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Old 9th June 2010, 14:30   #1801
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
Saw this car on Dr.Car website.

There are a few pictures and looks in good condition and its a single owner vehicle.
You still haven't mentioned the age of the car - as in the year of make . Quite a lot depends on that. 9.5L can at best be justified by a 2009 car. For anything 2008 and older the price is a tall ask. But then I am also unaware of the taxation structure for Hyderabad. Hope it is not like Bangalore!
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Old 9th June 2010, 14:51   #1802
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Originally Posted by Cesc View Post
You still haven't mentioned the age of the car - as in the year of make . Quite a lot depends on that. 9.5L can at best be justified by a 2009 car. For anything 2008 and older the price is a tall ask. But then I am also unaware of the taxation structure for Hyderabad. Hope it is not like Bangalore!
opps, my bad. Its a 2008 make. And, taxation is similar to bangalore. OTR is 14% of ex-showroom price.
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Old 9th June 2010, 15:09   #1803
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Guys, saw a post recently on Carwale for 2007 Cedia seelct 27k run through a dealer. What are the things that i should be checking on the car? moreover, he is quoting 6 lakhs for a select. I wanted to knw whats the best offer to make to the dealer here. Once the price point is through, i plan to get this car tested for service checkup's etc. Can anyone suggest a good place (near frazer town, etc) for a complete check up?
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Old 9th June 2010, 15:58   #1804
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Originally Posted by hiren.mistry View Post
I have taken the plunge and have bought that 2006 Civic. Finally negotiated to 7.1L. It might a lil bit on the higher side but its a price to pay for a car thats good.

The best part is the car has a clean service history, no accident damage, no insurance claims etc. The car is serviced at Solitaire Honda and I was able to view its full service history when I got the car checked with them.

The car's recently undergone a 20k service (6th May) at 18055 kms and it been barely driven for 400 kms since then, also its been filled with Honda synthetic oil.

Will be getting the car home on Sunday, can't wait till then.

Thanks for all the help fellas.

Congrats Hiren. Yours would officially be the shortest used car-hunt that I have ever come across!

Even though the price is a bit on the higher side, I honestly think it should not matter. You got what you liked and that is what matters. Plus the car has been verified as completely clean and with such few ticks on the odo, should serve you for a long time. Enjoy the ownership.
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Old 9th June 2010, 16:12   #1805
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
opps, my bad. Its a 2008 make. And, taxation is similar to bangalore. OTR is 14% of ex-showroom price.
Why is the world adopting Bangys road tax structure

Anyway I checked out the car in question (over the net that is) at the dealer you had mentioned. I do not think you read the inspection details of the car. Otherwise you would never have contemplated buying it.

The car has re-painted doors, fender AND bonnet. All that points to the fact that the car was involved in a major collision. Other than that the battery needs a change (they say needs charging) and the timing belt and other belts are in a bad shape as well. Now the timing belt needs a change usually at around 70k kms and there is no way that a battery can go kaput in 2 years. In addition the AC gas needs 'topping-up' as well. And then they have the guts to quote a price of 9.5L. Phew - what is the world coming to

In short PLEASE stay away from that car.
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Old 9th June 2010, 17:02   #1806
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Originally Posted by mkh View Post
I have read and gone through several threads, though what you say is what a lot of people outside of TBHP say, have not come across many users who say this( for the fiesta) this was true again for the ikon and escort.
Any owner feedback to support this statement? Asking ONLY because looking at buying a fiesta maybe
I don't have owner feedback for the Fiesta, but I have it for the Ikon and Escort and the Figo. Painting the Figo's front bumper at a Ford A.S.S. will set you back by 5.5k. Painting an Esteem's bumper at MASS will set you back by 3k. So the difference is there for you to judge.
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Old 9th June 2010, 17:33   #1807
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Originally Posted by mail.jaiswal View Post
Guys, saw a post recently on Carwale for 2007 Cedia seelct 27k run through a dealer. What are the things that i should be checking on the car? moreover, he is quoting 6 lakhs for a select. I wanted to knw whats the best offer to make to the dealer here. Once the price point is through, i plan to get this car tested for service checkup's etc. Can anyone suggest a good place (near frazer town, etc) for a complete check up?
I have seen this car in person at the dealer. It is in ok condition with a few scratches here and there on the bumpers and on the sides. I have not driven it though to comment on the running condition.

I guess you can quote 4.75L and maybe go up 50K max. You can get the car checked at the authorized Mitsubishi service center at india garage on Victoria road that is very near to MG Road. They should be having all the service history of this car.

Last edited by Maibaa : 9th June 2010 at 17:40.
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Old 9th June 2010, 18:32   #1808
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Originally Posted by Cesc View Post
Why is the world adopting Bangys road tax structure

Anyway I checked out the car in question (over the net that is) at the dealer you had mentioned. I do not think you read the inspection details of the car. Otherwise you would never have contemplated buying it.

