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Old 13th January 2015, 16:20   #20386
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Amazon India does a Flipkart with Yu Yureka phones.

Xaomi started the trend when the phones got sold on Flipkart withi seconds of launch. the same happened to Yu Yureka phones on Amazon when 10K pieces were sold in 3 seconds flat and now is on wait list. Amazon server was done due to the frenzy.

Yu Phones owned by Micromax has the best specs of
It runs a unique build of Android running Cyanogenmod, an Android ROM loved by the geek community. It is also a pretty powerful product as it has a octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 processor which features support for 64-bit software, 2GB RAM, a 5.5-inch 720p IPS screen, 16GB of internal storage, 4G connectivity, and a 2,500mAh battery.
On the back, the phone has a 13-megapixel camera and on the front, it has a 5-megapixel camera. It is also a dual-SIM phone and features a microSD card slot for memory expansion.
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Old 13th January 2015, 16:40   #20387
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by ghodlur View Post
Amazon India does a Flipkart with Yu Yureka phones.

Xaomi started the trend when the phones got sold on Flipkart withi seconds of launch. the same happened to Yu Yureka phones on Amazon when 10K pieces were sold in 3 seconds flat and now is on wait list. Amazon server was done due to the frenzy.

Yu Phones owned by Micromax has the best specs of
I would be worried about buying Micromax. Apparently, these phones consume a ton of background data and install adware which reappears even when you uninstall it. Its not a phone, its spyware/adware rolled into one.
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Old 13th January 2015, 16:50   #20388
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hi Guys,

Just received a Global Invite for OnePlus One. Anybody interested do PM me.

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Old 13th January 2015, 17:45   #20389
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I too received couple of Global Invite for One plus one.
The invite can be used for orders shipping to Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, HK, Italy, N'Lands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, UK and US.

Anyone interested, please PM me.
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Old 13th January 2015, 19:58   #20390
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Few interesting links:

On Micromax’s Flash Sale : Yu Were Mislead [Only 2657 Devices ?]

Same tactics adopted by Amazon like what Flipkart shows during Xiaomi sale days, same 'fabricated' internal server error which vanishes if user refreshes the page for one or two times and page reloads fine. And how come 6 reviews can appear within seconds after sale has started:

Language used by the guy in the above video may not be appropriate for everyone so please be careful with your system's audio level.

Last edited by tbppjpr : 13th January 2015 at 20:22.
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Old 14th January 2015, 05:54   #20391
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

In other news, checked out the MotoX second gen during an office offsite. OPO takes as good photos though MotoX 2nd gen feels nicer/sleeker to hold.

That said, the Lumia 1520's photos blew these phones together out of the water - the only other equal phone was the Nexus 5.

... just a useful input for those serious about their phones' camera performance!
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Old 14th January 2015, 08:43   #20392
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

While I agree that the camera isn't up to the mark, the rest of the 2nd gen Moto X is simply brilliant.

I do believe it's one of the best Android phones ever made.
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Old 14th January 2015, 09:44   #20393
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
That said, the Lumia 1520's photos blew these phones together out of the water - the only other equal phone was the Nexus 5.
Every review I read about the Nexus 5 had said that the Nexus 5's camera is mediocre. That is why I had kept it away from my list. It is surprising that many team-bhpians are finding the camera good.

In other news, "moves" app refuses to work on my Oneplus One saying that the accelerometer in it does not work when the screen is off. Anyone faced the issue before?
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Old 14th January 2015, 12:06   #20394
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Speed.Demon View Post
While I agree that the camera isn't up to the mark, the rest of the 2nd gen Moto X is simply brilliant.

I do believe it's one of the best Android phones ever made.
Completely agree. I quite liked it - till we went out to a retro casino boat and the indoor pics were quite okay.

In terms of camera performance indoor, I felt iP6+ = Lumia1520 > N5 ~ HTC One Mini (E7) > OPO ~ MotoX2 ~ iP6 >> iP5C ~ S3

That's my subjective unpaid opinion! YMMV ofc

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
Every review I read about the Nexus 5 had said that the Nexus 5's camera is mediocre. That is why I had kept it away from my list. It is surprising that many team-bhpians are finding the camera good.
Well - for one I'm not a paid reviewer. That class of thieves unanimously raved about the S3 but then again TBHP (and everywhere else) is full of S3
users fed up of lag.

Let's outline my use case - I'm often out on team dinners when traveling and when I'm at home 90% is photos of my hyperactive 3.5 year old son and 10% family outings. Regular outings is fine but indoors, my S3 takes blurry shots (inspite of multiple apps) of my son or his hands. Here's a photo in decent light (next to french windows with sunlight coming in) - my son is the chhuperman on the LHS with the cape!
Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-aarav3.jpg
Note that the other kid's face is much more acceptable because he's not THAT hyperactive as my son is!

