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Old 16th June 2009, 11:19   #361
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Originally Posted by filcord View Post
We aren't? Oops, sorry!
Just that if I go to the local medical store and ask for camphor - they give me naphtalene balls!
Kick the medical store guy in the backside if this is how he sell things god forbid what will happen to people buying medicine from him, May be you should have asked for 'kapoor' in hindi / marathi and probably Konani as well.

Anyway you can buy Camphor from any shop selling flowers etc near to a Temple.

Camphor is an aromatic substance manufactured from extract of a Plant , now a days also manufactured artificially. Primary use is to use for aroma and burn for Pooja.
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Old 16th June 2009, 12:21   #362
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Originally Posted by khan_sultan View Post
No, this is NOT available in bangalore. I asked the company and they said the following:
  • 1200 for the ratocop
  • Courier charges to be borne by you (will be shipped from Bombay)
  • NO dealer in Bangalore
  • 200 for installation charges
  • You have to install yourself, they will give a link from where you can get instructions (200 charges for what then???)
Thanks for the information,
is it easy to install ourself or do we need to look for the mechanic who can install this device....
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Old 23rd June 2009, 12:41   #363
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Can we use camphor and other flammable substance inside the bonnet and other compartment/parts which get heated up?
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Old 16th July 2009, 17:44   #364
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Mushika Vahana! Rat problem in my Jeep

Look at the first few pics and it looks like any other vehicle parked. Well, it is like any other vehicle parked except for a oft recurring problem.
I hadn't used the jeep for about two weeks now. That doesn't mean it was unused.

Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-img_9285.jpg

Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-img_9287.jpg

As soon as I put the key in and opened the door, I get the feeling of having entered a haunted house. A strange whiff of moist air pierced into my nostrils.
I heard strange sounds too - squeaks. Then I saw it. The last glimpse of a rodent tail quickly disappearing into the darkness of the seat bottom. And I saw what was left behind. Huge quantities of rat poo.
This is not the first time. The last time was around two months ago. Then it was a pack of very hungry rats. It ripped open and cut all the wires within. I had to rewire the entire jeep.
This time around, however, they had eaten well - evidently (ref. photographs)

Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-img_9282.jpg

Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-img_9283.jpg

Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-img_9292.jpg
Spent two hours cleaning it up. Mechanical problems can be fixed. Electrical can be fixed. This is pure nature's mischief. How do I fight it. Is there any rodent spray or something that keeps rats off my jeep available in the market? I can live with dogs spraying the wheels, not rats spraying on everything inside.

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Old 16th July 2009, 18:38   #365
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If that is your parking spot, I would be inclined to give the overgrowth a bt of a trim. Rats love places to hide and they love such overgrowth.

Try putting a rat trap in the jeep and lace it with juicy raisins.

Last edited by bigman : 16th July 2009 at 18:40.
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Old 18th July 2009, 14:10   #366
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Rats tend to go after cars that are least exposed. Rats use the top of my engine as dining table, and they would chew up all my wires. I smeared grease all over and peppered them with tobacco. This way, tobacco stick to the grease. Never has rats problem since then. No ideas whether certain tobacco is more effective. Just went to a pan shop and asked "tambacco". Shop keeper gave me a fistful wrapped in paper. Forgot the price, maybe Rs. 2 or a little more.
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Old 18th July 2009, 15:23   #367
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Gosh, that mess is awful! Wonder how you managed to cleaned all that!

Haven't you tried keeping Mortein Rat Kill cakes inside; esp. at night (assuming thats when they usually attack? They have been the answer to all our ratty problems.
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Old 18th July 2009, 15:36   #368
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This is really one of the most weird thread I have bumped in.
As some one already pointed out the old way, tame a cat to avoid rat.
New one ofcourse put some mortien/roban etc and they should vanish, else use a mouse trap to and their menace.
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Old 20th July 2009, 11:14   #369
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Rat Kill?

I've tried everything in the book to get rid of them. Tried the rat kill cakes too. The next morning, I've had to clean up green rat poo (color of the cakes) as well as 'powdered rat kill cakes'. Double the trouble. They refuse to step into the rat-trap too. Smartened over the years. Is there a spray that will keep them off? Neem oil?
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Old 20th July 2009, 11:43   #370
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Originally Posted by Bijoy Nair View Post
I've tried everything in the book to get rid of them. Tried the rat kill cakes too. ..... Neem oil?
Hey, doesn't tobacco work?

Else prepare you own lethal rat-food by kneading some Barium Carbonate with wheat flour and desi ghee (plus water), make small pellets and keep a counted number of these in the car. Keep a bowl of water a few feet away from the car. The theory, (and well tried too!), is that the rats will eat this and feel terribly thirsty. They'll run to the water and die almost immediately after having had a drink! R.R.I.P.
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Old 20th July 2009, 13:01   #371
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Wow! This I'll try. Will get me a plot in heaven too - giving water to a dying creature.
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Old 20th July 2009, 13:24   #372
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Lots & lots & lots of camphor did the trick for me. I had also put in atleast 5-6 packs of Mortien rat killer and then later emptied in a full pack of very cheap & smelly tobaccoo in the engine bay.

No rats there after.

PS: In the same appartment parking, my neighbor just got a 55k bill for his Ikon's wiring bill -- all chewed by rats
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Old 20th July 2009, 13:36   #373
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During monsoon is when they get active... last year i spotted many rats around my place, got lots of rat kill and put it around my house (Portico, terrace etc) and in couple of days found many rats of different sizes lying around...rat kill managed to kill some huge once.
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Old 20th July 2009, 13:51   #374
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Here's a solution that my cousin swears by. Pouches filled with tobacco scattered across the Innova's engine bay. I know that his building is infested with rats, yet he insists no attacks on any of his cars since the time of install.

Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-dsc02865.jpg

Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-dsc02866.jpg

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Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-dsc02868.jpg
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Old 20th July 2009, 15:34   #375
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Originally Posted by Bijoy Nair View Post
I've tried everything in the book to get rid of them. Tried the rat kill cakes too. The next morning, I've had to clean up green rat poo (color of the cakes) as well as 'powdered rat kill cakes'. Double the trouble. They refuse to step into the rat-trap too. Smartened over the years. Is there a spray that will keep them off? Neem oil?
Dude, I hope you know Mortein takes about 3 days to kill. If it has been eaten, consider yourself v lucky. Your job is almost done (unless there is a new garrison waiting for a counterattack).

Last edited by Raccoon : 20th July 2009 at 15:36.
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