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Old 26th January 2021, 10:59   #5506
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by shamanth View Post
But as per users, they are accepting cash only, and no one in toll booth has any clue about Fastag in NICE road.
Was taking the NICE road yesterday, so remembered and asked him about Fastag. He said 3 more months for them to enabled Fastag.
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Old 27th January 2021, 12:38   #5507
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by condor View Post
Was taking the NICE road yesterday, so remembered and asked him about Fastag. He said 3 more months for them to enabled Fastag.
Looks like Ashok Khenny responded to my tweet, so ball is in Karnataka Govt, Hope they approve it soon if they get time from their internal squabble. So its 2 weeks from Karantaka Govt approval NICE road toll will be operational, Software and Hardware are all ready and installed.
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Old 27th January 2021, 13:32   #5508
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by ramanan.skr View Post
1. What is the procedure to get Fastag from Toll Plazas?
2. Is it activated instantly so I can use right away and can I use the existing Fastag account?
3. Are the Fastag agents available 24/7 in the Toll Plazas?
4. do I have to resubmit all the documents again?
1. All you have to do is find ICICI Bank agent in toll plaza. Usually most of the tolls here in Mumbai have them. You can search the forum and surely find some response for your city
2. Yes it is activated instantly. I got a replacement tag just before the toll. Placed the sticker on the windshield and went through the toll seamlessly in the next 5 mins
3. They're usually there during the day. If i remember correctly 10 - 6 pm is what was told to me by customer care
4. No. They'll ask you for Tag id / Cust id and go about getting the activation done in their mobile app. Maybe you'll get an OTP as well.

A few observations from my recent trip to Ahmedabad
1. Buses and truckers have shifted to Fastag. 98% of the people in the cash lane were passenger vehicles who are maybe skeptical or think this is a ruse to get money out of their pockets. Not sure why someone still wants to waste so much time waiting in cash lane
2. Double toll was being enforced on people entering the Fastag lane . This holds up the lane incessantly as the occupants start haggling with the attendant . Needless to say that patience levels have gone down with automation and even a minute delay in gate opening / haggling results in honks. Whereas the same person would have sat 10 mins earlier to pay cash.
3. System functioning in general has improved. Hand held scanners although required, the frequency has gone down.
4. Now comes the biggest part - Wrong information. I came across a case where 500m before the toll it said Fastag left lane only to find Fastag in right lane and left lane for Cash. Also NHAI should come up with some color codes to mark the lanes correctly as it becomes very difficult from afar to see which lane is cash and which is Fastag enabled with small font. Maybe an orange / Green board will help identification. Although i believe with most lanes becoming Fastag lanes this should be less of an issue going forward.

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Old 28th January 2021, 12:40   #5509
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by nick.cs View Post
1. Tolls here in Mumbai have them.
2. They’re there during the day 10 am - 6 pm.
3. They'll ask for Tag id / Cust ID.
4. Colour coded FasTag enabled lanes.
1. Helpful post by Nick.CS, couple of things I’d like to share from my recent experiences, around a week ago had been on Bandra Worli sealink and, as soon as you pay the toll and cross over to the Bandra side, on your left you will see a number of stands set up so, I stopped on the left near the Paytm stand, met a person there Lalsab, can share number if needed.

2. I was at Paytm stand till around 6 pm so yes timings should start around 10 am - 11 am in the morning atleast for this Paytm stand and, someone should be there till around 6 pm - 6:30 pm.

3. I’m not sure if they check if you are an existing FasTag customer and / or an existing ICICI bank user so, just to be on the safe side pl carry your original RC smart card and original Aadhaar card in case verification is required for new FasTag sticker and, Lalsab told me that for Paytm they do not accept cash to set up FasTag account and sticker ( which I feel is a good thing ), we have to transfer INR 250 to a Paytm FasTag wallet, out of which INR 150 would be deposit and remaining amount could be utilised at tolls.

Also, he said that it is not mandatory to set up sticker on windshield, if the customer chooses to keep it in glovebox that’s fine, only thing is every time you pass the toll you have to hold up the sticker, also asked him if he sells RFID scan blocking sleeves so, it could prevent misuse but, he didn’t have any idea.
Also, asked him if he had any idea if toll amount would be doubled for cash paying users and, if yes then from what date, he didn’t have any idea of this.

