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Old 14th January 2020, 12:01   #4651
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by arindambasu13 View Post
Curious to know if you faced any issues either in procuring the tag, or otherwise attaching the tag on to your windshield? Was it a smooth process overall? How long did it take from booking to delivery of the tag?
1. Procurement:
The Payment app asked only the vehicle number (no uploads of any pic or document).
The tag was promised to arrive in 3 days, but took 5 days. (There was a status in the app for the delay though).
There were no instructions in the pack. I was worried if I need to submit any other document.

2. Applying:
I stuck it at the center of the windshield, just behind the rear view mirror.
Actually, I had doubt about the positioning of the tag, as my can already had an RFID from the manufacturer (Mahindra), and I knew that signals from 2 RFIDs might interfere with each other.
But, I assume, the manufacturer RFID is of low frequency and hence was not sending signal till the Fastag reader. Hence, there were no issues in the ~20 tolls I crossed.

So, you can say, it was an easy exercise.
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Old 14th January 2020, 14:18   #4652
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by ashvek3141 View Post
Can please someone help to answer my queries I had posted a couple of weeks back? I am yet to use the fastag, so just wanted to make sure that it’s all in working condition.
Also, I haven’t yet uploaded my vehicles documents on the HDFC website as there wasn’t any option to do so; so instead chose the ‘upload later’ option.

I assume the fastag comes pre-activated.
I haven't used by HDFC FasTag yet, and the website sucks. Hope they improve it soon.
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Old 14th January 2020, 14:52   #4653
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Mumbai--Pune Expressway

All the lanes of the 2 toll plazas on this E-way are Fastag enabled since 4-5 years now, however I experienced a strange thing twice at Khalapur toll plaza recently.

While heading from Mumbai to Pune, at the Khalapur toll plaza, if you happen to get into the centre two lanes, whose booth is slightly ahead of the main toll building, twice I "felt" that there was no scanning done at all, neither automatic nor handheld, the barrier is strangely already open and there is absolutely no display as "valid tag" on the screen. I was kind of confused, so stopped and simply gestured at the tag to the booth person and he signalled me to pass. I was afraid what if the barrier suddenly closes and hits the bonnet, as I was not sure whether scanning went through, however the barrier seemed to be open all the time. I did get the debit SMS though within 2 minutes.

P.S - I have been using Fastag since more than an year now and have had umpteen drives on the Mumbai--Pune expressway. Came across this sort of experience only recently.

Last edited by vivek95 : 14th January 2020 at 14:53.
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Old 14th January 2020, 15:42   #4654
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by vivek95 View Post
Mumbai--Pune Expressway

All the lanes of the 2 toll plazas on this E-way are Fastag enabled since 4-5 years now, however I experienced a strange thing twice at Khalapur toll plaza recently.
I have noticed something stranger. The total for Pune - Mumbai on the e-way is Rs. 230/-. However, if you have a fastag, you get charged Rs. 173/- twice at each booth total amount is Rs. 346/- which is like daylight robbery. Am I missing something here?

Last edited by moralfibre : 14th January 2020 at 15:48.
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Old 14th January 2020, 16:15   #4655
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by moralfibre View Post
I have noticed something stranger. The total for Pune - Mumbai on the e-way is Rs. 230/-. However, if you have a fastag, you get charged Rs. 173/- twice at each booth total amount is Rs. 346/- which is like daylight robbery. Am I missing something here?
No, there is surely some issue with your Fastag, get it sorted out. It has never happened with me even once that I was charged twice Rs. 173/- ( or more than a total of 230 )

1. For the Mumbai--Pune leg, at the first toll ( Khalapur), you are charged 173/- and the next one at Talegaon toll you are charged Rs.57/- ( total 230 )

2. For the Pune to Mumbai journey, at Talegaon toll you are charged 173/- and at Khalapur toll Rs. 57/- ( total 230 )

Earlier, until October 2019, it used to be a combo of 118+92, however now I suppose, the toll charges for getting into ''Lonavala--Khanadala'' town (Rs.55) also got included at either tolls and hence it is now 173 ( whether you are coming from Mumbai or Pune and getting inside Lonavala town )
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Old 14th January 2020, 18:48   #4656
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by vivek95 View Post
All the lanes of the 2 toll plazas on this E-way are Fastag enabled since 4-5 years now, however I experienced a strange thing twice at Khalapur toll plaza recently.
Wasn't the case when I was driving back from Mumbai last month. I didn't clearly notice the marked lanes for FASTag and entered a lane that was the rightmost. When I showed the FASTag, the operator told me it was cash only. I made a foolish mistake of buying the toll ticket till the other end of expressway (Talegaon).

When I exited at Talegaon side, I took a random lane and the barrier was open. Soon after, I received a text message that 173 was deducted from my FASTag account!

There is no way I can claim this back because the toll receipt provided to me doesn't have my vehicle details and no one will believe that it was issued to me. Forget about the logic of timestamp of passing these 2 booths will for sure make it clear that I indeed used the expressway end to end.
While heading from Mumbai to Pune, at the Khalapur toll plaza, if you happen to get into the centre two lanes, whose booth is slightly ahead of the main toll building, twice I "felt" that there was no scanning done at all, neither automatic nor handheld, the barrier is strangely already open and there is absolutely no display as "valid tag" on the screen. I was kind of confused, so stopped and simply gestured at the tag to the booth person and he signalled me to pass. I was afraid what if the barrier suddenly closes and hits the bonnet, as I was not sure whether scanning went through, however the barrier seemed to be open all the time. I did get the debit SMS though within 2 minutes.
This is exactly what happened to me on that day. No operator manning the exit booth and the barrier open. I passed it only to receive a text message in the next minute about the partial amount deducted from my FASTag account.

