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Old 30th June 2010, 01:14   #2491
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Originally Posted by samsag12 View Post
So i don't think that shampooing the car and reapplying the polish frequently is a wise decision. BTW what brand of shampoo is the best in terms of functionality and affordability.
Applying polish removes a bit of your clearcoat everytime. So stay away from polishing the paint frequently. As for shampoo you can try SONAX. It is available at many places including Metro. Buy the mildest one available (orange in color) not the concentrate. Rs. 250 for one liter. In fact, plain water should do the frequest cleaning job best. Use a wash mitt or a good MF towel or you will introduce swirls on the paint.

Originally Posted by samsag12 View Post
Hmm.. i guess the 3M Premium Liquid Wax is not good for overcoating the Waxpoled car. Then what other options are left for me, considering that the car will definitely get dirty in 3days (parked in the open though covered).
Currently i am using this wax AUTO POLISH
so if i do intend to overcoat the car should i use this liquid polish LIQUID WAX POLISH Will it serve the purpose of overcoating or will it also tear down the old Hard Waxpol layer.
Regarding the Collinite 845, i have also heard many good things about it but for the price the importer is asking i am a bit confused as to purchase it or not as the Eagle's nano wax is far cheaper than this. Though i may be wrong about it as i don't have confirmed declaration about the prices of the Eagle's product.
You CANNOT layer polish. The job of a good polish is to REMOVE whatever you have layered. I would say you should use polish may be once a quarter.

In your situation I will recommed you use a good paint sealant - Wolfgang, Klasse etc. to seal the paint. Sealant forms a durable thin, shiny and protective layer on your paint (actually your clearcoat) Mild shampoos will not remove the sealant, then you can QD (Turtle ICE is OK) evey week to keep the shine. You can layer the sealant - may be every month. A good sealant will not turn brown with age. If you wish you can layer wax on the sealant (pure wax with no cleaning properties - not Waxpol) to get more depth in the paint appearance.

If you want to stay with wax get the collinite 845 and do not use waxpol - I noticed it has cleaning properties. You can safely layer the 845. It is virtually indestructible in the short run - washing with water willl not remove it so long as you do not "scrub" it off - imagine it is used to waterproof boats !!. You have to use very small qty. I do not know what car you drive, for me one rupee size dab does a section for the Merc two for the bonnet (about 12 in total). For the swift 5 "rupee" is adequate . A 16 oz bottle should see you through the year.

Hope this helps

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Old 30th June 2010, 12:41   #2492
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
I wanna buy pinnacle souveran wax so bad!!

btw I tried eagle one Nanowax after reading a lot about it on forums worldwide!

after doing half the bonnet I noticed that nanowaxed part was shining a lil' more than the other part!(even after QDing that)

the shine/color richness is definitely better!!

Its better than techwax2.0 in one thing(it doesn't leave any smearing!)
with techwax2.0 I noticed that, after curing there was a lotta smearing of wax on the surface(even though I had used very thin coats)

smearing as in, something oily present on the surface!

here are some after pics!
Man- the shine is amazing. Are you saying that this eagle one is better than Meguiars NXT? I saw eagle one products at a place here, maybe should try the wax. Got a new car- has surface scratches(minor) and swirls(minor) Did a full session last sat by hand( got a major ache) and removed most. However against the light can see and the finish is not as super as yours( cause did not have the rotary)
Give me a complete process again to do, will try out again. Clayed, did UC one pass, waxed.
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Old 30th June 2010, 13:24   #2493
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if the swirls are minor ones, then nanowax will fill them up!!

It actually has optically clear fillers which fill in the swirls and seal the finish!

there was a portion on my front rt. fender where minor swirls(more like random lines) were visible on close inspection under the sun!

nanowax filled it up real good!

and nanowax is better only due to its filling properties and nearly no smearing etc!
but its kinda hard to take off(when compared to NXT 2.0)

NXT might be more durable but I haven't really tested the durability
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Old 30th June 2010, 14:16   #2494
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Originally Posted by Gill View Post
I have seen eagle's nano wax in local retail, will check out the prices next time. Has any one given it a try?Is it the same Nano based product, thinkbig is testing? BTW I checked out price of 3M car wash concentrate and distributor quoted me rs700/ltr, I was shocked! I am looking for Interior upholstery, fabric and dashboard cleaner and polisher, Do recommend me! and a car wash too. Turtle car wash is available for rs300/ltr.
Sir , AFAIK 3M car shampoo Is available in delhi @ 150rs for 500ml.
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Old 30th June 2010, 19:14   #2495
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Eagle one nano wax is for rs 730/ on, How is it in comparison to Turtle platinum wax?TPW is availble for Rs465/-.

