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Old 17th June 2011, 09:54   #3316
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Originally Posted by Technocrat
Rtandon : that information is incorrect, I know various people who are successfully using T-mobile connection on iPhone 4, Infact I might be switching to T-mobile for my wifey's iPhone 4.
Techno, I only meant that for 3G data connection and not voice call. Sorry if wasn't clear. I thought that's what previous poster meant. My bad.


What frequency does your 3G network support?
Our 3G network supports both the 1700MHz and 2100MHz frequencies.

GSM model: UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

I'm not a telecom expert so don't know how that all meshes up together.

Does your wife's phone get 3G from TMo?
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Old 17th June 2011, 10:04   #3317
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Re: The iPhone Thread: Update iOS 5 announced!

Originally Posted by rtandon View Post
Now this is just an hypothesis.

If you bought an iPhone outside India and imported it then for it to be a legal import you would have to pay duty on it.
If you did not pay duty on it then it is illegal and probably AAPL discourages that.

I wonder if any one paid duty and has protection plan and then tried for service.

For folks who have been Mac users, before India allowed 1 laptop to be brought in without customs levy, were you able to utilize the international warranty?
How does paying duty or not affect the protection plan? Not sure if that is what you meant.

I have been a Macbook user since 2007. The Mac was purchased from the US and I can confirm that warranty applies globally whether you pay duty or not, whether you have APP or not for the first year. There are no limitations on country of purchase either. I got my Macbook battery replaced free of cost after 3 years even though I did not buy a protection plan.

The same warranty logic would apply to all Apple products. If someone denies you warranty since you bought your phone from abroad, that is insane. The only condition is that the product should be legally sold in the country.
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Old 17th June 2011, 10:08   #3318
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Originally Posted by chevelle
I doubt if 3G will work in India. So while its still unlocked, its locked, if you know what i mean.
It works! And works well at that! Getting speeds of 2-3 MBps in Chennai.

Running a stock, factory unlocked iPhone 4
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Old 17th June 2011, 10:19   #3319
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Originally Posted by fuel_addict

How does paying duty or not affect the protection plan? Not sure if that is what you meant.

I have been a Macbook user since 2007. The Mac was purchased from the US and I can confirm that warranty applies globally whether you pay duty or not, whether you have APP or not for the first year. There are no limitations on country of purchase either. I got my Macbook battery replaced free of cost after 3 years even though I did not buy a protection plan.

The same warranty logic would apply to all Apple products. If someone denies you warranty since you bought your phone from abroad, that is insane. The only condition is that the product should be legally sold in the country.
fuel, Mac computer warranties are international. I'm not denying that-and I've not mentioned that.
I had a hypothesis on iPhone warranty as to why it is country specific.

I called up Apple support in SG today. While my iPad could/would be serviced in India my iPhone has to be serviced here and not in India.
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Old 17th June 2011, 10:27   #3320
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Re: The iPhone Thread: Update iOS 5 announced!

Originally Posted by rtandon View Post
fuel, Mac computer warranties are international. I'm not denying that-and I've not mentioned that.
I had a hypothesis on iPhone warranty as to why it is country specific.

I called up Apple support in SG today. While my iPad could/would be serviced in India my iPhone has to be serviced here and not in India.
Did they give you a reason why the iPhone cannot be serviced in India? They probably aren't aware that iPhone 4 is legally sold in India now.
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Old 17th June 2011, 11:31   #3321
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Originally Posted by fuel_addict

Did they give you a reason why the iPhone cannot be serviced in India? They probably aren't aware that iPhone 4 is legally sold in India now.
Honestly, I didn't bother. Although I should have tried. Will see if I can still call and ask them. My case number for that should still be alive
They replace it here immediately and that is less headache although they are driving me nuts with iPad service. Have to wait for a week for a replacement unit.
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Old 17th June 2011, 15:05   #3322
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Man, this is so fuddy duddy. I called them up again to ask why they wont provide coverage in india and the reason was that there is no authorized service center.
When I told there as the carriers are selling it then was told that the warranty service is through carriers and then the staff proceeded to send me the list of authorized service centers. So, go figure what that means.
Then when I asked what if I don't have APP and buy from outside india from apple store rather than a foreign carrier then you get the default 1 year protection.

