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Old 1st August 2008, 22:48   #331
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Actually i think its a steal at its price. But Ikon is known to be quite expensive to maintain thanks to expensive Ford Spares. But i guess you should nt have a big problem since this car is only for a year. I guess you should go ahead with the deal! All the Best.
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Old 2nd August 2008, 01:11   #332
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The 1.6 NXT was a real driver's delight. This is the car for you if you enjoy driving (not to mention a very decent rear seat). I have been to Manali, Banjar, Jalori etc in Himachal in an Ikon 1.6 NXT with a client who seemed to be a part-time rally driver and the car came across as a complete package for a sedan with lots of performance!

The only issue with Ford is that they are known to be expensive to maintain (no personal experience, though) after 40-50k kms. But with 30 k on the odo and you needing it only for a year, I guess you can try and negotiate a bit more (try to get as close to 2.5 lakh) and see if you can save that extra cash for unwarranted maintenance costs and get rid of the car before it demands serious maintenance.

Another issue is the tyres, you might need a new set somewhere midway through your usage.
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Old 2nd August 2008, 06:02   #333
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i dont understand the mindset of expensive to maintain . I have had the ikon for over 3 years and just completed 32k on the odo . Just got the car serviced and changed both brake pads oil filter air filter an oil seal with engine oil change transmission oil change and spent 5k . Havent spent anything ever on it apart from regular servicing. If you love it take it its an awesome vehicle . Ppl spend hours in workshops because they love the safari and its taken as a part and parcel but with an ikon its a bane . Its your choice . I love the car and have 2 in the family but i just cant understand why ppl have this problem with the ikon
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Old 2nd August 2008, 12:28   #334
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Thanks for the comments. Very helpful. I am yet to drive the car. Any one knows any good mechanics in Bangalore, I can take along?

Originally Posted by karanraheja View Post
Actually i think its a steal at its price. But Ikon is known to be quite expensive to maintain thanks to expensive Ford Spares. But i guess you should nt have a big problem since this car is only for a year. I guess you should go ahead with the deal! All the Best.
I also think it is a great price. The owner is an IT woman and I guess its probably not driven hard. She had some rub-off with another car and the side mirror had to be replaced. And there are some scratches on the left rear door.

All that I need to check is whether the car has been through an accident or not (and if there is structural damage).

Originally Posted by architect View Post
But with 30 k on the odo and you needing it only for a year, I guess you can try and negotiate a bit more (try to get as close to 2.5 lakh)

Another issue is the tyres, you might need a new set somewhere midway through your usage.
Yes, I am setting the target between 2.5 to 2.6 L. And I probably will quote the worn tyres to bring the price down.

Originally Posted by sammyboy View Post
i dont understand the mindset of expensive to maintain . I have had the ikon for over 3 years and just completed 32k on the odo . Just got the car serviced and changed both brake pads oil filter air filter an oil seal with engine oil change transmission oil change and spent 5k . Havent spent anything ever on it apart from regular servicing. If you love it take it its an awesome vehicle . Ppl spend hours in workshops because they love the safari and its taken as a part and parcel but with an ikon its a bane . Its your choice . I love the car and have 2 in the family but i just cant understand why ppl have this problem with the ikon
From what I heard from the seller is that she normally spends 2-4 k on the routine service. That seems good and she has extended warranty upto Mar 2009. Seems good.

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Old 4th August 2008, 23:37   #335
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Thanks for your post, Bouncer.

Yes, the vehicle is a TDI.

From your selling experience (2005 Indigo GLS) at 2.45 lacs, it appears a Marina LX of similar year, should probably go for about :

2.45 lac
+ 20k for diesel engine
+ 10k for higher LX trim
- 5k for no ICE
+ 10k for OE approved accessory alloys
- 5k negative premium for Marina

= about 2.75 lacs. Would you agree ? Or is that too much ?

