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Old 19th August 2011, 17:06   #2176
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

sounds good. sent pm
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Old 2nd September 2011, 12:55   #2177
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

ac stopped working ysterday. Samsung guys say the condensor is leaking and needs to be replaced and gas refilled. Cannot be repaired since its an aluminium condensor. Total charges 4500.
Is the diagnosis / cost ok ?
Its a 1.5 ton window ac which is 2.5 yrs old
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Old 2nd September 2011, 14:04   #2178
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
ac stopped working ysterday. Samsung guys say the condensor is leaking and needs to be replaced and gas refilled. Cannot be repaired since its an aluminium condensor. Total charges 4500.
Is the diagnosis / cost ok ?
Its a 1.5 ton window ac which is 2.5 yrs old
Try and get a copper condensor made. The aluminium one will keep giving you problems every year. I know from experience.
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Old 2nd September 2011, 14:32   #2179
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

I must say I am surprised that an Aluminium condenser packed up in a non-coastal location. In coastal areas this is common due to salt corrosion, but no so in inland areas. Maybe Delhi air is acidic enough with all the pollution.
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Old 2nd September 2011, 14:47   #2180
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
ac stopped working ysterday. Samsung guys say the condensor is leaking and needs to be replaced and gas refilled. Cannot be repaired since its an aluminium condensor. Total charges 4500.
Is the diagnosis / cost ok ?
Its a 1.5 ton window ac which is 2.5 yrs old

Hi eddy,

Same thing happened with my Samsung split air conditioner last year and Samsung guys told me the same thing.

But I called the local A/C guy who repaired the unit for 1500 only and it is working fine for past one year.

Consult a local mechanic first before taking any decision.
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Old 3rd October 2011, 13:42   #2181
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Hi Guys,

Need some help. I am planning to buy a split 1.5T 5 star rated AC within next week or so. Can you guys let me know the good models and what is it that I have to look for? Samsung is giving free installation but rest are not?

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Old 3rd October 2011, 15:56   #2182
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by surd_biker View Post
Hi Guys,

Need some help. I am planning to buy a split 1.5T 5 star rated AC within next week or so. Can you guys let me know the good models and what is it that I have to look for? Samsung is giving free installation but rest are not?

With the current price levels that are being offered by Daikin, it does not make sense to go in for any other make. Their models using the R22 gas are as competitive as the top of the line products from the Korean majors as well as the Indian brands selling cheap Chinese products, which in any case are also using the R22 gas.

At a lower price point the only other brand worth the money is Whirlpool. Excellent quality. Do not fall for the free install gimmicks.
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Old 4th October 2011, 12:19   #2183
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Go for Daikin or Toshiba. Both have good prices right now.
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Old 6th October 2011, 19:55   #2184
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
Hey Kamboj,
Congratulations on your purchase. Vertis premium is the top of the line offering from Voltas made with better components and much better than their other series so forget about whatever is posted and indulge in the comfort provided by your new toy. However do let us have an update or two as the season goes by, something in the middle and then towards the end would be highly appreciated.
Ok, so here is the update on my experience with Voltas split ac (Vertis Premimum, 3 star).

Over all I am very satisfied with the performance of the unit . My house being on groundfloor of a 3 floor building does not heat up much, so ac was not put to heavy use. But whatever use it was put to, it performed very well. I normally set temp to 28C and it cools well in 5 mins. Within 1st 15 mins there is autocut. After that it repeates cycles of 6-7 mins of operation and 5 mins of cutoff throughout the night. Now that weather has changed to pleasant one, before I cover the ac outdoor unit for winters, I plan to call service engineer for free service.

@Khoj, I have seen that across various posts in this thread you have given valuable tips on how to maintain and service ac, but information is scattered. May I request you to start a new thread on AC maintenance and compile all relevant gyan in new thread.
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Old 7th October 2011, 01:07   #2185
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Thanks for the update as well as for your thoughts on a new thread. At times however it is better to let 'still waters be', trust you understand.
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Old 7th October 2011, 12:56   #2186
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Thanks khoj and devarshi84 , I will be checking out the daikin tomorrow.
What about Hitachi ACE Follow me model? How is Hitachi / Toshiba / Daikin service?
Somebody said Panasonic is also good.
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Old 8th October 2011, 02:04   #2187
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Yes Panasonic has good splits. Hitachi's follow me is not of much practical use unless one has a largish room and is either too lazy to adjust the directional flaps (just like the lady from Ambala on KBC last week) or have a habit of pacing up and down. The current finish of both their IDUs and the ODUs is also not what it used to be untill a few seasons ago. This is my observation based on the product's visual appeal and may not reflect on it's operational performance.

Regarding service, Daikin is easily the best and the dealer cannot fib around once a complaint is logged in, Whirlpool is the next best bet. Hitachi & Toshiba service is taken care of by their dealers who may or may not keep the company in the loop. Panasonic no idea regarding service. JFYI you could also look at GE, Sharp, Sanyo and Mitsubishi Electric. However I have no idea regarding their service network.
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Old 8th October 2011, 15:39   #2188
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

Just back from Daikin dealer. He suggested that I go for 1T instead of 1.5T. (room size is around 160 sq ft). Prices are 5 star - 29.5K for FT35G 37.7K for FT50G. The three star ones are cheaper by around 4-4.5K. Installation cost is 2.5K + copper tubing at 270/ft. kinda seems expensive compared to others. All others are 1.5K + free 12ft copper tube. e.g. Hitachi 1.2 5 star is 33.7K (plus scratch card min 8% off) + 1.5 = approx 34-35K and it has BTU 14000 whereas Daikin has BTU 12700. But what I found was that Daikin consumes the least power of all brands(about 100W less). So I guess that is where the savings are. Will have to check another daikin dealer to see if I can negotiate any further.

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
JFYI you could also look at GE, Sharp, Sanyo and Mitsubishi Electric. However I have no idea regarding their service network.
The daikin deaer also had Mitsubishi/Toshiba/General - didnt enquire about Mitsubushi price coz I wasnt sure of service. General 3 star is even more expensive and same funda of installation costly etc.(though he said that General is the best) Toshiba also seemed expensive than Daikin - 31.2K against 29.5K

Last edited by surd_biker : 8th October 2011 at 15:40.
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Old 8th October 2011, 17:13   #2189
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

I am using a 1tonne for a 160 sq.feet room satisfactorily. The room cools in 8-10 mins and the odu cuts off regularly too. I could've gone for .75 too. It depends on the sunlight, roof heating, doors and windows, occupancy etc.

Mitsubishi Heavy ac's (not mistu elec) consume the least power. But the dealer in Abad is rude. Daiking units are good and I am using their inverters without any issue.

Toshiba's service is taken care of by the same company as Carrier. They are also usually more expensive than Daikin but are not usually that much better.

Originally Posted by khoj View Post
Regarding service, Daikin is easily the best and the dealer cannot fib around once a complaint is logged in, Whirlpool is the next best bet. Hitachi & Toshiba service is taken care of by their dealers who may or may not keep the company in the loop. Panasonic no idea regarding service. JFYI you could also look at GE, Sharp, Sanyo and Mitsubishi Electric. However I have no idea regarding their service network.
I am not as experienced as you in the ac field, but Hitachi service at my place was taken care of by the company. They provide a toll-free number on the unit itself. Please check and update.
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Old 8th October 2011, 20:43   #2190
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re: The home / office air-conditioner thread

What is this Condenser type stand. Is it ODU stand? But 3500 for a stand!!!
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