars, I'm sure at least someone must have pulled out their camera and captured the incident or the car being driven just before the act. Also, questioning eye witnesses will also help rather than directly concluding that a driver was behind the wheel, unless some top people are hand in glove.

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Old 14th October 2020, 19:25   #2009
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Anand123 View Post
I guess i know who you are referring to. I've felt the same when I saw videos of him speeding through traffic. IG posts and fans seem to have made people like him 'celebrities'.
I am sure people who follow Supercar scene will figure this out easily, downside of being "Famous".

I am sure this accident would be followed by a lying low season but it would be temporary in nature, the chest beaters would be out and about in no time.
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Old 14th October 2020, 20:09   #2010
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by WhiteSierra View Post
I mean come on, who gives a Ferrari to a driver?
People who don't want to stop at pertol bunks to fill fuel? The day amazon starts delivery of aviation fuel I am sure this will be 0!
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