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Old 20th March 2020, 23:16   #301
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Re: Car vibration while applying the brakes

Originally Posted by KingCheeese View Post
It's honestly not too bad but it's there. There is a vibration of some sort occasionally and I want to find out why. I know that I'm going to replace my tires once they wear out to regular tubeless because I'm tired of paying for removing rim bends and moreover I already had a RFT tire burst. So I'm really not fond of them tbh.
If the vibration is felt ONLY during braking and never otherwise, check all 4 rotors as they may have been warped. Open and check the pads too, rub all the pads with sand paper and check if the issue persists.

I presume all the guide pins (calliper pins) are lubricated and not getting stuck?!

Last edited by moralfibre : 21st March 2020 at 09:49. Reason: Typo
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Old 20th March 2020, 23:23   #302
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Re: Car vibration while applying the brakes

I am pretty sure it's warped brake rotors. Also check brake piston callipers. Try resurfacing the rotors. The problem may go away altogether or lessen considerably.

Last edited by moralfibre : 21st March 2020 at 09:49. Reason: Typo
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Old 21st March 2020, 09:34   #303
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Re: Car vibration while applying the brakes

Originally Posted by CaptainBrijesh View Post
When these hotspots are created, brake pads & discs get considerably hotter and conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy becomes erratic. thus sometime brake pads lose grip on the brake discs & again get the grip, causing the vibrations during braking.
Originally Posted by Lambydude View Post
Quick suggestion. Please check the brake disc plates. Most probably they need to be replaced
Makes a lot of sense man, but what the technicians and I don't understand is that they've replaced the brake discs once already along with the new pads. And since I've been complaining, and like Anurag mentioned, they have rubs the pads with sand paper and resurfaced them in front of me.

This is what is really annoying me. But yeah I guess, I'll have them do a disc runout once again in front of me. Just to make sure they've done it right.

Originally Posted by a4anurag View Post
If the vibration is felt ONLY during braking and never otherwise, check all 4 rotors as they may have been warped. Open and check the pads too, rub all the pads with sand paper and check if the issue persists.

I presume all the guide pins (calliper pins) are lubricated and not getting stuck?!
Nope, guide pins are not getting stuck.

Originally Posted by pgsagar View Post
I am pretty sure it's warped brake rotors. Also check brake piston callipers. Try resurfacing the rotors. The problem may go away altogether or lessen considerably.
Alright I'm going to give this is a go once again. But like I said, these guys replaced the rotors for me. Though I wasn't physically there to confirm this but I gave it to the BMW service center only

Last edited by moralfibre : 21st March 2020 at 09:49. Reason: Typos.
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Old 21st March 2020, 10:14   #304
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Re: Car vibration while applying the brakes

Since you said you happened to go over a 4-6" divider, you may want to get the hubs checked too. Especially the area whether the rotors are seated.
Hub is where the rotors and the tyres are attached. There's a possibility that it is slightly deformed, which may not be visible to the naked eye. This is assuming everything else was checked.
The fact that you notice it during extended drives could point out that it is pronounced due to thermal expansion of the rotors which amplifies any imperfections such as bends etc. You may want to show it to service centre after a prolonged drive and maybe that'll help them pin point better.
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Old 21st March 2020, 19:40   #305
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Re: Car vibration while applying the brakes

Originally Posted by Turbohead View Post
Since you said you happened to go over a 4-6" divider, you may want to get the hubs checked too..
I fully agree with this diagnosis. The possibility of front axles bend is high in this case since the car has crossed the divider. Also back wheel axles has to be checked because, entire weight of the car would be on the back wheel when front wheel crosses the divider and it would be impulsive impact.
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Old 21st March 2020, 22:07   #306
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Re: Car vibration while applying the brakes

Vibrations while braking are primarily due to warping (grooves) of the Front discs.
You should get the discs inspected.

