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Old 24th September 2015, 07:59   #301
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Crazy_cars_guy View Post
No, the car DOESN'T unlock when you switch off the engine. It will unlock when you remove the keys.

When you switch off the engine, your car is in battery mode. When you twist the key once more and remove the key completely, that's when the doors get unlocked.
Differs from brand to brand actually.

My parent's Maruti Wagon R - No auto unlock on switching off engine. Only unlocks when you remove the key. Door locks again upon gaining a speed of more than 15 kmph.

My Chevrolet Beat - Switching off the engine auto-unlocks the doors. The moment I twist the key to Ignition mode, door auto locks within 5 seconds.
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Old 24th September 2015, 08:50   #302
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
Differs from brand to brand actually.
Exactly. My Linea T-Jet locks automatically when I cross 20 kmph. Unlocking is manual. Turn off engine - nothing. Extract key - nothing. Unlock driver's door, all doors unlock. Each door can also be unlocked independently.
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Old 25th September 2015, 11:01   #303
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post

I have had quite a few similar incidences, will share them over time.
We are all waiting .

I have always felt insecure with unlocked doors especially waiting at signals. Whenever I happened to drop someone from work on my way home I forget to lock the doors and realize it only when I go home and park it. I used to keep my bag in the back seat and while waiting in a signal someone can open the door and grab it and run away before I react. So auto lock alone not going to help you, you need to be attentive all the time while driving your car.
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Old 26th September 2015, 02:07   #304
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by joe_antony View Post
We are all waiting .

I have always felt insecure with unlocked doors especially waiting at signals. Whenever I happened to drop someone from work on my way home I forget to lock the doors and realize it only when I go home and park it. I used to keep my bag in the back seat and while waiting in a signal someone can open the door and grab it and run away before I react. So auto lock alone not going to help you, you need to be attentive all the time while driving your car.
I drive a car without central locking so I am very particular about this. Since I usually drive alone, whenever there is someone travelling with me on the non-driver seat, the lock remains open if I forget.

What scares me the most that if any of the beggars/eunuchs on traffic signals try a random touch on your car door from outside!
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Old 26th September 2015, 21:28   #305
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Oh man!!!

One of the funniest yet practical road situations that can ever happen to anyone. I really loved reading it though can only vaguely imagine the situation you had to go through at home. Well for me eunuchs at traffic signals are the most scary part which kept me using the manual locks while i used to ride my dad's old Maruti Zen. However those days of yore are long gone with the advent of auto locking. Well that said, The situation that started this topic is a live example that it is model dependent. No wonder one of my good friend locks all his doors manually before starting any journey for his Swift even though it looks funny to me.
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Old 27th September 2015, 19:02   #306
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Hi! I wanted to share a funny incident that happened to me a couple of months ago on Sinhagad road, Pune.

A friend and I had gone to watch a late night movie at Funtime theater. It was around 1am when the movie got over and we came out of the theater to completely deserted roads. Our scooter was parked on the road just outside the theater. As my friend was trying to kick start his bike, two very dodgy looking people came upto us while pushing a blue Yamaha FZ. This was quite weird as I was sure that there wasn't anybody around us when we got to the scooter. They asked my friend if he could hand over his Honda Activa key to start his Yamaha bike. My friend had the presence of mind not to hand the key over and he himself put the key into the slot (which was badly mangled) and switched it on!! I must add here that my friend isn't into any type of vehicles! He did not realise what he'd done even after those two guys zoomed off on their way. It hit him later that we must've helped those guys steal a bike or something!

To this day I always make a double turn whenever I see an electric blue bike on the road.
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Old 27th September 2015, 21:09   #307
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Originally Posted by ashlok94 View Post
They asked my friend if he could hand over his Honda Activa key to start his Yamaha bike. My friend had the presence of mind not to hand the key over and he himself put the key into the slot (which was badly mangled) and switched it on!! I must add here that my friend isn't into any type of vehicles! He did not realise what he'd done even after those two guys zoomed off on their way. It hit him later that we must've helped those guys steal a bike or something!
So how did the FZ start with an Activa's key?

Initially I thought that they would take your Activa's key, start their FZ (with the bike's original key which they would've hidden somewhere) and zoom off. After some time, they would come again and take the Activa (since you would have gone calling for help as it was pretty late). Really wierd, all that happened. Didn't you question them why they didn't have their key?
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Old 27th September 2015, 21:22   #308
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by ashlok94 View Post
Hi! I wanted to share a funny incident that happened to me a couple of months ago on Sinhagad road, Pune.

A friend and I had gone to watch a late night movie at Funtime theater. It was around 1am when the movie got over and we came out of the theater to completely deserted roads. Our scooter was parked on the road just outside the theater. As my friend was trying to kick start his bike, two very dodgy looking people came upto us while pushing a blue Yamaha FZ. This was quite weird as I was sure that there wasn't anybody around us when we got to the scooter. They asked my friend if he could hand over his Honda Activa key to start his Yamaha bike. My friend had the presence of mind not to hand the key over and he himself put the key into the slot (which was badly mangled) and switched it on!! I must add here that my friend isn't into any type of vehicles! He did not realise what he'd done even after those two guys zoomed off on their way. It hit him later that we must've helped those guys steal a bike or something!

To this day I always make a double turn whenever I see an electric blue bike on the road.
Good that you or your friend were not alone, you were two. At late night on deserted roads, this really helps.

