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Old 18th October 2011, 15:37   #2206
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

As Khoj mentioned I would also like to know if you are mentioning the actual copper pipes or the pipes used to conceal them after using foamy material on top? Also wat about the water drainage pipe?

You can use P.O.P or wood to conceal the pipes if you intend to just hide them.
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Old 19th October 2011, 01:17   #2207
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

@Devarshi84, as I understand it the third pipe should be the water drain pipe. The first two being for gas and return.
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Old 19th October 2011, 09:51   #2208
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
I trust that the 3 pipes (all together) are covered by the insulating foam tubing and then taped up to provide integrity to the whole thing. This will constitute the protective covering.
Yup the two copper pipes are insulated with foam tubing and the third is drain pipe and last is the electrical cable. All four of these are just bound together by black cellotape. They have used two aluminium clamps on the wall to hold this.

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
For decorative covering you could have a wooden pelmet made and have it painted in the same colour as the wall or use a neutral colour corrugated collapsible plastic tubing that is manufactured for the purpose of covering up such pipe work etc. Your dealer should be able to help you in obtaining this.
Originally Posted by devarshi84 View Post
As Khoj mentioned I would also like to know if you are mentioning the actual copper pipes or the pipes used to conceal them after using foamy material on top? Also wat about the water drainage pipe?

You can use P.O.P or wood to conceal the pipes if you intend to just hide them.
Thanks both of you for your inputs. Will definitely look at these options.
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Old 19th October 2011, 15:10   #2209
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

@KHoj: Some misunderstanding here it seems. I got another PVC pipe running through the wall for the wire and copper pipes along with the drainage pipe for my installation to aid in easy passage if need be. Hence I asked. But I guess it is not the normal procedure.

I would suggest separating the drainage pipe and wire irrespective of the quality of the product and workmanship. Water and electricity are not the best of friends. Just as a safety precaution.
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Old 19th October 2011, 18:00   #2210
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

One easy implementation is to use the flat strips used for electrical wiring. You get them in different widths and thickness. I think in your case you will need a 1 inch thick and three inch wide strip.

You can paint them to match your wall.

Thought the Electric wire can be with the Gas pipes, I would recommend the drain to be separated, as apart from short circuit, the drain needs a gentle downward slope to be effective. If the slope is reversed, water will either drip from the indoor unit, or worse seep into the wall damaging it.
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Old 22nd October 2011, 13:18   #2211
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

I would like to install the Panasonic Cube 1.5 ton for my living room/hall.
I am in Tiruvanmiyur, Chennai. Does someone know of a trusted, expert in installing Split ACs in Chennai (specifically if he has installed a Cube)?
I would really appreciate if you can share contacts of someone from your previous AC installations.
PS: One reference from a relative pointed me to a person who discouraged the Cube to his best, but finally said he could get it done by fitting into a window (?!). I know you could fit a cube on a window, but why would you do that when I have plenty of wall room and suitably placed near the outer wall for easy external unit placement(?). This experience lead me to request the help of our forum members.
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Old 22nd October 2011, 19:57   #2212
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Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt !

^^^^^^^^^^^^ <-

Every so often, this noise comes from our EB meter. It can be just two or three seconds or ten to twenty seconds.

We have a friendly local EB Engineer who dropped in yesterday, and told us that either our meter is faulty (and the new ones tend to register 25% higher than the very old ones) or one of our appliances has some fault.

It is narrowed down to happening only when our 2.5-ton Samsung AC is running.

I have two more tests yet to try:

--- Does it only happen when that machine is connected to a specfic phase?

--- Is it total loading? Must try with that machine off and 1-ton-plus-1.5-ton machines running.

We will ask our AC mechanic ...But, any ideas from our resident experts here?
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Old 22nd October 2011, 20:14   #2213
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Cube is very very noisy. Please get a conventional split. For a little bit more, its way better.
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Old 22nd October 2011, 20:58   #2214
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Confused in purchase of the 1.5 Ton AC.Struck between Voltas,Samsung and LG. Anyone to justify a brand for me with reasons for your justification.
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Old 23rd October 2011, 00:31   #2215
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by navan49 View Post
Confused in purchase of the 1.5 Ton AC.Struck between Voltas,Samsung and LG. Anyone to justify a brand for me with reasons for your justification.
All three are best avoided, where is the confusion in that.

