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Old 19th January 2015, 20:18   #20431
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Originally Posted by fordday View Post
How to ascertain that an app is genuine?

For example, a bank says download our app from Google playstore. How do I know if the link or the search results in playstore are genuine. If it is a counterfeit app that I am downloading and logging onto, then all my credentials will be stolen in the first attempt itself.

My personal choice - I never use an app to log into my bank account, I prefer to use a browser to do so!
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Old 20th January 2015, 09:22   #20432
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Got a flyer about htc One(E8) what is this one? How does it differ from the normal One.

Last edited by sgiitk : 20th January 2015 at 09:34.
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Old 20th January 2015, 09:41   #20433
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Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
Got a flyer about htc One(E8) what is this one? How does it differ from the normal One.

The normal One is M8 which has a metal body. The E8 is the same thing albeit with a plastic body. And a good one at that. The E8 has other minor differences too like the Infrared is omitted, for example, so you loose out on the nifty TV remote thingy which I find very useful instead of searching for the remote at home. The One M8(Eye) is the ultimate one as it is equipped with a 13mp camera.
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Old 20th January 2015, 10:08   #20434
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

The HTC One E8 has the 13MP camera as well.

Its basically a plastic M8 with a 13MP camera.
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Old 20th January 2015, 10:10   #20435
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Re: General query on apps

Originally Posted by fordday View Post
How to ascertain that an app is genuine?

For example, a bank says download our app from Google playstore. How do I know if the link or the search results in playstore are genuine. If it is a counterfeit app that I am downloading and logging onto, then all my credentials will be stolen in the first attempt itself.

If the app is counterfeit, you won't be able to log into your account. Only the genuine app will have access to the banks servers to match your customer ID & password.

If you do happen to download a fake app, you will know as soon as you enter your details and you can take appropriate action - inform the bank, change password, etc

I use mobile banking apps extensively and find them very convenient.
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Old 20th January 2015, 11:33   #20436
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by fiat_tarun View Post
If the app is counterfeit, you won't be able to log into your account. Only the genuine app will have access to the banks servers to match your customer ID & password.
That would be very risky. Fake app has your credentials and can use those to login on your behalf.

Technical details:

In general, avoid using mobile devices for netbanking.
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Old 20th January 2015, 11:34   #20437
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Is there a way i can quickly send text/image/video from my PC to my own number on whatsapp. i basically want to send nice jokes/pics etc i come across while browsing and then fwd to my friends thru whatsapp on mobile.

I dont want to install "whatsapp for PC". Looking for an online/web browser means to achieve it.

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Old 20th January 2015, 13:00   #20438
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by WindRide View Post
Is there a way i can quickly send text/image/video from my PC to my own number on whatsapp. i basically want to send nice jokes/pics etc i come across while browsing and then fwd to my friends thru whatsapp on mobile.

I dont want to install "whatsapp for PC". Looking for an online/web browser means to achieve it.

There is a way to quickly send texts, images and other small files quickly from your PC to the phone - pushbullet.

Very handy little app indeed.

Check it out here.
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Old 20th January 2015, 13:47   #20439
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Picked up a gold color Asus Zenfone 5 16gb from Fk, for my wife. I must say it is a beautiful, slim and well finished device. This Asus is replacing a Xolo X900. Was forced to change the phone as the Xolo started acting weird. Every time data is used or demanded, the network connection snaps and the only way to recover it was rebooting the phone. Read up on multiple forums for solutions and could not find one. As much as I wanted to avoid replacing the Xolo, losing both data and cellular connectivity is not good.

Setting up the Asus was a breeze. Their flavor of the UI is one of the best implementations I have seen on a android device and for something at the price point. Apart from google and the asus account setup, it migrated all the phone book contacts via bluetooth from the Xolo. It was an effortless process. The screen is nice and vivid and the interface is responsive. Hope it stays this way.

I tried the camera in lit indoor conditions and the results were superb. Sharp and well exposed pictures without fiddling with any of the camera controls. The next thing that worked with ease was when I decided to beam the image from the Gallery. It found my Samsung tv over the wifi network, I got a pop up on the tv for device access while I had You Tube playing on the tv, granted permissions and the photo was on the tv. A process that took less than 10 seconds to get going. Guess that's dlna at work.

The one area of complaint, for now, is the design of the back panel. Its almost flat and sits flat which can easily put a scratch on the camera lens. Ordered a Rs. 675 Asus rubber cover for it as I know for sure that camera lens will pick up a scratch in no time.

