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Old 16th December 2023, 22:54   #9451
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by IamNikhil View Post
Another WEIRD niggle cropped-up yesterday!

Had visited a friend's place yesterday night for dinner and had parked the car in a quaint by-lane of Bandra. Mind you, the car had run yesterday for almost 100 km through the day yesterday for various errands till then. Got done at the friend's place around 1.30 a.m. and walked back to the car, only to find that the car refused to unlock, even after multiple attempts. First thought was that the battery of the keyfob had died again (battery was changed barely a month and half back). I knew for a fact that if I tried to unlock the car by retracting the handle and inserting the key into the door. the car is going to wake up the entire neighbourhood!

Tried unlocking the car through Adrenox, but no luck there either; just multiple unsuccessful attempts. The engine started in the first attempt via Adrenox, but the car still refused to unlock the doors. Ultimately opened the driver-side window via the window control option. Even after the window rolled-down and I put my hand inside to unlock the doors by pressing the button on the doorpad, the button was limp and didn't do anything even after pressing it multiple times. Ultimately pulled open the lock on the inner door handle and opened the door. The engine was running all this while. The moment I opened the door the horn started blaring and the lights started blinking violently; at that time of the night, it looked like the car was possessed! I actually jumped at the loud noise; surely the whole quiet neighbourhood would have woken up with a start. Even after I jumped inside and shut the door, the horn and lights wouldn't stop. Ultimately it stopped after I pulled the gear from P to D and started driving. The infotainment screen was frozen and couldn't operate the controls. The doors didn't lock automatically when I started driving either, and the lock button was still useless.

Since it was already late and I didn't want to get stranded in the middle of the road, I couldn't take the risk of stopping and restarting the car. Ultimately reached home, parked the car, slotted into P, shut the engine with the Start/Stop button and opened the door. The moment I opened the door, the same scene with the horn and lights occurred all over again! It was supremely embarrassing to say the least as it was 2.45 a.m. by now and the whole society would have woken up with this loud noise! Shutting the door didn't help either. All this while, Adrenox was sending these alerts: "Unauthorized vehicle entry alert". Ultimately the horn and lights stopped on it's own. The doors still refused to lock with the keyfob and Adrenox controls. Ultimately went upstairs with the thought of calling the Service Centre in the morning. While I was about to sleep half an hour later, peeped outside the window and tried using the keyfob again; and voila! the car locked. Tried unlocking/locking a couple of times and all was well, like nothing ever happened!

Drove to office today morning and everything is normal, everything is working properly. Simply appalled and shocked as to what could have gone wrong yesterday night. The car is touching 27k kms and such errant behaviour still scares me.
I have faced the exact same issue on my XUV 700 as well one dreadful night! The exact same situation actually and the car had only done near 15k kms. Adrenox app wouldn’t respond either and just like you I too had to drive home with the alarm going off every time I opened the door. After around 2 hours or so I tried the key fob again and it worked just like it was supposed to! No glitches whatsoever as if NOTHING HAPPENED. I had called Mahindra customer service and they asked me to hold the key close to the door handle and try again next time. It was just that one time, I thought to myself. I was proven wrong 10k kms later when I was on my way to the airport to drop my brother!! The car wouldn’t respond. Thankfully I was at home and had the spare key with me and surprisingly, that one worked! Still have no idea what happened and I carry the spare key whenever I can. Curious to know if anyone else encountered the same.
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Old 17th December 2023, 01:39   #9452
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by IamNikhil View Post
Another WEIRD niggle cropped-up yesterday!

