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Old 2nd December 2013, 12:00   #1366
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

I am planning to try the RTR's or Unicorn's mirrors. I think it looks wider than the stock ones and goes with the theme of the bike.

BTW. There is a annoying high frequency rattle from the speedo cluster area post 3k RPMs. I will try pinpointing the exact location today. I remember someone posting a similar niggle some times back, but could'nt find the post now! Was this issue sorted?

Last edited by man_of_steel : 2nd December 2013 at 12:14.
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Old 2nd December 2013, 12:15   #1367
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Hope the mirrors are functionally better. Else the chrome kills the looks. A better mirror would be trying to find the old KB plastic ones. Tough to get but those are sturdy and will go with the bike.

Chrome mirrors are quite looks killer for this bike. My personal opinion.
Yes.. much improved view now. I depend a lot on RVMs. AM used to the bullet RVM on wider RD 350 replica handle bar. So the stock 390 RVM felt tiny and inadequate. At first service yesterday, What was readily available was the avengers (babaj), so just installed a pair to use untill i get something better that goes with the form.

I am planning to try the RTR's or Unicorn's mirrors. I think it looks wider than the stock ones and goes with the theme of the bike.
Also have a look at Hero Impulse's RVM.
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Old 2nd December 2013, 12:48   #1368
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

BTW. There is a annoying high frequency rattle from the speedo cluster area post 3k RPMs. I will try pinpointing the exact location today. I remember someone posting a similar niggle some times back, but could'nt find the post now! Was this issue sorted?

Its there with every bike. I am not sure its the cluster. I think it could be the radiator side plastic that is coming out of its socket. Too much plastic means diagnising is difficult. The worst part the thing vibrates only when on move. I even taped the interior loose wires inside the cluster to see if its something from inside.

Now i have given up and decided to live with it. Its one of the wires under the tank is my guess now.
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Old 2nd December 2013, 12:52   #1369
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
The worst part the thing vibrates only when on move.
Exactly.. Although I did'nt try to figure out the source of the sound, I tried revving the engine past 3-4k with the bike stationary. It was not there then! Will try to raise the issue to SVC on 1st service.
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Old 2nd December 2013, 13:41   #1370
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
Hope the mirrors are functionally better. Else the chrome kills the looks. A better mirror would be trying to find the old KB plastic ones. Tough to get but those are sturdy and will go with the bike.

Chrome mirrors are quite looks killer for this bike. My personal opinion.

The problem with the RVMs of most other bikes is that they would fold due the high air-resistance drag at the higher speeds of the Duke 390. One RVM that would not fold would be that of the the Ninja 250, which is very wide, and also black --- keeping the color scheme of the Duke intact. Has anyone tried this? Will they fit? Will they be available off-the shelf at the Probiking Bajaj outlets?
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Old 2nd December 2013, 13:53   #1371
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Has anyone tried exchanging their D200 for a 390 ? If yes any idea what the going rate is? Any body who's in the same boat as me please share your thoughts. Thanks,

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Old 2nd December 2013, 14:17   #1372
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by Rollin' Thunda View Post
Has anyone tried this? Will they fit? Will they be available off-the shelf at the Probiking Bajaj outlets?
I think the base of the mirror stem is a folding kind of stuff to be fitted to the fairing and is not like the threaded ones that can be fitted to the handlebars. Please correct me if I am wrong.

If it fits, its a good choice. But ninja mirrors IIRC costs upwards of 2.5k.
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Old 2nd December 2013, 14:21   #1373
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by nitro.1000bhp View Post
Has anyone tried exchanging their D200 for a 390 ? If yes any idea what the going rate is? Any body who's in the same boat as me please share your thoughts. Thanks,



I have friends with a D200 who thought about switching out for a 390, but most of them after a run on the bike said that though the bike is fantastic, There is something manic which is missing and while they would go for the 390 with eyes closed if they didn't have the 200, thev've all (3 of them) decided to wait for the 690. Worth considering?


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Old 2nd December 2013, 14:30   #1374
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by nitro.1000bhp View Post
Has anyone tried exchanging their D200 for a 390 ? If yes any idea what the going rate is? Any body who's in the same boat as me please share your thoughts. Thanks,
When inquired just before the launch of the 390, the quote from the showroom for an exchange was between 95k to 1lakh based on the condition of the bike. I was looking for a used 200 at that time and came across an example which was 8k run and about a year old. When i told the guy at the showroom that the bike is only 1 year old and 8k run, he still insisted on this price and maybe 5k more if condition is very good. Hope this helps!!
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Old 2nd December 2013, 14:30   #1375
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Funny thing is i am riding my 500 last three days and i hardly find a need for the rear view mirror. I am actually motivated to remove the RVM from my 390 for its quite a hindrance in traffic situation. I am not confident to tuck my bike because of the RVM.

