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Old 29th August 2021, 07:28   #13846
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by TheRealPauzner View Post
It took me about 4-5 days, which isn't that bad all things considered (Pandemic, shipping from the US during the height of the pandemic). I used a discount code from a Youtuber (MobileReviews Eh) that bought the cost to $30 (for the Rustic Brown Rugged Case), $11 shipping and ₹1500 tax, which is basically another $20 added on top of the total price. FedEx essentially pays the import duties for you and you pay them back (they call it a holding charge I believe, I could be wrong there).

So you arrive at a total of $61
I am planning to buy one for my iPhone 12. Saw mobilereviewsEH videos but couldn’t find discount code. Can you please direct me to the YouTube link where the code is mentioned?
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Old 29th August 2021, 18:28   #13847
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Anyone here replaced their iPhone X Battery either from official apple reseller / service center or 3rd party. How much did it cost?
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Old 29th August 2021, 19:09   #13848
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by raksrules View Post
Anyone here replaced their iPhone X Battery either from official apple reseller / service center or 3rd party. How much did it cost?
I recently enquired regarding the same. The official price is approx 4700 in Mumbai. Official replacement has a warranty and is obviously guaranteed to show battery health properly.

The unofficial price ranges from 2600 to 3500, depending on the store. This has no warranty and battery health could show service even on changing. Some of the guys are giving an adhoc 3 month warranty, but they do tell you that battery health may show service, they will replace only if the actual usage is impacted.

Hence I think its better to go with the official one. Planning to get it done soon.
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Old 29th August 2021, 20:39   #13849
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Lalvaz View Post
I recently enquired regarding the same. The official price is approx 4700 in Mumbai. Official replacement has a warranty and is obviously guaranteed to show battery health properly.

The unofficial price ranges from 2600 to 3500, depending on the store. This has no warranty and battery health could show service even on changing. Some of the guys are giving an adhoc 3 month warranty, but they do tell you that battery health may show service, they will replace only if the actual usage is impacted.

Hence I think its better to go with the official one. Planning to get it done soon.
At 4700, I too would go for original one. For now, wife hasn't really complained as such but I know her battery health is 77% last checked so eventually soon I will get it replaced. The phone was bought in Nov 2017 so will be completing 4 years soon.
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Old 30th August 2021, 12:55   #13850
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Re: The iPhone Thread

I have an iPhone 5 SE whose battery has degraded over time. I wanted to give it to my son so that he has communication access while we go for our morning exercises. Any idea if the battery can be changed and how much would it cost? Since all of us are on iPhone, would like to continue in the same ecosystem
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Old 30th August 2021, 18:28   #13851
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by subraiyr View Post
I have an iPhone 5 SE whose battery has degraded over time. I wanted to give it to my son so that he has communication access while we go for our morning exercises. Any idea if the battery can be changed and how much would it cost? Since all of us are on iPhone, would like to continue in the same ecosystem
I was in same situation recently. I got it done for 1800 from outside guy with 6 months warranty in Bangalore.
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Old 30th August 2021, 18:39   #13852
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by subraiyr View Post
I have an iPhone 5 SE whose battery has degraded over time. I wanted to give it to my son so that he has communication access while we go for our morning exercises. Any idea if the battery can be changed and how much would it cost? Since all of us are on iPhone, would like to continue in the same ecosystem
If you are not keen on original battery, cashify may have it for cheaper price. I recently got my 6s battery changed for Rs. 1350 at home.
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Old 31st August 2021, 14:00   #13853
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Has anyone made Truecaller or any sort call blocker work in an iPhone. I would be happy to atleast see the caller display to work, even if actual blocking doesn't. No such problems on the Android.
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Old 6th September 2021, 01:07   #13854
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Has anyone explored alternate methods to replace the rear Glass of an iPhone? I managed to shatter the rear glass of my iPhone 8 Plus and while I would be shortly upgrading to a 12 or 12 pro, I want to keep the 8+ as my secondary phone. Hence if there are cheaper solutions to replace the rear Glass please provide your inputs.
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Old 6th September 2021, 08:14   #13855
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Has anyone explored alternate methods to replace the rear Glass of an iPhone? I managed to shatter the rear glass of my iPhone 8 Plus and while I would be shortly upgrading to a 12 or 12 pro, I want to keep the 8+ as my secondary phone. Hence if there are cheaper solutions to replace the rear Glass please provide your inputs.
If you don't want to spend money on your soon to be spare phone, just put clear tape on the rear glass to prevent cracks from spreading and then put on any opaque case on and cover the back.
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Old 6th September 2021, 09:35   #13856
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by narayans80 View Post
Has anyone made Truecaller or any sort call blocker work in an iPhone. I would be happy to atleast see the caller display to work, even if actual blocking doesn't. No such problems on the Android.
You can install Truecaller but it will not identify the caller during the call. You will have to manually copy and search in Truecaller later to find out the details.
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Old 14th September 2021, 11:05   #13857
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Re: The iPhone Thread

