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Old 10th January 2015, 13:01   #20356
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Finally got the Oneplus one. The phone is good except for the sandstone textured back. Great build quality, but obviously does not match my Lumia 925.

BUT, the OS is still not fluid enough despite the monster hardware it comes with. It stutters occasionally. The unlock action isn't very fluid if you take Windows Phone and IOS as benchmarks. I think there is something fundamentally wrong with Android as a mobile OS. Else why does it continues to fall behind IOS and WP even with all that hardware powerhouse underneath? My Lumia 925 with dual core, several gens old processor and 1 GM RAM beats the OPO with Snapdragon 801 quad core and 3GB RAM.

Am still in two minds whether to keep it or sell it off. Will decide in a week.
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Old 11th January 2015, 04:00   #20357
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

BUT, the OS is still not fluid enough despite the monster hardware it comes with. It stutters occasionally. The unlock action isn't very fluid if you take Windows Phone and IOS as benchmarks. I think there is something fundamentally wrong with Android as a mobile OS. Else why does it continues to fall behind IOS and WP even with all that hardware powerhouse underneath? My Lumia 925 with dual core, several gens old processor and 1 GM RAM beats the OPO with Snapdragon 801 quad core and 3GB RAM.

I think you should sell it. I would have already rooted and booted that with slim if not another rom. The one plus is aimed for experimenters more than stock users. Cyanogen in not super stable for its custom dev always in progress.

In fact for many android provides flexibility, portability and ease of use that i couldnt get with apple or windows.

i love windows 8.1 but on a tab more than a phone. In fact i use my dell pro more than nexus nowadays because i have so many pc games in it

and i picked that dell pro for 80 usd which is robbing

If u want to use that one plus stock you will not be satisfied much. Try other custom roms
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Old 11th January 2015, 13:25   #20358
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
I would have already rooted and booted that with slim if not another rom. The one plus is aimed for experimenters more than stock users. Cyanogen in not super stable for its custom dev always in progress.
Having spent countless hours downloading and flashing ROMS in my previous devices (a HD2 and a S3), I'd say I don't want to travel down that road again. It was fun then, but looking back, I don't think it was time well spent. I'd be happier with a phone I can use when I need than waiting for that update that would fix that wifi issue for the umpteenth time.
In fact for many android provides flexibility, portability and ease of use that i couldnt get with apple or windows.
Custom ROMs like CM takes flexibility to ridiculous levels. For example, why on the earth would anybody want to draw a 6X6 pattern to unlock his phone?
i love windows 8.1 but on a tab more than a phone. In fact i use my dell pro more than nexus nowadays because i have so many pc games in it

and i picked that dell pro for 80 usd which is robbing
Actually, on phones there is nothing much to like about Windows Phone than the UI experience. The phone obliges you to do whatever it can as elegantly as possible without any hiccups.
If u want to use that one plus stock you will not be satisfied much. Try other custom roms
I went for the Oneplus, apart from the price, for the closer to stock Android sans all the bloatware Sammy and LG adds. My S3, which my wife is currently suffering with is dead slow even with a lot of crap-ware disabled. Turns out that even without bloatware it's still not smooth enough.

I think you should sell it.
Coming to think about it, I just realized to my surprise that, I haven't sold any of the smartphones I have ever bought, starting with the original iphone. Add to that, this is the first smartphone that I have bought first hand. I had always found value buying pre-abused (pre-worshiped for many). So the question is, is it safe to sell phones, considering that a record is there with amazon that links the IMEI number to my name. If I sell it and it eventually lands with some ISIS guy, will it come to haunt me later? I think, I'd rather relieve my wife's suffering with the S3, and sell it instead.
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Old 11th January 2015, 17:24   #20359
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^You could take it in writing from buyer that the phone is sold to him. That's what I did initially. But then I sold couple without doing it for lack of time.
The cops may land on your door but I believe if you have some kind of proof of sale you should be okay. It's not illegal to sell a phone. And it's not like your SIM would be in the sold phone.
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Old 11th January 2015, 20:48   #20360
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Need a recommendation for a suction-cup dashboard tablet holder for the Fonepad seven incher please. I'd like it to be able to hold it either portrait or landscape.

What I saw on Flipkart tends to have comments like "horrible cheap plastic worthless blah blah." Would rather spend a couple or three thousand on something that isn't worthless cheap plastic blah blah than a few hundred on something that is!

I downloaded the Tamil language voice for Sygic navigation. It'll give my wife something to do, translating the directions for me
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Old 11th January 2015, 20:58   #20361
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Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Need a recommendation for a suction-cup dashboard tablet holder for the Fonepad seven incher please. I'd like it to be able to hold it either portrait or landscape.
Look for gripgo on etailer sites.
I've been using it with a Sony t2, and it's by far the best one I've used till now.
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Old 11th January 2015, 22:14   #20362
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Greetings !
I need to order a tablet tomorrow or day after .
The primary use will be doodling ,reading , & youtube .
Need your help in making choices .
What would be the best bet if I am willing spend like 10k ?

Also , will any stylus work with the tab. ? Suggest some options for the stylus as well .

Now my dear friends . I am counting on you all . :-)
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Old 12th January 2015, 09:59   #20363
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods


Unfortunately what samsung/lg/hTC and others are missing is the stock android experience. The Nexus 5 is the best phone i have used/using. I have the S5 yet the nexus 5 beats it anyday for smooth android experience.

Everything flows in the nexus and it almost feels the samsung ones are done a little choppy.

ANd i started my smart phone journey with an apple, making it a pineapple after a year to get the custom apple roms and everything changed when samsung galaxy S came. The earliest version. Post which i had S2(This is by far the best ever phone developed by Samsung. If you can get the old from somebody just keep it). The size, the form factor and the weight was nothing to be amazed about.