Anyone found an answer for that rattling noise from the cluster or near the cluster while revving up thought it dies after it crosses 5-7k rpm.
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Old 2nd December 2013, 14:36   #1376
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

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Originally Posted by imp! View Post

I have friends with a D200 who thought about switching out for a 390, but most of them after a run on the bike said that though the bike is fantastic, There is something manic which is missing and while they would go for the 390 with eyes closed if they didn't have the 200, thev've all (3 of them) decided to wait for the 690. Worth considering?


Well, not entirely. My budget wont even permit the ninja 300, let alone the 690. I was thinking about waiting for the RC390 for its added wind protection but I am running out of patience as I have enough saved up for a D390. All I need now is a bike that will do around 120 comfortably on the highway without shattering my teeth. December is my riding season and all my friends are raring to go except me.

Should I simply buy some braces and wade this season through and get the RC next year ? Damn! I am in a pickle... the kind of problems we urbaners go through on a regular basis

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Old 2nd December 2013, 14:39   #1377
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by abhinav.s View Post
When inquired just before the launch of the 390, the quote from the showroom for an exchange was between 95k to 1lakh based on the condition of the bike. I was looking for a used 200 at that time and came across an example which was 8k run and about a year old. When i told the guy at the showroom that the bike is only 1 year old and 8k run, he still insisted on this price and maybe 5k more if condition is very good. Hope this helps!!
Thanks a lot Abhinav. Very helpful and much appreciated. Mine has done 12K...hope I get somewhere near the ballpark you have mentioned.
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Old 2nd December 2013, 14:51   #1378
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by Rollin' Thunda View Post
One RVM that would not fold would be that of the the Ninja 250...Has anyone tried this? Will they fit? Will they be available off-the shelf at the Probiking Bajaj outlets?
Originally Posted by man_of_steel View Post
I think the base of the mirror stem is a folding kind of stuff to be fitted to the fairing and is not like the threaded ones that can be fitted to the handlebars. Please correct me if I am wrong.

If it fits, its a good choice. But ninja mirrors IIRC costs upwards of 2.5k.
Man_of_steel is right - the Ninja mirrors have a different stem to fit on the fairing and hence won't fit the Duke 390. They are available off the shelf and do cost about 2800 though!
There should be lots of options on ebay and other online sites for wide mirrors. You even get ones with CF finish, integrated indicators and so on. Might be a good idea to check them out.
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Old 2nd December 2013, 15:40   #1379
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Should I simply buy some braces and wade this season through and get the RC next year ? Damn! I am in a pickle... the kind of problems we urbaners go through on a regular basis
My view is the 390 is not teeth shattering to ride at 120. With good gears you hardly feel you are riding at 120.

With a decent windshield like a Fazer or CBR or even the ZMR you can even avoid the wind rush to your chest/body.

The must is a good helmet( i mean a really good snuggly fit helmet), a good armour jacket or a jacket that fits over your body and doesnt become a flat surface to block wind.

I say this only after i got a good helmet. The wind noise in this new helmet is pretty much very low and this has a huge difference in the speed i am doing. 100 hits pretty easily than before and at 120 the body plays more role with respect to resistance than the face.

We have a habit of resting after an hour irrespective of where we ride. A ten minutes tea break may be. But thats how we seldom get too tired riding the bike too long.
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Old 2nd December 2013, 15:51   #1380
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by imp! View Post

I have friends with a D200 who thought about switching out for a 390, but most of them after a run on the bike said that though the bike is fantastic, There is something manic which is missing and while they would go for the 390 with eyes closed if they didn't have the 200, thev've all (3 of them) decided to wait for the 690. Worth considering?


This is true of most 200 Dukers. And no, its not sour grapes. The company too got this feedback from most 200 Dukers polled before the launch.

If you swap my 200 for a 390, I'll take it. I'll even take one with a 25K premium as add on for such a swap (my Duke is currently at around 7500 kms).

But that's where I'll draw the line personally.
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