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Old 20th August 2015, 12:29   #8926
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by MavericK46 View Post
Endgame: No matter what stop-gap arrangements are made by BTP, we're at a juncture where limiting the number of vehicles on the road (congestion charging, Paris' registration-number based banning of cars on certain days) appears to be the only solution.

Namma Metro, Monorails and what-have-you will take the best part of another decade to be fully implemented. Congestion charging can certainly be implemented in a matter of months.
Since this will not happen easily, the simplest thing would be to have the IT companies charge a bomb for parking. That way people have to carpool. Or give some incentives to carpooling.

The cause of jams is pretty clear, in front of IT companies during peak office hours.

The problem is employees get lucrative lease plans and benefits such as fuel reimbursement. People buy cars only because the option is available.

Country like Singapore is struggling as well but they have congestion charges in CBD area, high parking charges and insane prices of new cars. It's a big deterrent.
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Old 20th August 2015, 13:20   #8927
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by pramodpk View Post
The ITPL road from Hope Farm to ITPL seems to be blocked.
Any idea what is the reason?
I heard that the road is blocked because of a BMTC bus breakdown/accident on the ITPL road!
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Old 20th August 2015, 15:38   #8928
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by akhil_007 View Post
Then you must be very familiar with Off-Roading in Mud Slush whenever it rains . There is no road. All there exists is a path created by MAN/SCANIA trucks that seem to use this road 24x7.
Oh Yeah! I am used to that off road so much that it has become a effortless drive. The only drawback is a dirt laden car once I'm home but who cares as long as I don't spend time waiting for the traffic to move As we speak the rain gods have been kind enough to bestow some rain and I'm sure the off road will be truly worth it today!

Last edited by alokgunhal : 20th August 2015 at 15:39.
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Old 20th August 2015, 15:49   #8929
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by alokgunhal View Post
Oh Yeah! I am used to that off road so much that it has become a effortless drive. The only drawback is a dirt laden car once I'm home but who cares as long as I don't spend time waiting for the traffic to move As we speak the rain gods have been kind enough to bestow some rain and I'm sure the off road will be truly worth it today!
Very true. When I came out during lunch, it was so hot as if I m in Gulbarga or someplace similar. Now I see, its raining. But I hear its not raining yet near Murugeshpalya. Bangalore weather truly is bound by area
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Old 20th August 2015, 16:16   #8930
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by MavericK46 View Post
. Congestion charging can certainly be implemented in a matter of months.
Yes, and how am I supposed to use the absolute brilliant Public Transport if I don't want to pay for that?

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post

The problem is employees get lucrative lease plans and benefits such as fuel reimbursement. People buy cars only because the option is available.

Country like Singapore is struggling as well but they have congestion charges in CBD area, high parking charges and insane prices of new cars. It's a big deterrent.
First of all we are not Singapore. Yes, we are in terrible terrible shape. Most of our Metros are choking to death. But why look for repair when you can rebuild?

We have discussed this at length. But broadly - attitudes of drivers, policing and infrastructure all need to change.
Example - People are charged more for watching a movie on weekends - does that mean the show goes empty? People have money, the congestion charges will do nothing except fill the coffers of local politicians
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Old 20th August 2015, 16:27   #8931
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

It is customary to see all flyovers on ORR overflowing with vehicles during peak hours. What will happen to those flyovers? Will it lasts long as it is designed?

Whitefield main road was recently re-laid with fresh tarmac. Couple of days back some cable guys started digging as if it is their birth right to dig newly laid road.
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Old 20th August 2015, 16:45   #8932
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Nempuguru View Post
Whitefield main road was recently re-laid with fresh tarmac. Couple of days back some cable guys started digging as if it is their birth right to dig newly laid road.
I heard that the residents, and some of the stronger citizens organizations got together to stop this work, wasn't this the case ?
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Old 20th August 2015, 17:08   #8933
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
I heard that the residents, and some of the stronger citizens organizations got together to stop this work, wasn't this the case ?
Ohh! that may be the reason. Today morning I didn't see any work happening.

People must unite and protest to stop these maniacs.
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Old 20th August 2015, 17:09   #8934
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

^^ Yes, there was a news last weekend regarding this. Seems like the contractor was fined 1 Lakh for the same. However what is interesting is that any road work has to be approved by BBMP and an amount deposited at BBMP based on the length of road you are digging up.
BBMP is supposed to use this money for restoring the road back. So, in this case instead of fining the contractor should BBMP itself be fined?

