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Old 23rd June 2016, 18:15   #11851
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

A practical long-term solution for the ORR would have been a two-tiered elevated section between Jayadeva Hospital and KR Puram railway station junctions, instead of the current utterly useless flyovers.

Could've used G+1 level for road-traffic with appropriately placed entry/exit points for all major stops along the way (make it tolled like the BETL), and G+2 for Metro with elevated stations occupying minimal real estate. G-level would serve as public road, BMTC routes and parking/routing/lay-by space for entry/exit and Metro.

But then, who the heck thinks ahead when there's money to be made here & now?

The current plan will just make things worse at the end-points. Fast-moving sections aren't necessarily a good thing, esp. if the end-points are potential bottlenecks. If they plan on reducing travel time on that stretch to 1/3rd it takes today, are the end-points capable of handling a 3X throughput of traffic? Imagine the chaos at KR Puram Stn. junction if this plan actually sees the light of day. The jam will probably stretch back to Bellandur all by itself, no intermediate signals/bottlenecks required.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 23rd June 2016 at 18:26.
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Old 23rd June 2016, 18:58   #11852
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
Sorry, didnt get this at all.
Can some explain?

I thought we have a road between KR Puram & Silk Board which is called the Outer Ring Road, which is dotted by the tech companies. Is this a reprint of the 15 year old news or they are planning another magic route from KR Puram to Silk Board via all the tech parks, but avoiding the current Ring Road? Going underground? Virtual?
My bet would be virtual: There'd be funding and a virtual highway would be built. During the planning stage, some stray crows, devoid of their landing patch, would perch atop those Crystas & Fortuners.
121Cr would get around 370 Fortuners: 224 MLAs, 112 Chamchas and approx 10% for contingencies due to irregular crow behaviours.

You know what gets my goat! The absolute genius that plans these roads. A 6 lane ORR converges into something less than 4 lanes at Silk Board.D'oh.
I think we can avoid talking about KR Puram.
Another genius is the Hebbal Flyover. But then again, we can keep counting till the cows come home and it will not end. Until and unless we get rid of these bottle necks, the traffic flow in this city is not going to improve. With one of the highest density of engineers/sq km, some of the boffins in the city planning are either too dense or too bored to bother.

**RANT ends.
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Old 23rd June 2016, 21:23   #11853
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Hope at least my children get to use this flyover!

Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) will construct a uni-directional underpass for traffic from Tumakuru Road going towards KR Puram. BDA will dismantle the existing loop of the Hebbal flyover to KR Puram side and will connect this traffic to the loop connecting Tumakuru Road to the city and will construct a three-lane flyover parallel to Hebbal flyover from Nagawara side towards Esteem Mall. The total project cost is Rs 87 crore.

BDA engineers said traffic flow from the airport to the city will not be affected; traffic below the flyover will be diverted. Officials said no roads will be closed and work will go on in phases. But traffic movement will slow down because no pre-cast technology will be used.

Last edited by itwasntme : 23rd June 2016 at 21:35. Reason: Typo
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Old 23rd June 2016, 22:27   #11854
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I generally do not walk around much in the city. I travel either in my car, or in a friend's car or a cab (Might sound snobbish, but I am not). This might be the case with many people.
Going anywhere walking is restricted to the shop nearby, or from car parking to some shop and not more than that. But today I did quite some walking in Koramangala which made me realise what a horror it is to walk in this city. It must be so difficult for people who walk a lot each and every day. There are several reasons for this

1) Non-existent footpaths
2) 2-wheelers riding on the footpath (hate this so much!!!)
3) Private construction material lying on the footpath
4) Footpath being used as a parking lot
5) Footpath being used by chat vendors, coconut water sellers etc.
6) Large trees on the footpath!!!
7) Owners of roadside houses park their cars on the footpath in front of their gate rather than inside the gate.

A pedestrian needs to frequently get off the footpath onto the road clinging on to dear life and ensure that he/she is not mowed down by a speeding vehicle. In most cases, the encroachments are so many that it makes sense to walk on the road directly. This is so ingrained in the mentality of our public that even if a large footpath is available they walk on the road. Walking also made me realise how difficult it is to cross a road. Sitting in a car it is easy to say that why people don't go the intersections to cross and just dart across the road. Crossing at intersections isn't any easier. People just run across the road as they see it as a rare opportunity to get to the other side.

While we talk about big stuff like GDP growth, FDI and all that we seem to be missing grassroot level things that will make India really a developed country. Instead of talking about steel flyover and what not, how wonderful it would be if the discussion would centre around making Bangalore roads pedestrian friendly.

btw, a typical impatient Bangalore 2-wheeler rider gave me a gift in the form of a large scratch on right side of my car. This too at a signal that was RED. Obviously escaped after that

Last edited by rohanak1 : 23rd June 2016 at 22:31.
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Old 23rd June 2016, 22:48   #11855
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Sorry, obsessing about this!

