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Old 13th November 2009, 02:37   #421
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^^^ Dude, why do you want to kill the cat???

Mortein Rat Kill does not need to be mixed or kept inside other bait! In fact it will work better alone.
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Old 13th November 2009, 05:13   #422
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Well Guyz.... My car too was attacked by rat/s last month... went on a vacation for a week and after I came back... My baby wudn't start... opened the hood for a surprise ignition cables are bitten and to everyone's surprise there was a small size apartment built near the battery with all kinds of wastes... lol .. The remedy I used - Mortein Rat kill - some near the lil apartment (Builder : RAT) ... and some under the car... Luks like tat handled the issue...

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Last edited by bblost : 13th November 2009 at 09:03. Reason: ... post. More info in your post.
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Old 13th November 2009, 14:47   #423
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Kept the leaf pouches on the shocker mounts, air box locks and another set near the engine cover in pack - do not think it came and sat - but i am going to keep an eye and update.

Tobacco leaves seem to work - worth trying. much better than Rat Kill in a hot engine bay.

have you guys ever smelt tobacco leaves - try it - you will have a good time sneezing

Last edited by planet_rocker : 13th November 2009 at 14:49.
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Old 15th November 2009, 21:32   #424
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What is it? It came back today - left poop on the engine cover - two packs of tobacco leaves did not stop it from coming :(

Bought 50gms of local tobacco leaves for Rs. 12. will spread them tomorrow - will update accordingly...

Last option - Tanveer's metal trap.
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Old 15th November 2009, 21:42   #425
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I have tried Aerosol spray which are for cockroaches/bugs in the engine compartment and found good results. they are pretty quick to deploy and have few/no residue. Is not advisable when engine is hot/warm.
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Old 25th November 2009, 17:05   #426
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Hi All,

Recent victim of 'Rat Attack' on my esteem.
Had changed the ignition lock following my issue of key coming off the ignition keyhole even when the engine is running, as suggested by fellow TBHPians.
After that, new issue started.Both headlights refused to be turned-off. After lots of troubleshooting, disconnected the cutout wire and fuses as temporary solution. Initially thought it to be a mess created by MASS.
In the morning, opened the bonnet and was surprised to see the rat poop all over the engine bay. The parking area is quite clean and no mess is around. Took the car to my mechanic, and found that the wiring has been chewed by rats. Tapped them and bought 4 'rat-Kill' cakes'. Placed them in and around 8 areas in the engine bay. In the morning opened the bonnet and was greeted by 2 fat rats, who were giving me that, "I haven't done anything" kind of look.

Caught one of them and kicked it hard on it's bum., just like Ronaldo . Felt sooo good
Second one tried to escape and got caught in the engine bay. Started the engine and revved a bit, till that it fell on the ground. This rat was walking like a rock (I guess, the after effects of 'Rat-Kill), and was finding it difficult to clear the ground. At last, i couldn't resist myself and applied one smooth kick on it's bum too. Ohh, it felt sooo good.
Today, I will try with the tobaaco method doubled with 'Rat-Kill'.

Will update all fellow TBHPians on this.

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Old 25th November 2009, 17:21   #427
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Originally Posted by planet_rocker View Post

Last option - Tanveer's metal trap.
@ Rocker,
This works! - I can vouch for it too! Once I placed ii in the hatch boot area and once below the car - with a piece of Roti in each case.
This was successful both times!
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Old 25th November 2009, 17:34   #428
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Today as I was parking the CJ340, guess what I see peaking from under the dashboard on the passenger side? A tiny rat! Good thing it didn't come out few minutes before when my son was sitting there.
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Old 25th November 2009, 17:34   #429
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Morten rat cakes will be more effective. After eating it the rat will go out and die after 2/3 days and that too in a open place. So no worry that rat will die inside the engine compartment. I used to have rat's trouble in my old M800 (which has the best place for the rat's to stay and enjoy)and I did the trick with this rat kill cakes which saved my car from future attacks.
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Old 25th November 2009, 22:41   #430
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Strange Cat

There's a cat in my housing colony that loves to make its home between the top of the engine and the bonnet. I swear I dont know it manages to fit in that space. He/she's been doing this since it was a kitten. So I guess that will keep all the rats out.


PS - One of the best ways to keep away from rat problems is to avoid eating in the car. Food crumbs attract mice/rats. I am strict about no food and drinks in the car and no smoking too.

Last edited by R2D2 : 25th November 2009 at 22:45. Reason: PS added
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Old 25th November 2009, 23:27   #431
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You are very lucky to have a patrolling feline! I believe my car has been safe because of these darlings, in spite of our area being somewhat rat infested.

As for the smoking part, given the rodent's aversion for tobacco, smoking may actually keep them away! Well, I dunno about other creatures, but at least I can't stand ciggy smoke; so its not an option for me, even if it works.
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Old 25th November 2009, 23:48   #432
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hmmm I would install Carputer with a mouse screensaver
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Old 25th November 2009, 23:50   #433
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You mean a cat screen saver? How about trying a dummy kitty, lol?!
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Old 26th November 2009, 10:53   #434
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Tobacco leaves not working :( they are still coming back and pooping on the engine cover. Will try Rat Kill again.

today i took a small ball of cotton wool > soaked it with Phenoel (Spelling?? - room cleaner) > applied on the engine cover, plug wires and coil pack and kept the ball behind the Battery. will update tomorrow.

1. Try and park the car at a different location if possible.
2. they poop only where they have pooped earlier - just like we are used to doing it in the toilet.

They prefer the warm engine bay in winter - quite obvious - but why MY CAR?

Last edited by planet_rocker : 26th November 2009 at 10:56.
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Old 26th November 2009, 20:18   #435
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nothing seems to work...a small bone and a piece of poop left in the engine bay. it was clean today morning after the cotton balls were kept.

getting that rat trap in a day or two.

1. Where can they hide in the engine bay?

2. Through which hole do they enter the cabin?
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