On another note: Bus breakdown on ORR near Kadubeesinahalli in front of Cesna business park.
Those who are traveling from Marathahalli towards Bellandur are going to get stuck.
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Old 20th August 2015, 17:36   #8935
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I dont think we can ever stop anyone buying cars. A lot of them buy because someone else got it. A lot buy because its a status symbol. Some do buy for practical and enthusiastic reasons.

That said, why are government/planning agencies allowing more and more IT parks, malls, shops on the already busy roads (which are choked and beyond capacity). Instead why cant' they encourage/mandate developing areas that are not developed still ? That way the city is going to expand linearly and the congestion gets a relief. Of course govt should ensure better civic amenities to make such a proposal attractive. Eventually people would also start buying house/relocate to those localities which would reduce the stress on everything (roads, water etc)

The Ecospace is a good example. In the last 3 years its grown manifold. More parks are coming inside the same campus and that would mean the ORR and the campus is going to be blocked much worse than what it is now.
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Old 20th August 2015, 18:29   #8936
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sammyboy View Post
Spent a relaxed 45 minutes at the Hoodi signal in the morning today while going towards Whitefield, while the Congress vehicles zoomed past the other side of the divider. Thank you politicians, you really know how to treat us well.
Was it the Karnataka CM in the convoy ? He has gone on record saying that "people will have to bear it" :

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Old 20th August 2015, 18:34   #8937
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by mpksuhas View Post
On another note: Bus breakdown on ORR near Kadubeesinahalli in front of Cesna business park.
Those who are traveling from Marathahalli towards Bellandur are going to get stuck.
Saw this too late :(
We were passing that stretch around 6pm and the Volvo bus was still there.
The underpass itself was clogged with water and just as you come out you are greeted with the bus breakdown which wasn't even on the leftmost lane. It was almost the lane next to leftmost lane.
Good thing was that BTP had closed the u-turn so after that it was terrific and the twin flyovers also weren't crowded. Reached HSR in flat 15 minutes from that point on.
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Old 20th August 2015, 18:42   #8938
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sunishsamuel View Post
I dont think we can ever stop anyone buying cars. A lot of them buy because someone else got it. A lot buy because its a status symbol. Some do buy for practical and enthusiastic reasons.

That said, why are government/planning agencies allowing more and more IT parks, malls, shops on the already busy roads (which are choked and beyond capacity). Instead why cant' they encourage/mandate developing areas that are not developed still ? That way the city is going to expand linearly and the congestion gets a relief. Of course govt should ensure better civic amenities to make such a proposal attractive. Eventually people would also start buying house/relocate to those localities which would reduce the stress on everything (roads, water etc)

The Ecospace is a good example. In the last 3 years its grown manifold. More parks are coming inside the same campus and that would mean the ORR and the campus is going to be blocked much worse than what it is now.
There are more number of cars than residential homes in bangalore I guess. The situation is much worse during weekends where people struggle to find parking space for their cars. Many a times I have seen in Koramangala, the cars are literally standing in the way of the tenant/owner's house and the same ends up in a verbal fight with the car owner.
It all boils down to space.
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Old 20th August 2015, 19:14   #8939
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

With the palike elections on, the fever is high (for the campaigners), throwing around flyers & fictional mandates like they are confetti, processions & auto with antiquated loudspeakers are a common sight too. It makes me think if they can pump many hundreds of lakhs on telling people why to vote, why cant they do the same to show the people why to vote by improving roads, planting & looking after trees, keeping all areas clean, etc. Instead I find junked flyers all over the place forming more garbage.

This is not about one party over another, this is about a once peaceful, organized city which is now struggling to remain so. Air pollution, lack of traffic regulation, irregular water supply, polluted lakes.. if something is not done soon this will become a quarantine zone. Hope is no longer an option, the situation is such that citizens have to take matters into their own hands and form extremely strong groups to force the bureaucrats into budging from their tattered chairs once elected.
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Old 20th August 2015, 21:28   #8940
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Not sure what was wrong on Bannerghatta road at 4 pm. Horrible traffic jam. It took close to 30 mins to get to Sagar Apollo Hospital signal from IBC Knowledge park which is hardly 300 meters.

Situation is simply horrible on most of the roads in Bangalore. To rub salt in to wounds, my manager wants me to come to office everyday
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