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Old 22nd January 2015, 08:40   #20461
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by thoma View Post
Is the OnePlus One hullabulla down recently? I just got an invite; if anybody still requires. I have no intention in buying, but wanted to share it on the forum since long. How do we really share it? Just forward the mail I received?
Thank you very much Thoma for sharing this invite to me.
It was a great gift for a cousin who was running around for this phone since its launch.
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Old 22nd January 2015, 09:14   #20462
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by bhp_maniac View Post
I use bittorrent sync on all androids and iPhones in family to backup photos/videos to my home server every time they are on the home Wifi network. I really love the solution. We don't need any data connection and we won't run out of space, its like our personal cloud. Also security is top notch as no data is ever stored on a remote server.
After reading your post, I downloaded Bitsync. Pity thing is we need to open the app in both the devices for sync to work or is there any setting so that it works automatically? Also speed is not that great, I hardly get more than 1 MBPS.
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Old 22nd January 2015, 10:04   #20463
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by mercedised View Post
After reading your post, I downloaded Bitsync. Pity thing is we need to open the app in both the devices for sync to work or is there any setting so that it works automatically? Also speed is not that great, I hardly get more than 1 MBPS.
I haven't noticed this in my setup. On my ubuntu server, bittorrent sync server is always running. No need to open it every time. On my android, I have noticed that my photos are backed-up automatically a couple of minutes after I log in to my home wifi. On iPhone however, I need to manually open the app I think (This is an iOS constraint).

Transfer speed really depends on network speed I guess. I have a 802.11n network and I get around 10MBps on my android and around 4-5 MBps on iPhone, don't know what makes iPhone transfer slow. However, for syncs from windows PC, I have seen that speed considerably increases after setting "encrypt lan" option on btsync client to "false".
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Old 22nd January 2015, 11:15   #20464
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

WhatsApp now has a web client that mirrors your messages from phone to the web client. Works with Chrome browser only right now. It's pretty good looking (material design) and very fast too.

Must have for anyone who has to sit in front of the computer the whole day.

You can access it on
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Old 22nd January 2015, 11:38   #20465
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post

WhatsApp now has a web client that mirrors your messages from phone to the web client. Works with Chrome browser only right now. It's pretty good looking (material design) and very fast too.

Must have for anyone who has to sit in front of the computer the whole day.

You can access it on
Already did that. The best bit - full access to the physical qwerty keyboard. Type as fast as you do on your PC
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Old 22nd January 2015, 11:53   #20466
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by extreme_torque View Post
Already did that. The best bit - full access to the physical qwerty keyboard. Type as fast as you do on your PC
Yes. I've been trying to move few groups to Hangouts for this exact reason, not needed anymore.
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Old 22nd January 2015, 12:13   #20467
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by mercedised View Post
After reading your post, I downloaded Bitsync. Pity thing is we need to open the app in both the devices for sync to work or is there any setting so that it works automatically?
Originally Posted by bhp_maniac View Post
I have noticed that my photos are backed-up automatically a couple of minutes after I log in to my home wifi.
That BitSync thing sounds interesting, I went through it's description and found it very useful. Though I have been using Airdroid since long time for small size transfers from my computer or any other computer to my phone. No need to install anything on the computer, just need to be in the same WiFi network

But I needed some heavy duty WiFi solution which I can use on my computer and phone. Came through few WiFi utilities and tried them. Finally decided to stick with this one: WiFi PC File Explorer

You need to install a server app on your computer and have to setup an id-pass. Once its setup, you can configure the server app to start automatically during windows startup (there should be servers apps for other OS as well).

Once you are connected with your home WiFi, you just need to open the app on your android phone and can access all the shared drives of you server, same like how you access LAN connected computers. It also allows permission customization. For example I have disallowed file deletion from the phone to reduce chances of any accidental risk. Thats cool utility for someone who is looking for some manual controlled solution.

Last edited by tbppjpr : 22nd January 2015 at 12:30.
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Old 22nd January 2015, 13:41   #20468
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Quite often, on forums, I find myself coming in at the end of a conversation, with no clue about where they started. It's like watching TV news after a holiday: one has no clue what it is about!

OK, so now I know that OPO is not a typo for oppo, and that it seems to be a popular device, and (another crazy marketing game) one needs to be invited to buy it (but there seem to be plenty of invites floating around if one wants one).

Could some kind, patient soul please give me a short update?

This is a desirable phone, right?

Once one gets the invite, who is selling it, and what's the price?
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Old 22nd January 2015, 14:12   #20469
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post

Once one gets the invite, who is selling it, and what's the price?

At present its very good phone for its price.

In India its sold via Amazon India, To buy here your Invite must be "Indian Invite".

Price = Rs. 21999 only, for that you get Back cover + Screen Guard also.
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Old 22nd January 2015, 14:29   #20470
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by tbppjpr View Post
Finally decided to stick with this one: WiFi PC File Explorer

You need to install a server app on your computer and have to setup an id-pass. Once its setup, you can configure the server app to start automatically during windows startup (there should be servers apps for other OS as well).

