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Old 9th January 2020, 23:16   #4621
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Crossed a toll plaza at Ghagghar on my way to Ludhiana today, it was a seamless crossing with my PayTM FastTag. Got a deduction message after a few minutes, not sure how long as I was driving. Didn't have to wait for more than 5-10 seconds and passed easily.
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Old 10th January 2020, 13:12   #4622
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by binand View Post
There is no balance validation at the time you cross the toll booth - only an active/blacklist check. It is up to the tag issuer to ensure that either you have sufficient balance to clear a given toll booth or you are flagged as one with a blacklisted tag before entering the booth.
When does the tag get blacklisted? When the amount goes below the threshold (150?) or when the balance goes negative? My tag didn't work once due to insufficient balance, but that was over an year ago and I forgot if the balance had gone negative or not.
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Old 10th January 2020, 14:39   #4623
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Jaguar View Post
When does the tag get blacklisted? When the amount goes below the threshold (150?) or when the balance goes negative?
Tags are blacklisted when the balance goes below the threshold amount (Rs. 150 for my Paytm tags). Basically tags get blacklisted when it is no longer certain you have enough money to clear the next toll along your route - they don't want to find out 10 minutes after you clear the toll that you actually didn't.
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Old 10th January 2020, 14:55   #4624
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by binand View Post
Tags are blacklisted when the balance goes below the threshold amount (Rs. 150 for my Paytm tags).
ICICI has made the threshold Rs.200 and this is enforced even when doing balance transfers between tags.
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Old 10th January 2020, 16:06   #4625
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

On new year's eve, I had been to KIAL and as expected the flyovers were closed and it was a very irritating drive on the service roads. And instead of suspending toll collection for that day/night, it was business as usual.

I entered one of the lanes on top of which I saw FASTAG board. I had heard that all the lanes except one are fastag enabled on the airport road. The car in front was taking an unusually long time to move and just as I was wondering why, I noticed him paying cash. A bit puzzled, I moved ahead. The guy looked at me expecting me to pay up.

Me- "Fastag"
Him- "Fastag is on the other side. This is cash lane.
Me- "Why have you put up the board then"?
Him- A big yawn and no reply
Me- "Then shall I go?"
Him- No reply

Anyway I just noticed that the boom barrier itself was missing! Then I sped away.

Paid Rs 90 on the way back though.

Just as I was thinking, why was toll charged when only the service roads were open, the same thing was reported the next day in the Bangalore Mirror.

At least I felt less hoodwinked.
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Old 10th January 2020, 18:08   #4626
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by yoscenario2000 View Post
I was in the understanding that amount will be debited at chandwad exit plaza, which did happen. But when I checked my messages after completion of the trip, to my surprise INR 135 was also deducted at Laling entry plaza after my pass through chandwad exit plaza. So it is backend and late transaction after passing through exit plaza and that's strange. I was charged twice for same stretch.

Anyways, I've raised a complaint of this incident and asked for refund at icici fastag web portal. Let's see how many days it takes to get the refund.

So finally I got the refund today. It took me 38 days to get the refund of double deduction of amount from ICICI Fastag.
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Old 11th January 2020, 19:59   #4627
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Kashish View Post
The next day I received a message/email that my fastag account had been deducted by Rs 173 instead of Rs 57 which should have been deducted since my account was already deducted by Rs 173 at the Talegaon toll plaza I have registered a complaint on their portal, lets see how this thing gets resolved.
Finally, after 5 weeks of the above wrong transaction taking place, the excess amount debited from my tag was credited back today without any follow up from my end expect for registering the complaint initially on their portal
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Old 12th January 2020, 09:53   #4628
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Last month completed 8K Kms drive from Pune to North East India. Fastag experience have been smooth. I had to pay cash at the Pahammawleiń toll in Meghalaya due to Internet ban. During the return journey, they allowed to pass without collecting toll in cash.

Summary of toll payment via Fastag.

FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!-fastag.jpg

Automated toll payment using Fastag at Hyderbad - Vijayawada NH65

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Old 12th January 2020, 12:31   #4629
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Hi BHPians,

Need help! pardon me, if similar discussions already in place. While, I am going through the rest of the thread for answers, let me share my experience.

Yesterday, I had been to Bangalore airport (KIAL), paid cash for the return journey included. For those who are aware of the exit route from KIAL, instead of taking the exit ramp to Bangalore city, I decided to take the exit ramp to Hyderabad, from where I could take an U turn, clear the toll and head back to Bangalore city.

Well, yesterday, before the U-turn, there was a FASTag counter from where I decided to get a Tag for myself, which doesn't seem to be associated with any of the banks (might be from the FASTag India itself?), kept it inside my car's glove-box, as neither I wished to use it immediately, nor I plan to put it on the windshield. Well, post the tag purchase, took the cash route while returning, as I had already paid for the toll and next I know, I have been charged for the toll over FASTag . Any suggestions to sort this different way of getting charged twice, whom may I contact for refund?

