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Old 19th August 2020, 00:49   #121
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Nexon EV owners. A small doubt.

Saw this in a couple of reviews.
On inclines, does the car roll back a bit before the Hill start assist works? Or has it been taken care of in later versions.

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Old 19th August 2020, 08:38   #122
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by DicKy View Post
Nexon EV owners. A small doubt.
Saw this in a couple of reviews.
On inclines, does the car roll back a bit before the Hill start assist works? Or has it been taken care of in later versions.
Yes, there is a slight roll back on steep slopes but not as much as the reviews on Youtube videos show. It has been upgraded in the later versions. The car detects that it's on an incline and adjusts initial torque accordingly. I drive in Vizag where the terrain has many slopes. I never faced any problem so far. But even if it's a bumper to bumper traffic on a steep incline you can manage with the hand brake. (which i never got to use yet)

It's a wonderful car for city and home-office-home kind of commutes.

We are expecting another update by the end of this month (August) which will iron out a few niggles. Hoping it would increase range too. Will keep you guys posted.

Last edited by chandu1382 : 19th August 2020 at 08:43. Reason: additional detail added
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Old 19th August 2020, 12:24   #123
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by chandu1382 View Post
Yes, there is a slight roll back on steep slopes but not as much as the reviews on Youtube videos show. It has been upgraded in the later versions.......
It's a wonderful car for city and home-office-home kind of commutes. ......
We are expecting another update by the end of this month (August) which will iron out a few niggles. Hoping it would increase range too. Will keep you guys posted.
Thanks for the reply.

My buddy is looking to replace his dad's Fluence with the Nexon EV.

Waiting for year end to make the purchase.

No TD cars are available in our city, and going by the early Autocarindia reviews, the car does roll back a good distance like an old AMT.
Glad to know updates are being done.
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Old 19th August 2020, 17:17   #124
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by Shreyans_Jain View Post
The only cars in the world which provide 400km+ of real world range are the Teslas and the Kona/ENiro 64kwh. There is no point comparing range with these cars as the price point of the Nexon EV is much much lower. Is there any other electric car in the world which provides 200km of real world range without compromising utility for an equivalent of $20000 without subsidies? I don’t think so.

Originally Posted by SKC-auto View Post
Do you really think that Tata will change batteries under warranty in 3-4 years of all their Nexon EVs sold today. Please share if you have read this happening to any EV( apart from the Nissan Leaf).

Everyone would love 500 km range, but the world is short of batteries. Tata should find a balance between range, cost and getting hold of batteries in this supply constrained market. Most buyers of Nexon EV want to use it as a primary car for their daily city usage, for such a buyer 500km with a price tag of 25 lakhs does not make sense.

Please don't take any offense, my bad. I should have mentioned few insiders information about Tata's plans to bring in a 500 KM range Nexon in my previous post. I read about the same on Team-BHP itself, please refer to posts #30 and #87. This 500 Km range variant will be more appealing to prospective buyers and fence sitters. (Review: The Tata Nexon EV) (Review: The Tata Nexon EV)
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Old 20th August 2020, 12:11   #125
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by pseudo_coder View Post
I took a test drive on Sunday. Although I had driven it earlier, I was pleasantly surprised by the rear leg room. Too good for a 4m car. Took the plunge and booked the top variant in silver color. I am told that there will soon be a price hike of about 25k.

Didn't get any discount. No free stuff either. So I said I will take insurance from outside. 78k is high for a 16 lakh car. So the insurance guy called me and said he will try to match the quote that I got.
Got insurance quote of about 59k from Digit. Now the dealer has matched that. So saving of 20k

I asked both - the showroom and Digit - if I can opt for only third party insurance. Both said that it is mandatory to take comprehensive insurance. Is that correct?
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Old 20th August 2020, 12:45   #126
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by pseudo_coder View Post
Got insurance quote of about 59k from Digit. Now the dealer has matched that. So saving of 20k

I asked both - the showroom and Digit - if I can opt for only third party insurance. Both said that it is mandatory to take comprehensive insurance. Is that correct?
It is mandatory if you are financing the purchase of the car. If it is an outright purchase then you do not need to take comprehensive insurance.

