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Old 15th August 2012, 01:10   #10726
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

thad, its not that bad.

I've owned two androids, and the iPad2 over the one year. The iPad2 is the purchase I would repeat in a heartbeat. The fluidity of iOS is something JB etc still don't match.

Defy has been great, but its still android - the more things change, the more they remain the same!

The chacha is a clear case of a half baked product and an OS that cannot even decide which way is up (it has a 480x320 display unlike most budget phones with 320x480). So half the apps have a few screens that are rotated for some godforsaken reason. The same behavior continues in CM7 as well. What a total #fail, no?

Last edited by phamilyman : 15th August 2012 at 01:12.
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Old 15th August 2012, 01:24   #10727
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by raj_5004 View Post
I am not a Sony fanboy but I have noticed that even though Sony takes their own sweet time to release updates, their updates are generally much better. I can say this confidently as I have recently compared the competitor's ICS with my phone's ICS. Of course, this is my personal opinion and no heated debates on this please!
I don't know about other models, but that cannot be said about Sony's ICS upgrade for the Xperia Ray. They have really botched it up. Even critical things like magnetometer and LED indicator are broken and there is no sign of a fix from Sony. There are a whole lot of other bugs, which I'v mentioned earlier, so won't repeat. Further, they expect you to believe that ICS will not run as smoothly on the 2011 Xperias as the new OS is more resource intensive. And while they are conning their existing customers such, they go and release new phones that have inferior or same specs which run ICS like a charm. Either they hire real low grade developers or they are deliberately playing a con game on existing customers (so that they may be goaded to buy their latest phones, maybe?). Whatever it is, not remotely in good taste.

To be fair, I am not much aware whether competitors are playing a similar game. In which case it boils down to choosing the lesser evil amongst them.

Last edited by Raccoon : 15th August 2012 at 01:26.
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Old 15th August 2012, 07:27   #10728
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
In which case it boils down to choosing the lesser evil amongst them.
To choosing the more actively mod-supported one, basically.

Defy was not given even a Gingerbread update, yet after the likes of superhit phones like S2/S3 - it was one of the first phones to get a fully working JB mod.

And its stable enough as a daily driver. So I'm a happy camper, if you ask me - Motorola's engineering and the XDA hackers
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Old 15th August 2012, 08:59   #10729
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by snkjr View Post
Across owning 6 Moto phones over the years, I have never faced a single issue. So is that just plain luck? I don't think so, because I am a pretty unlucky guy.
I would say you are pretty lucky.. Done in by the RAZR fever I bought the KRZR and that's the only phone in my twelve years of usage (from the first motorola model I bought back in 2000 or so) that I had to take to a service center. But I am not going to shun all future Motorola products just because of that one experience. Basically I don't think any brand by itself can vouch for 100% defect free product. There is a certain bit of luck involved:-)
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Old 15th August 2012, 09:29   #10730
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
But... Buying an Apple device means buying a way of life. No thanks!

When one can just plug a USB cable into it, and do all the stuff that we do with all the other things we just plug USB cables into, let alone android-based devices, without having to run any particular piece of software, then one of Apple's piece of industrial-design sculpture might be worth considering, but not until.

Sorry, not wanting to start an Apple war: sure, they have their advantages, but some of us just don't want in, regardless.
+1. If you're using an Android phone, then go the android way for tablet also if choice is there. The reason why am saying is I have purchased 3K+ INR worth applications from Play store for my phone, and I can now easily share that to my tab 2. So, its savings for me I had been an iPhone user once and to be frank, after getting android I feel like I got freedom now.
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Old 15th August 2012, 09:37   #10731
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Originally Posted by clevermax
Guys, anyone using Droid RAZR (XT910)? Quite impressed by its specs,looks and the price. Wanted to know feedback from real users... Should I get one?
I am using motorola razr for the past 3 months. I love it. Got the ics update done pretty smoothly. The build is superior compared to any of the galaxies out there. Have had zero issues till date except the battery life. The battery life is as good as S2, if not better. If you can afford please go for RAZR maxx, u wouldn't regret. Check out for any of your friends working in Motorola india, they have an ambassador program through which you can get the Maxx for around 26k.
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Old 15th August 2012, 09:53   #10732
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
It works fine on airtel broadband. Did you try google DNS as backup?
Thank you for the suggestion bro. I tried Google DNS and now it is working.