Had visited a friend's place yesterday night for dinner and had parked the car in a quaint by-lane of Bandra. Mind you, the car had run yesterday for almost 100 km through the day yesterday for various errands till then. Got done at the friend's place around 1.30 a.m. and walked back to the car, only to find that the car refused to unlock, even after multiple attempts. First thought was that the battery of the keyfob had died again (battery was changed barely a month and half back). I knew for a fact that if I tried to unlock the car by retracting the handle and inserting the key into the door. the car is going to wake up the entire neighbourhood!
Ultimately pulled open the lock on the inner door handle and opened the door. The engine was running all this while. The moment I opened the door the horn started blaring and the lights started blinking violently; at that time of the night, it looked like the car was possessed! I actually jumped at the loud noise; surely the whole quiet neighbourhood would have woken up with a start. Even after I jumped inside and shut the door, the horn and lights wouldn't stop. Ultimately it stopped after I pulled the gear from P to D and started driving. The infotainment screen was frozen and couldn't operate the controls. The doors didn't lock automatically when I started driving either, and the lock button was still useless.
Since it was already late and I didn't want to get stranded in the middle of the road, I couldn't take the risk of stopping and restarting the car. Ultimately reached home, parked the car, slotted into P, shut the engine with the Start/Stop button and opened the door. The moment I opened the door, the same scene with the horn and lights occurred all over again! It was supremely embarrassing to say the least as it was 2.45 a.m. by now and the whole society would have woken up with this loud noise! Shutting the door didn't help either. All this while, Adrenox was sending these alerts: "Unauthorized vehicle entry alert". Ultimately the horn and lights stopped on it's own. The doors still refused to lock with the keyfob and Adrenox controls. Simply appalled and shocked as to what could have gone wrong yesterday night. The car is touching 27k kms and such errant behaviour still scares me.
Originally Posted by the.photosapien View Post
I have faced the exact same issue on my XUV 700 as well one dreadful night! The exact same situation actually and Adrenox app wouldn’t respond either and just like you I too had to drive home with the alarm going off every time I opened the door. After around 2 hours or so I tried the key fob again and it worked just like it was supposed to! Curious to know if anyone else encountered the same.
One question on my mind: Does this happen with the guys who received their second keys later on? Does this have anything to do with the coding or the vehicles to which the second key was connected later on? Are you guys using the second key or the first key only? If you are using the second key, try using the first key that came with your vehicles from the factory.

I know many people with XUV700, and none of them have encountered this problem.
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Old 17th December 2023, 01:48   #9453
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by rpmmachine View Post
One question on my mind: Does this happen with the guys who received their second keys later on? Does this have anything to do with the coding or the vehicles to which the second key was connected later on? Are you guys using the second key or the first key only? If you are using the second key, try using the first key that came with your vehicles from the factory.

I know many people with XUV700, and none of them have encountered this problem.
Nope got both keys together at delivery. I still use the primary key.. it was just that one time when I used it to unlock the car and then continued to use the primary key as it was completely back to normal again. Then again, I was among the first 25k bookings of the 700 so one of the first batch of cars delivered to Kerala.. would it have something to do with that? Like just that batch of cars or something?
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Old 17th December 2023, 01:52   #9454
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

I seriously feel the key detection component has a bug either in the sensor or software and needs a look in by M&M, have heard exact same issue from another owner too. You can also see this creating issues with key tagged profile - if you keep this feature activated in adrenox you will repeatedly see "Activating profile <name>" message popping every now and then instead of once during bootup and I feel this happens due to the system dropping and sensing the key back again.
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Old 17th December 2023, 10:17   #9455
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by himanshu_trikha View Post
IMHO ,that’s not the case, my Ciaz used to disable the Co-Driver window as well.
In XUV700 only rear windows operation from rear buttons are disabled. Co driver buttons are still enabled and driver can still operate all four windows.
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Old 17th December 2023, 11:45   #9456
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Dear tbhp members,
I post this to get valuable inputs from the group members on an issue where I am going through a state of distraught and perplexity wrt my XUV700 .
Vehicle : XUV700 Diesel AT Luxury

The problem statement:
Sudden Battery drain resulting in vehicle not starting- Needing Jump Start
With jump start Vehicle starts and then there is no problem whatsoever, till the issue reoccurs suddenly.

Occurrence: 4 times in 1.5 years
First : Within a month of purchase ( Purchase date 31st July 2022)
Second time: 23rd Jan 2023
Third time : 20th Nov 2023
Fourth time : 13th Dec 2023

Problem Description:
Vehicle runs daily around 80 Kms . In 1.5 years I have cloaked 35k Kms.
On all 4 occasions mentioned above, the vehicle had run at-least 40 Kms.
After reaching the destination, it was parked and in the evening upon starting it did not start.
Time lapse between last vehicle stop and problem occurrence: 8-10 hrs average
There is no consistent pattern in other operations while the issue occurs.
For ex – At times all of the other operations like Driver Seat movement, Window roll up and down, Remote operated door knobs would all not work. Sometime some of them would work.
Vehicle gives cranking sound but doesn’t start .

I have approached service center in 3 out of 4 times .
They could not find any issue with the vehicle or the battery and returned the vehicle with simple statement : Sir everything is all right, lets see if this comes up next time
In their submission , they have checked with scanner , fuses and there is no electric current leakage
Once ,they have also sent the battery to Amaron to check which took a week and same result. Battery is fine.

Yesterday ( 16th Dec) : I decided to directly go to Amaron Pitstop and get the battery checked.

The result seems to be again “GOOD BATTERY”. The guy checked initially with Multimeter then a proper Battery meter and water levels also checked and found ok.

