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Old 14th June 2010, 11:10   #511
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Has anybody tried this before?

Buy an XL sized car cover & cover up the car so that the rats can't get to the underside of the car. Basically, if you have a Santro, use the car cover of a Corolla.
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Old 14th June 2010, 12:25   #512
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Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
Has anybody tried this before?

Buy an XL sized car cover & cover up the car so that the rats can't get to the underside of the car. Basically, if you have a Santro, use the car cover of a Corolla.
Gosh, that is just too much trouble? Have you tried fitting such a cover?
And it should be a cover that comes with a guarantee that metro rats hate its taste!
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Old 14th June 2010, 12:28   #513
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If I was a metro rat, I would be too lazy to bite through the plastic cover to get to the car!
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Old 14th June 2010, 12:40   #514
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Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
If I was a metro rat, I would be too lazy to bite through the plastic cover to get to the car!
Save yourself the trouble of covering your car with unwieldy covers - keep some juicy tidbits in the car for rats to feast on. Thereby your car will be saved from chewed up wiring!
Give some, gain plenty, eh?!
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Old 17th June 2010, 18:43   #515
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Originally Posted by Hashim View Post
Sumeet the grill above mouse trap look quite big (or maybe looking in picture only) and mouse can escape from it as you said its small one. Fix a wire mesh above it. I have used these and they do manage to escape from there, the small ones. Uncooked potato even I doubt mouse will eat, small piece of chapati (thicker one) works good, why waste amul cheese
Its not too small to fit in between the gaps,have seen the stinker a couple of times.I have used cheese but haven't seen any results.I get up at 6:00 in the morning hoping to see the trap shut and the mouse trapped only to be dissapointed.

On the 1st day i found the trap shut ,mostly the mouse probably went over the trigger causing it to shut down.After that i can see the mouse is evading the trap as i see no results inspite of putting the trap in different places and using cheese as advised.

Last edited by sumeethaldankar : 17th June 2010 at 18:45.
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Old 19th June 2010, 12:10   #516
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Glue Board

Unfortunately,the trap's not working.Got tired of getting every morning at 6:00 AM to see if the mouse has taken the bait and got trapped,so got a Glue Board from the local pest control shop (Garuda pesticides).Paid 250 bucks for a set nd have placed one at the front and the back inside the car.Lets hope the board gets the stinker.

Something i noticed today while i was driving away,saw a small rodent similar to the one i had seen scampering away .I somehow feel it had got out from the car while i was reversing.Is it possible that the rodent can enter the cabin through the engine compartment through a/c vents etc?Is it possible in a 800.I had recently had got my a/c fixed.
Attached Thumbnails
Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-glueboard.jpg  

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Old 20th June 2010, 22:43   #517
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To all Team BHP members who had a tough time with Rats.

One thing I noticed regarding rat menace,
The rats like the smell of the cables inside the car and some rubber parts, like human being like ordure of perfumes, rat like the ordure of wires and rubber parts. I can say the most pleasant ordure liked by rats is for Tata and Maruthi cars, rats like these two manufactures very well.

So to get rid of rat attacks do something to mask the smell of the wires and rubber parts (mostly inside the engine compartment).

Most of the time only NEW cars get attacked by rats, WHY? The smell is what the rats are attracted. I am not saying old cars are not attacked; there may be exceptional rats

I had the same issue when my car was new. And believe me in Bangalore the rats are well known for damaging the cars. Here they wander in day light also, too scary!!

When I had the first attack I took my car to the dealer’s garage and fixed it and it coasted me nearly 1000.00
The service advisor told me to do a rat proofing to the car. I asked about the charge he said 2.5K; I just smiled and took my car. I know even if I pay 2.5K and do the work the rats will enter the car if they wanted. And the attack happened on the engine compartment so whatever they do they can’t stop the rat from entering the engine compartment since its open wide at the bottom.

I would like to share my experience how I dealt with the RAT issue.

1. I examined the car for holes that are open; I found some holes beneath the spare wheel compartment. I sealed it with rubber bush a hard rubber bush.

2. I found some holes on the inside of the back bumper, sealed it with a mesh.

3. Now the actual task, the engine compartment. How to save it.

3a. bought one Morten cockroach spray and sprayed it all over the wires and rubber parts inside the engine compartment. (The smell of new wires will be masked by this).
3b. Feeding the Rats. Bought rat kill cakes and tied it around the wires and rubber tubes and put one or two cakes down on the floor also.