I have been using Fastag since more than an year now and have had umpteen drives on the Mumbai--Pune expressway. Came across this sort of experience only recently.
To me, this happened mainly because I ended up paying cash at the Khalapur toll. Otherwise, during onward journey, the deduction was perfectly precise.

Originally Posted by moralfibre View Post
I have noticed something stranger. The total for Pune - Mumbai on the e-way is Rs. 230/-. However, if you have a fastag, you get charged Rs. 173/- twice at each booth total amount is Rs. 346/- which is like daylight robbery. Am I missing something here?
This has been a regular feature with expressway booths off late as I understood from various reports all over social and print media. Something akin to Bangalore's famed KIAL (Airport) booth that charges one way toll both ways even if you return within the stipulated time. Of course, there is no such thing called return toll for the Mumbai Pune Expressway but I guess itwasntme had earlier referred to configuration issue that was causing this, mainly with ICICI tags.

Reminds me to mention that this single journey deducted twice for a return trip happened to me as well last month in Bangalore on KIAL booths.
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Old 14th January 2020, 21:51   #4657
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I've had 10 fraudulent debits on my HDFC FastTag today. Complained for each and every one. Not a squeak from HDFC.

I've now drained my linked savings account to zero so it doesn't auto reload the wallet. Sucks.

Last edited by caffeineAM : 14th January 2020 at 21:53.
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Old 14th January 2020, 22:12   #4658
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by arindambasu13 View Post
I am planing to get a Fasttag through Paytm for my second car at home. Curious to know if you faced any issues either in procuring the tag, or otherwise attaching the tag on to your windshield? Was it a smooth process overall? How long did it take from booking to delivery of the tag?
I was using PayTM fastag for more than 2 years and the experience had been good. So when my cousin called me for fastag, I suggested him to get paytm tag and ordered the same on Dec 14. Received the fastag on Dec 20 but the fastag was not activated. I have been calling their customer service and shouting for the past 20 days to get it activated. Every day I get the same answer "Sorry for the inconvenience. The tag will be activated in 48-72 Hours". I tried complaining on their app, facebook, twitter. The tag is still not activated. In past 2 years, I never had to contact their customer support, so I didn't know their customer service was so pathetic.
What can I do to get him out of this trouble? Can I tell him to get fastag from another bank? Is it okay to get 2 fastags for the same vehicle?
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Old 14th January 2020, 23:09   #4659
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Paytm issues 3mn FASTags in past 1 month, to hit 5mn before FY20-end.

Paytm has already installed interoperable toll payment options at nearly 110 plazas across the country under the National Electronic Toll Collection (NETC) programme. With this, it has grown to become the second largest acquiring bank, it added.

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Old 15th January 2020, 08:30   #4660
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Holyghost View Post
What can I do to get him out of this trouble? Can I tell him to get fastag from another bank? Is it okay to get 2 fastags for the same vehicle?
I was into similar situation 2 months back. I had ordered fast tag from Axis Bank and did not get it for almost 2 weeks. Then, I raised dispute in bank and went ahead with purchase of fast tag from IDFC first bank.

Now I am using IDFC first bank fast tag. The amount got credited back from Axis Bank. After a month or so, I got fast tag from Axis bank as well. However I am not using Axis Bank fastag. When I check the balance t in Axis Bank fastag, I still see minimum balance of 200. But I am not going to use it.

Summarily we can have 2 fast tags for a single car. How ever, we hold the responsibility of managing 2 fast tags in terms of double deduction for single entry exposing both the tags together etc
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Old 15th January 2020, 08:34   #4661
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I don't know if this is off topic here, but I would like to know how to get a refund of my balance in my BETL tag, now that I have Fastag.
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Old 15th January 2020, 09:03   #4662
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I recently traveled to Statue of Unity from Gurgaon through Udaipur, Ahmedabad and back. ICICI fastag worked on all toll plazas but it was very slow. At most toll plazas, I had to stop for 20-30 seconds, align the car going forward and reverse to get the fastag scanned.

Earlier in my previous car, I used Paytm fastag on Haryana, Punjab toll plazas and it was much faster.

Is it to do with ICICI fastag or the scanners of the toll plazas?
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Old 15th January 2020, 19:16   #4663
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

A road trip that HDFC has made me finance today. My tag balance is now 35. I have a weekend trip coming up and hope there's one lane for cash...
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FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!-screenshot-20200115-6.58.28-pm.png  

FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!-screenshot-20200115-7.14.26-pm.png  

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Old 15th January 2020, 19:19   #4664
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by mukeshgoel View Post
Is it to do with ICICI fastag or the scanners of the toll plazas?
I think it is only the position of the fast tag that is causing the delay in reading.

Fast tag performance perse is not dependent on issuing bank. In fact, the tags don't even have any identity related to the issuing banks. They are primarily manufactured by some central body.
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Old 15th January 2020, 19:40   #4665
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There is a circular / rule stating that taking cash from a vehicle with valid tag is illegal. What if the operator illegally declares a tag as blacklisted? I am not speaking of mere technical glitches. It is easy to rig a digital taxi meter to run faster. And equally easy to rig the display at plazas.

Again, the malpractice of charging full for return fare. (KIA). I think the NHAI / MoRTH should put in place some "reliablity level" standards, and plazas which fail to achieve a minimum standard should forfeit right to collect toll.
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