Battery performance has to be checked. This is one of the negatives highlighted in user opinions.

Last edited by sandeepmohan : 20th January 2015 at 13:49.
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Old 20th January 2015, 17:42   #20440
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I have a Samsung S4 that fell flat on its face (twice!) and the screen went green and then blank. The minimum quote we are getting to get it replaced is 8K. Does that sound reasonable? The phone is a year and a half old barely and cost 37K odd new.

Since it's locked we can't even retrieve the data and move on. Best option seems to be to repair it. Advice welcome...
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Old 20th January 2015, 19:00   #20441
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Re: General query on apps

Originally Posted by fiat_tarun View Post
If you do happen to download a fake app, you will know as soon as you enter your details and you can take appropriate action - inform the bank, change password, etc

I use mobile banking apps extensively and find them very convenient.
If I am to develop a fake app, I will put a permanent screen as "server is busy, please try after sometime" or some such message which will easily fool the user.

I too find them convenient but just that the security does not seem so tight at the moment.
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Old 20th January 2015, 19:18   #20442
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Since it's locked we can't even retrieve the data and move on. Best option seems to be to repair it. Advice welcome...
Noopester..If you remember the lock pattern you can trace it and unlock it. Even with alpha numeric lock you can mimic the screen at the right spot and unlock it. It takes a couple of takes or more than it.

The screen condition is that you have broken the LCD but not the touch. Happened to all my phones

The replacement charge is in line with the LCD charge. But it also includes tax, service charge etc. If you can find a local shop you can get this done for less than 400 by buying the LCD of ebay if possible.

In situation like this i have used the trace the screen method as well as ODIN method to basically reload a new rom.

By loading a new rom you are not deleting any files but simply the OS. This way you can simply attach the fone to computer and save all the required folders(In most cases its the DCIM folder and whatsapp media folder.
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Old 20th January 2015, 22:37   #20443
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Is the OnePlus One hullabulla down recently? I just got an invite; if anybody still requires. I have no intention in buying, but wanted to share it on the forum since long. How do we really share it? Just forward the mail I received?

By default, the facebook android app does not allow us to download videos that are shared to us on facebook, right? Is there any other app for it or any other alternative for it?

Originally Posted by noopster View Post
I have a Samsung S4 that fell flat on its face (twice!) and the screen went green and then blank. The minimum quote we are getting to get it replaced is 8K. Does that sound reasonable? The phone is a year and a half old barely and cost 37K odd new.

Since it's locked we can't even retrieve the data and move on. Best option seems to be to repair it. Advice welcome...
Just last week, I did change a Samsung Galaxy S Duos broken screen for 1000/- from the local shop, where as the Samsung Service Center quoted 4.5k for the same (the phone itself costs around 6.5k new, though outdated). Okay, the screen may be Chinese (costs just 800/- in ebay) and not cent percent perfect in reproducing the old colors, but more than good for the utility.

Apart, do we really need to unlock the screen to connect to Samsung Kies application in PC or as a media storage device to the PC?

Last edited by thoma : 20th January 2015 at 22:54.
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Old 20th January 2015, 23:09   #20444
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by noopster View Post
Since it's locked we can't even retrieve the data and move on. Best option seems to be to repair it. Advice welcome...
You can connect a mouse + TV (or PC Monitor) to unlock the device.

Cost of the cable that enables you to do that is ~500. This cable turns the phone into a CPU, and then you can use it via Keyboard+Mouse+Monitor.
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Old 21st January 2015, 05:27   #20445
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Re: General query on apps

Originally Posted by fordday View Post
How to ascertain that an app is genuine?

For example, a bank says download our app from Google playstore. How do I know if the link or the search results in playstore are genuine. If it is a counterfeit app that I am downloading and logging onto, then all my credentials will be stolen in the first attempt itself.

Good question.
  1. Publisher details should sync up. e.g see Its not like id=com.fraudstercompany.imobile
  2. The popularity will be high for an official app and you will have user reviews from people you know. If it was a fraud app - you'd see no reviews like that, heck there would be people complaining and google would pull it after a few days.
  3. You can call up the helpline to confirm (ING vysya confirmed that for me!).
  4. Compare it with the itunes store. Apple is fanatical and will never let such fake apps get uploaded. If everything matches with the android app (look / feel etc) then its legitimate.
Does that help?
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