This really worked I saw some rat cakes are eaten half and some to 80% I was happy the trap is success. [All the rats don’t attack the car, only some]. Kill them before they pass the information to other rats in your locality

After this I repeated tying new cakes inside the engine compartment. After two days there were no signs of rat taking the cakes. So the task is accomplished.

Do not use poisonous spray indie your car to avoid rats.

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Old 23rd June 2010, 22:25   #518
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The love for cheese doeth him away....

Finally, was able to bait the little stinker.Yup he's history, got greedy and went for the cheese strategically placed on the center of the glue board.
Immediatley next day caught the little hopper dead but still making love to the cheese.It had started to stink,drove the car to the nearest dump and threw the board away.

My concern is still however is how come the mouse which was prettly much small in size got inside.I guess i will have to get the car cleaned and look for any holes etc where the hopper could have got in.

Thanks to Anup sir for the cheese suggestion
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Old 23rd June 2010, 23:22   #519
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Right said harryms, in my car its the central locking green and blue color wire that is going to the door is mouse favorite. Its third time I found those wire chewed and cut away while other wires just near it are not touched ever. Maybe its something to do with color or material of wire insulation that is attracting mouse.
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Old 20th July 2010, 11:57   #520
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Looking for a solution for my activa

Two times rats have chewed the wiring of the headlights and all. Now I am exploring a solution for this rat manace.

Since the car engine bay is huge, one can tie all the options explored in here. but in a ACTIVA, how do I do it. Can anyone please guide me please ?

Eagerly waiting for your help
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Old 20th July 2010, 12:14   #521
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Couple of my neighbours faced the same problem, a rat made itself home inside the air scoop of an old geneneration Scorpio where the scoop is decorative only. Chased out with a stick after almost 2 days of effort it then occupied the engine bay of a SX4 triggering the security system at all time. Finally bits of strategicaly placed Rat Kill did him in.
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Old 3rd August 2010, 17:10   #522
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Hi GUys,

My car has been attacked - Rat/s have chewed my car's cables and now my Bonnet, wiper water. IT has also chewed the CRDi cable line. This is really sad as my GP is now suffering because of this. Kindly help.

I am not sure about the tobacco whether it works or not, but still I have today tied the tobacco packets within the engine bay.

I am little bit surprised. I have two cars but the rats have not attacked my Vista every which is now almost 2 yrs old. But the GP which is only 6 months old has been attacked. The only difference that I see between the two cars is that I have done the Lacquer treatment on the Engine from Day 1 but the same is not done in the GP. Does that make a difference.

Please help as I am really desperate and don't want to spoil the GP with these rodent problems.
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Old 8th August 2010, 14:09   #523
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Originally Posted by kailashnj View Post
I am little bit surprised. I have two cars but the rats have not attacked my Vista every which is now almost 2 yrs old. But the GP which is only 6 months old has been attacked. The only difference that I see between the two cars is that I have done the Lacquer treatment on the Engine from Day 1 but the same is not done in the GP. Does that make a difference.
Did you get the affected car serviced/greased recently? The smell of grease may attract the rats.

Enquire at your local grocery/medical shops for a sticky pad that's specially used to catch rodents. It looks like a thick notebook. When opened, you can see its inside surfaces covered with some super sticky glue. Place this under your car in the night and the rodents should be stuck to it the next morning.

We recently tried it successfully in our home and caught two rodents on a single pad. They were stuck to it for about three to four hours by the time we found them, and there was no way they could get themselves free.
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Old 9th August 2010, 09:22   #524
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Originally Posted by lambuhere1 View Post
Looking for a solution for my activa

Two times rats have chewed the wiring of the headlights and all. Now I am exploring a solution for this rat manace.

Since the car engine bay is huge, one can tie all the options explored in here. but in a ACTIVA, how do I do it. Can anyone please guide me please ?

Eagerly waiting for your help

Update : Tobacoo and Hamam soap answer worked for me. I am happy.

Went in search for the raw tobacco, but was shown Palakkad tobacoo, rolled raw ones 1 feet long and it smells yuck. Shopkeeper only told me the name. Pick up 100 gms, which got me 4 ropes of raw tobacoo. Its pungent. Tied one of the in the headlight wiring section of activa and another one in the space below the foot well. For safety purposes, dumped a small hamam soap also into the footwell.

Till now it appears to be working and no rats till date. Other two ropes of raw tobacco are tied inside the engine bay of my car.
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Old 13th August 2010, 09:22   #525
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+1 to lambuhere, I too found the tobacco trick to work for the past more than a year. Along with tobacco I used naphthalene balls. These were packed in old socks and tied to certain points near the wiring in the engine bay. Before this rats had chewed wiring at one spot.
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