Another way of looking at it : since a new facelifted Marina LX is 5.49 lacs ex-showroom Pune today, one should consider say 50-60% depreciation over 3 years. Which brings the price to 2.2 to 2.75 lacs.

I am not sure what the price of the Marina was 3 years back, because, honestly, the depreciation should be calculated on that price, and not the price today.

Could you indicate what the price of your 2005 Indigo GLS was, brand new ? I'm guessing a new 2005 Marina LX would have been 45-50k higher.

Could you please share how many km were covered by your car when you sold it ?


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Old 5th August 2008, 14:12   #336
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Some good maths there

If you want to calculate depreciation, IMO it should be on on-road price and not ex-showroom. Add approx 55-60K on Marina's ex-showroom to arrive at on-road. Calculate it @20% p.a. on reducing balance method.
For car costing 6 lacs on-road, value this way after 3 years comes to some 3.07 lacs. This should give you a fair idea.

I was second owner of 2005 GLS, so no idea of Ex-showroom of the same in 2005. Can't give you my exact purchase price also as it was a adjusted deal for some other transactions. When I sold it in 2008, the odo was 46K. I started with expectation of 3.2 lacs (with 50K accessories), came down to 2.90 and finally sold for 2.45 lacs.
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Old 5th August 2008, 16:16   #337
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Hey everyone,
Would like some advice. Im selling my Astra and im wondering if my asking price is right.
Please advise. All the details are given in the Ad here:
Team-BHP Classifieds - Opel Astra 1.6 - Powered by PhotoPost Classifieds
The only damage to the bodywork is a small dent near the headlight, thats all.
And the usual few scratches here and there.

Last edited by Xehaust : 5th August 2008 at 16:17.
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Old 5th August 2008, 23:54   #338
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My friend wants to sell his 2000 Model Indica DLE. Its a well maintained car with 52K kms done. Last year he had replaced the gearbox, clutch and suspension. Insurance runs upto July next year and is comprhensive. What Price can he expect for it in Bangalore?
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Old 6th August 2008, 09:05   #339
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Originally Posted by sid_meyer View Post
My friend wants to sell his 2000 Model Indica DLE. Its a well maintained car with 52K kms done. Last year he had replaced the gearbox, clutch and suspension. Insurance runs upto July next year and is comprhensive. What Price can he expect for it in Bangalore?
about 80k to one lakh max. In Bangalore, it could be a little more
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Old 10th August 2008, 21:29   #340
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Price this car - Esteem 05/ Accent 04

Hi Guys,

Am back for car search. Been in hibernation for a while due to personal reasons.

I went to a dealer in chennai and TD both the cars. I'm a beginner and hardly 1 week ago my driving class lesson's are over. Learnt my driving in santro. But I was confident and drove for 2 KMS to test both the cars balance and power. The car drives pretty and smooth to an extent.

here is the spec.
Esteem Lx - 2005, Alloy Wheels, Petrol, Fully Loaded (No CD Player), PW, PS CL, etc - 48 K done

Accent - GLS(Not sure) 2004, Fully Loaded (No CD Player), Petrol, Excellent Condition 48 K done

Here is my comments on both the cars,
Good pick up and stearing control
Engine responds quickly
No vibration
Ac - Average
Tyres are in pretty good condition

Front left wheel suspension is not good. It is not smooth - I dont know how to term that. I would say in lay man's term - jumpy. May be the suspension needs some oiling, but not worse for replacing.

Good pick up and solid stearing control
Engine responds very quickly and smooth
No vibration
Ac - pretty good
Tyres are in pretty good condition

He priced the car to be 2.8L and 3.5L respectively

I started the negotiation and quoted 2.35L for esteem and after a while they said they are having an offer for 2.5L. I was pretty confused on how to push it to the next level and discontinued the discussion and came out of the show room. I heard from few of my friends that 2005 Esteem Lxi would cost you around 2-2.25L and what they said was no way near. Also the car was not i variant and just Lx.

Did not go in the service history details as I decided not to consider both car (Excellent one but high priced, I guess ).

