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Old 27th June 2011, 21:55   #4276
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by radiokidb View Post
That 600 mhz processor (OMAP 3630) is built on a 65 nm process. The 1 ghz+ phones and the dual cores are built on a newer 45/40 nm process. At least for single cores the power consumption will be similar or even lower than the older 65 nm parts.

Battery life is simply poor on android in general. It improved somewhat with Gingerbread as it had some additional power management features. I know battery life depends on a lot of things like screen size (and technology), brightness settings, data services/sync options, background programs, etc But on the whole android devices get lower battery life than say iOS or Windows Phone 7 devices. IMHO the solution (temporary..until they improve power management in general) is simply to provide larger batteries. The Moto Atrix has the largest stock battery of them all at 1930 mAh. I would appreciate it if other manufacturers also offered bigger batteries by default and not sacrifice battery capacity in the interest of looks. I personally dont care if a phone is 0.5 mm bigger, any phone around 10mm or thinner is perfectly acceptable, i dont need the phone to be 7mm thin. If they can stuff a bigger battery in there its worth it.
Its not really apples to apples comparison. You are oversimplifying the MHz factor. A 1GHz processor will always consume more power (dual core even more). its like saying a 4L engine will always be more fuel consuming than a 2L engine. You get the drift.

Regarding iOS/Android battle, you have to understand that Android is pretty generic OS that can run on multiple platforms. We'll know more about how good the iphone battery is if somehow someone could port Android on an iphone and do battery testing. In any case, Apple can optimize iOS to a very great extent as it runs on only one platform!!!
Furthermore worth considering is price as well. Apple iphone4 costs 35k, about 4k more than Samsung S2. Now I can guarantee you that for 4k more Sammy can very well give you a battery that will comfortably outlast any iphone! For the same price, iphone wont stand against most of the high end androids!

And its not like modern batteries are bad or anything or softwares are power hungry. Phone makers are putting a lot of effort in extracting max out of the batteries. All recent smartphones easily last the day which is quite good given that they have to support very bright 4/4+ inch screens aand so many services running. I believe one should be happy if one can get 12 hours of heavy use on the go. Thats more than sufficient for most needs.
I'll give you my own example. I had charged my phone yesterday morning, used it heavily all day, switched on power saving features last night and used it very less today (just one call). It was at around 50% in the morning and now (10pm) it is about 40%. Its quite brilliant isint it? Just 10% in about 12 hours!
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Old 27th June 2011, 22:05   #4277
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by vvrchandra View Post
ANy issues with the death grip problem that is being reported on the HTC sensation. Can you give the list of problems faced by you, if any? Thanks.
well i havent been able to replicate it on my phone. I tried cupping it all possible ways but the worst was loss of one bar. no issues with browsing at all.

so far have faced only one issue. it happened the first day. actually tried talking a picture at night but the phone just went dead after clicking! had to reboot the phone. but at that time battery was less than 20% level. i left it to recharge overnight and tested same again. this time it worked! so maybe it was a low battery issue. i have seen some threads on this issue for other androids as well like google nexus s. so it might be an android bug.

by the way the i clicked lot of pics yesterday morning and they have come out really well. I'll post some here soon.
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Old 27th June 2011, 22:38   #4278
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joslicx View Post
Oh its a 2 year old phone. I thought you were talking about the recent one (N9).

Anyway googled up on N900 and it has a 600 MHz processor! Obviously it is going to give you better battery life than todays 1/1.2 GHz monsters (not to talk of dual cores). So its not really a valid reference point.

I charged my HTC sensation yesterday morning. Was on wifi for major part of the day and played chess, scrabble and few levels of angry birds and few laps of Raging Thunder, few calls, mails and downloaded 2 new apps. Data services and all syncs were then disabled for night. I am still on like 50% battery with 24 hours gone! Thats pretty decent for a 1.2 GHz dual core device with 4.3 inch screen!!!
You seem to have got a special edition with a reactor rather than a battery. I have been using the Motorola Atrix 4G and Samsung Galaxy S2, both give less than 24hrs charge on 3G. (sync enabled only during 10am-7pm). Friends who use the Sensation are not getting anything better either in terms of battery life.
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Old 27th June 2011, 22:59   #4279
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by xotiq View Post
You seem to have got a special edition with a reactor rather than a battery. I have been using the Motorola Atrix 4G and Samsung Galaxy S2, both give less than 24hrs charge on 3G. (sync enabled only during 10am-7pm). Friends who use the Sensation are not getting anything better either in terms of battery life.
No nuclear reactor required; Check out here how a TBHPian got 5.7 days of battery life on Samsung Fascinate (CDMA version of Samsung Galaxy S) - 5.7 Day Battery Life On Samsung Fascinate - Reliance Mobile (CDMA & GSM) - Discussion Forums
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Old 27th June 2011, 23:15   #4280
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
No nuclear reactor required; Check out here how a TBHPian got 5.7 days of battery life on Samsung Fascinate (CDMA version of Samsung Galaxy S) - 5.7 Day Battery Life On Samsung Fascinate - Reliance Mobile (CDMA & GSM) - Discussion Forums
These instances are exceptions like the mileage challenge various auto companies organize. Some participants sure get around 30-35KMPL. Can you get the same in normal conditions with your car? Not really. Same case with phones as well.

