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Old 23rd January 2016, 09:03   #1351
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Originally Posted by amansanc View Post
Well, this is interesting.
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Old 23rd January 2016, 09:38   #1352
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Shivjeet View Post
Going by the parts imported, looks like a Ferrari has crashed recently
Where do you guys get this data?
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Old 23rd January 2016, 11:56   #1353
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by venom_op View Post
Where do you guys get this data?
From Zauba.

Checkout this link.
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Old 25th January 2016, 00:27   #1354
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

These rich guys and their lack of respect for rules and human lives really makes me sick. If you cant handle a super-car why spend money on it?. Unfortunately, its the pedestrians and footpath dwellers who often pay a heavy price.
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Old 25th January 2016, 10:44   #1355
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Yeah. Only luxury and super cars cause deaths on indian roads. The other LAKHS die of a heart attack fearing a super car might come their way. About 15 people die in india in road accidents EVERY HOUR. So blame our road sense and mindset as a people on the whole instead of just targeting a miniscule minority. As if road accidents will drastically reduce if the government bans supercars.
Talk about educating people instead of going afterwho's rich or not. Obviously only rich people will buy expensive cars, for which by the way theyhave to pay the government twice the price of the car in taxes and duties. I forone have never been cut off on the road by a rashly driven rolls royce. Cant say the same for those driving a Tata Indica.
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Old 25th January 2016, 11:23   #1356
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by awini View Post
Yeah. Only luxury and super cars cause deaths on indian roads. The other LAKHS die of a heart attack fearing a super car might come their way. About 15 people die in india in road accidents EVERY HOUR. So blame our road sense and mindset as a people on the whole instead of just targeting a miniscule minority. As if road accidents will drastically reduce if the government bans supercars.
Talk about educating people instead of going afterwho's rich or not. Obviously only rich people will buy expensive cars, for which by the way theyhave to pay the government twice the price of the car in taxes and duties. I forone have never been cut off on the road by a rashly driven rolls royce. Cant say the same for those driving a Tata Indica.
Rightly said.

Thats why i chose to stay poor. There is no incentive for becoming rich in this country. More tax, more extortion, more abuse.

Well, I rather stay poor.
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Old 25th January 2016, 12:07   #1357
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Originally Posted by awini View Post
Yeah. Only luxury and super cars cause deaths on indian roads. The other LAKHS die of a heart attack fearing a super car might come their way. About 15 people die in india in road accidents EVERY HOUR. So blame our road sense and mindset as a people on the whole instead of just targeting a miniscule minority. As if road accidents will drastically reduce if the government bans supercars.
Talk about educating people instead of going afterwho's rich or not. Obviously only rich people will buy expensive cars, for which by the way theyhave to pay the government twice the price of the car in taxes and duties. I forone have never been cut off on the road by a rashly driven rolls royce. Cant say the same for those driving a Tata Indica.

Right on point there!
No one bats an eyelid when the stupid cab driver cuts lanes like he's been bit by a rabid wolf, but when the same happens with an expensive car, s/he is called rich and spoilt. My point here isn't to defend anyone, but the stereotype that is created needs to be broken. At the same time, looking at the SLS incident, one can safely deduce that you cannot buy driving skills. Or common sense.
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Old 25th January 2016, 12:26   #1358
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by vinit.merchant View Post
Why does it sound as if the real culprit ran away and a dummy came across to claim the accident, 45 minutes later.
Sounds quite likely. Also the name of the car's owner is conspicuously missing from the media report.

The way the Salman Khan case was handled, has set a bad example of how someone with money and connections can get away with criminal levels of irresponsibility.
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Old 25th January 2016, 12:32   #1359
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Yes driving fast and being in control requires skill and training. Thankfully a large majority of supercar owners have the basic skills, or at least the good sense to keep a light foot in most places.
Rogues will always be there, who cannot be taught or trained.

Last edited by Zappo : 25th January 2016 at 19:29. Reason: While we appreciate your views let us steer clear of these in a car related thread.
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Old 25th January 2016, 12:36   #1360
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Hi ,

I am wondering why all these super cars are mostly registered in not so common states , also almost never in Maharashtra.

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Old 25th January 2016, 12:36   #1361
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Just curious to see that the car has JH registration number in Mumbai. Is it like you can be rich but still wouldn't pay rightful taxes to the govt?
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Old 25th January 2016, 12:52   #1362
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
Well, this is interesting.
According to the article in Indian Express, he is also a contractor and owns 250 clean up vehicles used by the BMC.

Originally Posted by amolathalye View Post
I am wondering why all these super cars are mostly registered in not so common states , also almost never in Maharashtra.
To save on taxes.
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Old 25th January 2016, 13:03   #1363
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by 911er View Post
According to the article in Indian Express, he is also a contractor and owns 250 clean up vehicles used by the BMC.

To save on taxes.
Well, apparently, you can save upto 40-50 lakhs on a 2+ Cr car in taxes as well as VIP registration.
Wow, that is a big big chunk.
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Old 25th January 2016, 14:48   #1364
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

I think it's high time manufactures focus on training programs for Customers buying these mean machines. There are several events that these car manufacturers hold at the Buddh circuit for prospective customers but seldom are they for people who have bought them and need be to trained. I bought my RS5 exactly 3 years ago and till date have never been offered a training session by Audi India.
I think in Delhi they do invite existing customers more often but there needs to be a set program that ever buyer of a high performance car should be given training before or right after his purchase is complete.
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Old 25th January 2016, 16:58   #1365
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

For a manufacturer like Audi or any other premium marque to do a track day in India is a very expensive affair. Even when such a brand does arrange a track experience, many existing and prospective owners from around the country fly in to Delhi to be at BIC to be a part of such experiences.

Considering the total number of people is so high, the number of laps and personal attention per customer starts taking a back seat. But thats a free participation for those who are there. However, the manufacturer has spent a whole lot of money in arranging for the same.

Almost all of the same manufacturers offer driver academy programs as well. An academy program allows participants to spend hours driving at the track with personal attention from coaches and getting into the details of high performance car driving.

But theres a catch, thats a paid activity. And considering the same people think they are schumachers the moment they get behind the wheel of a supercar, they end up never spending 1-2% of their supercars worth on becoming a better driver.

Originally Posted by Sahil View Post
I think it's high time manufactures focus on training programs for Customers buying these mean machines. There are several events that these car manufacturers hold at the Buddh circuit for prospective customers but seldom are they for people who have bought them and need be to trained. I bought my RS5 exactly 3 years ago and till date have never been offered a training session by Audi India.
I think in Delhi they do invite existing customers more often but there needs to be a set program that ever buyer of a high performance car should be given training before or right after his purchase is complete.
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