The issue is so random that I have lost confidence on vehicle coming alive next time I push the start button.
The bigger concern is that there has been till date No diagnosis of the problem.
If it was a battery problem I would have invested ( assuming its past 1year warranty ) but I don’t want to do that till the time I am sure that problem is with the battery and not the vehicle
I am also not hopeful of diagnosis with Mahindra Service Center because of their failed attempts till now and their known missing abilities/aptitude for diagnosis.
While I understand approaching the Service center will be the only way out but at this time I have exhausted my own line of probe and I seek opinions, ideas, workarounds on this matter both on the technical side as well as how to approach M&M to solve it .
Needless to say, having been a car owner and enthusiast for over 20 years , I have taken full precautions to not let the battery die for reasons of cabin light kept On by mistake,using infotainment system without starting the car ,even to the extent of not using parking lights when vehicle is switched off.
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Old 17th December 2023, 20:14   #9457
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Dear bhpians,

This is my first post after my introduction post after gaining my membership. Thank you all for providing such a great review and updates about your ownership of beloved machine.

I have been looking out to replace my dad's Ford Figo.

Love at first sight
I happen to look at Jeep Compass on Bengaluru roads back in 2017 and fell in love with its stance. Later in 2018-2019 I happen to drive my friend's Compass since we worked in same company and also in same building. Our outings for weekend were planned as family outing and I absolutely loved Compass drive and handling. I happen to drive the car occasionally and loved ut. But, I was not so serious to replace the Figo at that point of time.

After WFH due to the covid then job switch during the pandemic I happen to stay with my parents along with my wife and kid.

Love for 700:
Later in 2021, the urge to replace the Figo started increasing slowly. I was looking at Compass but I felt that it was priced higher for what it offered and decided not to go with Compass. And during that time, I came across the mighty 700 teaser.

Fell in love after the teaser and started browsing about the release date, specs, etc. extensively.
I even added the car to the cart and tried to book on the first day with introductory price. Booking failed and I tried again. Even after repeated tries, the booking didn't happen. Later I decided not to go ahead with the booking.
I happen to get a call from the dealer on the 2nd day of booking and they were ready to punch a booking in my name with the first day's introductory price. But I did not go ahead with it.

Took my first TD in March 2022 and was all smiles after the TD. The car was HUGE! For someone who has driven a manual hatchback all his life and jumping into AT SUV, I felt the car to be huge and the TD was done in a very high volume traffic road. But I absolutely loved the raw power and decided this will be my first car (purchase out of my own pocket).

Coming to September 2023, I booked online for AWD version with dealer #1 on my parents 40th anniversary without telling anyone about it. I thought to keep it as a surprise even after knowing that the delivery dates on web showed somewhere in June-Aug 2024.

Come October, our figo has sudden loss of power and the service people informed that there are rat bites and hence the problem. It was rectified and put a huge hole into out pockets. I asked them to spray rodent repellent on the engine bay.

Slowly I disclosed to my family that I have booked AWD version of 700. I wanted my dad to TD the 700 and hence I asked for TD at my place. The showroom provided AX7L Petrol AT and my dad was impressed with the performance.

We were dicussing about Scorpio-N and decided to take TD of Scorpio-N in another dealer #2 from my hometown. In November, we TDed Z8L petrol AT. I fell in love for a very high seating position in the Scorpio-N.

My dad wanted petrol car for its refinement but I wanted diesel as our place in Tamil Nadu or Bangalore (work location) has no ban on diesel engines yet. And another reason, wanted better mileage.

After driving Scorpio-N, I was in a confusion whether to go with XUV or Scorpio-N and cancelled my AWD booking as this dealer at my hometown promised early delivery of 700.

For past 2 years I wanted XUV700 in my den but TD'ing Scorpio-N started confusing me.

But I being more of a highway traveller, deicided to go with my love 700 ❤️ as I won't be going for any off roading.

Now comes the part where I need your suggestions
I booked 700 AX7L D AT (non AWD) Midnight Black with the dealer by paying the booking amount and booking was punched on 9th December. Fortunately or unfortunately, on our small outing for shopping on the same evening, our Figo starts acting wierd. Think it has smelled that it is going to be replaced sooner or later

On the same day, almost near midnight dropped a message to my mahindra SA to check if I can get early delivery of the vehicle from first lot of 2024.

On 13th morning, I was told that the same variant and color 700 is going to be billed to the dealer and they asked if I'm ok to go ahead with the delivery of the vehicle. I quickly had a word with my family and said ok to it. I was promised that invoice will be done in my name and sooner VIN will be shared to me.