4. Very good point, faced this issue on a recent road trip to Lonavala around a week ago, there should be some indicators that we should be able to decipher easily , to enter or avoid FasTag lanes as, once we are closer to the toll it becomes difficult to change lanes and could be risky too.

Last edited by Vid6639 : 28th January 2021 at 13:04. Reason: formatting fixed
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Old 28th January 2021, 20:57   #5510
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

We have a Supro goods carrier used to transport our material that has Paytm Fastag.
On 05-12-2020, it crossed a Toll Plaza. The attendants before toll booth directed the driver towards Hybrid Lane (Fastag+Cash) as the Fastag-Only lane had a few number of vehicles. At the Toll Booth, the automatic scanner was taking its own sweet time. So the toll booth operator tried to pull off the usual "Fastag Blacklisted" trick and our driver fell for it and was forced to pay Rs. 120/- (Double Charge) instead of Rs. 30/- for return journey.
On 03-01-2021 the driver gave me the details of expenses for Dec. 2020. While going through it, came across this- Rs. 120/- Cash Receipt even though Rs. 30/- were debited to Fastag.

I raised a complaint in Paytm App on 05-01-2021 for refund of Rs. 120/- (paid in cash). Uploaded RC Copy of Supro, Screenshot of Rs. 30/- getting debited and Cash Receipt of Rs. 120/-. After around 1hour got reply "We are currently working towards resolving your issue...."
On 07-01-2021 evening, again received similar reply (even though I did not do anything). On 08-01-2021 afternoon, received reply from Paytm "We have raised this to "Name of Toll Plaza" on 08-01-2021 against Transaction id "***********" for amount Rs. 30/- and....... "

Got a refund of Rs. 30/- on 12th Jan.
I saw the refund sms Late night on 13-01-2021 and I replied them specifying to refund Rs. 120/- that was paid in Cash and not the Rs. 30/- debited from Fastag.

On 19-01-2021 early morning, again I sent a lengthy reply to Paytm. In the afternoon received a call from Paytm. I told the complete issue to him. He understood it and assured for refund of Rs. 90/- within 2-3 days.
Received Refund of Rs. 90/- on 25-01-2021.

I had no hopes of getting Rs. 120/- back. But I thought of giving a try. And I am happy with Paytm refunding me the money wrongly charged by Toll Booth Operator.
I know the amount is not big.
Kudos to Paytm.

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Old 28th January 2021, 21:44   #5511
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by IndigoXLGrandDi View Post
. The attendants before toll booth directed the driver towards Hybrid Lane
When the attendant himself directed the vehicle to hybrid lane, why was the vehicle double charged?

Secondly, double charge is applicable only for vehicle not having fastag, entering fastag lane. When you had fastag why were you double charged? Not able to understand.
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Old 28th January 2021, 22:02   #5512
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by gkveda View Post
When the attendant himself directed the vehicle to hybrid lane, why was the vehicle double charged?
There are attendants standing near Fastag-Only Lane to prevent the Non-Fastag Vehicles from entering Fastag-Only Lane.

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Secondly, double charge is applicable only for vehicle not having fastag, entering fastag lane. When you had fastag why were you double charged? Not able to understand.
If the vehicle has Fastag, but either
1. There is insufficient balance, or
2. FASTag could not be read,
then Toll Booth Operator considers that the FASTag is blacklisted and asks for Payment in Cash.
Now as the vehicle driver/owner is paying Cash in Non-Cash Lane, Double Toll Charge is collected by the Toll Booth Operator.
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Old 29th January 2021, 13:55   #5513
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

The FASTag of my CR-V stops getting read a few days after I stick it to the windshield. I have replaced 2-3 tags so far. I have placed the respective on the top left, mid-left, and in the centre of the windshield behind IRVM but with the same result. Currently it's placed in the top left of the windshield below two other stickers including the RFID of the car.

This is an HDFC tag with sufficient balance. The tags in my other cars, also linked to the same HDFC wallet, work perfectly fine.

Not sure if this is due to any interference or some magnetic field around the windshield. I have placed the tag a little away from the edge.

Can someone suggest what might be happening here? I am tempted to move to another service provider but don't think that will solve the problem.