Once you are connected with your home WiFi, you just need to open the app on your android phone and can access all the shared drives of you server, same like how you access LAN connected computers. It also allows permission customization. For example I have disallowed file deletion from the phone to reduce chances of any accidental risk. Thats cool utility for someone who is looking for some manual controlled solution.
ES File explorer does the same thing. On the top of the app, there is a LAN tab. Your server machine just need to have a file share. I used to copy files to my external hard disk connected to my WD TV Live by accessing the share via ES File Explorer.
Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Quite often, on forums, I find myself coming in at the end of a conversation, with no clue about where they started. It's like watching TV news after a holiday: one has no clue what it is about!

OK, so now I know that OPO is not a typo for oppo, and that it seems to be a popular device, and (another crazy marketing game) one needs to be invited to buy it (but there seem to be plenty of invites floating around if one wants one).

Could some kind, patient soul please give me a short update?

This is a desirable phone, right?

Once one gets the invite, who is selling it, and what's the price?
Well, the USP of Oneplus One is (was, since the Yureka phone), Cyanogenmod android. It is a custom Android ROM and is available for almost all popular phones. It has been a darling of the developer community for long, but now we have others like AOKP, ParanoidAndroid, Omnirom etc.

Moreover, the Oneplus One was launched at a less than half price of a Galaxy S5 and similar speced phones.

It IS a desirable phone for people who want to do a lot of customization to the device. Else better stay away, as it is really buggy.

World over, you need an invite to buy it, but yes, there seems to be too many invites floating around but not many seem to be buying. In India, it is sold via Amazon by Cloudtail, and the price is 22K for the 64GB version.

Originally Posted by RaguHolla View Post
Price = Rs. 21999 only, for that you get Back cover + Screen Guard also.
You sure about that? I did not get either a back cover or a screen guard.

Last edited by civic-sense : 22nd January 2015 at 14:34.
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Old 22nd January 2015, 14:44   #20471
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Quite often, on forums, I find myself coming in at the end of a conversation, with no clue about where they started. It's like watching TV news after a holiday: one has no clue what it is about!
OK, so now I know that OPO is not a typo for oppo, and that it seems to be a popular device, and (another crazy marketing game) one needs to be invited to buy it (but there seem to be plenty of invites floating around if one wants one).
Could some kind, patient soul please give me a short update?
This is a desirable phone, right?
Once one gets the invite, who is selling it, and what's the price?
You are getting old, man.
Stay away from these "B" grade hyped stuff. Pay a bit more, stick to "A" brands.

And yes, OPO and OPPO are different.
OPO - No one advertises. Just word of mouth and hype.
OPPO - Hrithik Roshan is trying his best to advertise.

At the end, both are "B" category. And not mainstream.
So Good Luck with your Gamble.
OPO and OPPO loyalists can please start their bashing on me.
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Old 22nd January 2015, 15:24   #20472
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
ES File explorer does the same thing. On the top of the app, there is a LAN tab. Your server machine just need to have a file share.
I never could make the ES work on my phone, rather couldn't figure out what mistake I am doing in the process, thats why I had to look for third party app. Can you please point out how to establish a working LAN between my phone and computer?
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Old 22nd January 2015, 15:28   #20473
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Thanks for the updates. No, I am not prepared to spend >20K on a new/unknown brand, although I have no objection to Cyanagenmod, which I use on my Defy+ and which is a great improvment over the stock Moto stuff.

OPPO is a funny company. The OPPO that makes [expensive] headphones didn't like me suggesting (head-fi) that they are the same company that makes DVD players and mobiles. Oh no, entirely different. Just they have the same name, same logo and same branding design: what a coincidence!

Coincidentally, I was musing about gambling on one of their phones! Except that I have more-or-less decided on Sony, in the unlikely event of my actually purchasing an expensive phone in the foreseeable future.
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Old 22nd January 2015, 15:38   #20474
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
OPO and OPPO loyalists can please start their bashing on me.
That ain't going to deter me.

Samsung, LG, HTC etc, a decade ago, were considered "B" grade phones. Xiaomi, Oppo etc are now coming with top notch specs (Snapdragon processor, Sony sensor etc) compared to Micromax, Karbon etc (Mediatek processor). People would brand them A grade when they start selling in good numbers. Else it is just a kind of caste discrimination extended to mobile phones.
Originally Posted by tbppjpr View Post
I never could make the ES work on my phone, rather couldn't figure out what mistake I am doing in the process, thats why I had to look for third party app. Can you please point out how to establish a working LAN between my phone and computer?
As I said earlier, I had only connected to my ext HDD connected to my WD TV Live. But I don't think it is any different with Windows PCs. Yes, they new homegroup thing is something I have never got teh hang of. The internet is full of guides. Like this one in XDA:
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Old 22nd January 2015, 15:49   #20475
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Of late, Whatsapp seems to continue to annoy (notify) me every few minutes in the notification drawer even if I swipe it away. The notification won't stop appearing unless I go to Whatsapp and read every damn message I received.

Given that I receive so much useless stuff this is getting on my nerve. What's the fix, guys?
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