However I cannot imagine the circumstances where a new car will be purchased without comprehensive insurance. If you get into an accident then you have to pay an enormous of money out of your pocket.
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Old 20th August 2020, 20:51   #127
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by pseudo_coder View Post
Got insurance quote of about 59k from Digit. Now the dealer has matched that. So saving of 20k
Being a banker, I come across insurance issues repeatedly as far as my insurance person tells me, base premiums for different types of policies have been fixed by the insurance regulator. This is applicable for plant, building and stock insurance; not sure about vehicles. Maybe the dealership was trying to take you for a "ride"
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Old 20th August 2020, 22:46   #128
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by pseudo_coder View Post
Got insurance quote of about 59k from Digit. Now the dealer has matched that. So saving of 20k

I asked both - the showroom and Digit - if I can opt for only third party insurance. Both said that it is mandatory to take comprehensive insurance. Is that correct?
Why is the insurance premium so high? For a similarly priced diesel vehicle, the premium is around 30K. 59K is almost double the price.
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Old 21st August 2020, 00:21   #129
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Hello Everyone,

I am an owner of the Nexon-EV XZ+ Lux variant. I have owned the car for more than 2 months now. I am also part of a Nexon EV owners group where in we discuss the car with passion and try to address issues and concerns as well. Here are my thoughts about the car.

Pros :
1. The car is a fantastic product. I think Tata's effort in putting a good product together needs to be lauded.
2. The car is super silent and awesome to drive.
3. Handling is top notch, being a SUV , it can ride on any surface.
4. Overall fit and finish is ok except for some gaps on the outside.
5. Overall a good "City" car if your commute is not too much and you are living in a big city and mostly travel alone.

Cons :

I think this section needs to be read carefully by all potential buyers or people with keen interest in the product.
  1. The ARAI range may be 312km per charge but everyone needs to note that it is under standard testing conditions which are almost impractical to replicate. So "DO NOT" believe the shows sales guys if they tell you that range is 312km.
  2. The claimed range of 250km is also not true. The actual usable range is no where near this figure so far. There are reasons for this.
    • The best efficiency the car can achieve right now is 119 wh/km. With a 30.2 kw battery and 119 wh/km , max 252 km can be achieved. This is with the fact that all 30.2kw is available for use. EVs have a reserve battery range and so 100% allocation is not possible. Atleast, the existing owners of the EV have not seen 100% available. This is inspite of the fact that tata is advertising 100 wh/km efficiency on the site.
    • The SOC (State of charge) and DTE ( Distance to Empty ) readings on the car are not reliable and very unpredictable. The trip details are also not correct and so the wh/km you see is never accurate.
    • Around 180 to 220 is the maximum you can extract from the car but you need to drive very sedately for this. Max speed around 50-70 . Also, at times you can only extract that range if you do not use the AC.
    • The AC has some issues with the current cars, even at 26 deg , it chills like 20 deg. So that adds to extra power overheads.
    • The car has been launched with very limited charging infrastructure available right now. The limited range and limited charging infras, make it a "city only" car and mostly can be driven just nearby. Some people have been getting only 160km range.
    • Tata representatives say that driving style modifications need to be done to achieve the range, however for most buyers during the pre-sales process this is never explained. The sales guys blatantly claim 250km atleast as the range and some even say more than 312 which is just not right.
    • The remote connectivity features advertised with the car are buggy. Their app almost never works. It is very very slow even when it works seldomly.
    • The software on the car, the battery management system is still not perfect. There have been instances when cars have been stuck at remote places and even have had issues during charging where cars just won't charge or the charge went to 0 out of nowhere.
    • The aux battery went dead on many cars out of nowhere and some cars needed to be flatbedded to the dealerships.
  3. Most important part is about the Tata's approach to the early adopters of their product. The early adopters have been trying to communicate all issues we have faced so far with Tata but there has been no proper feedback from them.

Tata has a good product in its hand but it needs to solve the practical issues about the car's usability and software before this can become a good buy for customers.

