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Old 26th July 2014, 12:42   #8731
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

- Car wash was using Amway shampoo and 3M MF waffle weave drying and application of Meg Tec wax2 application using MF.

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Old 26th July 2014, 14:59   #8732
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

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Old 26th July 2014, 19:22   #8733
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by Padcot Prakash View Post
- Car wash was using Amway shampoo and 3M MF waffle weave drying and application of Meg Tec wax2 application using MF.

Attachment 1266632

Attachment 1266633

It drizzled slight today. I think the megs' tech wax is good enough.

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Old 28th July 2014, 13:27   #8734
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Any one heard of these: OR

They deploy the polymer paint protection system. Also heard this kind of protection is way better than the usual waxing and shining gig we all enjoy doing. But is it worth it? They are charging 2500 for my R15 motorcycle. Advice will be much appreciated.

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Old 29th July 2014, 16:14   #8735
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by eyesice View Post
That is one of the coolest i10's that I have seen. Amazing paint job.

What is the tyre size? 175/70/R13 ?
The rims are 14", and the tires are 185/60R14 Yokohama ES100

Originally Posted by Padcot Prakash View Post
There are few questions in mind, if the gurus can help clarify.
PFB my responses to your queries in a more forum friendly manner:

- How many times can a clay bar be used ? Is it good to use in regular intervals ? Lets say monthly or bi-monthly ? using regularly, does it damage the paint in anyway ?

Clay bars can be re-kneaded and used for say, 7-8 times. Clay alternatives - far more than that. No damage to the paint happens with clay or clay alternatives

- which will be preferred, ONR or using the regular method with water ?

With ONR

- My cars dont get too dirty , but it gets dusty as the car park is open from three sides. Its more of a porch than a closed car park.

Use Jopasu duster

- The cars in discussion here are new. 3M paint sealant has been done. For the time being in the first 6 months or so , is Tech wax 2 good enough ?

Jopasu duster everyday, ONR waterless wash 1-2 time a week and tech wax 2 (which BTW is a sealant) should keep it shiny for 3-4 months

- My area of concern is the dust following the days of cleaning. I somehow feel the dust is too minute and dusting the car ( jopasu ) , the car clear coat is being damaged. Is it better to leave the dusty ( not dirty) than using the duster ?

Minimal damage to the CC should happen if a proper paint sealant has been used.
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Old 29th July 2014, 21:20   #8736
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One of the issues I face with carnuba wax is that it seems to attract a fine layer of dust. I have been using Collinite 845 now for almost 1 1/2 years now, once in say 2 months with in between
Sonax shampoo or ONR wash.

I have a question to the experts on the forum on using sealant as a LSP

Is there any use of applying a sealant on top of the existing carnuba? Will it migrate to surface
of the paint automatically as I read in some forums as in autopia, Autogeek etc? What is the right brand of sealant to be used in such a case? again those forums seemed to suggest Opti seal over UPGP. Any thoughts? Does sealant as LSP prevent or minimize fine dust attraction problem of carnuba?

Much much appreciate inputs.

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Old 1st August 2014, 14:40   #8737
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by Waxeloquent View Post
One of the issues I face with carnuba wax is that it seems to attract a fine layer of dust.
That actually is true for most waxes, Waxes are oily in nature and attract finer dust, but the behavior should go away after a wash or two.

Is there any use of applying a sealant on top of the existing carnuba?
Recommended way of doing it is other way around, you can use a sealant and top it up with a wax for added depth.

Will it migrate to surface of the paint automatically as I read in some forums as in autopia, Autogeek etc? What is the right brand of sealant to be used in such a case? again those forums seemed to suggest Opti seal over UPGP.
That discussion ( Sealants migrating to the surface of the paint ) is opening a can of worm . To the best of my knowledge, it depends on a lot of factors like, how weak the earlier wax layer is, how much solvent heavy the sealant which you are planning to top up with is, etc.

Most sealants are formulated to bond well either to the bare paint or to some compatible product from the same family. There is no way to predict how well it works, unless someone runs a side by side test with the same sealant on the bare paint and by topping it up over a wax.