From what I could make out:

1. The new unidirectional underpass from left to right (bottom white arrow) will funnel traffic from Tumkur to Manyata. What about the reverse traffic? I assume they will continue to stay at ground level.
2. The red shading (current right turn from Hebbal to Manyata) will be dismantled. Vehicles wishing to turn right will go down to Tumkur Road on the left and then get channelled into the new underpass
3. Manyata to Esteem Mall traffic will get a new 3 lane flyover to directly deposit them somewhere beyond the Esteem Mall pedestrian crossing towards the airport

I really really hope they pull it off!
Attached Thumbnails
Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-hebbal-v3.jpg  

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Old 23rd June 2016, 23:10   #11856
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

The 'tender sure' project has righted many of the wrongs and has given the city 'wide' pedestrian walkways - but unfortunately has met with criticism from vested interests.

Everything is a fight in Bengaluru these days. BDA and BBMP are just relics and need to be reinvented for the city to live again.

This is purely my personal opinion. But then I cant think of a Indian city which is pro-pedestrian these days - even from my extensive journeys can't recall one.
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Old 24th June 2016, 08:13   #11857
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Tin factory just realized its got a tough one to compete with. The new kid on the block who has been crying out loud since last 18 months that he is the mightier than the legacy called Tin Factory.

Welcome "THE HEBBAL FLYOVER" - Supposedly the most complex design with multiple loops then (as per sources that I often come across) and today it is the first bottleneck for city bound passengers from Airport Side.

Before I sound partial, it equally affects Airport Bound traffic also despite of an extra lane added an year before .

The secret is simple - Toothpaste Tube. Multiple lanes converging exactly at the start of the flyover and fighting for survival. The result is nothing but time consumption - Anything from 20-30 minutes for 2 kms all through the day after 9am to 9pm barring lunch time!!

I see a sea of vehicles from the Airport side converging at this place to enter the city on daily basis.

The other major reason for this Jam is also the Bus Stop soon after descending the Hebbal flyover towards the City. So if you thought you have won the war after entering the flyover, hold on to your horses for you still need to clear the bottleneck at the end of the flyover.

Here's the video from yesterday which will remain same for each day except that he timestamp will have another date . Notice the traffic on the opposite side entering the City. Its crawling or stationary for more than 2 kms!

Last edited by paragsachania : 24th June 2016 at 08:15.
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Old 24th June 2016, 08:37   #11858
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Saw a twitter from MLA saying land owners have given up their land for a underpass near kundalahalli junction.
Why are these idiots hell bent on building underpass when they can see the impact they are having on traffic during rain ? Isn't there anyone sane in these organizations ?
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Old 24th June 2016, 09:35   #11859
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
Why are these idiots hell bent on building underpass when they can see the impact they are having on traffic during rain ? Isn't there anyone sane in these organizations ?
Its just the fancy names that make them do all this - flyover, underpass, skywalk etc. We must also have a more complex sounding term for plain roads, say middle-pass, or straight-over or 180-degree gradient etc. Maybe then the officials might begin tarring, repairing and widening regular roads instead of building flooded underpasses and jam-resulting flyovers at every signal possible.
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Old 24th June 2016, 09:41   #11860
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Sorry, obsessing about this!

From what I could make out:

1. The new unidirectional underpass from left to right (bottom white arrow) will funnel traffic from Tumkur to Manyata. What about the reverse traffic? I assume they will continue to stay at ground level.
2. The red shading (current right turn from Hebbal to Manyata) will be dismantled. Vehicles wishing to turn right will go down to Tumkur Road on the left and then get channelled into the new underpass
The East to West traffic (Manyata to BEL circle side) will continue on ground level.
If they dismantle the loop towards KR puram side, how on earth are we going to turn towards that side? exit towards BEL circle side loop, take a U turn and come back? That will be disastrous.

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Tin factory just realized its got a tough one to compete with. The new kid on the block who has been crying out loud since last 18 months that he is the mightier than the legacy called Tin Factory.
Towards airport side, the main cause of congestion is the pedestrian signal in front of esteem mall. Such an important and busy road and they couldn't plan a subway/foot over-bridge when it was being developed.