P.S. Not sure it's of any relevance but the Bandra-Worli Sealink is the only toll booth that my car has encountered since the pandemic started.
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Old 29th January 2021, 16:39   #5514
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by IndigoXLGrandDi View Post
I had no hopes of getting Rs. 120/- back. But I thought of giving a try. And I am happy with Paytm refunding me the money wrongly charged by Toll Booth Operator.
I know the amount is not big.
Kudos to Paytm.
I have also very good experience with Paytm Fastag regarding refund of excess charging of toll amount. I was travelling to Nashik which has two tolls on the way at Vadpe near Bhivandi and at Ghoti near Igatpuri. Once you pay the toll at Vadpe then you don’t have to pay at Ghoti toll plaza and vice versa. I crossed the Vadpe toll but did not receive message for money deduction till I reached Ghoti toll plaza. Then I crossed through Ghoti toll plaza and after 10 minutes got two messages that Rs.110 deducted at both toll plazas. Ideally I should have been only be charged once for Rs.110. Raised the complaint with Paytm customer care for excess deduction of toll. Within 20 days excess deducted Rs.110 credited to my wallet. Happy with the service.
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Old 1st February 2021, 13:31   #5515
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I had a unique experience relating to Fastag at Bandra Worli Sea Link in mumbai at the Bandra end. I was the queue and when I became 2nd in the queue, there was a Audi in front, the RFID scanner picked my car's tag and not the car in front which was at the barrier. So in essence I got deducted twice.

Any idea how to claim this amount. I have a HDFC Bank issued Fastag.
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Old 1st February 2021, 13:51   #5516
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by MileCruncher View Post
I had a unique experience relating to Fastag at Bandra Worli Sea Link in mumbai at the Bandra end. I was the queue and when I became 2nd in the queue, there was a Audi in front, the RFID scanner picked my car's tag and not the car in front which was at the barrier. So in essence I got deducted twice.

Any idea how to claim this amount. I have a HDFC Bank issued Fastag.
It is always safe to maintain distance between your car and car in front, while passing the toll.

There has been several instances similar to yours where the fastag has been deducted twice, one for self and another for the car in front.
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Old 1st February 2021, 14:21   #5517
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by gkveda View Post
It is always safe to maintain distance between your car and car in front, while passing the toll.

There has been several instances similar to yours where the fastag has been deducted twice, one for self and another for the car in front.
Audi - 5 Metre Odd and then may be another 1-2 meter gap.

Am sure you are aware, keeping more than 1-2 meter gap is not possible at a toll gate.

Hmm, so am not the first one to face this.
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Old 1st February 2021, 14:56   #5518
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by MileCruncher View Post
Any idea how to claim this amount. I have a HDFC Bank issued Fastag.
Look at your transactions and if you find two of them at the same toll almost same time just seconds/minutes apart, you should be able to raise a dispute and claim for refund.
I don't have a HDFC tag but it should be possible (I've disputed such double deductions on my ICICI tag).
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Old 4th February 2021, 00:22   #5519
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by amitkuch View Post
I was using HDFC in my previously owned Punto. On 1.12.2020 I got 2 messages for manual debit of Rs. 70.00 and 155.00. The car was at home on the date for which the money deducted (29.11.2020). Tried pg portal for refund complaint but they only have option to make toll plaza as second party. No option of making issuer bank a second party. Finally I called the toll free and I was lucky to get connected within seconds. CC told me to send an email to about the incident with Car RC and message or Statement of deduction as attachment. Let's see how it goes.
Did you get any reply from HDFC. I got a manual debit entry of rs 738/- on 19 jan 2021. I contacted the bank but got a reply that they have paid the money as it was requested by the toll plaza but refuse to give details of which toll plaza and when. I checked my fastag statement and it shows toll paid for all the tolls i had passed through. I have just made one trip to Mumbai - Pune trip. Even if give it a benefit of doubt that the amount was not deducted from my fastag still it is not Rs 738/-.
I guess this is a new fraud by toll operators to earn money by putting a manual debit entry and bank pays without verification or asking details.
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Old 6th February 2021, 19:48   #5520
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Absolutely no response from HDFC, and I was little busy, so could not contact again. This is highly unethical practice and we are left on the mercy of bank. I am thinking of complaining at RBI banking ombudsman.
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