Last edited by shashankw839 : 21st August 2020 at 00:27.
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Old 21st August 2020, 01:20   #130
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by WhiteSierra View Post
Please don't take any offense, my bad. I should have mentioned few insiders information about Tata's plans to bring in a 500 KM range Nexon in my previous post. I read about the same on Team-BHP itself, please refer to posts #30 and #87. This 500 Km range variant will be more appealing to prospective buyers and fence sitters. (Review: The Tata Nexon EV) (Review: The Tata Nexon EV)
None of the people we have talked to so far @ tata has confirmed the 500km nexon. Even if it comes, it is not possible to do it in the current nexon's chassis. With the current range of around 200 km, the battery pack needs to be almost 2.5 times more for 500km. It seems practically impossible unless there is going to be a complete overhaul of the chassis.
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Old 21st August 2020, 13:41   #131
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by shashankw839 View Post
Hello Everyone,

I am an owner of the Nexon-EV XZ+ Lux variant. I have owned the car for more than 2 months now. I am also part of a Nexon EV owners group where in we discuss the car with passion and try to address issues and concerns as well. Here are my thoughts about the car.
First of all congratulations on your purchase. Looking at your dislikes, I am sorry about that and I feel pitty for TATA as a company. They work hard and enter a segment with not a perfect product. Through WOM, trust factor goes for a toss, and they will not have anything substantial in the segment they ventured in first. Citing the opportunities in that segment, other manufacturers would enter the segment with a decent product and capture the market share. The best example is TATA Indigo - Market captured by Dzire.

Existing owners, my intention is not to hurt any here. Wish TATA enters a segment bang on, so there is no turning back
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Old 21st August 2020, 14:22   #132
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Sad to read about your experience. 200 km should be the minimum range for EVs in India- many people commute over 100 km to and from the office.

The mention of battery issues is disconcerting. Hope these things get resolved through warranty replacements.

I fail to understand why ARAI continues to support fake figures for mileage and range. Many buyers might have been misled into buying this looking at the range. Now they might repent. The same thing happened with the Tigor as well. Drivers said that they struggled to get even 100 km which in a place like Bengaluru won't cover a full airport trip.
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Old 21st August 2020, 20:35   #133
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

Originally Posted by jasjotbains View Post
Maybe the dealership was trying to take you for a "ride"
It's the same everywhere I guess. Other showroom in Pune also quoted the same.

Originally Posted by Holyghost View Post
Why is the insurance premium so high? For a similarly priced diesel vehicle, the premium is around 30K. 59K is almost double the price.
I have seen that Tata charges too much for insurance. Harrier XZA has insurance cost of about 1.2 lakh! Also, EVs being new, insurers seem to be playing safe and charging high. That's why even getting it from outside is still expensive.

Originally Posted by shashankw839 View Post
    • The software on the car, the battery management system is still not perfect. There have been instances when cars have been stuck at remote places and even have had issues during charging where cars just won't charge or the charge went to 0 out of nowhere.
    • The aux battery went dead on many cars out of nowhere and some cars needed to be flatbedded to the dealerships.
I had set my expectation low - about 200km per charge. Looks like even that would require very humble driving! Still, I can live with it. But the quality issues you mentioned above are serious! Now I am thinking whether I should continue with my booking or not. I have already made the full payment.
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Old 21st August 2020, 20:46   #134
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Originally Posted by shashankw839 View Post
Hello Everyone,

I am an owner of the Nexon-EV XZ+ Lux variant. I have owned the car for more than 2 months now. I am also part of a Nexon EV owners group where in we discuss the car with passion and try to address issues and concerns as well. Here are my thoughts about the car.
Congratulations on your EV ! What's your ODO reading right now ? What's the highest ODO reading in your owner's group ? Any idea on the maximum range reported by owners , preferably from highest ODO people ? Kindly share .
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Old 22nd August 2020, 12:12   #135
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Re: Review: The Tata Nexon EV

A doctor from Andhra/Telengana has hit 15k already, he commutes 500km weekly so the high numbers. He said the car EMI is paying by itself with the saving on fuel.
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