Any thoughts? Does sealant as LSP prevent or minimize fine dust attraction problem of carnuba?
Sealant as an LSP by nature should attract less dust as per my experience.The one you mentioned above, "UPGP" is a quality sealant and so is Opti Seal.

Additional notes:- If your only concern with the wax is dust attraction, instead of topping wax with a sealant, you could use some good QD, for eg, Sonax BSD, Optimum Instant detailer etc. as a a top up. This would take less than 10 minutes for the whole car and would be less expensive.
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Old 1st August 2014, 14:54   #8738
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by linuxmanju View Post
but the behavior should go away after a wash or two.
+ to that. Most waxes will attract dust post application, more so with oily waxes. Give it a good wash and you should notice that it does not attract as much dust after that.

Originally Posted by linuxmanju View Post
Additional notes:- If your only concern with the wax is dust attraction, instead of topping wax with a sealant, you could use some good QD, for eg, Sonax BSD, Optimum Instant detailer etc. as a a top up. This would take less than 10 minutes for the whole car and would be less expensive.
I agree to that. Even a weekly ONR wash will sort this out, Optimum Instant Detailer is a fantastic product when used as a drying aid.

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Old 1st August 2014, 15:47   #8739
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Thanks a lot linuxmanju and p2f! Without knowing the theory I am actually doing the ONR
Spray and wipe off with MF cloth. Yes it does work when I use the California duster 'just
Before driving off' basis. Yes will keep in mind the points. As of now why fix when it
ain't broke will work Tnx again, cheers.
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Old 3rd August 2014, 08:33   #8740
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

I have bought a Collinate 845 Insulator wax and tried for the first time in my Ford Falcon XR6

It is one if the best I ever used.So neat and clean after the polishing .Love the product.Real value for money.
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Old 4th August 2014, 21:48   #8741
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Ultima Elastrofoam and Ultima Waterless Wash Plus concentrate

Let's face it. We detailing lovers have a lot of options these days for different categories of products. The number of detailing products available in India now is mind boggling . Gone are the days when you had to get the products from someone travelling from the states. Lot of websites like detailedclean india,keystone,carfresh,ultimatedetailerz sell a plethora of products.

There are good products. Many of them actually. And then there are great products. Those which bring a smile to your face and give great satisfaction when used. I have a lot of products in my arsenal now. And the above two products have clearly stood out when it comes to what they deliver and more importantly how they deliver!

Ultima Waterless Wash Plus Concentrate(UWWP)

Optimum No Rinse or ONR as what it is more popularly known as was the first waterless/rinseless wash ,Quick detailer ,Clay lube concentrate to be available in India.And its a good product no doubt. Then came to know about UWWP when my stock of ONR got over.After reading lot of reviews online and trying out a sample i finally purchased UWWP. It does all the jobs that ONR does but much better.Cleans better than ONR on tough dirt.In case of stubborn dirt just spray and leave the product for 15 seconds and wipe off. In addition to usual cleaning it leaves the surface slick! Absolutely slick! Something even ONR with wax(The green one) cannot match. And this slickness lasts more than a couple of days easily

Although the initial cost quantity to quantity is costlier in UWWP, it has a much higher dilution ratio-1:44(Although i use 1:30 for our indian conditions) making it very cheap on dilution.

And not to mention the smell - Keylime pie - Smells heavenly !

Ultima Elastrofoam Clay Block

A Clay bar is a must have product in any detailer's arsenal. But there is a inherent problem with clay bar. Its useless if you drop it. That WAS the the single-most fear i had when using ,especially on vertical surfaces.

Enter Elastrofoam . It is a foam cube with a rubberized surface on one of the flat surfaces which picks up contaminants. The block has to break in on a glass surface to smooth out the block surface. Can be used with any clay lube like ONR,UWWP, Pro Klear etc. And if you drop it also not an issue. Just rinse with water and continue using. This is the USP of the product

I had heard about fellow detailers mentioning and praising this product.Then i got to use it personally when i visited fellow BHP-ian and owner of Quantum Details - Parthasarathi. And i was simply blown away by the ease of use of this product. So went ahead and ordered one from Ultimate Detailerz Bangalore. This product is only available with UD currently.