As u said, so fuddy duddy.
Your milage may vary.
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Old 17th June 2011, 16:31   #3323
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Re: The iPhone Thread: Update iOS 5 announced!

I am not able to understand this policy....For eg., Sony is very clear, if you dont have a bill and have not bought in India then no warranty....

For Apple its if you have not bought in India, its ok, we will keep the global warranty, but for ways...thats not done.
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Old 17th June 2011, 17:21   #3324
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One of my friend's close buddy had the same problem when his iPhone 4 when it stopped working. My friend did some research on this, and this is what he found out about Apple's warranty for iPhones. (I copied this from his FB wall post)

Hope this clears all questions about the iPhone warranty in India.

"My friend recently bought an iPhone 4 from a shop in Amsterdam where he went for a business trip. It was an unlocked device, bought at 680 euros from a shop that was very much legitimate. He got a bill along with the device and a "two-year international warranty".

Unfortunately for him, his iPhone 4 started malfunctioning days after he came back to India. The home button was "erratic" and many a time He found pressing the button wasn't bringing him back to the home screen. Armed with his copy of bill and a receipt that "specified world-wide warranty", he visited a service centre that was authorized by Apple to provide after-sales service in Delhi. But he was in for a rude shock.

The customer care executives at the service centre refused to touch his iPhone 4, saying it was not covered under any warranty. Their position was that iPhones are not covered under Apple's international warranty and the only way for Puneet to get his device fixed was to talk to the dealer in Amsterdam and ship the device to him. Exasperated, He decided to ring up Apple's headquarters in Cupertino. There too he was told — according to him in a not-too-nice manner — that his device is not covered by any warranty in India. While he was free to deal with the dealer in Amsterdam in whatever manner he deemed fit, officially, Apple could not help him in any way.

After coming to know about his experience, I decided to dig a little deeper into the warranty policy that Apple follows for iPhone 4 in India. Due to delayed launch of iPhone 4 in India, a large number of people in India use iPhones that they bought abroad — with all bills and warranties — or from the grey market. We hope this information will be useful for these people, as well as to those who plan to buy iPhone 4 in future.

1- No international warranty: Apple is renowned for its warranty. People who use Apple products often talk about how their grievances are handled efficiently without any questions. All because of one simple fact. Most Apple devices are covered under international warranty.

But iPhone 4 is an exception. In India, Apple provides warranty for only those iPhones that have been bought in this country. In fact, for iPhones — because they are often linked to carriers — there is nothing called international a warranty. If some dealer abroad tells you that you will get international warranty on an iPhone, he is misleading you. He may provide a "seller's warranty" but that is not Apple's warranty.

2- Buy from 'authorized' shops: In plain terms, this means that you should specifically ask the seller if he is authorized to sell the iPhone. It's even better if you check the list of authorized stores at Apple, Airtel or Aircel website and only buy from a shop which figures on the list. It is a fact that iPhone 4 has been launched in India, but not all shops or websites are authorized to sell it. So take care.

3- You are doomed (likely) if you bought iPhone 4 from the grey market or from abroad: Officially, service centres authorized by Apple in India are not supposed to touch any iPhone 4 that has not been bought from "authorized source". This means that even if people are willing to pay money for parts and service, Apple will officially not provide any service to such a device in India. That's the official policy. In reality, some centres — read the more benevolent ones — may take pity on you. But that is no guarantee.