Note 1 is still with me which i got for my wife but thats now with my Dad who uses for Whatsapp and Skype and its running on Slim rom last updated in April 2014. Runs super smooth till date.

If you want android experience look no further than stock android fones or the motorola ones. The cheaper Moto G will run circles around some of the high end samsung ones purely because of the stock rom.

Lollipop is a way forward and i heard oneplus is planning to offer Lollipop. YOu should try the lollipop before giving it away.

I personally hate windows and apple fones. Windows i like the dell pro series, and apple definitely the tabs(But nexus 9 is even more attractive)
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Old 12th January 2015, 11:02   #20364
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Planning to try my luck in getting the Yureka mobile on Amazon tomorrow. Just curious about the phone and want to test it. And nephew wants it anyway so I can give it to him.
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Old 12th January 2015, 11:28   #20365
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Now a new problem, seems both Amazon and Flipkart are unwilling to ship to UP! Cannot wait for GST to come, which should fix this.
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Old 12th January 2015, 11:56   #20366
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post

Unfortunately what samsung/lg/hTC and others are missing is the stock android experience. The Nexus 5 is the best phone i have used/using. I have the S5 yet the nexus 5 beats it anyday for smooth android experience.

Everything flows in the nexus and it almost feels the samsung ones are done a little choppy.

ANd i started my smart phone journey with an apple, making it a pineapple after a year to get the custom apple roms and everything changed when samsung galaxy S came. The earliest version. Post which i had S2(This is by far the best ever phone developed by Samsung. If you can get the old from somebody just keep it). The size, the form factor and the weight was nothing to be amazed about.

Note 1 is still with me which i got for my wife but thats now with my Dad who uses for Whatsapp and Skype and its running on Slim rom last updated in April 2014. Runs super smooth till date.

If you want android experience look no further than stock android fones or the motorola ones. The cheaper Moto G will run circles around some of the high end samsung ones purely because of the stock rom.

Lollipop is a way forward and i heard oneplus is planning to offer Lollipop. YOu should try the lollipop before giving it away.

I personally hate windows and apple fones. Windows i like the dell pro series, and apple definitely the tabs(But nexus 9 is even more attractive)
I would have bought a Nexus 5 long ago if it was not for the mediocre camera. Camera is very important for me. Nexus 6 has a great camera but then it is way too big for my liking. Moto G and X too have bad cameras.

I have Lollipop in my Nexus 7, but I don't seem to like the stupid animations they have come up with. The new pull down notifications bar is a mess. The older simpler pull down bar is a lot better than the two stage pull down. And needless to say, the Lollipop update has made the Nexus 7 almost unusable. Now it runs with most of the google bloatware apps (except maps) disabled. I use it only for light browsing and torrents. In contrast to that, my wife's iPad 3 is still fluid even with the much maligned IOS 8.

So now my Oneplus is on a 1 week trial run. It seems to be holding up well. The stutters have settled down. But I am having trouble with internet. Comes and goes. It doesn't show whether I am in E, H or H+, as that place has been taken up by a R since I am roaming. Very thoughtless for them to use the same place for displaying roaming. Interestingly there is a JIRA open for that:

Last edited by civic-sense : 12th January 2015 at 11:57.
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Old 12th January 2015, 14:01   #20367
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
I would have bought a Nexus 5 long ago if it was not for the mediocre camera. Camera is very important for me. Nexus 6 has a great camera but then it is way too big for my liking. Moto G and X too have bad cameras.

I have Lollipop in my Nexus 7, but I don't seem to like the stupid animations they have come up with. The new pull down notifications bar is a mess. The older simpler pull down bar is a lot better than the two stage pull down. And needless to say, the Lollipop update has made the Nexus 7 almost unusable. Now it runs with most of the google bloatware apps (except maps) disabled. I use it only for light browsing and torrents. In contrast to that, my wife's iPad 3 is still fluid even with the much maligned IOS 8.

So now my Oneplus is on a 1 week trial run. It seems to be holding up well. The stutters have settled down. But I am having trouble with internet. Comes and goes. It doesn't show whether I am in E, H or H+, as that place has been taken up by a R since I am roaming. Very thoughtless for them to use the same place for displaying roaming. Interestingly there is a JIRA open for that:
Nexus 5 has a fanatstic camera but only if you click in HDR mode. I will put in sample pics from the phone shortly.
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Old 12th January 2015, 15:46   #20368
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Guys, Need feedback on power banks. I see two popular ones (based on reviews) in India are Mi 10400 mAH (FlipKart) and ihave ia1310 Boss 10000mAH Power Bank (Amazon) but no reviews of them outside india. Need something reliable and compact as I am a heavy user and frequently run out of power.
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Old 12th January 2015, 15:49   #20369
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by thenomad View Post
Guys, Need feedback on power banks. I see two popular ones (based on reviews) in India are Mi 10400 mAH (FlipKart) and ihave ia1310 Boss 10000mAH Power Bank (Amazon) but no reviews of them outside india. Need something reliable and compact as I am a heavy user and frequently run out of power.
Mi is good. I am using one and so far so good.
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Old 12th January 2015, 15:54   #20370
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by civic-sense View Post
So now my Oneplus is on a 1 week trial run. It seems to be holding up well. The stutters have settled down. But I am having trouble with internet. Comes and goes. It doesn't show whether I am in E, H or H+, as that place has been taken up by a R since I am roaming. Very thoughtless for them to use the same place for displaying roaming. Interestingly there is a JIRA open for that:
Install the app called "Network Speed", open the app and tick mark all the check boxes. You will have detailed info about your network connection on your notification all the time.
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