I usually try to stay in the smaller single lane even when my destination is towards esteem mall side. That lane is mostly empty beyond the KR puram loop while the main lane would have piled up quite a bit.
During peak hours, if I have to go towards city from my home in Amruthahalli, I prefer to go up to Veerannapalaya through the Jakkur-Dasarahalli road, get onto ORR and climb up the ramp towards city at the Hebbal flyover. This way, I will be entering the congestion prone stretch of the flyover almost at the fag end. The distance is around 2 km more, but usually this is faster by at least 10 minutes. If my destination is towards BEL circle side, I don't come to Hebbal at all. Just take right towards Kodigehalli from Kodigehalli gate signal, get onto Tata nagar/badrappa layout road and come down to ORR near the big bazaar. My colleague who commutes to his office in MG road in the morning peak hour takes the same route but continues onto Nagashettyhalli and sanjay nagar after crossing the ORR near big bazaar. There is a railway gate to content though, on this stretch but he says it is still faster than via Hebbal.
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Old 24th June 2016, 10:25   #11861
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sandsun7 View Post
Towards airport side, the main cause of congestion is the pedestrian signal in front of esteem mall.
And to add to this, the Bus-Stop and the incline. Post 10pm, the snarls continue than reduce not because of the Pedestrian Crossing but due to Hyderabad Bound buses stopping side by side to pick passengers. Also, trucks are in higher numbers after 10pm that they struggle to keep up the pace like cars and crawl on all the 3 lane affecting the traffic behind them.

So, if I am getting back home after 10pm, I prefer either getting down the Hebbal Flyover and then take the Tatanagar-Kodigehalli Road to reach home or at times BEL circle and both are almost same in terms of time consumption.

The other option I also try at times is via New BEL road and BEL circle and this decision happens right when I am nearing Mekhri circle and how frustrated I already am!

I usually try to stay in the smaller single lane even when my destination is towards esteem mall side. That lane is mostly empty beyond the KR puram loop
I basically decide this based on who's just entered that single lane. I have often noticed an overloaded truck enter here and then BMTC Buses before the flyover start crawling behind it. Secondly, many times when you descend through this smaller lane, you merge with the traffic from beneath headed towards Airport and then you realise the right most lane could have been faster - Talk about Murphy's law .

get onto ORR and climb up the ramp towards city at the Hebbal flyover. This way, I will be entering the congestion prone stretch of the flyover almost at the fag end.
I used to do this when the traffic was thick below the flyover waiting for the signal. Climb up, Get down, take the service lane and perform a U-Turn through the Baptist Hospital Magic Box and get back.

Things have changed now and Traffic below also moves faster from ORR towards Esteem mall due to breaking of the gaps between the Pillar for a right turn.

Just take right towards Kodigehalli from Kodigehalli gate signal, get onto Tata nagar/badrappa layout road and come down to ORR near the big bazaar.
Roads here are good only "Now". Else the it was bad right after you exit ORR for Tatanagar and I have got stuck here royally too.

At peak times narrow sections get clogged but traffic still moves faster.

So from Tatanagar I take the road leading to Doddabommasandra Arch via Railway Gate and Vyasa International School - Here traffic is well managed at peak hours due to cops' presence.

My colleague who commutes to his office in MG road in the morning peak hour takes the same route but continues onto Nagashettyhalli and sanjay nagar after crossing the ORR near big bazaar. There is a railway gate to content though, on this stretch but he says it is still faster than via Hebbal.
This can be always a gamble. I have many times take the Nagashettyhalli option to go to Sanjaynagar as opposed to Bommasandra Main Road- BEL Combination. Narrow lanes of Nagashettyhalli, too many pedestrians add to the woes and when you compare this to Hebbal mess, you suddenly feel Hebbal was much better choice!

I have been lucky since past 8 months that I never travel at Peak hours. I cross Hebbal at 0640 in the morning and around 4:30 in the evening.

So Hebbal option works for me in both directions. Earlier to this, even with 11am departure from home, I used to take BEL - Mathikere - IISc - Sankey Tank - Cauvery Theatre route to City - Indeed faster than the Hebbal option any day.

Now the main point - Majority of the Traffic is To and from the Airport and for them, these alternates won't work till there is someone like Me or you inside to tell them about these .

Bottom line is that this Royal New Mess is now making news everyday in newspapers as it affects Airport bound passengers badly. So I am sure long term solution is on cards but when it will be executed is what we need to wait and watch.

Last edited by paragsachania : 24th June 2016 at 10:26.
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Old 24th June 2016, 12:10   #11862
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post

Tin factory just realized its got a tough one to compete with. The new kid on the block who has been crying out loud since last 18 months that he is the mightier than the legacy called Tin Factory.

Welcome "THE HEBBAL FLYOVER" - Supposedly the most complex design with multiple loops then (as per sources that I often come across) and today it is the first bottleneck for city bound passengers from Airport Side.
Honestly paragsachania, IMO Tin Factory mayhem is just unparalleled and probably this fact is not changing any sooner.

