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Old 13th March 2017, 14:57   #13726
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
During rush hour maybe true, but in the morning hours when I have tried to take ORR to work, its a nuisance having buses all over the road, when you can maintain a faster pace. Road ahead will be empty, thanks to a bunch of buses trying to overtake each other and then as the stop arrives, they just halt in a haphazard manner.
I can totally relate to your post. BMTC or private buses blocking 2-3 lanes on ORR is a very common sight.
Now imagine this. Once the buses start moving, blocking 2 lanes as they race against each other, you are driving behind them in the right most lane, honking periodically, wondering if they would ever give way. Then, the bus ahead of you slowly starts to move to the center lane. You become happy, drop a gear down and prepare yourself for the overtaking. As the bus moves, you have a clear line of sight and alas, it was only changing the lane to overtake the slow moving tractor in the fast lane. Now, you are stuck behind the tractor. You frantically try to come to the center lane, but the queue behind the bus in the center lane is already up to 10 cars.
The two buses are long gone, by the time you overtake the tractor.
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Old 14th March 2017, 11:48   #13727
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Since the last couple of weeks, seeing a "team" of cops stationing themselves around 5pm everyday, just after the junction on Inner Ring Road in the Kormangala-Indiranagar direction (U-turn junction for folks going from Domlur side to Indiranagar). Seat belt violation, helmetless riding (even pillion) are usually stopped. While this is a good move, not even one of them bothers to man the junction that sees a lot of vehicles making a U-turn.

Some smart 2 wheeler riders were even making illegal U-turns over the median just after EGL but they were in for a surprise yesterday as another team of cops were on a similar drive on this side of the road just after EGL With the double team of cops on both sides of the road, it was good to see a lot of disciplined driving!

Last edited by NPV : 14th March 2017 at 11:51.
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Old 14th March 2017, 15:19   #13728
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Since the last couple of weeks, seeing a "team" of cops stationing themselves around 5pm everyday, just after the junction on Inner Ring Road in the Kormangala-Indiranagar direction (U-turn junction for folks going from Domlur side to Indiranagar). Seat belt violation, helmetless riding (even pillion) are usually stopped. While this is a good move, not even one of them bothers to man the junction that sees a lot of vehicles making a U-turn.
Looks like the Traffic Police has identified a few junctions in which they would tolerate 0% traffic violations. And this drive would be their way to show that they mean business . What they should do is also ensure that they don't compound the offence on the spot, seize the vehicle or DL and ask the person to either visit the police station or go to court.
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Old 14th March 2017, 16:31   #13729
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

They have been doing this at the Chinnaswamy Stadium- Cubbon Road junction. What caught the attention was that, they were catching anyone who is over the stop line, moving them aside and fining them. There is some sense of seriousness at the junction for regular users if this road.. The free left towards anil kumble circle is not getting choked either.

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Since the last couple of weeks, seeing a "team" of cops stationing themselves around 5pm everyday, just after the junction on Inner Ring Road in the Kormangala-Indiranagar direction (U-turn junction for folks going from Domlur side to Indiranagar). Seat belt violation, helmetless riding (even pillion) are usually stopped. While this is a good move, not even one of them bothers to man the junction that sees a lot of vehicles making a U-turn.

Some smart 2 wheeler riders were even making illegal U-turns over the median just after EGL but they were in for a surprise yesterday as another team of cops were on a similar drive on this side of the road just after EGL With the double team of cops on both sides of the road, it was good to see a lot of disciplined driving!
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Old 14th March 2017, 17:04   #13730
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
With the double team of cops on both sides of the road, it was good to see a lot of disciplined driving!
Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
And this drive would be their way to show that they mean business
Originally Posted by mannubhai View Post
They have been doing this at the Chinnaswamy Stadium- Cubbon Road junction.
One of the reasons may be the cash reward plus senior officer's public appreciation in social media. About 20% cash reward seems to be pretty good. I have observed nowadays most of the traffic cops keeping a notebook and silently noting down registration numbers, not even stopping the violators.
Attached Thumbnails
Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-btp.jpg  

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Old 14th March 2017, 17:06   #13731
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by mannubhai View Post
They have been doing this at the Chinnaswamy Stadium- Cubbon Road junction.
The BTP has been running a "Zero-Tolerance Junctions" campaign.
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Old 14th March 2017, 17:43   #13732
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I really don't mind diligent personnel getting rewarded based on stats, as long as the fines are booked correctly. They should ideally click a picture for evidence wherever possible to avoid hassles to both sides later. I read a news item somewhere mentioning BTP has the highest number of P&S cameras in use so they definitely have the means.

