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Old 17th June 2023, 14:04   #6316
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

What happens if I have a Fastag on my car but it's not loaded with any money & visit a Mall or something where there is Park+ Fastag scanner? I assume they will take cash from me but I am wondering if the scanning of a fastag through the scanner will cause any problems?
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Old 17th June 2023, 19:59   #6317
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by binand
it does not make it clear whether the restriction is on pasting multiple tags on one vehicle or simply possessing them, and whether it is a policy for this one bank or for the entire fastag ecosystem.
Two FasTags fixed on a same vehicle, most likely would confuse the sensors and the system on which account to take the money from. But from my experience and understanding each bank at the most can check if they have issued a FasTag for the same vehicle. The banks also have a provision to have a kind of master account, under which you can have multiple FasTags but for different vehicle (vehicle numbers). This is for truck fleet owners etc. But FasTag customer base of one bank is never shared with another bank.

In my case as Axis Bank FasTag was blacklisted (and I was on the road), the ICICI FasTag vendor first peeled off and destroyed the Axis Bank FasTag. The sensor cannot complain "Black Listed" tag any more. And then he fixed his ICICI FasTag.

The best part was that ICICI system 'remembered' me as soon as I gave my mobile number. The FasTag account of my old vehicle was still active, even though I had sold it off nearly 5 years back (as the Mahindra vehicle was total crap). The FasTag account for that vehicle also had around Rs. 1000/- balance on the Tag, which the vendor quickly transferred to my new vehicle's wallet. All done in minutes on a mobile applicaton.

Originally Posted by carboy
What happens if I have a Fastag on my car but it's not loaded with any money & visit a Mall or something where there is Park+ Fastag scanner?
They will collect the money for sure . Generally when an empty FasTag gets detected the display next to the toll gate boom barrier will show some thing like "Invalid Tag" or "No Balance" kind of message. And the boom barrier will not open.
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Old 17th June 2023, 21:36   #6318
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
Two FasTags fixed on a same vehicle, most likely would confuse the sensors and the system on which account to take the money from.
Based on my (admittedly limited) knowledge of how the Fastag system works - in this scenario, I think both tag accounts will be debited unless there are additional checks that detect near-simultaneous scanning and same vehicle number in consecutive scans.

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
But from my experience and understanding each bank at the most can check if they have issued a FasTag for the same vehicle.

Again, based on my understanding - every bank has to share the details of their issued Fastags with NPCI, who maintains a master database of all Fastags in the country as part of the NETC programme they run. It is not clear whether issuers are allowed to / required to query this database before issuing a new one (given that I myself have owned two tags for one car it wasn't the practice a few years back), but if they do / they are, it is going to be difficult to have two active tags for the same vehicle.

This NPCI database is queryable here:

(this site is down now, though)
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Old 18th June 2023, 10:01   #6319
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

As per the NPCI guidelines/SOP for the FASTag, under “compliance of issuer” section;

What I can conclude from the statement below, it means, even if you have multiple FASTags, only one FASTag can be affixed to the windscreen at any point of time. And the responsibility lies with the issuer (bank) to ensure this.
Attached Thumbnails
FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!-img_5420.jpeg  

Last edited by NomadSK : 18th June 2023 at 10:05.
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Old 25th June 2023, 12:56   #6320
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

IDFC FIRST Bank FASTag will now apply quarterly charges for various heads from 1st May 2023.

  • Account management Fee
  • FASTag in Low Balance Fee
  • FASTag in Hotlist Fee

Full charges are mentioned in details here.

Are other FasTag issuers doing same ?

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Old 25th June 2023, 14:07   #6321
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I was having trouble with my old ICICI FASTag not scanning at toll plazas, so I decided to replace it. Unfortunately, none of the vendors were offering ICICI services. Luckily, IDFC was a popular option, and I was able to activate a new tag with them in just five minutes. I used the remaining Rs. 2500 in my ICICI account to buy fuel at the next gas station. I discarded the old ICICI sticker and replaced it with the new IDFC one, which is working great and making my toll plaza experiences much smoother.
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Old 25th June 2023, 21:12   #6322
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I just noticed that three days ago I received two SMSs, three minutes apart, for a single crossing at the Vashi, Navi Mumbai, toll plaza. Any advice on whom to approach, to report this error? Earlier, when there was an issue with the toll collection, we could quote the receipt number but now with FasTAG what's the procedure?
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Old 26th June 2023, 04:36   #6323
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by FarPatel View Post
I just noticed that three days ago I received two SMSs, three minutes apart, for a single crossing at the Vashi, Navi Mumbai, toll plaza. Any advice on whom to approach, to report this error? Earlier, when there was an issue with the toll collection, we could quote the receipt number but now with FasTAG what's the procedure?
First check if there are actually 2 debits in your fast tag statement. If yes, check with the provider of your fastag and raise a complaint. They should be able to fix it and refund the extra charge.

Do let us know what happens and the provider of your fastag too.
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Old 26th June 2023, 20:20   #6324
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by deep_bang View Post
First check if there are actually 2 debits in your fast tag statement. If yes, check with the provider of your fastag and raise a complaint. They should be able to fix it and refund the extra charge.

