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Old 4th September 2015, 20:18   #21796
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Re: "This item is not available in your country"?

I keep getting the message "This item is not available in your country", when i try to install banking apps. What is the issue here? Is it coz, I bought my 'Nexus 4' in US? If so, Is there anyway one can change the country?

Please help!
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Old 4th September 2015, 20:27   #21797
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Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by JMaruru View Post
I keep getting the message "This item is not available in your country", when i try to install banking apps. What is the issue here? Is it coz, I bought my 'Nexus 4' in US? If so, Is there anyway one can change the country?

Please help!

It doesnt really matter from where you got the phone.. You need to check you google account details, specifically the payment country, that needs to be set to India. Otherwise, you can always use the flexibility of android, by retreiving the app from other 3rd party sites (im in no way promoting piracy, but its a decent workaround since the apps in question would be free). PM me if u do need any help 😊
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Old 4th September 2015, 23:01   #21798
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Just got the samsung edge plus. The device is fantastic. Memory card or removable cover or not this phone is a completely refreshing phone and for the size and the screen its a fantastic experience.

The device is far quicker and smoother in operation which is noticable in difference between the touch wiz.

Everything is quick and the screen is just unbelivably good.

The best feature is the time it takes to take a picture. As fast as many point and shoot. Double click the home button and launch the camera and take a picture in 1 second.

i still use my S5 and this phone is for my wife. She was using a nexus earlier so memory card and battery were not a criteria.

But newer technology and those edge screen is always good to have when the fone is new.

The phone is super light and not for men who use phone for everything including while playing cricket and football. I have a fear i may break the fone by simply sitting with it in the jeans pocket.

Overall i paid paltry price over a good deal and the phone is stunning.

Dont get distracted with lack of back cover and micro sd slot. the phone is amazing and will sell lots of devices. The future devices will be even more terrific but this is similar to the start of samsung S2(Which is still my No 1 phone for size and speed).
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Old 6th September 2015, 08:05   #21799
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Migrating from my Nexus 5 to K3 note this weekend. I am a bit flummoxed by how to transfer all my contacts, messages, vibe, whatsapp messages and settings across without loss of data. I am not sure which is the best way to do it. Lots of apps available for this on googling - is there some inbuilt way of doing it. I don't want to flash/root my phone (or whatever it is called!!)
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Old 6th September 2015, 08:26   #21800
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I am enjoying my Lenovo K3 Note costing ₹ 9,999, since a coupla months. It's a workhorse doing multi-tasking including navigation, HUD, etc. continuously for more than 6 hours without any heating issues. The selfie camera stopped working all of a sudden within a few days of buying; even, a factory reset did not help; took it the service centre and got it rectified immediately.
Old 6th September 2015, 09:44   #21801
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

C@VW2010; I always think Edge is great except it may be more prone to breakage. I would rather go the the plain Jane version. Yes screens to break, my son and his wife both broke their screens within two weeks of one another.
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Old 6th September 2015, 09:53   #21802
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Originally Posted by BenjiRoss View Post
Migrating from my Nexus 5 to K3 note this weekend. I am a bit flummoxed by how to transfer all my contacts, messages, vibe, whatsapp messages and settings across without loss of data. I am not sure which is the best way to do it. Lots of apps available for this on googling - is there some inbuilt way of doing it. I don't want to flash/root my phone (or whatever it is called!!)
Not sure of messages but Contacts and Whatsapp messages can be exported to the new device pretty easily.

For Contacts:
Open your contacts list in Nexus 5.
Select Import / Export. The file will be saved in .vcf format in the micro sd card.
Transfer this file to your new phone via Bluetooth.
The moment transfer is complete, you would get a prompt to merge with Contacts. Say yes and done.

For Whatsapp:
In Settings, select Back up conversations. Find the file in the internal storage of your old phone. Transfer it via Bluetooth to your new phone and place it where it was in the old phone. Done.
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Old 6th September 2015, 11:01   #21803
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by BenjiRoss View Post
Migrating from my Nexus 5 to K3 note this weekend. I am a bit flummoxed by how to transfer all my contacts, messages, vibe, whatsapp messages and settings across without loss of data. I am not sure which is the best way to do it. Lots of apps available for this on googling - is there some inbuilt way of doing it. I don't want to flash/root my phone (or whatever it is called!!)
Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
Not sure of messages but Contacts and Whatsapp messages can be exported to the new device pretty easily.