iPhone quality is seemingly going down the drain, as is the support in India given that it's third party operated.

My iPhone 12 Pro Max, purchased in Jan '21 with just 127 battery cycle count in these 9 months, has already reached 90% battery health. And, it's degrading fast! Tried to talk to Apple Support via the App, and got the usual response that "it's normal" as long as it's above 80% they can't (won't) do anything about it even if under warranty. EDIT - After today's iOS 14.8 Update it's now at 89%.

So, here is the thing. Apple considers iPhone battery cycle count to be 500 cycle until 80%, thereafter you need service or change the battery for the iPhone to function normally.

As someone who has owned iPhones from almost a decade now, it's the most expensive iPhone that I've ever purchased at 1.4L/$1900 after taxes yet it has the most disappointing battery life. My X lasted for 3 good years, after which it's battery deteriorated to below 80% and needed replacement.

I am seriously disappointed. At this rate my iPhone will be needing another battery within the next few months, conveniently right after the warranty expires. While I am going to get screwed twice, with me gifting my then fiancé (currently wife) an iPhone 12 Pro too, which is at 92% albeit it's 11 months old now and will be needing new battery as well.

I've been very vocal on Macrumours Apple Forum about this issue, apparently a lot of others throughout the world are experiencing the same with lemon batteries, while others have no problems at all. The secrecy with Apple not owning up to mistakes is downright cruel.

Is anyone else facing such issue in TeamBHP community? Anything we can do to rectify the problem as a group?
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Old 14th September 2021, 12:01   #13858
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Lord-Lannister View Post
iPhone quality is seemingly going down the drain, as is the support in India given that it's third party operated.
If I were you, I would take a chill pill and relax. My XR's battery hit 86% within a year. Now approaching the 3rd year (thats 2 years since it hit 86%) and it still is 86%. The performance has not degraded either.
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Old 14th September 2021, 12:14   #13859
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Pancham View Post
If I were you, I would take a chill pill and relax. My XR's battery hit 86% within a year. Now approaching the 3rd year (thats 2 years since it hit 86%) and it still is 86%. The performance has not degraded either.
I respect your opinion, and don't wish to be rude but it's quite an assumption.
I don't mean to be melodramatic, as it's not the battery health that I kept checking - but after my usage of all day battery life for last six months tumbled down from 50-60% each day by nightfall to now lower than 40-30% to even hitting low power mode at 20%, barely getting through the day that is when I noticed on the abysmal battery life and it's health issue.

XR at the time was known for a great battery life, my niece has one.
12 Pro Max on the other hand was suppose to even triumph it, given it's sheer size and larger battery. All going down within a year, is suspect.

Just wanted to share my 2c on anyone thinking of upgrading to 12PMx or the upcoming announcement of 13, today itself I recon.
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Old 14th September 2021, 13:07   #13860
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Quality is down for sure. Even I started getting screen flickering issue on my brand new iPhone 12 Pro. The screen goes blank for a second then comes back. This happens continuously for sometime. Anyone heard of this issue? Turned off Trutone to check, but no respite. Someone told me Apple's OLED has problems, is that right?
Originally Posted by Lord-Lannister View Post
iPhone quality is seemingly going down the drain, as is the support in India given that it's third party operated.
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