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Old 14th March 2017, 19:32   #13733
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

If they just install high speed cameras mounted on all Traffic Signals to auto-click violators who cut the red signal and drive through that will be a continuous stream of revenue.

Wonder why they do not do this. If you observe closely there are 2 wheelers and cabs that simply disregard the signals at smaller junctions and drive through out of turn.
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Old 15th March 2017, 07:24   #13734
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Any updates on waterlogging due to yesterday's rain? In north BLR at least, there was torrential rain lasting more than 1 hour!
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Old 15th March 2017, 08:31   #13735
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Any updates on waterlogging due to yesterday's rain? In north BLR at least, there was torrential rain lasting more than 1 hour!
IISC underpass, Sankey magic box, Windsor manor all clear as of today morning 7 am.
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Old 15th March 2017, 09:13   #13736
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Looks like the police are on a roll in the CBD area. Disciplined traffic, no jumping signals, stopping right before the line, are all something that I am noticing after a long time. These changes have reduced my travel time in the evenings by at least 10 minutes on an average. Also yesterday I witnessed a rage of frustration between a man and a group of cops under the double road flyover. It looks like he had jumped the signal, and also his wife was not having a helmet. To top this, his vehicle had a fine of 1300 pending. However, he was not willing to pay it and the cops were not willing to let go. Both him and his wife were yelling out loud at the cops and the man almost went to push around a young officer. The wife was shouting that they were poor and cant afford the huge fine, they were being oppressed and so on. I wish god gives them some common sense to understand that those fines were a result of their mistake and not some tax levied on dinner.

The cops patiently handed him a receipt for 1300 and told him to pay and get moving. I guess he finally paid, since the receipt was already printed and there was no other go. I watched all this from the opposite lane, waiting for the signal to turn green.

I guess this increased enforcement is a result of the additional cops reporting to duty and hope this continues in full force to restore some of the lost traffic sense in the city. Of course, areas such as whitefield, ORR etc havent seen much of the change, and I guess it wont either. The other biggest joke these days are foolish cabbies who enter into the bus lane at KR Puram thinking they have a freeway, and then get stuck behind a couple of buses.

There is just no way out for these chaps and it serves them right!

Originally Posted by Fillmore View Post
If they just install high speed cameras mounted on all Traffic Signals to auto-click violators who cut the red signal and drive through that will be a continuous stream of revenue..
Such enforcement cameras have been installed and from where all I have driven in town, I have noticed them in the following places:
1. Opp. Shantinagar Bus station when driving towards double road flyover.
2. At ASC junction on HAL Airport road
3. Near PES University at the NICE link road junction

Not sure how well they are working though.

Last edited by audioholic : 15th March 2017 at 09:29.
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Old 15th March 2017, 09:49   #13737
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Looks like the police are on a roll in the CBD area. Disciplined traffic, no jumping signals, stopping right before the line, are all something that I am noticing after a long time.
This is definitely a good move, lets hope for some long term results.

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Such enforcement cameras have been installed and from where all I have driven in town, Not sure how well they are working though.
The problem with this system is that, the violation notice is sent to the address in the BTP database (mostly taken from RTO). In majority of the cases, the person would have moved to a new place or would not even bother to respond. Due to this the offender escapes the disciplinary process and continues with the violations. I feel spot fines are good and necessary.

