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Old 13th November 2012, 00:23   #12451
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post
The Effective screen size is not 4.6 which the specs show, its smaller because of the onscreen hot keys, need to find out what is the exact usable screen size & also how it effects the actual screen size ratio

Otherwise the Nexus 4 makes a lot of sense, specially from a Price standpoint.
Screen resolution of Nexus 4 is 1280x768. With onscreen buttons, the usable screen size (in portrait) is 1280x720, which is HD.

People who are buying new Android devices, please don't buy a device which is not going to get Jelly Bean. Or at least wait for phones with JB out of the box. JB made a lot of difference in terms of smoothness of the overall phone and reliability. You might say that GB itself is very smooth but you haven't seen how fluid JB can get.

To put things in perspective, JB is to ICS what GB was to Froyo.
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Old 13th November 2012, 00:42   #12452
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
Screen resolution of Nexus 4 is 1280x768. With onscreen buttons, the usable screen size (in portrait) is 1280x720, which is HD.

People who are buying new Android devices, please don't buy a device which is not going to get Jelly Bean. Or at least wait for phones with JB out of the box. JB made a lot of difference in terms of smoothness of the overall phone and reliability. You might say that GB itself is very smooth but you haven't seen how fluid JB can get.

To put things in perspective, JB is to ICS what GB was to Froyo.
Thanks this helps.

I currently have a MYtouch4G or what is commonly known as HTC Glacier & looking for an upgrade.

I am torn between Nexus 4/ S3 / Note 2, Note 2 I am slowly ruling out due to Size & Price even though it does look amazing.

- Nexus 4 has Kickass Pricing + Latest & greatest OS specs
- S3 Has a beautiful & bigger screen + Samsung has been doing a great job with Android phones.

Nexus lacks expandable memory & Samsung is more expensive.

I have one question, do the Google phones really get the OS updates instantly? I mean did the Samsung nexus get JB as soon as it was available?
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Old 13th November 2012, 00:55   #12453
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post
I have one question, do the Google phones really get the OS updates instantly? I mean did the Samsung nexus get JB as soon as it was available?
Yes they do, unless you buy a nexus device from a carrier like Verizon Galaxy Nexus. Verizon users got the update about 3-4 months later than unlocked Galaxy Nexus users. This is one of the reasons why Google is not going to partner with any carriers and hence can't have LTE.
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Old 13th November 2012, 01:28   #12454
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Originally Posted by Technocrat
I have one question, do the Google phones really get the OS updates instantly? I mean did the Samsung nexus get JB as soon as it was available?
I use a Samsung Nexus S (originally launched in late 2010) and I got JB update sometime in July 2012.

However my friend who was using Samsung Nexus got it a little late due to some firmware issues.

Assuming the Nexus 4 has no such issues, you should get updates instantly. Almost 2 to 3 months ahead of any other phone.
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Old 13th November 2012, 07:53   #12455
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post
Do keep in Mind that the S3 in US is a dual core phone unlike the quad-core one available in India.

I am contemplating between S3 & nexus 4 as well. On Paper there are two Negatives with Nexus for me

1) No memory slot
2) The Effective screen size is not 4.6 which the specs show, its smaller because of the onscreen hot keys, need to find out what is the exact usable screen size & also how it effects the actual screen size ratio

Otherwise the Nexus 4 makes a lot of sense, specially from a Price standpoint.

I am aware that the US version of S3 is dual core. If I was to pick a S3, I would have opted for the international version itself.

The no memory card slot is not much of a deal breaker for me. 16gb more than answers my needs. Unless you plan to watch movies on your phone, I think the memory is more than sufficient.
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Old 13th November 2012, 09:07   #12456
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Originally Posted by shashank.nk

I use a Samsung Nexus S (originally launched in late 2010) and I got JB update sometime in July 2012.

However my friend who was using Samsung Nexus got it a little late due to some firmware issues.

Assuming the Nexus 4 has no such issues, you should get updates instantly. Almost 2 to 3 months ahead of any other phone.
There are two versions of galaxy nexus.One is yakju and the other yakjuxw.Google is responsible for updates for one version while Sammy is for the other.Sammy is,as usual late in updating.It is possible to shift to google supported firmware by flashing it.

@Technocrat-Nexus 4 has a LCD display which has superior color reproduction.Sammy's pentile HD display tends to produce oversaturated images
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Old 13th November 2012, 09:10   #12457
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by BoneCollector View Post
Hi,I just installed CPU spy and am uploading the screenshot.Is something wrong?I'm suffering near daily outages with phone hanging up,then restarting and battery plummets by over 30%!
This is pretty bad friend, deep sleep is no good for average use. 50% at 200Mhz is probably your culprit. I am sure, some app is making a wake lock which is the core of the issue. Is there anything suspicious in the battery usage info?
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Old 13th November 2012, 09:20   #12458
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
Screen resolution of Nexus 4 is 1280x768. With onscreen buttons, the usable screen size (in portrait) is 1280x720, which is HD.