@Notorious, I will check it.any inputs for car interior cleaner and polish?
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Old 30th June 2010, 19:20   #2496
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Originally Posted by Gill View Post
Eagle one nano wax is for rs 730/ on, How is it in comparison to Turtle platinum wax?TPW is availble for Rs465/-.

@Notorious, I will check it.any inputs for car interior cleaner and polish?
Are you aware if anyone deals with car detailing,in and around chandigarh?
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Old 30th June 2010, 19:44   #2497
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Akshay, I am yet to find a dedicated guy in and around Chandigarh. 3M offers services through dealer ship, but the quality and knowledge of manpower doing the detailing job at dealership leaves much to be desired, better to stay away from them.Carz spa participated in franchisee exhibition held few days back, lets see if they come up with a franchisee here, But they have one in Jallandher, run by Nipun.There is a website of car detailer located in Chandigarh, but nobody answers the call on the number given.
If you know anyone who does a decent job, plz do share!
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Old 30th June 2010, 20:49   #2498
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
if the swirls are minor ones, then nanowax will fill them up!!

It actually has optically clear fillers which fill in the swirls and seal the finish!

there was a portion on my front rt. fender where minor swirls(more like random lines) were visible on close inspection under the sun!

nanowax filled it up real good!

and nanowax is better only due to its filling properties and nearly no smearing etc!
but its kinda hard to take off(when compared to NXT 2.0)

NXT might be more durable but I haven't really tested the durability
is this the liquid wax or the paste wax. The eagle one paste wax says it has carnuba and priced about 750 rs? The liquid wax is cheaper. Wax filling up swirls, thats interesting!
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Old 30th June 2010, 22:24   #2499
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I have the liquid one!(for ease of application etc.)

and yea! I too was surprised when the fillers actually worked!
(only other alternative to the swirl fillers is Autoglym super resin polish)

but I still like Megs NXT2.0! will try a different megs sealant this time! pls help!

Last edited by sohail99 : 30th June 2010 at 22:26.
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Old 30th June 2010, 23:49   #2500
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DA Polishers like PC 7424/Meg g110

Do these have dual voltage setting switches? Will a unit from US work in India.

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Old 1st July 2010, 00:15   #2501
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^ you just need a step down voltage converter(220v to 110v)

its easily available at the electrical shops here!

but do take care that it should be able to handle the wattage(mentioned on the converter) of the PC or Megs DA

Something like this -

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Old 1st July 2010, 07:18   #2502
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Hey Guys i got a white ANHC V-MT. Can you guys advice me the best car wax for whites. I wanna remove swirls and give it a gleaming shine.
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Old 1st July 2010, 12:31   #2503
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Originally Posted by Gill View Post
@Notorious, I will check it.any inputs for car interior cleaner and polish?
For chocolate brown colour of my vernas's dashboard , formula 1 protectant is enough but for doors etc i use weak solution of water and tide in a sprayer to scrub it with soft cloth , it works like sonax cockpit/interior cleaner but a way cheeper and effective then that.

Originally Posted by zoom_vroom View Post
Hey Guys i got a white ANHC V-MT. Can you guys advice me the best car wax for whites. I wanna remove swirls and give it a gleaming shine.
as your car is new , a coat of Turtle wax hard shell wax is enough after every 15 to 20 days , and also use a good shampoo like sonax to wash a car atleast once a week if your car is a daily drive.

Sonax shampoo will cost you around 300-350 and Turtle wax has a mrp of 240.

both products can be used a minimum of ten times and i dont think 60-70 Rs per car wash is expensive
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Old 1st July 2010, 17:12   #2504
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Nano coating DIY beading

Just got this photo from the manufacturer of the water beading product of their DIY range. It will last 4 months and can be applied on a wet or dry car. I am anxiously waiting for their samples.
A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-aquartz-reload.jpg
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Old 1st July 2010, 17:27   #2505
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Amway Car Wash is equally or even better, and costs only 3 rs per wash( max), have been using that for over 10years, happy with it.
Wax- well a world of choices now - see whats avail and then can decide. Megs is not avail here, eagle one is also selling now and looks to be good. Turtle is also decent, not in the same league tho IMO
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