Got to use it on the car today and its worked as advertised. Removed contaminants faster than clay bar and left the surface much smoother than when i use the mothers clay bar i have.

Next time you want to buy that mothers,gyeon,meguiars or 3M clay bar - Pause. I would suggest you try this. And i am positively sure you would be delighted.

These two are easily among the top 5 products i have !

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Old 5th August 2014, 08:45   #8742
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Re: Ultima Elastrofoam and Ultima Waterless Wash Plus concentrate

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post

Ultima Waterless Wash Plus Concentrate(UWWP)

Optimum No Rinse or ONR as what it is more popularly known as was the first waterless/rinseless wash ,Quick detailer ,Clay lube concentrate to be available in India.And its a good product no doubt. Then came to know about UWWP when my stock of ONR got over.After reading lot of reviews online and trying out a sample i finally purchased UWWP. It does all the jobs that ONR does but much better.Cleans better than ONR on tough dirt.In case of stubborn dirt just spray and leave the product for 15 seconds and wipe off. In addition to usual cleaning it leaves the surface slick! Absolutely slick! Something even ONR with wax(The green one) cannot match. And this slickness lasts more than a couple of days easily

Although the initial cost quantity to quantity is costlier in UWWP, it has a much higher dilution ratio-1:44(Although i use 1:30 for our indian conditions) making it very cheap on dilution.

And not to mention the smell - Keylime pie - Smells heavenly !

I second the UWW concentrate. I have been using on my Honda City post the CQuartz Treatment done by Ultimate Detailerz and it works wonders. The smell as you pointed out is so awesome. On days when it does not rain, I just wipe off the dust using Jopasu Duster, followed by UWW and I'm done in about 20-25 minutes.
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Old 7th August 2014, 17:56   #8743
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Most recent purchase, along with Pinnacle XMT #2 and Finishing Gloss.

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The Griots Garage polisher i purchased recently changed ownership, so I got this one when Autogeek came up with a 15% sale, combined with 20% sale on gift cards.

Will be trying this on my friend's abused car soon.
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Old 11th August 2014, 00:26   #8744
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

I'm currently using Meguiar's NXT Generation Car Wash. Completed four of my weekly washes with it and found the same quite impressive. Consider the cost per wash factor :

Cost of 500 ml = Rs.465
Quantity required/wash = 1 oz/30 ml (for 4 litres of water)
Washes/bottle = 17
Cost/wash = Rs.28

Sure that a long term use of Meg's would drill a hole in my pocket. So thinking of switching to Amway Car Shampoo. Again, calculating the cost per wash :

Cost of 500 ml = Rs.260
Quantity required/wash = 5 ml (for 4 litres of water)
Washes/bottle = 100
Cost/wash = Rs.2.6

Extremely VFM on papers, but the drastic difference in pricing and dilution ratio of the same compared to Meg's really concerns me. Will it be wise to switch to Amway?

Planning to buy Proklear RAW Xtreme Rinseless as my first waterless wash. Anyone here using it?
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Old 11th August 2014, 02:00   #8745
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by RiGOD View Post
Extremely VFM on papers, but the drastic difference in pricing and dilution ratio of the same compared to Meg's really concerns me. Will it be wise to switch to Amway?

Planning to buy Proklear RAW Xtreme Rinseless as my first waterless wash. Anyone here using it?
Proklear RAW Xtreme Rinseless is an excellent product. I am using it and very satisfied. When you buy it don't go by the recommended dilution by the manufacturer. Instead use 5ml only for 2 litres of water.

As for shampoo i will suggest Muc-off car shampoo. Awesome fragrance and cleans car very well. 1 litre bottle costed me 500 something bucks. Only 5ml is required for the 4-5 litre bucket to wash. One wash per week means it will last more than 3 years easily.
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