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Old 29th July 2015, 13:40   #21616
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
EDIT IIRC, my phone does have NFC. Are you sure NFC is not there on the +2?
Yes, its confirmed. No NFC on +2. And the reason quoted is "People are not using it".

I used NFC back then when I was using a Note 2 to automatically switch on Bluetooth while in car. Note 2 Bluetooth drained battery like anything even when it was not connected, hence such a solution. Not using it anymore after getting back to iOS. No drain felt even with all network radios (WiFi, Bluetooth) enabled all the time.
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Old 29th July 2015, 14:27   #21617
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Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Au contraire. Moto will get killed in this iteration. They are going premium again and it will fail (much as I admire them).

X Play is basically a slightly souped up battery version of mid range phones - the Snapdragon 615 is available in 13k in MI4i. Many other phones use this chipset in similar specs in the 15k range.

Only HTC etc charge more for their Desire 820 series, and they aren't moving many volumes.

MotoG3 has similar specs as the Lenovo A6000+ but better camera/water resistance in twice the price (7.5 vs 13k). The 12k version has 1GB RAM. LOLWut were they thinking? Of course, Moto brand will help move volumes but nowhere as many as 2013.

Looking purely at the chipset and specs, I have to agree with you that there are better phones at cheaper price. But Moto has never been about raw specs alone. I would personally pick a Moto anyway over other brands (Xiaomi, Asus or Lenovo) but that's just me.

My biggest draw to the Moto X play is the incredible battery and camera (need to still wait for reviews, as Mega pixels is not everything). I don't really care about the chipset at this price point as my first gen Moto G could run circles around more expensive phones when it comes to stability and performance.

I also agree that Moto will perhaps never be able to replicate their success in 2013. 2014 was perhaps their worst year in terms of refresh of their models, but I see 2015 becoming exciting again.
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Old 29th July 2015, 14:32   #21618
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Moto G 3rd Gen or Samsung Galaxy J7?
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Old 29th July 2015, 15:16   #21619
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Those who think the Motorola is about the spec war then they are not right. Its like a German car which may look low on specs on papers against feature rich Japanese-Korean cars but when driven, the day night difference can be felt prominently. If specs is everything then go for Chinese brands and enjoy replacing devices every now n then.

Those looking for long term companions should look nowhere else other than Motorola, after all they are the one who gave birth to mobile industry.

Just think, every Moto beginning from a dirt cheap Moto E to flagships like MotoX, Droid turbo all are running on Lollipop. Which other manufacturer treats all of its devices in same way?

Last edited by tbppjpr : 29th July 2015 at 15:19.
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Old 29th July 2015, 15:23   #21620
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I had a Moto G 2 before moving to Lenovo K3 note recently.

I still miss the build quality of Moto G2. Had accidently dropped it many times, but there was not an iota of scratch.

I shudder what would happen with Lenovo.

The G2 had a much better battery life than the Lenovo, and the rubberized back and Gorilla glass meant a very good build quality.

Not to mention crisp sound from the speakers, which the Lenovo can't match. There are things where Lenovo scores over G2, but looking back, the Moto G2 is a kind of phone you buy and forget for years - it will run without giving much troubles.

Thankfully, i did not sell the Moto G2, but rather kept within family. Its a masterpiece.

Last edited by DCEite : 29th July 2015 at 15:25.
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Old 29th July 2015, 15:45   #21621
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Any feedback on the battery life of Moto X Gen 2? Will it comfortably last a full day (close to 24 hrs) with heavy usage (3G, Wifi, Bluetooth On all the time). Frequent access to emails and other apps. No games.

There is an exchange offer in Flipkart where I can get 5K for my Nexus 4, which makes the effective price 17K. Sounds like a good deal. Or will waiting for the newly launched Moto X Play be a better option

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Old 29th July 2015, 16:52   #21622
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Au contraire. Moto will get killed in this iteration.