Originally Posted by JayKis View Post
Not really sure how fool proof this plan is as there are people who have complained that they have carried fastag inside a bus and had their balances deducted
Originally Posted by gkveda View Post
I dont think this is a possible scenario unless they hold the fast tag on the windshield of the bus. IF they have kept the tag in their bag or purse, system is not going to scan the bag and deduct money.
Well, I can confirm now from my first hand experience that this scenario is possible, even though I didn't want it to work only this one time.

Last edited by arighna.dutta : 12th January 2020 at 12:41. Reason: readability
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Old 12th January 2020, 12:51   #4630
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by arighna.dutta View Post
Hi BHPians,

Yesterday, I had been to Bangalore airport (KIAL), paid cash for the return journey included. For those who are aware of the exit route from KIAL, instead of taking the exit ramp to Bangalore city, I decided to take the exit ramp to Hyderabad, from where I could take an U turn, clear the toll and head back to Bangalore city.

Well, yesterday, before the U-turn, there was a FASTag counter from where I decided to get a Tag for myself, which doesn't seem to be associated with any of the banks (might be from the FASTag India itself?), kept it inside my car's glove-box, as neither I wished to use it immediately, nor I plan to put it on the windshield. Well, post the tag purchase, took the cash route while returning, as I had already paid for the toll and next I know, I have been charged for the toll over FASTag . Any suggestions to sort this different way of getting charged twice, whom may I contact for refund?

Well, I can confirm now from my first hand experience that this scenario is possible, even though I didn't want it to work only this one time.
Have had a transponder from EZPass in the US and had to return it when leaving the US. There was specific instruction that the transponder be wrapped in aluminium foil when send through post.

Think the best thing to do in your scenario is to keep it completely covered in a couple of sheets of Aluminium foil.
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Old 12th January 2020, 13:01   #4631
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by ashvek3141 View Post
Hello Team, I received my Fastag today from HDFC. I already logged into my account and generated a password and checked my wallet balance, which was found to be INR 300/-. I would like to know if I can start using it now, or is there any other activation procedure that needs to be done before using the same.
Kindly excuse if this has been already answered in the forum.

Wishing my fellow BHPians a very Happy & prosperous New Year!!
Can please someone help to answer my queries I had posted a couple of weeks back? I am yet to use the fastag, so just wanted to make sure that it’s all in working condition.
Also, I haven’t yet uploaded my vehicles documents on the HDFC website as there wasn’t any option to do so; so instead chose the ‘upload later’ option.

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Old 12th January 2020, 13:52   #4632
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Please be advised that you should try to avoid HDFC FastTag as far as possible. I have had fraudulent debits since last year and HDFC has simply not bothered to fix the problem. Just today I had two more fraudulent debits. I am willing to paste a screenshot of ALL my transactions here if people need evidence.

Complaining to their grievance redressal system does not work either. Eventually they return your money in fits and starts, but what really highlights their incompetence is that they can't debug why my own tag does not work, and when it does, the transaction does not show up in my own Wallet!! I am NOT making this stuff up!
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Old 12th January 2020, 13:57   #4633
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

My HDFC fasttag apparently hasn't been activated even though i have uploaded money and used it for past 8 months. Totally confused with the call center guys telling me that it's not activated yet. Then how did I use it all this while.

This leads me to my questions to the group
1. Can I change my existing fasttag and install another one?
2. If yes, which fasttag gives the most seamless experience? It should be easy to upload money and track the transactions
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Old 12th January 2020, 14:09   #4634
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by arighna.dutta View Post
Hi BHPians,...

I think you are using fastag from IHMCL, try installing their official app for fastag and raise incident for refund.

Originally Posted by ashvek3141 View Post
Can please someone help to answer my queries I had posted a couple of weeks back?...

I am using ICICI bank fastag, and the tag was delivered in an activated state. Better to call their customer care @ 1800 120 1243
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Old 12th January 2020, 14:15   #4635
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Who_are_you View Post
I had to pay cash at the Pahammawleiń toll in Meghalaya due to Internet ban. During the return journey, they allowed to pass without collecting toll in cash.
This is quite strange! Many of my vehicles crossed this toll plaza during the internet ban and not a single time was FASTag transaction denied. In my experience, the toll operator here is notorious and does indulge in such malpractices. It will be fun once they make FASTags mandatory and the cash lanes are removed. I am bracing for the many rounds of arguments I will have with the operator at the toll when I am travelling!

On another topic, I finally gave up on my attempt to procure an additional tag through my existing ICICI FASTag customer ID. I had applied through the Helpdesk - Tag Related - Add On Tag ticket on the 21st of December, 2019 and had my CUG balance above Rs. 500/-

Today, after having waited for at least 12 working days as against the 7 working days ICICI wanted me to wait for, I transferred the CUG balance to my Tag Account and applied and paid for a new ICICI FASTag through their web portal. A new account has been generated though not activated. As per @npv, I can ask ICICI to group both tags under one account later and will try doing that. I hope I have not jumped the gun though.
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