Thought of giving this car a price vote from you guys.. Lemme know what would be the price of both the cars (you feel) would be worth in chennai.

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Old 13th August 2008, 12:41   #341
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Need some advice on buying a used car

I am planing to buy a Hyundai Getz and have seen a lot of cars in Bangalore. I have finalised on one which is of good condition
Below are the specs,

Model: June 2006
Color: white
KMS done: 38500
Owner: Single
Tyres: stock and can run for another 10000 kms
Interiors: good condition

Vehicle is mailtained well and is an accident free (i checked the records)


1. what would be right price for this vehicle
2. How is it to own a Hyundai Getz ( In terms of maintenance, cost of spares, availability, etc)
3. Anyone who owns a Hyundai getz, let me know the mileage and their experinces with the vehicle

Any more information would be helpful

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Old 17th August 2008, 01:47   #342
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Is 2005 Corsa(1.4) at 1.9L a good buy?

Greetings!!This is my first query on the site.Great to be a part of a forum like this.I have read almost all of earlier corsa posts but have not found out what i was looking for(cheap spare parts outside GM showroom)

I had gone to a GM Right value used car Showroom.The salesman showed me a 2002 corsa 1.4 asking 1.5Lac(but was down to 1.3Lac immediately).He then showed me a 2005 model 1.4(Single owner,lady doctor driven,30,000 km,1.9Lacs).

On my being too worried about costly spares and GM's stepmotherly behavior towards Opel(bad customer service on opel cars).What the guy told me then stumped me.(after all I have heard about Opel).

He said spares of corsa are not expensive at all(outside GM showroom) and not a problem to source in delhi(I have seen lot of corsas on Delhi roads) They are just 10-15% costly than esteem.(Is this true??)If you buy them from outside-Get a good mechanic and repair job would be comparable to esteem.(Corsa owners:your personal experience please).

Is this a selling tactic??This will be my deciding factor on corsa if the above statement holds true.

My purpose of posting here is to take the advice of all you experience people (because the tempation in my mind is too high:: <2L for 2005 model.the car value has already depreciated).

Price is the MAIN constraint that makes corsa sense to least i can use it for 3-4 years and then sell it..if it is not very unreliable(like i have heard temp rises,a/c knob breaks,gear linkage issues etc) or go with 98/99 model OHC/baleno(2000)

Summarizing my requirements:--
1. Looking for a RELIABLE midsize car under 2Lacs price range or at the most 2.1Lacs
2. Driving it on petrol for some time and converting it to CNG after 6 months(daily run=50 kms).I hope 1.4 has no cng issues..
3. At least some hope to sell it(after 3-4 yrs)-(if need be)

I have to make a decision within 4-5 days.
Thanks in advance and sorry for making it so long
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Old 18th August 2008, 16:23   #343
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Kindly help me..need to take decision in 2 days

Corsa owners in delhi please provide me with this info:

Are cosa spares cheap in spare part shops outside GM.
Are there any major flaws wih the car.
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Old 19th August 2008, 12:57   #344
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2003 S10 for 3L - Worth buying?


This is my first post on T-BHP and like many here, really began to love FIAT cars after reading n number of related threads. I drove a friend's GTX recently and was absolutely floored by it. What a machine!

Well, since then I am looking for one now. There's a seller quoting for 3L for an S10 in Bangalore which according to me is way too much. He is the first owner and the car has clocked about 34K. I have taken an appointment this saturday to meet the guy and the car.

GTX/S10 owners, I need your help here -

1) What would be the realistic price for the car?
2) What should I specifically check in the car apart from the usual checks and the car number (among 500 lot)? I mean anything specific to S10.
3) I've heard a lot about Greentracks for check up and servicing. Its a bit far from my residence. Bangaloreans, do you know any place near Mekhri circle or Hebbal?


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Old 19th August 2008, 12:57   #345
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Have you thought of an Esteem as an option?
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