And of you are alone, better to park it in the theater parking.
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Old 27th September 2015, 21:37   #309
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by vin11 View Post
So how did the FZ start with an Activa's key?

Initially I thought that they would take your Activa's key, start their FZ (with the bike's original key which they would've hidden somewhere) and zoom off. After some time, they would come again and take the Activa (since you would have gone calling for help as it was pretty late). Really wierd, all that happened. Didn't you question them why they didn't have their key?
The key slot on their bike was badly damaged (read mangled).. And so they asked for a key to just put the slot in the Ignition ON position. It was 1 in the morning and so we didn't give much thought to it at that time. Looking back, we should've been more careful.
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Old 28th September 2015, 10:36   #310
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by vin11 View Post
So how did the FZ start with an Activa's key?
Some Keys are inter-operable. I remember the prank one of my friends used to play on me during my college days. I had a Suzuki Samurai at that point of time and this friend of mine had a TVS Victor GLX. Whenever the classes got over, he used to rush to the parking lot, take my bike off the stand and park it outside the college gates while I kept frantically looking for my bike He's played it quite a few times.., but from the second attempt of his, I had already known who it was and never bothered. But out there in the real-world where there are people who are interested only in theft, these stuff are really scary!
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Old 29th September 2015, 19:05   #311
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Speaking of keys, my old cycle lock key could open the doors of a Maruti 800 in my building ! Luckily I wasnt dumb or shameless enough to try starting the car.

Lets just say I had THE most awesome secret spot while playing Hide n Seek !
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Old 29th September 2015, 19:27   #312
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

The second-gen Maruti 800 was notorious for being able to be cranked with a 25 paisa coin (the old ones)!

I've personally witnessed a key-maker crank up a replacement key for a Pulsar from scratch in under 10 mins, so there's no real 'only my key fits my lock' scenario in the real world!
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Old 30th September 2015, 12:07   #313
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Today morning there was a jam on Harlur road and generally there are no traffic cops around in this area. So as it happens a lot of time a valiant soul took it upon himself to act as traffic warden and help clear up the mess. You see these kind of guys all the time and hats off to them for their service.

However things took a turn when we had another volunteer cop also jumping in the fray to lend his expertise. He has decidedly different POV on which side of traffic should clear out first. This led to scenes of two guys now arguing and even pushing each other's hands to stop them from clearing traffic from one side.

I did not wait too long to see what finally happened as I found a clearing and took off form there.
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Old 30th September 2015, 18:14   #314
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

A very small incident.

While going to the office I have to cross a very narrow road where two cars just fit somehow. There was a two wheeler parked parallel which occupied 10% of the already small road.

I saw a Ritz coming in from the other end. Half of my car had already passed the 2 wheeler so I flashed it to stop. But the lady driving it ignored & came very close. Finally she had to back up a little to give me way as there was a line of cars behind me & nothing behind her. I had opened my window to take out the car with precision.

While I was passing her the lady says :

" Dear, Why are you driving a car that is as big as a mini bus ?"

I smiled back & told her I can't help it now & moved on.

I was in my Duster AWD.

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Old 4th October 2015, 14:51   #315
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Last night while travelling from Faridabad towards Badarpur, I had to join Mathura road from NIT-3 and was travelling alone. Traffic was very less as compared to other days and I was a bit hard on the pedal than usual. Time was around 11.45 PM and Mathura Road is pretty busy even during late night hours but the in-city roads were totally empty. I took a wrong turn and entered the road below the Bata Pull (Flyover) instead of moving on the Bata Pull. As I entered the road, I was a bit frightened as the place was dark (faint yellow lights from the street poles) and a bit spooky. I realised that I had taken the wrong road, took a U Turn and started heading back.

And all of a sudden, a woman dressed in a white saree, with a candle in her hands and long white hair (spread all over the face) in the middle of the road. She was looking straight at the candle's light and stood still there. I was blank for 1-2 seconds and was shivering real bad (i.e. about to pee in my pants). As the car came closer to that figure and I floored the A Pedal, rushing the car straight towards that lady and closed my eyes. I thought that it must be a ghost that would most probably pass through the car unhurt. I didn't hear anything or feel anything and the speed had increased considerably.

As I neared the turn to exit that road, I looked back at the ORVM and saw the same figure (in a saree) removing the wig and walking to the other end of the road! I realised that it was a poor man (beggar, etc.) who had planned to scare me and probably take my wallet or mobile. He had dodged the car in time and removed his wig with one hand, unhappy with the failed attempt.

I don't believe in ghosts but get badly scared at such paranormal activities and ghost appearances. I headed back home without stopping and couldn't sleep last night. Today morning when I called my friend, who lives in Faridabad near that area where the incident occured, he couldn't control his laughter for a couple of minutes. He told me that this was a common practice of beggars and poor people in that area to steal money and gadgets from travellers during night hours. He also said that mostly their target was 2-wheelers who would usually lose their control upon seeing the ghost and would give away all the money and valuable items they have. These people live below the flyover (on the footpath) and appear on the middle of the road all of a sudden to scare and loot travellers. He even told that one car owner left his car and ran away when he saw a similar figure appear on that exact area at 3 AM one year ago. The car was stolen.

PS. Thought it would be much suited to this thread than the 'Spooky Experiences' thread.

Last edited by vin11 : 4th October 2015 at 14:53.
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