Last edited by xotiq : 27th June 2011 at 23:16.
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Old 27th June 2011, 23:17   #4281
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joslicx View Post
Regarding iOS/Android battle, you have to understand that Android is pretty generic OS that can run on multiple platforms. We'll know more about how good the iphone battery is if somehow someone could port Android on an iphone and do battery testing. In any case, Apple can optimize iOS to a very great extent as it runs on only one platform!!!
What you are giving me is the reason when I am only interested in the consequence or the end result here.

Originally Posted by joslicx View Post
Furthermore worth considering is price as well. Apple iphone4 costs 35k, about 4k more than Samsung S2. Now I can guarantee you that for 4k more Sammy can very well give you a battery that will comfortably outlast any iphone! For the same price, iphone wont stand against most of the high end androids!
You have to understand that the cost of the phone is not just hardware. Even then when it comes to the cost, Apple iPhone 4 is exactly a million times better built than SGS II. Who will pay for the software? Yes Android is open source but you already know the consequence as stated above... dont you?

Originally Posted by joslicx View Post
And its not like modern batteries are bad or anything or softwares are power hungry. Phone makers are putting a lot of effort in extracting max out of the batteries. All recent smartphones easily last the day which is quite good given that they have to support very bright 4/4+ inch screens aand so many services running. I believe one should be happy if one can get 12 hours of heavy use on the go. Thats more than sufficient for most needs.
I'll give you my own example. I had charged my phone yesterday morning, used it heavily all day, switched on power saving features last night and used it very less today (just one call). It was at around 50% in the morning and now (10pm) it is about 40%. Its quite brilliant isint it? Just 10% in about 12 hours!
All said, Android is indeed a power hog. I never got more than 1 day out of my SGS II even under moderate usage. If I put it through the same usage as my iPhone 3GS, especially Wifi browsing, it wont even last me 5 hours!
Every now or then it would so happen that there will a stray process that will eat battery like noother and you would only know it when you look at your phone after say 2-3 hours after you charged it fully, with battery already at 50%!
The real competition for the dual core droid will arrive in september when the new iPhone 5 comes along. That is when I will decide if I would want to stay with Apple or go for a nicely spec'd droid.
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Old 28th June 2011, 09:14   #4282
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by xotiq View Post
These instances are exceptions like the mileage challenge various auto companies organize. Some participants sure get around 30-35KMPL. Can you get the same in normal conditions with your car? Not really. Same case with phones as well.
Well Xotiq, I presume you did not read my comments on that thread...
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Old 28th June 2011, 09:59   #4283
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by xotiq View Post
You seem to have got a special edition with a reactor rather than a battery. I have been using the Motorola Atrix 4G and Samsung Galaxy S2, both give less than 24hrs charge on 3G. (sync enabled only during 10am-7pm). Friends who use the Sensation are not getting anything better either in terms of battery life.
well you see i have a new phone so have been playing with it a lot! Also trying to learn all the features etc. even with that i was getting about 12-14 hrs of battery life after which it was down to 4-5% levels. Actually it means I got thru the day. This was the situation last week. I was also keen to deplete he battery frequently as I wanted to condition it - it is said that a few full charge-discharge cycles at the beginning are good for the battery.

Now this week the usage has dropped to normal - which means few calls and few mins online, some games etc. With that it lasted me two days! Thats good enough for me. It means that with solid days work, it will still last the day. and in the night, the charger is never away! I'll actually do a battery test with my normal usage again and this time post a picture here.

@akhilesh: Well lets refrain from this "my dad greater than you dad" duel. comparing S2 and iphone 3gs is not the same thing. If you are happy with your iphone then thats great. as for me, I played with the iphone4 before buying the Sensation and didnt feel so great about it. So its all about ones personal likes/dislikes. i'm happy with 12-14 hours of battery time as the charger is never out of reach.

Last edited by joslicx : 28th June 2011 at 10:03.
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Old 28th June 2011, 10:47   #4284
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Originally Posted by joslicx View Post for me, I played with the iphone4 before buying the Sensation and didnt feel so great about it.
Can you please elaborate on what you did not like in iphone4 and what you liked in HTC Sensation? This might help me in my decision when buying a new phone. Also, did you consider SGS2 or not. If yes, why did you not take it. Thanks.