In much less light (softly lit restaurant), N5 stabilized him much more. Here's a photo of him nodding/asking for something - completely candid / in motion, not a pose. Note that its a whatsapped version so there's some compression artifacts in there as well.
Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-img20141225wa0013.jpg

Last edited by phamilyman : 14th January 2015 at 12:07.
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Old 14th January 2015, 12:14   #20395
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
In other news, "moves" app refuses to work on my Oneplus One saying that the accelerometer in it does not work when the screen is off. Anyone faced the issue before?
A restart solved it. Probably accelerometer stopped responding to the OS. CM is still the amateur OS, I guess.
Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Well - for one I'm not a paid reviewer. That class of thieves unanimously raved about the S3 but then again TBHP (and everywhere else) is full of S3
users fed up of lag.
I had an S3 before, and while daylight shots are excellent, indoors it was really bad. Agree to that. Lumia 925 beats both the S3 and my OPO hands down in low light.

Yesterday I shot 4K video with my OPO, and to my surprise it didn't have the 5 min restriction that the Sammy and LG have. The phone did get real hot and I stopped after 6 mins to avoid frying the phone.
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Old 14th January 2015, 12:44   #20396
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Re: Unlock phone to receive incoming call on nexus 4!

When there is a call on my 'Nexus 4', i have to unlock the phone to accept the call. It is like, the phone rings and shows the incoming call as one of the notification item. So as to accept the call, need to unlock the phone.

This happens at random, and i don't know what is the issue here? I rebooted the device, but still the same issue.

Are others facing the same problem? The device runs on lollipop(Ver. 5.0.1)

Please advise.
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Old 14th January 2015, 13:06   #20397
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
Every review I read about the Nexus 5 had said that the Nexus 5's camera is mediocre. That is why I had kept it away from my list. It is surprising that many team-bhpians are finding the camera good.
I will rate Nexus 5 camera as mediocre at best. Moreover, it gets really hot if I use it for 10-15 minutes. Also, it drains the battery much faster than any other phone I have used. I find Oneplus One camera much better than my Nexus 5.
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Old 14th January 2015, 13:37   #20398
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

In September 2014, when I was in the market to buy a new smartphone; camera quality was one of the prime criteria which I considered in the new phone.

I personally checked Nexus 5 and HTC Desire 816 at couple of Croma stores and in no way I could convince myself that Nexus 5 has a great camera!

Mediocre at its best. And when I compared the camera of Desire 816 with Nexus 5, I was amazed to see the camera quality of Desire 816 to be way better than Nexus 5. Nexus 5 suffered from poor quality photos especially when taken with bright light source behind the subject while this was not the case with 816.

Nexus 5 has an average camera without a doubt.
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Old 14th January 2015, 14:28   #20399
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sourabhzen View Post
I will rate Nexus 5 camera as mediocre at best. Moreover, it gets really hot if I use it for 10-15 minutes. Also, it drains the battery much faster than any other phone I have used. I find Oneplus One camera much better than my Nexus 5.
Interesting. I formed that opinion after clicking photos from my wife's brand new OPO and my friend's N5 back to back. Motion blur was clearly there in OPO shots when shooting my son without flash. I'd be glad in looking at samples - or maybe its my wife's phone!!

battery drain on N5 is definitely an issue but isnt something I was particularly concerned with - coming from an S3 whose battery erodes in realtime!

Originally Posted by bluevolt View Post
In September 2014, when I was in the market to buy a new smartphone; camera quality was one of the prime criteria which I considered in the new phone.

I personally checked Nexus 5 and HTC Desire 816 at couple of Croma stores and in no way I could convince myself that Nexus 5 has a great camera!

Mediocre at its best. And when I compared the camera of Desire 816 with Nexus 5, I was amazed to see the camera quality of Desire 816 to be way better than Nexus 5. Nexus 5 suffered from poor quality photos especially when taken with bright light source behind the subject while this was not the case with 816.

Nexus 5 has an average camera without a doubt.
Interesting. Do post comparisons. Thanks for the data point in bold.

I've not used the 816 outside of a showroom so can't comment but this is interesting. Did you compare low-light performance without flash without a bright light source behind the subject?

To me - motion blur in shooting my son is my biggest annoyance - low dynamic range is a problem in S3 too, but is far lower in my priorities.

Last edited by phamilyman : 14th January 2015 at 14:33.
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Old 14th January 2015, 14:37   #20400
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Interesting. I formed that opinion after clicking photos from my wife's brand new OPO and my friend's N5 back to back. Motion blur was clearly there in OPO shots when shooting my son without flash. I'd be glad in looking at samples - or maybe its my wife's phone!!
I am using Nexus 5 since April last year and just bought OPO for my wife in mid December. Had a short trip to Jim Corbett and after using both phones, i simply kept my Nexus away. Though, I am not a photography expert (not even an amateur) I still found OPO pictures more sharp and clear, specially in low light. Also, OPO processed HDR images quite faster and without heating up the phone.
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