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Old 28th April 2010, 10:44   #496
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Nowadays, I find the mortal remains of mouse, rat, and even bandicoot in our neighbourhood, every now and then, thanks to the pet cat of my neighbour. It roams freely uninvited even within our compound, finds its prey, enjoys its meal and leaves the 'not-so-tasty' parts of the 'meal'! The result is rat-free environment!
Old 29th April 2010, 12:17   #497
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All car companies with this problem should give a complimentary cat when you buy their vehicle.

Originally Posted by J.Ravi View Post
Nowadays, I find the mortal remains of mouse, rat, and even bandicoot in our neighbourhood, every now and then, thanks to the pet cat of my neighbour. It roams freely uninvited even within our compound, finds its prey, enjoys its meal and leaves the 'not-so-tasty' parts of the 'meal'! The result is rat-free environment!
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Old 5th June 2010, 01:18   #498
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Rats seem to prefer the ac ducts of my alto. Once they chewed up the washer fluid lines.
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Old 9th June 2010, 23:02   #499
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Raw tobacco that I have purchased last week from the market. Its completely unprocessed and smell is very strong. Cut intp pieces and soon will place in the car. Cost me 3rs/piece. The shop is in G-Street Ulsoor. Local name of this is "Hoge Sappu".

Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-tobaco-leaf.jpg
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Old 10th June 2010, 14:20   #500
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Originally Posted by prince_pervez View Post
Saw this product in MKA this weekend.
Have used this. It is very much effective on those small rats. Rats had done damage by eating my seat belts. Afterwards used those rat cakes inside the cabin(below seat) and in the boot. No issues afterwards
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Old 11th June 2010, 13:12   #501
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Originally Posted by bhp_maniac View Post
Rats had done damage by eating my seat belts.
You had rats in the passenger cabin? Going by your signature, you don't own an open vehicle (Gypsy, Jeep etc.). This thread mainly discusses the rodent problem *under the hood*.

How on earth did they get inside your car?
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Old 11th June 2010, 13:40   #502
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Yes, arin_12 is absolutely correct. Tobacco does not let in rats. I have tried this in my zen and I find it very useful.
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Old 11th June 2010, 13:44   #503
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Originally Posted by GTO View Post
You had rats in the passenger cabin? Going by your signature, you don't own an open vehicle (Gypsy, Jeep etc.). This thread mainly discusses the rodent problem *under the hood*.

How on earth did they get inside your car?
I don't know how it happened. It happened in my Indica Xeta. Once I parked my car in our company covered parking area for a full week long. I was on a business trip. When I came back and opened my car, I saw a lot of damages already made. My driver side seat belt got a huge bite on it. Even the plastic on the pillar where it holds the seat belt was also bitten. And I also noticed lot of spongy material all over the cabin, which I still not have any idea where it came from. Also, my sterio's volume control was full of scratch pad as if somebody has scratched it with a pointed thing like a compass. These much damage I had, and I am pretty sure that the car was not tampered by someone. The next day I put this gum based trap inside the car overnight. For my surprise the next day morning I got him caught. It was a very small kind of rat. Still not having any clue how it get into. Also I never had any wiring damage done by this guy. After this incident, I started keeping a rat cake inside the cabin below the driver seat.
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Old 11th June 2010, 14:13   #504
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Apart from Tobacco is there any other solution. Tried looking back a few pages and din't find anything concrete.

My car is prime suspect such rat activity, I hardly use it during the week and its parked on the outside with a dust cover on. So its dark, dry, unmoved.

Can't use any rat catching devices as I don't know what all other stuff that trap will pick up along with rats as the car is parked outside.
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Old 11th June 2010, 15:05   #505
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Apply some grease on the wires that is often being targeted by Rats, like the Fuel hose, wires near the head light assembly and any open wires near the two strut mounts.

Crush some raw Neem leave and try applying that to the wires, you can also try some Neem oil on the wires and hoses. Since Neem oil is bitter and smells bad, rats won't come near them.

If you are thinking on getting get raw Tobacco leaves, ask some local pan shop or try in a shop where they sell this "roots and turmeric and sorry I don't exactly know the term, in tamil it is called "Naattu marunthu" shop. You will get it there.
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Old 12th June 2010, 22:22   #506
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My 800's become a home to a small mouse , inside the passenger area,duno how the stinker got inside.I went to start the car in the morning and saw the little fella crawling beside me.I was startled to see a rodent inside the car,i have seen and am used to seeing rats under the hood,inside the car took me by surprise.

I tried to get it out by opening the doors , banging on the dashboard etc but it just vanished.It was a pretty small one and i assume must have come from the gaps in between the hatchback or when i had given the car for repairs at garage.

I took the car to the local petrol pump where they do car wash ups and told those people about the problem.They said they will try and help,they removed the carpets,mats etc , used a air pressure machine and blew under the seats and under dashboard but were not able to locate the little hopper.

I am trying to get a mouse trap,the kind you see in the Tom & Jerry cartoons ,with spring and board but can't seem to find one in mumbai.Anyone know where i can get one.Even a mouse glue board will do.The last resort will be to use poison which i am afraid's gonna leave a really smelly car once the stinker dies.
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Old 13th June 2010, 12:30   #507
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Ok guys , bought this trap for 60 bucks from the carpenters shop.Have been advised to use a potato inside the trap , that is stick the potato to the bait,place it in the car and when uncle mickey's gonna come to for it's dinner,hopefully it will shut snap trapping him.

Gonna place it inisde the car tonight after i come from my evening drive.for all those who are looking for mouse traps, a good place will be to look for them at a carpenters shop,places where they make and sell chairs,tables etc.

Wish me luck.
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Old 13th June 2010, 13:12   #508
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Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
.....Have been advised to use a potato inside the trap , that is stick the potato to the bait,....
An uncooked potato?!

You'd be far better off putting Amul cheese! I've trapped dozens with Amul cheese as bait!

Even cows don't eat uncooked potatoes! They eat polythene but not uncooked potatoes!
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Old 13th June 2010, 13:55   #509
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Sumeet the grill above mouse trap look quite big (or maybe looking in picture only) and mouse can escape from it as you said its small one. Fix a wire mesh above it. I have used these and they do manage to escape from there, the small ones. Uncooked potato even I doubt mouse will eat, small piece of chapati (thicker one) works good, why waste amul cheese

Last edited by Hashim : 13th June 2010 at 13:56. Reason: typo
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Old 13th June 2010, 18:07   #510
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Originally Posted by Hashim View Post
.... Uncooked potato even I doubt mouse will eat, small piece of chapati (thicker one) works good, why waste amul cheese
Metropolitan rats have, over the years, become quite choosy about what they will eat!
Time was when rats never ate electric wire insulation; but somewhere along the way they acquired this sophisticated taste!

It's not such a waste of Amul cheese; rather it is a good investment to save your precious car!
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