The car has re-painted doors, fender AND bonnet. All that points to the fact that the car was involved in a major collision. Other than that the battery needs a change (they say needs charging) and the timing belt and other belts are in a bad shape as well. Now the timing belt needs a change usually at around 70k kms and there is no way that a battery can go kaput in 2 years. In addition the AC gas needs 'topping-up' as well. And then they have the guts to quote a price of 9.5L. Phew - what is the world coming to

In short PLEASE stay away from that car.
Well, if you check again. Almost every car under the body section shows as re-painted. Do does it mean all are accident vehicles?

I dont think so. Most folks paint the door, fender or bumper after they accumalate lot of scratches.

In any case, wont be looking at these vehicles, will focus on individual seller rather than dealer available.
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Old 9th June 2010, 18:48   #1809
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Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
Well, if you check again. Almost every car under the body section shows as re-painted. Do does it mean all are accident vehicles?

I dont think so. Most folks paint the door, fender or bumper after they accumalate lot of scratches.

In any case, wont be looking at these vehicles, will focus on individual seller rather than dealer available.
Dear mobike008,

Please also note that the website mentions

Oil Leakage : Minor
Timing Belt Tensioner : Not Ok
Belts : Not Ok

I would agree to you saying that fenders/bumpers are the most re-painted parts of a car but would disagree to the doors, I have not heard of people getting the doors repainted for scratches (atleast not <3 year old cars).

Also, even if forget the repainting, yet Oil leakage in a Skoda can become dreadful, we all know for a dealer, minor =

I hope you understand the context in which cesc mentioned the shortcomings.
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Old 9th June 2010, 19:00   #1810
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Originally Posted by ACM View Post
5.5-6.5L through dealers - 6-7 to individuals.

Suggest you keep it at least till warranty lasts.
Thanks ACM. The problem is that the front seat of the safari is very uncomfortable for me. Like even after driving it for a couple of kms I get an unbearable kind of shooting pain in the back.
I have tried everything, using amron backrests, cushions, etc. Now the last attempt is to try and change the seats to an Innova seats but if the problem doesn't get solved I'll be left with no other option other than to let this vehicle go.
i know the problem is in the seats as I experience no pain or discomfort when driving my Optra or Ikon. For that matter no issues with driving the jeeps as well.
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Old 10th June 2010, 00:04   #1811
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Need some replies fellow bhpians!

Originally Posted by ishlinea7260 View Post

Hey guys a friend found out about this Honda accord may 2009.
Mint condition, Chandigarh registration, 10000kms, tafeta white colour.
what do you think is the best price for this car?
Come on guys i need some replies!!!
And here goes another, what do you think should be the price for a 2000- 2001 Toyota Landcruiser Prado AT diesel 150,000kms?
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Old 10th June 2010, 11:37   #1812
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I urgently need to know how much a Chevy CAPTIVA will cost in the NCR region, if I plan to buy this car after 4-5 months.

I had posted earlier as well, but no response. The Chevy costed around 19 lacs when new (launched in Jan '08). To re frame the question, how much will a Chevy CAPTIVA cost if the car is 2.5 yrs old?

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Old 10th June 2010, 11:49   #1813
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I use this thumb rule - a 5 year old large diesel SUV would lose 50% of its value. So for a 2.5 yr old Captiva, I might be willing to pay around Rs. 14 Lacs plus or minus 5% depending on its condition.
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Old 10th June 2010, 11:49   #1814
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Originally Posted by Abhi_Automobile View Post

I urgently need to know how much a Chevy CAPTIVA will cost in the NCR region, if I plan to buy this car after 4-5 months.

I had posted earlier as well, but no response. The Chevy costed around 19 lacs when new (launched in Jan '08). To re frame the question, how much will a Chevy CAPTIVA cost if the car is 2.5 yrs old?

That's a tough one. Simply because very few Captivas would have been traded in the used car market (because few were sold in the first place). If I had to make some sort of an educated guess I would say somewhere around 12-13L depending on the car condition/odo reading. I am basing my estimate on the Endy of a similar vintage which would go for around 11.

However DL plates could now be costlier because of the hike in road tax (which would have easily added 1L+ to on-road price of Captiva).
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Old 10th June 2010, 12:02   #1815
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Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
I use this thumb rule - a 5 year old large diesel SUV would lose 50% of its value. So for a 2.5 yr old Captiva, I might be willing to pay around Rs. 14 Lacs plus or minus 5% depending on its condition.
+1 on this calculation. However, there would be a 10%-15% further difference depending on how many it actually sold in the market. In this case, Captiva sold quite less hence, it price would be much lower than Rs.14 Lakhs but, again this depends also on condition of the vehicle and kms clocked.
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