Do let us know what happens and the provider of your fastag too.
I just checked, there are actually two debits, 3 minutes apart, but the odd thing is that the two debits show that the vehicle has travelled in two opposite directions, i.e., one northwards and the other southwards. Now, I know that I did not do an about turn on my way to my office, so I guess that I must have been in the innermost lane and that the sensor in the opposite, innermost lane must have also detected my tag and deducted the amount three minutes later. I'll talk to my HDFC RM tomorrow and see if she can resolve the issue, though I'm not too optimistic, since the 'evidence' is not in my favour. I can ignore this incident once but if my theory about the sensor in the opposite lane detecting my tag is correct then that's going to happen again, with anyone, and that's not good.
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Old 27th June 2023, 18:05   #6325
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by Aviator_guy View Post
Having used ICICI Fastag with 2 cars in the family, I highly recommend it over other providers.
Originally Posted by condor View Post
I have been using ICICI fastag from soon after the time when Fastag was launched.
Thanks guys. I switched to ICICI based on your recommendations and it has been working fine so far. Everything is available on the website without needing to install a non-sense app.

Paytm have stuck to their reputation of being scamsters. They still haven't refunded my security deposit of Rs.250 even after 1.5 months and multiple calls.
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Old 27th June 2023, 18:41   #6326
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by FarPatel View Post
I can ignore this incident once but if my theory about the sensor in the opposite lane detecting my tag is correct then that's going to happen again, with anyone, and that's not good.
Log an online complaint and ask for formal evidence that the second debit is valid. They will investigate and refund most of the time.
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Old 29th June 2023, 23:58   #6327
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Fastag : Why it is important to deactivate the tag while selling your car and physically removing the tag is not enough - learning the hard way.

I exchanged by Linea T Jet with the Tata dealer when I bought by Safari last August (2022). I removed the FasTag from my Linea before the car was handed over to the dealer. I had followed all prescribed procedure while selling the car to the dealer. I followed it up and confirmed that the car was sold by the dealer to an individual in Pondicherry itself and the ownership (RC) was officially changed.

I continued to use the previous FasTag wallet (with HDFC) by adding the new tag of my Safari to the same wallet. But, i forgot to deactivate the FasTag which was removed from my Linea.

Earlier this week I noticed two back to back email alerts from HDFC Bank alerting me about two FasTag transactions (I didn't receive SMS because I had got a new eSIM for my phone and SMS was suspended for 24 hours). The first FasTag transaction was at Samayapuram toll plaza near Trichy and the second was at Manavasi Toll plaza near Namakkal. I was surprised because my Safari has been idling in my garage at home in Pondicherry for past few weeks. Then I noticed that the email alert mentioned registration number of my old Linea T Jet and not the Safari! I was perplexed and immediately tried to suspend the tag on HDFC FasTag webpage. However I could not do it online.

When I got in touch with customer care later in the day, I was told:

1. The amount was deducted from my FasTag wallet apparently because the system uses the car's registration number for identification. Even if the car is having a different FasTag issued by another bank now (I checked on NHAI's FasTag app and It showed that the Linea's current FasTag is from IDFC First bank), because my wallet is still having an active FasTag linked to the car's registration number, money will get deducted from my wallet (too)!!

2. The online option for suspending HDFC fastags is not operational (eventhough the procedure is described in HDFC webpage and the option is actually available under 'service request' heading on HDFC FasTag webpage). One need to get in touch with customer care to get a tag suspended (which is a pain).

The tag was suspended immediately and I was told it will get deactivated and will be removed from my FasTag wallet withing 3 working days.

Thankfully, damage to my pocket was only ₹110/-

Lesson learned: Whether you physically remove FasTag from you car or not, ensure that you get it deactivated when you sell the car!


PS: Request to moderators - If this is not the right thread to share this, please feel free to move it. Thanks.

Last edited by sparameswaran : 30th June 2023 at 00:00. Reason: Added request to moderators
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Old 30th June 2023, 08:51   #6328
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by sparameswaran View Post
Fastag : Why it is important to deactivate the tag while selling your car and physically removing the tag is not enough - learning the hard way.

The online option for suspending HDFC fastags is not operational (eventhough the procedure is described in HDFC webpage and the option is actually available under 'service request' heading on HDFC FasTag webpage). One need to get in touch with customer care to get a tag suspended (which is a pain).

Lesson learned: Whether you physically remove FasTag from you car or not, ensure that you get it deactivated when you sell the car!
Thanks for sharing your experience and important lesson.

That is one one of the reasons I recommend ICICI fastag. Just before I sold my car, I simply logged in to their portal and submitted a request for tag closure. Tag was deactivated within 2-3 days and money refunded to my bank within 15 days. Could order a new tag for another car using savings account netbanking and tag was delivered within 3-4 days (without the need of submitting any car documents, it used account KYC itself).

Last edited by Aviator_guy : 30th June 2023 at 08:54.
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Old 30th June 2023, 14:41   #6329
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by sparameswaran View Post
1. The amount was deducted from my FasTag wallet apparently because the system uses the car's registration number for identification.
What exactly do you mean by "the system" here - what system does it refer to? When the car's fastag is scanned, it would be a different fastag than the one which is linked to your wallet? So how exactly does the registration number come into the picture at all?
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Old 30th June 2023, 15:16   #6330
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by carboy View Post
What exactly do you mean by "the system" here - what system does it refer to? When the car's fastag is scanned, it would be a different fastag than the one which is linked to your wallet? So how exactly does the registration number come into the picture at all?
I must admit I don't know. But this is exactly what the HDFC FasTag customercare staff told me.

My guess - the tag is linked to the car's registration number and the car's registration number is what is likely linked to the wallet (not exactly the code on the tag). So, when the tag is scanned at a toll gate, money is deducted from the wallet linked to the car's registration number. In this case, the car's registration number is linked to two different wallets (the new owner's and mine). What I understood from the customer care was, money gets deducted from both the wallets linked to the registration number of the car.
Disclaimer : this is my own interpretation, not authentic knowledge of how it happened.

If anyone else has a better understanding of how this happens, please do enlighten me.
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