Traffic police have released a list of 500 vehicles with multiple cases of traffic violations pending against their owners. Topping the list is a car, involved in 195 cases of traffic violations, including jumping of signals and wrong parking.
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Old 15th March 2017, 09:59   #13738
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Fillmore View Post
Wonder why they do not do this. If you observe closely there are 2 wheelers and cabs that simply disregard the signals at smaller junctions and drive through out of turn.
This setup does exist in many big junctions. I had got a traffic violation myself for my car for stopping on the solid line before a zebra cross (Not on the zebra crossing) way back in 2011

The coverage should increase. But the problem is exactly what LoneRidder has written. In my case, Address was not changed and I paid the fine online. But a large percentage of vehicle owners don't live in the same address as the one to which the car is registered. And after an address change, nobody bothers to get it updated.
Originally Posted by LoneRidder View Post
The problem with this system is that, the violation notice is sent to the address in the BTP database (mostly taken from RTO). In majority of the cases, the person would have moved to a new place or would not even bother to respond. Due to this the offender escapes the disciplinary process and continues with the violations.
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Old 15th March 2017, 10:34   #13739
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by LoneRidder View Post

The problem with this system is that, the violation notice is sent to the address in the BTP database (mostly taken from RTO). In majority of the cases, the person would have moved to a new place or would not even bother to respond.
Either way, the offences are logged and piled up and some day, it will be paid for. Hence, it should be good enough IMO.

Was exploring the top offenders list released by BTP and also explored the features of MS Excel(not what I work on though) to get this insight:

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-capture.jpg

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-capture1.jpg

Commercial vehicle tops the highest offenders list and followed by two wheelers. Seems quite obvious. However, I am surprised by KA05 vehicles being the highest in number. Either there are too many violators in my area, or too many constables taking down numbers. Surprised because I am from the same area too and all our vehicles are KA05
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Old 15th March 2017, 10:58   #13740
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by audioholic
o top this, his vehicle had a fine of 1300 pending. However, he was not willing to pay it and the cops were not willing to let go. Both him and his wife were yelling out loud at the cops and the man almost went to push around a young officer. The wife was shouting that they were poor and cant afford the huge fine, they were being oppressed and so on
I generally would have lot of questions on this, but now only restricting to one. What was the language used during this yelling match? In India, to be honest it is the middle class who gets s-hafted. The rich has too much money to spare, so are not bothered about violating any rule. The poor (and the so-called oppressed) on the other hand has nothing to lose and can get into incessant yelling and claiming that they are "poor" & "oppressed" (which is a license to do any crime). The amount of non-sense the police in India has to tolerate is mind boggling. If it was some other country this couple would be low sitting inside a lock up in their undies.

I guess this increased enforcement is a result of the additional cops reporting to duty and hope this continues in full force to restore some of the lost traffic sense in the city.
Yes lot of hosa hudugas out there. I also see Traffic police men in Varthur and surroundings; most of them young chaps (just finished their recruit training). Looks like more men are added to the L&O wing as well.

However, I am surprised by KA05 vehicles being the highest in number. Either there are too many violators in my area, or too many constables taking down numbers
Does Jaya Nagar RTO also issue the registration numbers for say BMTC or KSRTC buses? Well in that case the offences on this RTO number would be more, because such vehicles are more on the roads? Or else we may need to check if there are too many Taxi/Yellow board vehicles getting registered there.

And KA05 vehicles are not getting charged from Jaya Nagar area alone (to conclude that there are more constables in that area). It is just that the maximum vehicles getting caught seems to be registered with this RTO.

Originally Posted by LoneRidder
Due to this the offender escapes the disciplinary process and continues with the violations. I feel spot fines are good and necessary.
The black-berry based system does inform the officer that if the vehicle has any pending fine dues. So like what happened to the "argumentative Indian" mentioned above, when he finally gets caught again all the pending fines gets listed. So the police man can take a call, whether to collect the entire fine or detain the driver.

How ever, I feel "spot fines" are slowly not becoming a detterent. Most of these fines are real paltry sums. If a person has Rs. 500 in his pocket, most of the M.V Act offences can be "compounded". Today who does not have a couple of Rs. 500 in their pockets? What we need is to go back to the old system; the police man only detects an MV violation and proceed with the charge-sheeting. The fine has to be paid at the jurisdictional court. The police man can issue a "summons" to the offender to appear at the court on a scheduled date & time. Or else he gets the provision to pay the fine through a cheque or money order. And if he jumps court, then it should become a "warrant case". In major cities today time is precious, money is not. Imagine all these busy executives all having to huddle up at the already over crowded magistrate's court in Mayo Hall. Waiting the whole day for their case to be called? No suit-boot behaviour, No Hindi or English, no taking of conference calls from the court premises, and all said and done they are just like other common criminals (brought in for bail hearings, remand hearings etc. etc.).
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