Team-BHP - All T-BHP Royal Enfield Owners- Your Bike Pics here Please

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The 2011 version,

CDI done
New - Tyres and Alloys.
New - Head Lamp (The interceptor g2 style)
New - Guards
New - Paint Scheme (Inspired from Lambretta)
New - Handle bar (RD style)
New - Horn light switch (rajdoot style)
New - Wirings
New - Battery
New - Levers and Grips (Interceptor g2 style)

Every 3/4 years i spend about Rs 20,000/- still i feel people who change their bikes after 8/10 years are spending more than me minus the snob value. (ps totally my thought and theory)

Beautiful Bull my friend. Love what you have done here. The SMITHS speedometer is classy and split seat configuration seems nice.The colour is subtle.
I have a question- how are the seats? Are they comfy enough for both the rider and the pillion coz I am planning to do some mods with mt seats also.

Nice bike friend, looks unique with that retro colour scheme. Nice shoes (Tyres) can you share which brand and size. One peice
of advice incase you don't travell doubles remove the rear seat and check out the bike will have awesome look.

I am sure the front seat must be real comfy, how much would it cost and is it from the new gen classic bullet, can you please share it with us. I am planning something like yours in regards to the seating I drive around 60 plus everyday hence looking for some comfortable stuff for my ... you know.

The split seats are super comfortable... Custom made at Andheri Perfect seats. Costing Rs.2250/- (front and rear both).

The tyres are -
Front - IRC 100/90/19 and
Rear - Kings - 120/90/19 (options were less in the size and i didnt like pirelli or mrf meteor, but Birla tyres has great looks for front).

Great job on the Bull. a Definite Headturner.
Can You explain one thing.
You signature mentions your Bullet is of 1979 make, then how come the registration number is MH01-SA-3735?
AFAIK that registration came into existence some where in the late eighties and prior to that all registration were like MMM, MHZ, MFK etc.

Yes earlier it was in goa.. and now transferred to mumbai in 2007 so the number MH - 01

Couldnt keep the old GDS - number.....

@the_great, nice one ! I thought the alloy wheels and the rest of the bike doesnt go together. Just my thought.
A headturner by all means.

Yes couldnt find the old 3 spoke rado alloys... since my accident i am much reliant only on alloys and these are the only ones that looked better than the rest so had to stick to them.

The spokes look awesome but the stability issues which have haunted me in the past have forced me to use only alloys. Somehow cant get it out of my system.

Here is my 2008 Bullet Std, I have recently acquired the crash gaurd from that of a Ex-Army bullet but unfortunately didn't go well as the indicators were coming in the way, had to relocate the indicators within the bumper which added the beauty, I am glad and wanted to share it with you nice people.

@ The Great - Your machine' got killer looks buddy, Great job with the mods must say :)

And to all the people here, please check this out - It is completely off the topic, but I couldn't resist from posting this link here, Hilarious/Pathetic/Insane Hindi Music Ever!!!!!!!!!!!

YouTube - Worlds Most Pathetic Dance Video

Apologies to everyone, as i know this is completely off topic.

Booked my RE TBTS yesterday. Expecting to get the Delivery on 7th April , Will post the pictures but was too excited to share it before hand.


Originally Posted by Gordon (Post 1066911)
Shot these at Marine Drive last Sunday. An English guy also stopped by to take some pics of the cafes.

*Click on the pics to see the actual size, the cropping decreases the quality

please:can you let me know where you got your chrome and paint job done

Amazing customisation, your ride looks great, loved the alloys & the tires. Are both front & back 18"? Could you pls give details on how I could get same alloys? Also which are these tyres; are they tubeless & how do they compare to the stock tyres in terms of road grip & handling while braking?

I ride a black C5 & would like to upgrade to alloys... cheers


Originally Posted by wmanu (Post 1676070)

Finally the TBTS comes home. Got the Delivery on 7th April .

I've named it Birdie. The picture doesnt do any Justice to the Beast as it was taken from my Blackberry camera.

Will Post some Nice pictures this weekend

The great,
Bike is looking really great and especially G2 style head lamp is handsome & distinct. Although there is separate thread for good mechanic but please tell us here about the mechanic for this work, so Mumbai members can get help.
Is the clutch cover shown in pictures is original? Is it direct fit to old inner case?

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