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Old 7th January 2020, 00:38   #4591
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

My experience with ICICI Bank has been great so far, for my Ritz I had received the fasttag within 10 days of applying, this is when the fast tag was being introduced. Their portal is also pretty user friendly.
What came as a surprise is when I applied the fast tag with them for my new car. I had applied for the tag through their mobile app so that I could do away with the RC upload step, I had applied for it on 31 Dec and today it got delivered to my door step

Experience with HDFC has been bang opposite, my colleague had applied for the tag on 6-Dec, till today he didint get any communication on any dispatch. What’s more frustrating is the customer care is non existent and even to escalate over mail one has to login to the portal, which is a different ball game all together.
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Old 7th January 2020, 07:20   #4592
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

HDFC has a huge back log of orders and dispatches are taking anywhere between 30 to 40 days. They are unable to meet the demand for orders. Also , the time taken by the vendor which ultimately supplies the tags is beyond their control.

My own relationship manager advised me against getting one from them.

Last edited by bigron : 7th January 2020 at 07:25.
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Old 7th January 2020, 09:20   #4593
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Jaguar View Post
Now, I don't have the RC yet since the car got delivered only a couple of days ago. The executive is adamant that the RC is mandatory. Have to figure out how the dealerships manage it without the RC.
I think the dealerships work with the Fastag teams and some of them use VIN number instead of vehicle registration number.

Do search and read up on earlier posts on this thread, there are mentions of this. And this can later be updated with the registration number once you get the RC.
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Old 7th January 2020, 09:35   #4594
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

This is just sad. Trust our junta to find ways of gaming the system

Apparently some truck drivers are carrying two tags, one blacklisted and one valid. They show the blacklisted one and pressurize the operator to let them go. And if asked to pay cash , they complain to the authorities quoting their valid tag!

I was glad when I saw the news that they're making the toll operators accountable by making rules like the one below. But then how do you deal with tricks like the ones above?

Last edited by Santoshbhat : 7th January 2020 at 09:38.
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Old 7th January 2020, 10:59   #4595
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Santoshbhat View Post
This is just sad. Trust our junta to find ways of gaming the system

Apparently some truck drivers are carrying two tags, one blacklisted and one valid. They show the blacklisted one and pressurize the operator to let them go. And if asked to pay cash , they complain to the authorities quoting their valid tag!

I was glad when I saw the news that they're making the toll operators accountable by making rules like the one below. But then how do you deal with tricks like the ones above?
Sad this is, this country can never become what it actually deserves just because we as people are too selfish and self centered. However, are not the tags mapped to vehicle number? How do they have 2 tags for a single vehicle?
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Old 7th January 2020, 11:22   #4596
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Santoshbhat View Post
This is just sad. Trust our junta to find ways of gaming the system

Apparently some truck drivers are carrying two tags, one blacklisted and one valid. They show the blacklisted one and pressurize the operator to let them go. And if asked to pay cash , they complain to the authorities quoting their valid tag!

I was glad when I saw the news that they're making the toll operators accountable by making rules like the one below. But then how do you deal with tricks like the ones above?

Not really sure how fool proof this plan is as there are people who have complained that they have carried fastag inside a bus and had their balances deducted
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Old 7th January 2020, 11:32   #4597
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Engine_Roars View Post
Sad this is, this country can never become what it actually deserves just because we as people are too selfish and self centered. However, are not the tags mapped to vehicle number? How do they have 2 tags for a single vehicle?
I think it is possible to hold more than one fastag account for a single vehicle number, provided it is from different service providers.

Originally Posted by JayKis View Post
Not really sure how fool proof this plan is as there are people who have complained that they have carried fastag inside a bus and had their balances deducted
I've observed that when the queue is long and when tag detection does not happen at the first instance, operators just wave you off without detection . They don't have the patience to walk down with the handheld device. Also they don't want to hold up the long line and face the wrath of agitated drivers. I myself have passed through many gates without any deduction from my tag with the operator just waving me to go as if detection was successful. This mostly happens at crowded toll gates just outside major cities.

So by presenting the blacklisted tag, they put the operator in a spot hoping to make a free getaway. Only when they insist on cash payment, they pull out the valid tag I suppose.

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Old 7th January 2020, 12:55   #4598
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by JayKis View Post
Not really sure how fool proof this plan is as there are people who have complained that they have carried fastag inside a bus and had their balances deducted
I dont think this is a possible scenario unless they hold the fast tag on the windshield of the bus. IF they have kept the tag in their bag or purse, system is not going to scan the bag and deduct money.
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Old 7th January 2020, 13:18   #4599
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I am facing a weird problem with PayTM fastag.

I had bought one on the PayTM app but they didn't ask for any documents during the purchase process (just the car registration number). Now it didn't get delivered for a long time and since I had to leave for a road trip, I bought one through PayTM KYC center which was activated the next day and worked fine.