Last edited by vvrchandra : 28th June 2011 at 10:48.
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Old 28th June 2011, 14:04   #4285
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I like the bumper of the iphone 4. Do other phones [read samsung Galaxy 3] have it as well? Any pics ?
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Old 28th June 2011, 14:39   #4286
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by vvrchandra View Post
Can you please elaborate on what you did not like in iphone4 and what you liked in HTC Sensation? This might help me in my decision when buying a new phone. Also, did you consider SGS2 or not. If yes, why did you not take it. Thanks.
Android is open source. the kind of tweaking you can do on an Android device is far greater than what you can do on an iPhone.
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Old 28th June 2011, 15:08   #4287
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
Well Xotiq, I presume you did not read my comments on that thread...
No point in buying a phone spending around 30k, and then not using any of the features. The best part is folks totally avoiding 3G and sticking to EDGE. . Nokia 3310, where are you??

Last edited by xotiq : 28th June 2011 at 15:16.
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Old 28th June 2011, 21:19   #4288
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by xotiq View Post
No point in buying a phone spending around 30k, and then not using any of the features. The best part is folks totally avoiding 3G and sticking to EDGE. . Nokia 3310, where are you??
Ha h ah a. These companies paid an insane amount to get 3G licence, and they are committed to recover those amount and interest in the least possible time. 2G is good for now
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Old 28th June 2011, 21:39   #4289
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by akhilesh View Post
All said, Android is indeed a power hog. I never got more than 1 day out of my SGS II even under moderate usage. If I put it through the same usage as my iPhone 3GS, especially Wifi browsing, it wont even last me 5 hours!
Every now or then it would so happen that there will a stray process that will eat battery like noother and you would only know it when you look at your phone after say 2-3 hours after you charged it fully, with battery already at 50%!
The real competition for the dual core droid will arrive in september when the new iPhone 5 comes along. That is when I will decide if I would want to stay with Apple or go for a nicely spec'd droid.
After 13 hrs unplugged, my battery is at 56% and with just one hour of calls today and other activities on a medium scale. I cannot agree with the statement ( moreover people love Ferraris irrespective of their consumption )
And may be iphone is better than samsung, compare it with offerings from HTC.
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Old 28th June 2011, 22:39   #4290
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by vvrchandra View Post
Can you please elaborate on what you did not like in iphone4 and what you liked in HTC Sensation? This might help me in my decision when buying a new phone. Also, did you consider SGS2 or not. If yes, why did you not take it. Thanks.
for one the screen size! its "just" 3.5" on the iphon e. Actually I had played with a galaxy SGS (i9003) before trying iphone. So naturally it felt smaller. Its particularly bad for two of my fav tasks - browsing and reading.
Also the recent androids are as fast, cheaper (similar specs on phones like i9003, lg optimus black, nexus S etc but a 15k price difference!!! where is the justification for 35k price for the iphone?) compare it to Samsung S2 - it has the industry-best screen - the 4.3 inch samoled+ panel or the HTC Sensation with its 4.3 inch screen (which, in my humble opinion is probably as good). This means brilliant browsing experience. I actually opened full tbhp site on my phone and its possible to follow everything without any rendering! Add that to customizability of android - homescreens, skins, widgets, live wallpapers, so many gimmicks. you can literally "change" your phone everyday. i like this aspect. iphone to me, simply didnt justify its price. It should be priced at around 20-22k max for what it gives you. I wouldnt pay more than that for the iphone4!

As for the choice b/w HTC and Samsung, I come from owning an HTC (prev phone being HTC Touch Diamond). Now one thing I admire about HTC is their build quality. I must have dropped my TD at least 30-40 times (my 1.5 yr old daughter the culprit most of the times). It has survived each fall! Simply outstanding device in that respect. other than that, the beauty aspect pulled me towards HTC. The qHD screen was another factor as my two primary requirements were internet and reading. Camera was another consideration (as I love to take pics of my daughter and my prev phone was not so good in that respect, thats why wanted to change my working phone! And Sensation is outstanding in this aspect - I'll post some pics I've clicked with it sometime.) Sammy has its own strong points (I'd say more than HTC) but in this case it was heart over head as the decider! As some gentleman has said: A thing of beauty is a joy for ever!

Originally Posted by xotiq View Post
No point in buying a phone spending around 30k, and then not using any of the features. The best part is folks totally avoiding 3G and sticking to EDGE. . Nokia 3310, where are you??
I'd love to have 3G but its very unreliable right now! There are so many horror stories on this forum so I am put off at the moment. During day, if needed I am using Airtel gprs (mostly for checking mails and facebook + scrabble (playing with 4 players). At home I am on wifi all the time so it doesnt matter.

In any case 3G is so expensive right now! 250MB package for 200 rupees! How many days would it work at 3G speeds? Unless we get truly unlimited plans for reasonable rentals I dont see myself upgrading to 3G. i am happy with 2G. speed is not bad - its quite good. facebook updates, pics etc load in no time. what else is needed!!!

Last edited by joslicx : 28th June 2011 at 22:41.
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