For reasons/justifications, suggest you read through the thread.
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Old 23rd October 2011, 13:31   #2216
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by navan49 View Post
Confused in purchase of the 1.5 Ton AC.Struck between Voltas,Samsung and LG. Anyone to justify a brand for me with reasons for your justification.
I would recommend you to go for a better quality installer than going for a specific brand.

I have no experience with LG and samsung but Voltas units (3) have served us well over the years. Amongst the budget models I am also happy with our Videocon unit.

I am not recommending them to you with surity because these are mostly Chinese imports (Onida, Godrej, Videocon and others share the same units) and I am not sure if their quality is consistent.

After the search for a quality installer If you want to spend a little more for quality, look at Daikin and Toshiba/Carrier. I am also satisfied with Hitachi (Made in India). Amongst your choices, I would choose Voltas.
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Old 23rd October 2011, 15:26   #2217
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Where are the machines coming from?

Disclaimer Let me call this an educated guess

Completely imported from China or assembled here using almost 100% components from PRC, lowest bidder supplies (obviously), no real QC. This shows in quality variations from batch to batch and sometimes individual products from the same batch

Onida, Voltas, Godrej, Lloyds

Blue Star has better QC than the rest but very unfriendly attitude towards individual buyers especially after sales. Best left to cater to corporate and government tenders.

Assembled in India with a mix of majority of proprietary and some components from Indian vendors
Daikin. Panasonic ( believed to be moving quickly towards the group below)

Assembled/Made in India with a equal mix of proprietary and components from Indian vendor
General(Tecumseh compressor Hyderabad), Hitachi (complete ODU vendor in Baddi), Videocon (Compressors) , Whirlpool( Compressors from Sanyo, Panasonic, Emerson earlier known as Kirloskar)

Imported in to India from their own factories in ASEAN countries & Japan
Sharp, Sanyo, Mitsubishi

Imported into india from their own factories in China
GE, White Westinghouse

Carrier & Toshiba (now owned by Carrier or is it the other way around!) have an eclectic mix of products and several sub brands. Some models are made in India, others brought in from factories in ASEAN region or China maybe even Japan for certain premium products.

Fedders ?? Not really sure about the sourcing/manufacturing location of this make. Did buy a unit some years back for a temporary office. Not a bad machine but cannot remember what was the source printed on the box/manuals. IIRC the ODU was from an Indian vendor not sure what was the compressor they used. If anyone has information on this make please contribute.

Last edited by khoj : 23rd October 2011 at 15:39.
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Old 23rd October 2011, 16:31   #2218
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

If Voltas has Service problem,then I have to choose Daikin. Is the Ogeneral available in Chennai?
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Old 24th October 2011, 11:22   #2219
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Re: Where are the machines coming from?

Originally Posted by navan49 View Post
If Voltas has Service problem,then I have to choose Daikin. Is the Ogeneral available in Chennai?
From personal experience with Voltas units, I havent had service issues. Daikin has been better though. About the Ogeneral, yes it should definitely be available in Chennai. But Ogeneral units are underrated (A 1.7 tonne unit is sold as a 1.5 tonne) so be prepared to go for a weaker unit.

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
Disclaimer Let me call this an educated guess

Completely imported from China or assembled here using almost 100% components from PRC, lowest bidder supplies (obviously), no real QC. This shows in quality variations from batch to batch and sometimes individual products from the same batch

Onida, Voltas, Godrej, Lloyds

Assembled/Made in India with a equal mix of proprietary and components from Indian vendor
General(Tecumseh compressor Hyderabad), Hitachi (complete ODU vendor in Baddi), Videocon (Compressors) , Whirlpool( Compressors from Sanyo, Panasonic, Emerson earlier known as Kirloskar)

I can bet Videocon has similar units as Godrej and Onida. I have seen them inside hence sure of it. I own one such Videocon unit which performs flawlessly. But Being a Pure Chinese product I wouldn't buy/recommend it again.

Hitachi has a plant near Ahmedabad. I am not sure about the components though.
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Old 24th October 2011, 11:27   #2220
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Yesterday went to buy a microwave oven. We settled down with LG8082. After negotiation we have landed @13700. Un fortunately after billing and checking their stock they did not have the 8082 and was recommended to take 7860PRR. I refused and came back. Once again I have to start the hunt from 0.
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