Now, PayTM doesn't allow any cancellations, but I presumed that since no documents were asked, they'd eventually cancel the order. But to my surprise, they shipped the Fastag which was delivered. And now the PayTM app shows both Fastags linked to my car's registration number and both are active.

Is this a cause for concern? What should be the best course of action here?
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Old 7th January 2020, 14:31   #4600
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Just read a report about double charge on FASTag in Bangalore. Now, I am a supporter of FASTag, having used EZPass among other such mechanisms abroad. I absolutely see merit in it, in the long term.

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The part that irks me is that apparently, an NHAI official upon being questioned about it said that the user should go talk to the issuing bank. I absolutely loathe this 'passing the buck' culture. If you are going to make something mandatory, you are also answerable for grievances. The NHAI and by extension, the govt. cannot wash their hands off when users face a problem. I totally get that a new system will have glitches, but if you are not even listening to complaints that users are facing, you should reintroduce the cash system. The onus cannot be on the citizens who are simply following your orders.

Has anyone else faced this issue?
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Old 7th January 2020, 14:50   #4601
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by aaychat View Post
Has anyone else faced this issue?
This issue of being charged for two trips instead of one round trip at the KIAL toll both is rampant and has been faced by tons of people, including myself and others on this very thread. When I called Fastag helpline, they directed me to the issuer bank, Axis Bank. When I called Axis bank, i was asked to drop an email to a particular email ID and told that the difference would be refunded to me. I shot off the email and now am waiting to see if indeed they would resolve the matter.

I of course am not too hopeful that the refund would be made, but just maybe I will be pleasantly surprised!

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Old 7th January 2020, 17:52   #4602
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by aaychat View Post
I totally get that a new system will have glitches,
That is the most depressing thing, it is not a new system.

The above said toll has Fastag lane since past 3 years or so. As per NHAI, all lanes in all toll booths were supposed to have RFID scanners since Oct 2018 if I recollect. The banks issuing these tags has been doing that since many years.

This toll booth had been one of the most reluctant ones to have a proper Fastag lane, many of us here had faced issue of tag not detecting here while it works at other toll booths.

Earlier complaints to NHAI had got a standard reply that, it was working when they checked.

So in short, the toll operator knows that they can get away with day light robbery. Unless there is accountability, this issue is not going to end. Unfortunately, that is what is missing.
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Old 7th January 2020, 20:38   #4603
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by gkveda View Post
I dont think this is a possible scenario unless they hold the fast tag on the windshield of the bus. IF they have kept the tag in their bag or purse, system is not going to scan the bag and deduct money.
Quite possible, but not at all times.

We are asked to stick the Tag to the windshield as it will be EASY for the scanner to read the tag. The scanner is not taking a picture nor copying the tag something similar to a copier. It sends a Positive radio signal and the tag gets the signal and it gets its power from the positive signal and responds back. It doesn't need to be inline and facing the same direction.

Take this example of Marathons, where, you are given a BIB with a RFID tag similar to Fastag. Both the start and finish lines will have the scanner/reader to record your start and finish timings and there is no strict guidelines on the placement of the BIB's. Just that they have to be visible. You cannot expect the runners to come in a line as like Fastag lanes in both the cases. Scanners still read it and records it. I have a first hand experience on this.
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Old 7th January 2020, 22:24   #4604
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Sharing this incident of my colleague here which I believe will be helpful to many.
So, my colleague yesterday shared one incident with me which I think is worth sharing here. My colleague was going to Shirdi from pune on last Tuesday. At toll booth he was asked for cash. He showed that he has Fastag, but the guy at the toll counter said it’s not working and so my colleague paid the toll in cash only. After two hours he received sms confirming that money was deducted from his FASTag account. So like everyone else he contacted the ICICI FASTag customer care for refund and at that time only he noticed that in the toll receipt the car number mentioned was not no where close to his car number and hence no refund was made to him. Now the point is it is not a mistake, rather cheating, these toll counter guys are cheating. If it was a mistake then he could have missed a single digit from the number plate or two, but the entire number was different and nowhere close to the original number, also as the FASTag money deduction messages don’t come at the time of transaction (like otp based transactions) so some of these guys are taking advantage of it maybe. So it will be great if we can check the toll receipt before leaving the counter (in case paid cash) to avoid such cases.
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Old 7th January 2020, 23:26   #4605
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Looking at all the messages, hate to say it even though the intent of fasttag is good but the implementation is poor. Customer support even more pathetic.

When toll is crossed and if deduction happens and the message doesnt come up instantly what is the point really? Easy to cheat anyone, since there is no proof of deduction.
Should have been easy to stop double deduction of same amount(come on IT backbone) but not sure why this was not considered.

1 new thing to help turns into 10 ways to scam common folks.
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