MotoG3 has similar specs as the Lenovo A6000+ but better camera/water resistance in twice the price (7.5 vs 13k). The 12k version has 1GB RAM. LOLWut were they thinking? Of course, Moto brand will help move volumes but nowhere as many as 2013.
You have absolutely missed the mark. Just bought a Moto G3 16GB for my daughter after having seen my son's Moto G1 take all sorts of abuses. It's like comparing horses to donkeys. Like someone else remarked before me, Moto G is like a Swiss watch which may be low on frills but exceptionally high on reliability and quality. And now the specs too shine and my target phones were the Lenovo K series Note and the Asus Zenfone 2. I would pay the slightly more amount they are asking for this kind of reliability any day.

Last edited by dkaile : 29th July 2015 at 16:58.
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Old 29th July 2015, 18:02   #21623
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
You have absolutely missed the mark. Just bought a Moto G3 16GB for my daughter after having seen my son's Moto G1 take all sorts of abuses. It's like comparing horses to donkeys. Like someone else remarked before me, Moto G is like a Swiss watch which may be low on frills but exceptionally high on reliability and quality. And now the specs too shine and my target phones were the Lenovo K series Note and the Asus Zenfone 2. I would pay the slightly more amount they are asking for this kind of reliability any day.
Fair point. Its good to hear such praise for Moto esp after 2011, when there were only a few Motorola Defy aficionados.

My reference is my sis's MI4 and my sister in law's A6000+. In both cases, Moto phones were not even considered. They are happy with their choices. Both get 1.5-2 days despite heavy social media usage (limited apps).

Again, MI4 in particular is super responsive in spite of many frills. That's why I didn't compare MotoG3 with the likes of HTC Desire 820s (a loaner I'm currently using). In just 40 apps (only WA/Twitter heavily used) the memory regularly reaches 90%+. I haven't installed more fearing the reappearance of lag. CPU heating up warnings pop up occasionally but nothing I feel either in terms of heat or slowness.

My personal belief is that android is commoditized enough that many of the chinese / Indian mfr phones are fairly good value. Motorola is somewhere in the middle, not as much value as earlier, but still better than Samsung / HTC for daily reliable performance - to each their own
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Old 29th July 2015, 22:02   #21624
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I ordered a Moto G3 16GB version today for Rs 13k. My 2014 Moto G will go to my son, and his Moto E will go to my wife! Basically because her 2007 Nokia dumb phone is about to give up the ghost.

I too looked at other brands with = / > features at lesser price, but decided to pay up because I am one who goes by brands in all things!
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Old 29th July 2015, 22:28   #21625
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Anyone download the KitKat update (MIUI6) for the Redmi 1S ? What are your reflections about it?
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Old 29th July 2015, 22:50   #21626
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Moto X Style camera review is on:
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Old 29th July 2015, 22:51   #21627
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Does SAR value really matter?

I am asking because the Motorola phones have a higher SAR value compared to say... Samsung or Sony.

And can apps be installed on external SD card in Moto G3?
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Old 30th July 2015, 09:09   #21628
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by RavSam View Post
Does SAR value really matter?

I am asking because the Motorola phones have a higher SAR value compared to say... Samsung or Sony.

And can apps be installed on external SD card in Moto G3?
FCC says it really doesn't matter. Read more at:

Hope this helps
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Old 30th July 2015, 10:01   #21629
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Originally Posted by RavSam View Post
Moto G 3rd Gen or Samsung Galaxy J7?
J7 looks like a complete package with its sleek looks and Samsung's reliability. If only they had given it at least 2GB of ram! They don't want to kill their other money spinners I presume.
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Old 30th July 2015, 10:23   #21630
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
I ordered a Moto G3 16GB version today for Rs 13k. My 2014 Moto G will go to my son, and his Moto E will go to my wife! Basically because her 2007 Nokia dumb phone is about to give up the ghost.

I too looked at other brands with = / > features at lesser price, but decided to pay up because I am one who goes by brands in all things!
Interesting Moto family you got there :-)

Do check out the MI4 when you get the chance. Its performance is otherwise superlative!
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