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Old 13th July 2022, 12:04   #4021
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by deep_blue View Post
Hi! Planning to install a wireless dashcam in my C200 Mercedes. Is there anything that is completely wireless (battery powered maybe)? Sound recording would be a bonus.
Appreciate any reccos thanks!
Nope. How will wireless detect when to start and when to stop recordings? For instance, you're stuck in a traffic jam for 15 minutes, how would it know to stop the recording or keep recording?

Also in battery powered ones, battery tends to heat up just like our mobile devices when used. I'd suggest using a capacitor one.

Requirements you've mentioned fits GoPro and SJCam but they're not meant for dashcam usage.
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Old 17th July 2022, 23:47   #4022
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Budget of 15-17k; what should I go for ? I like the transcend dp 550, but I hate that it's a dual setup - would cause privacy concerns for the occupants of the car.

1. Is it possible to turn off the inside facing camera?
2. Is it possible to mute the microphone completely?
3. Possible to turn off the infra red lights facing inside?
4. Lastly should I just consider DDPAI or 70MAI instead of transcend?

Not looking to purchase immediately, but in a few weeks.
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Old 18th July 2022, 00:24   #4023
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by airguitar View Post
Budget of 15-17k; what should I go for? I like the transcend dp 550, but I hate that it's a dual setup - would cause privacy concerns for the occupants of the car.
Do you want dual setup - (front and rear) or just front facing?

Haven't seen or heard much about transcend in recent times. I'd suggest to go for other brands.

Usually, microphone can be switched off in the settings menu whichever dashcam you opt for.

If you just want front one then go for A119 Mini.

If you want 2 channel - front & back, then A129 Plus Duo

Can't really comment about DDPAI or 70MAI since I haven't used them. Whichever you go for please do not opt for one with inbuilt battery. Go for capacitor based ones.
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Old 23rd July 2022, 17:40   #4024
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Crossposting, didn't want to derail that thread there.

Originally Posted by astrodex View Post
What is the advantage of a dash cam in India? My understanding is that most insurance companies don't give any discounts for having it. And, if previous experience is any indication, most accidents, you cannot bank on third party. They might be uninsured or cops won't track them down even if you give the video. Worse is that there have been instances where the insurance companies use the older footage to deny your claim. Like earlier you were driving over speed limit etc.
Mainly, it is to safeguard yourself from foolish acts of people.

There can be several other accidents like somebody jumping in front of your car accidentally or knowingly. There your word won't have a single effect unless there is a proof.

Few months back I was driving at 60, a dog jumped out of the median strip. Didn't even get the chance to brake, same way a human too could have done the same considering our roads. Do you think anybody would have even listened to my side of the story? That same 60 kmph would have changed to 120 in next morning's paper.

Other instance, a driver few years back narrated an incident where he was driving around 70-75 the car he was following hit a person crossing the road, the victim hit that car's bonet which then threw him on driver's car. The other guy did not even bother to stop and check rather stepped on gas. The victim could not be saved and the driver, since he stopped and transported him to the Hospital was named in the FIR. You know our system, he had to present himself at every court hearing for almost 20 years. I don't know what was the outcome of that case, but I think it's prudent to get one.

It's a one time investment, a good dashcam outlives the vehicle. Better to have it rather than repenting later on. A good one costs approx. 3 tank fulls.

A friend who works in insurance in India once told me that the dashcam footage should never be handed over, it can and will be used against you since that is easier than going against the other party, except you r lucky and that guy is also loaded and has same insurance etc.
Usually insurance companies don't even ask for it. Since they have printed forms where you need to write down the saga, there's not much need for dashcam footage there. God forbid, if and when the need arises and the case changes to police/judicial one, that same written story would hold very little value in front of a full HD footage.

Last edited by batish : 23rd July 2022 at 17:41.
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Old 24th July 2022, 17:06   #4025
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

General information - those looking to hardwire a dashcam for parking surveillance in XUV700 then please use f19 for red (vcc) and f47 for yellow (acc). Identified this after several trial and error attempts while in contact with the Nexdigitron tech support. Must really applaud the tech support team that went out of the way and agreed to help me on a Sunday which is generally their day off.
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Old 24th July 2022, 20:02   #4026
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Have purchased VIOFO A129 Duo Pro 4K 2CH dash cam from Amazon at 24k. Also got myself a CPL filter for front unit. It works well in cutting the dashboard glare. I have not used the unit at night so can’t say about low light capabilities.

The unit video footage is decent and it’s hassle free. The fact that it can stream videos to your phone is amazing as it helps during parking etc.

The only issue I have with this unit is that it gets very hot after an hour of usage, not sure if it’s with other dash cams too. Perhaps I should consider lowering the resolution.

Originally Posted by deep_blue View Post
Hi! Planning to install a wireless dashcam in my C200 Mercedes. Is there anything that is completely wireless (battery powered maybe)? Sound recording would be a bonus.
Appreciate any reccos thanks!
A battery powered unit won’t be reliable and will use a lot of battery so unless you want a really chunky unit or attaching a huge power brick, it may not be a good idea. I have tried using my go pro hero 8 black and the battery battery lasts an hour plus it gets very very hot during summers. The battery life deteriorates real fast during extreme heat dissipation.

In addition I somehow don’t like the idea of LiIon battery powered dash cams as they tend to get really hot. Even though they are made well, they’re still a potential fire hazard unless you live in cold climate.

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Old 24th July 2022, 23:03   #4027
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by rishi.roger View Post
The only issue I have with this unit is that it gets very hot after an hour of usage, not sure if it’s with other dash cams too. Perhaps I should consider lowering the resolution.
That is what I have been saying from the start regarding heating issues in 4k cameras. Read my earlier posts, you'll find out.