The solution would be to either replace the discs or get them skimmed.
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Old 23rd March 2020, 18:27   #307
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Re: "My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do

Dear All,

my new Ecosport MT Titanium is equipped with ABS. I have seen a behavior that was present in this car since the beginning. Whenever i end up pressing the clutch and brake together, not deliberately but due to abrupt road conditions at high speed, there is a metal clinking underneath and severe vibrations are felt on brake pedal, as if something is obstructing. can't describe it precisely, sorry. I usually try not to do this (pressing clutch and brake simultaneously). But this thing is bugging me for quite a while now.

I asked the knowledgeable service technician at Authorized Ford Service, but he said it is because of the ABS. I am not entirely convinced though. Looking for some expert advice from TBHPians. thanks in advance.

Last edited by SDP : 24th March 2020 at 09:40. Reason: Spacing between paragraphs reduced
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Old 17th June 2020, 23:13   #308
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Vibration in steering wheel between 50 - 55 KMPH despite doing wheel balancing

Hi everyone,

I hope you all are safe and sound.

I have a Hyundai G10 NIOS (AMT). When my speed is between 50-55 KMPH (D5), I feel increased vibrations in the steering wheel. It persists for 3-4 seconds and goes away with an increase in speed. It also goes away if I downshift to D4 by pressing the accelerator slightly hard (It's an AMT car). I recently did wheel balancing but the problem is still there.

It doesn't happen all the time -- only occasionally. The Service centre guy said it happens because of lack of torque in higher gear and I should downshift when it happens. I should also mention that I hear a particular noise inside cabin when the vibrarions occur in steering wheel. The service assistant said it's tyre noise.

Any idea what might be the real issue here? Or is it normal?
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Old 30th June 2020, 23:38   #309
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Re: Car vibration while applying the brakes

Originally Posted by Turbohead View Post
you may want to get the hubs checked too. Especially the area whether the rotors are seated.
The fact that you notice it during extended drives could point out that it is pronounced due to thermal expansion of the rotors which amplifies any imperfections such as bends etc. You may want to show it to service centre after a prolonged drive and maybe that'll help them pin point better.
Sorry I haven't replied till now. I just got my car back and it's fixed. I had to take it to the dealership a few times before they started taking things seriously, and started looking outside the brake rotors since they checked it many many times before and not much difference.

I eventually ended up showing them your advice and the service manger said that it's very unlikely but after testing for days they finally got another car and changed the hub and Voila! The problem was gone!

Thank you soo much turbohead! You really saved my ride

Originally Posted by gkveda View Post
Also back wheel axles has to be checked because, entire weight of the car would be on the back wheel when front wheel crosses the divider and it would be impulsive impact.

Thank you as well! Though they didn't find any problem with the rear axel thankfully
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Old 20th July 2020, 11:50   #310
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Re: "My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do

Steering shake (only when going over rough roads) in my pre-owned 2013 MT 4x4 Fortuner.

Rough roads here are either potholed roads or undulated/uneven due to patch repair work done on highways.

Suspension was busted ever since I bought it so when I changed the shocks to TRW the shake went down to almost 50%.

It didn't bother me too much until I took it to Ladakh where every rough patch would send road feedback to my hands.

The car didn't see much highway action over the last 1 year so when I started using it again I got the shocks changed to OEM (just last week) and the problem went down drastically, like 90% reduction in steering shake when driving on rough roads.

Imtiaz (Friendly Neighborhood Garage (FNG) - Imtiaz & Ayub (New Delhi)) from the Delhi/NCR directory helped change shocks and as per him the minor shake that remains is how the car is supposed to behave.

I checked on few 4x4 forums where Fortuner owners don't experience steering shake (or too much road feedback) when driving on rough patches.

While I plan to take the car to the ASC tomorrow I wanted to check with the group if there's a specific part/bush/bearing I should ask them to check.

Toyota may want to just change the entire suspension setup owing on their no child part replacement policy but even if they're able to diagnose it right to a specific part I can get the work done outside.