Meantime, I asked few doubts regarding loan processing to my SA and he told finance team will help me with loan process. Through my preferred bank, my loan is sanctioned and I told my bank not to disburse any amount before I give a go. I'm yet to sign any bank documents as of today.
Also I asked my Service Advisor for PDI once the car reaches them. I even told him that I need the PDI before paying/releasing any payment. But he told me it is not possible as this car is not my original allotment. He asked me to pay something to hold the car in my name and invoice it in my name. And was told after the car reaches the dealer, I can do the PDI. If I'm not satisfied while doing PDI, they said the amount can be refund to me. All these conversations happened over call with my SA.

My doubt here is, will this car come from factory for real or is the dealer trying to push me a PDI rejected car or may be if someone has decided to pass on the car due to some financial arrangements. I know I'm over thinking, but still for a car of 3Million, I need to be sure that I'm not given a defective product which was rejected in PDI by some other customer. Fingers crossed.

I'm in 2 minds now, whether to go with this vehicle or wait for another 22-26 weeks (waiting time mentioned by dealer for AX7L D AT) for my alloted car to come. But I'm not sure if my Figo will hold up until my allotted car come in.

Please provide your valuable suggestions and ideas.

Sorry for the long post. Looking for your suggestions.

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Old 17th December 2023, 20:37   #9458
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by Carophile View Post

Vehicle gives cranking sound but doesn’t start .
Just wanted to share my opinion on a possible issue—Immobilizer Malfunction. If your engine's cranking and turning over, but it's not firing up and running, this might be the culprit. Immobilizers usually rely on transponders in your key or fob and a receiver unit in the car. When you get that key or fob close to the ignition, the transponder shoots a coded signal to the receiver. If the code matches the one stored in the car's memory, the immobilizer system deactivates, and voila, your engine starts.

Here are some potential reasons behind the glitch:
  • Faulty transponder: If the transponder in your key or fob is damaged or malfunctioning, it might not send the correct signal to the receiver, preventing the immobilizer from deactivating.
  • Receiver malfunction: The receiver unit in the car itself might be faulty, failing to receive or correctly interpret the signal from the transponder.
  • Software glitches: Software glitches in the immobilizer system can lead to temporary malfunctions, preventing startup. This has highest probability.
  • Low battery: Low battery in the key fob can sometimes interfere with the signal transmission, mimicking an immobilizer malfunction.

You can try switching the keyfobs as well.
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Old 18th December 2023, 01:49   #9459
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Thanks Sunilsoft, thats a food for thought and a likely cause. Would keep this in my list of points to get checked while visiting SC for resolution. Just a thought though, if an Immobilizer issue is preventing it to start, how would jump starting the car work?
Originally Posted by sunilsoft View Post
Just wanted to share my opinion on a possible issue—Immobilizer Malfunction. If your engine's cranking and turning over, but it's not firing up and running, this might be the culprit. Immobilizers usually rely on transponders in your key or fob and a receiver unit in the car. When you get that key or fob close to the ignition, the transponder shoots a coded signal to the receiver. If the code matches the one stored in the car's memory, the immobilizer system deactivates, and voila, your engine starts.

Here are some potential reasons behind the glitch:
  • Faulty transponder: If the transponder in your key or fob is damaged or malfunctioning, it might not send the correct signal to the receiver, preventing the immobilizer from deactivating.
  • Receiver malfunction: The receiver unit in the car itself might be faulty, failing to receive or correctly interpret the signal from the transponder.
  • Software glitches: Software glitches in the immobilizer system can lead to temporary malfunctions, preventing startup. This has highest probability.
  • Low battery: Low battery in the key fob can sometimes interfere with the signal transmission, mimicking an immobilizer malfunction.

You can try switching the keyfobs as well.
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Old 18th December 2023, 06:58   #9460
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by Carophile View Post
Just a thought though, if an Immobilizer issue is preventing it to start, how would jump starting the car work?
There are two possible scenarios / reasons :
  • Low Battery: In some cases, a weak battery can trigger the immobilizer to malfunction due to insufficient power. Jumping the car can provide enough temporary power to overcome this, allowing the engine to start until the underlying battery or immobilizer issue is addressed.
  • Intermittent Malfunction: If the immobilizer malfunction is intermittent, jump starting might coincidentally coincide with a brief period of the system functioning correctly, allowing the engine to start.

IMO You should ask the service center to update/reflash the immobilizer software. If they could change the immobilizer and transponder even better.
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Old 18th December 2023, 08:05   #9461
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by zeitgest View Post
I too noticed the same sort of vibration and an increase in engine NVH in general post the 10k service. This is a XUV 700 Diesel AWD AX7 November 2022 manufactured. I also noticed that the engine was not revving as smoothly as it used to earlier. I did some digging on the same and seems like I might have found something.