Since you checked it just after an hour, it won't depict correct results. Even temperatures in Delhi NCR these days are around 30-32 Degrees, so you won't really know how hot it can get during operation in summers/scorching heat.

I'll suggest you to check during long drives where it operates for 4-5 hours continuously or check it after parking it under direct sun.

Do check it if it operates or not, whether the files stored are okay or are corrupt. You'd not want to land in a situation where you need the files and then you realise it didn't record as intended due to heating issues.

If this experiment fails - then reduce the resolution to 2k and attempt again. I'm sure you won't have issues in 2k but better be safe than sorry.

OT: You mentioned you bought from Amazon. I don't think Viofo retails on Amazon. From what I saw on their global site, we have only one seller here -
Did the seller mention anything about warranty?

Last edited by batish : 24th July 2022 at 23:23. Reason: Spell check. Gloabal -> global
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Old 25th July 2022, 07:31   #4028
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

I wanted to DIY install at least front dash camera for long. Since my car has curtain airbags it was too complex and risky to run the cable behind the airbag in A pillar. Meanwhile I came across recently. I ordered the same on amazon and got it for lesser than list price. I installed the dash cam over the weekend, what I am more impressed with is its fit and finish. It looks awesome and almost impossible to tell that its after market. About video quality there are many YouTube videos explaining the same.
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Old 25th July 2022, 08:19   #4029
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by nandrive View Post
I ordered the same on amazon and got it for lesser than list price.....
Pretty neat actually, and even the mobile interface is good.
Did you buy it off or ?

The dependency is that we need to find our car model compatible dashcam because it literally replaces the stock headlight / mirror assembly holder.
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Old 25th July 2022, 08:50   #4030
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by Fillmore View Post
Pretty neat actually, and even the mobile interface is good.
Did you buy it off or ?

The dependency is that we need to find our car model compatible dashcam because it literally replaces the stock headlight / mirror assembly holder.
I bought it from . Yes you need to get the cam for exact car model however it just replaces outer plastic cover. Setup is very neat, no splicing or dangling wires, no rattles.
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Old 25th July 2022, 09:36   #4031
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by batish View Post
That is what I have been saying from the start regarding heating issues in 4k cameras. Read my earlier posts, you'll find out.

Since you checked it just after an hour, it won't depict correct results. Even temperatures in Delhi NCR these days are around 30-32 Degrees, so you won't really know how hot it can get during operation in summers/scorching heat.

I'll suggest you to check during long drives where it operates for 4-5 hours continuously or check it after parking it under direct sun.

Do check it if it operates or not, whether the files stored are okay or are corrupt. You'd not want to land in a situation where you need the files and then you realise it didn't record as intended due to heating issues.

If this experiment fails - then reduce the resolution to 2k and attempt again. I'm sure you won't have issues in 2k but better be safe than sorry.

OT: You mentioned you bought from Amazon. I don't think Viofo retails on Amazon. From what I saw on their global site, we have only one seller here -
Did the seller mention anything about warranty?
This is also the reason I purchased VIOFO cams with super capacitors as they have been advertised to last well when exposed to high temps. The camera seems to have a temperature sensor as well which will shut-down the cam and beep if it reaches that threshold.
(I think I will have to try a sweet spot during summer season/when AC is not working in the car. I had this heating issue with GoPro as well while recording 4k60fps).

Btw, regarding Warranty - I have had a call with Amazon CC and they confirmed that Amazon itself will provide the warranty for this Product for an year!!! I think this is better than getting it from some authorized seller, IMO as Amazon will arrange pickup/replacement whatever is applicable. I need to dive into this further but they have promised to send me an email confirming this warranty (expecting this within next 24 hours). I will share it here just in case anyone is planning to buy from Amazon.
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Old 25th July 2022, 16:05   #4032
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by rishi.roger View Post
Btw, regarding Warranty - I have had a call with Amazon CC and they confirmed that Amazon itself will provide the warranty for this Product for an year!!!
I just checked out the listing, that isn't Prime item. The warranty you are mentioning from Amazon - won't claim be directed back to the seller? I'm asking since Amazon doesn't even directly retail in this so they won't take back after the return window closes.

I'm pretty sure you won't face any issue with the dashcam but just in case.

I think this is better than getting it from some authorized seller, IMO as Amazon will arrange pickup/replacement whatever is applicable.
Again, after the return window closes, where will they send back the dashcam if the seller just withdraws from Amazon altogether? I mean, there's only one single seller listed on their global site for India, so can't they deny any warranty claims on this basis?

I know you won't face any issue but asking since I've read claims being denied for other products and items on this basis.

I need to dive into this further but they have promised to send me an email confirming this warranty (expecting this within next 24 hours). I will share it here just in case anyone is planning to buy from Amazon.
That would be really helpful. Also, do ask them what happens if the seller decides to withdraw from Amazon, how will they ship any replacement then?

Just because of these apprehensions I went with This was the only link available for India on their site.
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Old 26th July 2022, 14:04   #4033
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread


Has anyone here tried the Qubo(hero) dash cam with 256GB option?
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Old 26th July 2022, 14:37   #4034
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Hello folks, I have a query. I want to install a dashcam in my XUV, preferably dual setup: covering front and the back. Does hardwiring i.e. powering it directly via fuse box void warranty in any way?

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Old 26th July 2022, 16:10   #4035
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Re: The Dashcam / Car Video Recorder (DVR) Thread

Originally Posted by StepUP! View Post
Does hardwiring i.e. powering it directly via fuse box void warranty in any way?
As long as you do it correctly without splicing any wires or changing existing fuses, it does not affect warranty. Also, if your MASS is fussy about it, just remove the adaptor from fuse box.

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