All 4 shocks are new OEM Toyota (<100 kms)
Alignment (including Castor & Camber) done after replacing shocks (<100 kms)
All tyres are new Goodyear SilentTrac AT (<2000 kms)
Tyres balanced during tyre change (<2000 kms)
Brake discs & pads are new (<5000 kms)
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Old 21st July 2020, 11:44   #311
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Re: "My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Steering shake (only when going over rough roads) in my pre-owned 2013 MT 4x4 Fortuner.
Allow me to correct myself, steering feedback I meant!

Visited ASC today morning, the guy who took the road test really pushed the vehicle through an amazingly potholed road and for the first time I realized how my Fortuner just glided over all of them. OEM Shocks worked and how! I have never really been in the passenger seat of my car and now I realize why my wife calls the front passenger seat her sofa.

What I was thinking of as steering shake all this while was actually steering feedback that essentially exists in all prev-gen Fortuners (and Innovas).

Initially I wasn't much convinced so after about 30 mins I accompanied the road test guy when he took out another 188k run Fortuner and the feedback was very much present, albeit a bit less, maybe due to HT tyres, not sure.

Spoke to another Fortuner & Innova owner and he confirmed that the feedback has always been prominent in both his cars when compared to other cars.

Glad to report, everything is super duper with the car, maybe time to take her for a long highway drive this weekend!
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Old 1st February 2021, 08:21   #312
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Re: "My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do

While on way to Goa on a Pajero sports the following issues were noted:

1) Between 100 to 120 Kmph the steering vibrates and subsides after 120 Kmph.

2) While braking the vibration is felt irrespective of the speed.

The vehicle went through all the pre requisites of long driving i.e Wheel Alignment and balancing/ Brake oil check/ brakes cleaned / tyre pressure check .

The car had 32,000 on Odo and has been very well kept.

What could be the issue here?
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Old 2nd September 2021, 10:20   #313
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Re: "My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do

I recently noticed vibrations on the steering wheel the moment the car crosses 100kmph. I suspected wheel alignment was off as the roads in the neighbourhood is dug up by the world-famous digging company BBMP for over a year and I have been procrastinating going to Madhus for alignment. Finally, this thread reaffirmed this problem I was suspecting and booked an appointment. As expected the alignment was off quite a bit. The car now drives beautifully, with no vibration at 100kmph.
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Old 13th September 2021, 00:24   #314
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Re: "My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do

Hi All,

My Honda city 5th gen seems to vibrate a lot after crossing 100 kmph. I can feel the vibrations in accelrator pedal and the whole body starts vibrating. I have been observing this issue since last 2 days when I took my car out on a highway trip. Earlier I have touched extremely high 3 digit speeds and car was as smooth as butter. I had changed stock MRF (185/60/R15) to Continental UC6 (195/55/R16) 1.5 months back and installed rogerAb on suspension, could this be an issue that might be causing vibrations in the car?

Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.

Thank you.
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Old 16th November 2021, 20:57   #315
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Re: "My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do

I need some help with brake pedal vibrations on my Baleno. Its run about 5900 kms, but since last 1.5 months I have observed that while lightly braking at higher speeds (more than 50 km/h), I feel vibrations on the brake pedal.

The service center guys mentioned it may be due to rusting of discs and everything else is fine. But I see only rusting at the disk edges and not on the surface. However there are some marks and scratches on the disks. There are no deep grooves and the disc surface is smooth. I have attached some pictures. I need help from any forum members whether these could cause vibrations, or is it indeed the rust on the edges.

I can push for replacement in warranty if there are scratches causing vibrations even with low running. I don't think warranty will work if rusting is the culprit. Would appreciate any guidance.
Attached Thumbnails
"My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do-img_0755.jpg  

"My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do-img_0756.jpg  

"My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do-img_0759.jpg  

"My Car / Steering / Brake Vibrates While Driving" | What To Do-img_0767.jpg  

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