So should I retain the Google DNS permanently or change it back to Airtel's DNS ASAP?
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Old 15th August 2012, 10:41   #10733
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by raj_5004 View Post
Thank you for the suggestion bro. I tried Google DNS and now it is working.

So should I retain the Google DNS permanently or change it back to Airtel's DNS ASAP?
Google DNS is good enough (ping times to airtel are 20ms, Google is 27ms) but I prefer to keep TWO DNS entries - first is Airtel (i have a hunch its closer, so faster), second is google.

@Madhu - Oh you are right. Moto's ambassador program is a damn neat way to pickup some killer phones REALLY cheap!!
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Old 15th August 2012, 11:00   #10734
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Just upgraded my note to 4.0.4 and the battery backup seems to very stable compared o earlier version, surprisingly i wasn't able to update over air but only through kies
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Old 15th August 2012, 11:06   #10735
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods


Could some one suggest me a best Android app for making triplogs (with details like description, location (gps co-ordinates), amount paid etc)? Also best app for recording your route (may be in google maps).
I am using S3.
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Old 15th August 2012, 13:03   #10736
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by clevermax View Post
Guys, anyone using Droid RAZR (XT910)? Quite impressed by its specs,looks and the price. Wanted to know feedback from real users... Should I get one?
CM, I've been using the Razr since Dec '11 and happy with it.

Not so happy with the recent events at Moto though. I have shared my thoughts in another post.

IF you buy a Razr make sure you get the Razr Maxx it is about 3K more than the Razr but has great battery life.

Originally Posted by Madhu_Bengaluru View Post
Check out for any of your friends working in Motorola india, they have an ambassador program through which you can get the Maxx for around 26k.
Thanks for this tip.
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Old 15th August 2012, 13:36   #10737
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Does anyone have an App that can stream music to an Airport Express device ?
Please let me know if you tried it.
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Old 15th August 2012, 16:03   #10738
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nfsfreak View Post

Could some one suggest me a best Android app for making triplogs (with details like description, location (gps co-ordinates), amount paid etc)? Also best app for recording your route (may be in google maps).
I am using S3.
My tracks from Google is one such application. Maverick is another. My tracks works on Google Maps and you could add markers and insert your description etc.
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Old 15th August 2012, 16:41   #10739
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hey Friends,

Is there is away to sync the apps from PlayStore back to phone. The situation is that I am running Wanamlite 12.3 (4.0.4) as my primary ROM on the S2 with Siyah 4.0.x kernel and All is well here. This past weekend I installed CM10 JB 4.1.1 Preview as secondary Rom using the Siyah recovery options.

Now after installing the secondary ROM it is not recommended to restore apps from Titanium backup. So I want to know if there is a way to install the apps under my Gmail account in Playstore? I mean I'm looking for something like Account sync where new contacts get saved to Gmail and when I wipe data I can sync the contacts back to phone...

Hope the scenario is clear and hope someone has tried this already.

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Old 15th August 2012, 22:03   #10740
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Madhu_Bengaluru View Post
Check out for any of your friends working in Motorola india, they have an ambassador program through which you can get the Maxx for around 26k.
Thanks everyone for the info on Razr!

I asked someone working in Motorola and came to know that the Ambassador program stands discontinued until further communication. Plus, they would be keeping only a handful of models in Indian market, going forward.

There goes my dream of owning a Razr maxx for 26K!

Last edited by clevermax : 15th August 2012 at 22:05.
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