So when I started looking for the grade/kind of engine oil that was used I was told that the engine oil being used everywhere is the Mahindra Maximile Ultra Semi Synthetic oil at 5W30. But when I looked into the provided service book, the recommended oil was Mahindra Maximile Ultra V4 Next-gen Synthetic oil. It clearly says synthetic oil on the box. The service book also says in case the V4 isn’t available the regular maximile ultra should be used.

This sort of sounds like there isn’t enough supply of this synthetic oil and hence it is only reserved for the cars out of the factory? Hence the oil changes post the factory are with an inferior Semisynthetic oil which is causing the said increase in NVH.

I further did some research and found on the same forum that the best synthetic oil for ACEA C3/API CH4 oil available in the market currently is the Castrol Edge 30 5w30LL. I’m thinking of changing it to this oil in case the dealership isn’t able to source the Maximile Ultra V4. Is that a good option?
Hi. I own a XUV 7OO AX5 D MT. Can you give me any update regarding the current engine oil that your XUV 7OO is using. I also got my second service of XUV 7OO done at 10K . They used Maximile ultra as they had No V4 in stock. Immediately after the service when I drove the car , the engine was very noisy and full of vibrations. I have driven these 10K kms all by myself and am not at all happy with the current response of my car. I enquired at my workshop and they clearly denied ordering maximile ultra V4 for me. Fortunately I got one Mahindra workshop in Lucknow which is ready to order V4 for me. My current odometer stats are 11670. Should I change the engine oil as soon as the V4 is available or instead i should wait for the car to complete an extra 9K kms ?
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Old 18th December 2023, 08:12   #9462
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

My 700 just completed 1.3 years and had done 29k kms. I am all set for a 6k kms highway run starting tomorrow. Prepped the car for the run by doing the below things. Anything else to be checked specifically ?

30k service done.
Oil and oil filter replaced.
Coolant topped up.
DEF topped up.
Brake pads have done 10k kms only.
Tyre pressure is set at 34psi.
Wheel alignment planned for today.
Wiper blades change for today.
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Old 18th December 2023, 09:18   #9463
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by Rider1802 View Post
Hi, my XUV700 AXL AT Diesel is just 3 months old & covered only 3000 km and I am facing the same issue of hissing/whistling sound while halting the vehicle or in bumper to bumper traffic. I had given the vehicle to SC for checking they said it might be because of some dust or moisture... They cleaned the brakes and gave the vehicle back but still the sound is coming... Please let me know if you have found any solution to this. Thanks in advance
I had this issue cropping up again and again even after disk clean and other conservative treatments within the mechanicals of disc brakes and pads.

Finally, they replaced the front disks along with pads and since then I have covered 4000 Kilometers without much issues. At times there is a faint noise(more of a humming) while braking and coming to standstill. Far better than the earlier squealing noise.

Push the service center for a replacement of Disc and brake pad assembly.
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Old 18th December 2023, 10:44   #9464
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by SS80 View Post
Off late I am noticing that in most XUV7OOs the rear tyres are losing buttons on the inner side sooner than the outer. Some sort of suspension issue I guess, most probably the bush inside the swing arm may be of inferior quality or is unable to take the load of the giant. Somehow, this issue is more rampant on all similar suspension cars like Nano, xuv5oo, Grand Vitara etc.
Posting a picture from the Teambhp review for reference.
My cousin's XUV700 had just completed 20k kms and we were driving from Kanyakumari to Chennai last week. Near Madurai,the real wheel tyre behind the driver seat got punctured and when we checked in the nearby shop, we noticed that the tyre had a huge crack on the inside part and the puncture shop guy advised against putting a patch as we still had more than 400 kms to cover. We checked with Mahindra service guy after sharing the photos and he said nothing can be done on the tyre and it's better to replace it. But no shop in Madurai or Trichy had 235/65/R17 Wanderer in stock and we had to rely on the stepney to reach Chennai. It was a dreadful experience and I thought it was an one off case. But after reading your post,I have my doubts
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Old 18th December 2023, 11:07   #9465
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by rpmmachine View Post
One question on my mind: Does this happen with the guys who received their second keys later on? Does this have anything to do with the coding or the vehicles to which the second key was connected later on? Are you guys using the second key or the first key only? If you are using the second key, try using the first key that came with your vehicles from the factory.

I know many people with XUV700, and none of them have encountered this problem.
Had received both keys during the time of delivery, since my car is from the first batch. Had taken delivery in December 2021.
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