For Contacts:
Open your contacts list in Nexus 5.
Select Import / Export. The file will be saved in .vcf format in the micro sd card.
Transfer this file to your new phone via Bluetooth.
The moment transfer is complete, you would get a prompt to merge with Contacts. Say yes and done.
App data I am not sure, but apps and contacts you dont need to do anything, if you store your contacts on Google. Because once done, all you have you to do is to add your google account and all of them appear. Thats how it works for Facebook, linked in and other accounts.

For Whatsapp:
In Settings, select Back up conversations. Find the file in the internal storage of your old phone. Transfer it via Bluetooth to your new phone and place it where it was in the old phone. Done.
App data yes, you may have to resort to such means. Is there no cloud based back up and restore? That should be much more easier. With the gateway to the account turned on only by that client which has active account.
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Old 6th September 2015, 14:51   #21804
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Originally Posted by ampere View Post
App data yes, you may have to resort to such means. Is there no cloud based back up and restore? That should be much more easier. With the gateway to the account turned on only by that client which has active account.
I don't think so. It is only backed up locally on the internal storage of the phone. Placing chat conversations backup on cloud would be a dangerous thing i believe !
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Old 6th September 2015, 20:22   #21805
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

@VW2010; I always think Edge is great except it may be more prone to breakage. I would rather go the the plain Jane version. Yes screens to break, my son and his wife both broke their screens within two weeks of one another.
Except Nokia 1100 i have broken all the other smart phones every uses. If we worry about break and replacement we will never buy a smartphone.

Secondly its an itch to try the new stuff.
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Old 6th September 2015, 20:27   #21806
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
I don't think so. It is only backed up locally on the internal storage of the phone. Placing chat conversations backup on cloud would be a dangerous thing i believe !
I dont mean a continuous back-up. I only meant when needed. Many apps have these features built-in. Or the other way can be to export the data if possible to the google drive / drop box via mobile client (If possible). And then import the same, when moving to a new client device.
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Old 10th September 2015, 15:21   #21807
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Any experience with Nexus 6? I see lot of great reviews on it. At the same time, some disturbing negative feedback like heating, bad voice quality, etc. It would be nice to hear if anybody has one and can share first hand experience.

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Old 10th September 2015, 17:56   #21808
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Skip nexus 6 and wait for the nexus 5 2015. You wont regret that skip. For the size you have other options as the price is not really a lucrative nexus anymore.

Nexus 4 and 5 were the best and now i am waiting for the nexus 5 2015.
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Old 10th September 2015, 18:57   #21809
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Originally Posted by rex_varghese View Post
Any experience with Nexus 6? I see lot of great reviews on it. At the same time, some disturbing negative feedback like heating, bad voice quality, etc. It would be nice to hear if anybody has one and can share first hand experience.

I own both nexus 5 and nexus 6. N6 is a great phone. It doesn't heat up at all. Battery will last a full day on 3g and fairly heavy use. The screen is a little over saturated for my liking being an amoled display. I prefer natural colors of n5. I have heard issues of screen burn in but no such issues on my phone. Performance is flawless. The stereo speakers sound very good. Yes the voice quality feels above average but i had no significant problem in calls yet. The size difficulty is a myth. I have pretty small hands and i have no problem handling this phone. Trust me, you won't go back to anything less than this screen size after using it for months. Even my nexus 5 feels inadequate in screen size department. The camera is above average and it'll take very good photos. No match for s6, ip6+ or note but still very capable. The build is miles better than plasticky n5.
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Old 10th September 2015, 19:02   #21810
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I am also contemplating moving to the nexus 6 from the oneplus.

Should i wait for the nexus 5 2015? I am hoping that the nexus 6 price will drop after the nexus 2015 announcement.
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