People who are buying new Android devices, please don't buy a device which is not going to get Jelly Bean. Or at least wait for phones with JB out of the box. JB made a lot of difference in terms of smoothness of the overall phone and reliability. You might say that GB itself is very smooth but you haven't seen how fluid JB can get.

To put things in perspective, JB is to ICS what GB was to Froyo.
I would humbly and completely disagree.

The wife has postponed the S3 purchase (till the nexus 4 comes out and has no niggles) simply because the Defy was downgraded from JB to GB and its flying again

of course, all of these are custom ROMs. Ideally, the nexus experience would be much better, but IMHO, the JB experience is smooth but not out of this world. That said, i agree with you that any new high end phone should come with JB or have a confirmed upgrade path - that is a reasonable expectation anyways.

Last edited by phamilyman : 13th November 2012 at 09:27.
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Old 13th November 2012, 09:29   #12459
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Originally Posted by phamilyman

I would humbly and completely disagree.

The wife has postponed the S3 purchase (till the nexus 4 comes out and has no niggles) simply because the Defy was downgraded from JB to GB and its flying again

of course, all of these are custom ROMs. Ideally, the nexus experience would be much better, but IMHO, the JB experience is smooth but not out of this world.
JB is the best android yet. You need to experience it on stock roms. Not some dev built versions. Smooth and fast are the two words.
Device: GNex 4.1.2
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Old 13th November 2012, 09:32   #12460
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
I would humbly and completely disagree.

The wife has postponed the S3 purchase (till the nexus 4 comes out and has no niggles) simply because the Defy was downgraded from JB to GB and its flying again

of course, all of these are custom ROMs. Ideally, the nexus experience would be much better, but IMHO, the JB experience is smooth but not out of this world.
I know about some of you folks are not happy with JB on Defy. But you can't generalize based on your experience with a custom ROM on a 2 year old device.

My experience with JB on my Nexus 7 tablet and my phones - Neo V and Blade - have been simply amazing. I've never got 2+ days of battery backup on my Neo V with either Stock GB or ICS or custom ICS ROMs I've tried (Most Xperia based ROMs as well as CM9). I wouldn't use the word flying for either of the phones mentioned here when they were running GB or ICS, but I would for JB.

To each his own.
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Old 13th November 2012, 09:58   #12461
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Originally Posted by phamilyman

I would humbly and completely disagree.

The wife has postponed the S3 purchase (till the nexus 4 comes out and has no niggles) simply because the Defy was downgraded from JB to GB and its flying again

of course, all of these are custom ROMs. Ideally, the nexus experience would be much better, but IMHO, the JB experience is smooth but not out of this world. That said, i agree with you that any new high end phone should come with JB or have a confirmed upgrade path - that is a reasonable expectation anyways.
Well I would say that you are simply over generalizing. I have a 2 year old i9000 and have been using jellybean nightlies since the time they started coming out. I must say I have never seen my phone perform so good, project butter is amazing and never had a random reboot or fc. Its light years ahead of gingerbread. Maybe JB has still not been properly optimized for defy.
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Old 13th November 2012, 10:22   #12462
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
I would humbly and completely disagree.

The wife has postponed the S3 purchase (till the nexus 4 comes out and has no niggles) simply because the Defy was downgraded from JB to GB and its flying again

of course, all of these are custom ROMs. Ideally, the nexus experience would be much better, but IMHO, the JB experience is smooth but not out of this world. That said, i agree with you that any new high end phone should come with JB or have a confirmed upgrade path - that is a reasonable expectation anyways.
I think you have to take into account the HW as well. I am still waiting for the update from Samsung, but my expectations are really high with the reviews I have read so far.
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Old 13th November 2012, 11:10   #12463
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Abeer View Post
Is this dual active or dual standby?
Dual Standby. But I don't imagine that to be a major issue as only incoming voice calls on other SIM witll get 'switch off' or 'busy' tone. For everything else the experience is seamless.
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Old 13th November 2012, 14:05   #12464
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Android 4.2 update is rolling out for the samsung galaxy nexus....

Guys with the Gnex, do check it out.

Last edited by mithunkb : 13th November 2012 at 14:06.
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Old 13th November 2012, 14:07   #12465
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Originally Posted by mithunkb
Android 4.2 update is rolling out for the samsung galaxy nexus....

Guys with the Gnex, do check it out.
Any idea from when? Has it started?
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