4- iPhone is an exception: Apart from iPhone, all other Apple products are covered under international warranty in India. Apple claims that because of the complexity — read jail-broken devices — and its business model that relies on carriers like Airtel and Aircel, the company does not provide any international warranty to iPhone 4 in India."
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Old 17th June 2011, 17:38   #3325
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Strange! I paid extra for AppleCare which extends the warranty on your iphone for another year and on the Macbooks/iMacsfor two more years.

Is that what your friend got as well or did he get warranty from the store instead?

I got mine from the Apple Store here - completely unlocked. I asked them if warranty would be valid in India and they said that once the iPhone 4 comes to India it will be covered. I think your best bet would be to ship it to Singapore and have it mailed back to you. That is considering the phone is completely legit - factory unlocked and covered by Apple's warranty.

Apple is dragging its feet in India. I bet a lot of people are going to get turned off Apple products forever because of some of their policies. Even the US sells unlocked phones now while India gets iPhones a year after they have come out and to top it all off - locked.

Last edited by khanak : 17th June 2011 at 17:43.
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Old 17th June 2011, 18:13   #3326
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Just to add my $ .02

iPhone's were previously sold only through carriers in India. I am talking specifically about the 3GS and the service was to be availed at the carrier service centre's only.

iPhone 4 has been launched unlocked, and is available at Apple Store/Carrier Stores. You can purchase the iPhone 4 from anywhere you want, just have to check if it has MRP printed on it in Rupees, also the Indian iPhone 4 box is smaller in size then others because of the Indian Charger. So as long as these things are in place we're good to go.

iPhone 4 home buttons fail quite often, also repair services are easily available (at a price) in all major cities.
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Old 17th June 2011, 18:17   #3327
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Re: The iPhone Thread: Update iOS 5 announced!

Originally Posted by quickdraw View Post
Just to add my $ .02

iPhone's were previously sold only through carriers in India. I am talking specifically about the 3GS and the service was to be availed at the carrier service centre's only.

iPhone 4 has been launched unlocked, and is available at Apple Store/Carrier Stores. You can purchase the iPhone 4 from anywhere you want, just have to check if it has MRP printed on it in Rupees, also the Indian iPhone 4 box is smaller in size then others because of the Indian Charger. So as long as these things are in place we're good to go.

iPhone 4 home buttons fail quite often, also repair services are easily available (at a price) in all major cities.

So you can buy the 4 factory unlocked from Apple? Why does the website specify two versions - one for Aircel and one for Airtel?
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Old 17th June 2011, 18:21   #3328
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Originally Posted by khanak View Post
So you can buy the 4 factory unlocked from Apple? Why does the website specify two versions - one for Aircel and one for Airtel?
The iPhone 4 in India is factory unlocked, even if you buy it from a Aircell/Airtel shop. The links would be most probably for the special (cough BS) get your money back 3G plans.
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Old 17th June 2011, 20:28   #3329
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Re: The iPhone Thread: Update iOS 5 announced!

Originally Posted by rtandon View Post
Techno, I only meant that for 3G data connection and not voice call. Sorry if wasn't clear. I thought that's what previous poster meant. My bad.

From 3G FAQs

What frequency does your 3G network support?
Our 3G network supports both the 1700MHz and 2100MHz frequencies.

From Apple - iPhone 4 - Size, weight, battery life, and other specs
GSM model: UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz); GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

I'm not a telecom expert so don't know how that all meshes up together.

Does your wife's phone get 3G from TMo?
I see what you mean, the restrictions are in place only for Roaming, as in, a phone with AT&T sim can only access certain frequencies if they are using T-Mobile network while Roaming

My wife is not on T-Mobile yet but I am planning to move her soon as I am already on T-Mobile.
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Old 17th June 2011, 22:32   #3330
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Re: The iPhone Thread: Update iOS 5 announced!

Please help with an app for calendar alarms. The stock calendar alarm is useless, very weak and doesnt get you to snooze it or aknowledge the calendar entry, just beeps and stays on the screen. Missing my E72.
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