Reason: Simply put, there is no possible solution to this.

Though I have completely stopped using this part of the town for commute, I still dread the time this used to me my daily path and feel skittish every time I must go that way.

Coming to the 'No.1 Contender - Hebbal Flyover', I think I hate the road more for the way it is laid than the traffic it builds up. These morons have left so much gap between the flyover section joints that its a bone jarring ride every time the tires go over these.

And if you even try to slow down a bit to negotiate these craters, another jerk from behind honks away to glory!!

What I fathom to understand is that road tax is Premium in Bangalore but the roads themselves are below repulsive. Wonder where (or to whom) the money flows into.

Last edited by Vik0728 : 24th June 2016 at 12:13.
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Old 24th June 2016, 12:13   #11863
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
And to add to this, the Bus-Stop and the incline. Post 10pm, the snarls continue than reduce not because of the Pedestrian Crossing but due to Hyderabad Bound buses stopping side by side to pick passengers. Also, trucks are in higher numbers after 10pm that they struggle to keep up the pace like cars and crawl on all the 3 lane affecting the traffic behind them.
Very true. And yesterday evening there were cops in front of the Diary farm gate, flagging down lorrys. Guess what happened, a flagged down lorry goes a little forward without stopping and then stops right at the mouth of the service road, blocking everything coming behind it!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post

The other option I also try at times is via New BEL road and BEL circle and this decision happens right when I am nearing Mekhri circle and how frustrated I already am!
What is the condition of the signal in front of Ramiah hospital nowadays? Haven't been that side since a long time now. That used to be a kind of bottleneck especially coming from Devasandra side towards Sadashivnagar PS.

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post

I used to do this when the traffic was thick below the flyover waiting for the signal. Climb up, Get down, take the service lane and perform a U-Turn through the Baptist Hospital Magic Box and get back.

Things have changed now and Traffic below also moves faster from ORR towards Esteem mall due to breaking of the gaps between the Pillar for a right turn.
Still a far better option than going via Kodigehalli-Esteem mall-Hebbal flyover when you are going from Amruthahalli towards City (not towards BEL circle)

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Roads here are good only "Now". Else the it was bad right after you exit ORR for Tatanagar and I have got stuck here royally too.
I have been lucky whenever I have taken that route. Don't remember getting stuck anytime . Yes, roads were bad earlier especially the narrow section between the ganesha temple and Tatanagar, and again the divided stretch from there on, but all that seems to have been repaired now. I also found one more option going via some interior roads to avoid the narrow section. This road takes me closer to Trio school on Kodigehalli main road.
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Old 24th June 2016, 20:59   #11864
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sidzz View Post
Whitefield railway station is a small station. You can park at the gate of the station on Kadugodi Market side.
10.30PM is not very late and there will be people on the road and vehicles plying. The area is well lit.

Still, its better to exercise caution.
Originally Posted by Oxy View Post
Yes parking is available right outside the ticket reservation counter.

10:30 is not too late, the area is pretty safe.
Thank you guys. I was able to reach the station and found parking spot. Parking fee was just Rs.10.00/-.
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Old 24th June 2016, 23:54   #11865
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post

Yet another grandiose pie-in-the-sky plan.
From the article,
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and Bengaluru Development Minister K.J. George have given the green signal for the Rs 121 crore for Silk Board Junction-KR Puram Outer Ring Road, for planned a 16 km controlled access road

"On the service roads on the entire stretch, we will provide ducts for OFC cables as all IT companies are heavily dependent on these cables for connectivity,"
At 7.5 crore per Km, hope they have estimated for 6 lane ORR, service roads and these ducts too.

“There will be only entry and exit to the left of the four-lane road on both sides providing seamless travel. Service roads will be upgraded and rectified for one-way vehicle movement as thousands of company vehicles use this road to enter campuses. U-turns will be provided only under the flyovers to facilitate uninterrupted traffic flow,"
That is a great beginning. Wish entry & exits don't require 90 degree turns, like they are now.
“There is heavy pedestrian crossing wherever flyovers or grade-separators do not exist. At such places, skywalks will be constructed under the PPP model.
Overbridges along ORR are in the pipeline for past many years. After tender, no party has come up to build at least even one of these. How all of a sudden new plan makes it happen ?
The project also involves improvement in drain works as water logging at underpasses is a perennial problem.
Hope their solution doesn't involve fire department to drain out the water.
Originally Posted by binand View Post
Maybe they'd have better success if they simply banned vehicles from entering ORR at all times.
I think its time to declare traffic emergency between JP Morgan & Ecospace and restrict or ban all traffic .
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