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Old 9th July 2017, 20:40   #14281
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Originally Posted by sairamboko View Post
Hi all - need to travel from Hosur (bagalur road ) to Bangalore Airport tomorrow. Any suggestions for route which has less morning traffic? I will be starting around 7:30 am. Flight is at 12:45 pm. Starting early so that I don't miss the flight due to route confusions.
I would suggest to take the city route at your commute time as it's more certain in terms of traffic unlike the ORR which can be a hit or miss. Belandur, Kadubesanhalli Marathahalli, Tin Factory can be really chaotic at half past eight.
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Old 10th July 2017, 07:35   #14282
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Where: Madiwala Underpass
Direction : Silkboard towards City
Cause: (want to laugh again?)

A container truck has barely managed to pass the cabin and got stuck with his load hitting the top portion of the underpass.

Those who are aware of this side of the city very well know that this is a very regular happening.

Traffic is diverted from Total Mall Junction through the usually messy Madiwala Market.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-madiwala.jpg
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Old 10th July 2017, 18:34   #14283
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

My rant for the day. I am tired of the antics done by the school bus drivers especially on the sarjapur & jail road. They drive haphazardly, stop wherever they want or the parents want, overtake suddenly without bothering to see in their ORVM's and honk unnecessarily. And some of them have the stickers saying GPS installed! I wonder if it is just for fancy or probably nobody monitors them. Equal blame to school management, drivers as well as the parents. Parents because they want the school bus to stop at their respective apartments even if they had just in the adjacent one.

Enough rant for today. Now if you all remember flipkart had asked for suggestions to decongest namma Bengaluru roads. The response to that had been enormous it seems and people from India as well as outside India have responded to the same it seems. As part of that there was numerous suggestions out of which it seems that the below 3 are the top suggestions.

Quoting from the article.
1. TrafficSense
Their solution for solving Bengaluru’s traffic conundrum was “Smart Traffic Signal Switching” based on real-time traffic feeds from Google and Bing MapsVision. The idea was to create a network of self-learning and communicating traffic signal nodes, which will help optimise traffic on the entire network.

2. by2 Rides
Positioned as an inverse-Uber model for carpooling, the goal is to reduce inconvenience for the ride-giver and also give ride-seekers a free ride. This is founded by a flipkart employee

3. Road Smoothness Detector
Developed by 12th grade students, the Road Smoothness Detector is an android app that helps grade roads. The objective of is to detect and locate obstructions on roads such as potholes, humps and other aspects that degrade the road quality.

All three winners were invited to work with the Namma Bengaluru Foundation on long-term solutions to Bengaluru’s traffic gridlock problem. Flipkart offered Rs 2,00,000, Rs 1,00,000, and Rs 50,000 in Flipkart gift vouchers to the three winners and also offered office space and technical guidance to the winning teams, based on their needs.
More info from yourstory.
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Old 11th July 2017, 02:08   #14284
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by TorqueyTechie View Post
Enough rant for today. Now if you all remember flipkart had asked for suggestions to decongest namma Bengaluru roads. The response to that had been enormous it seems and people from India as well as outside India have responded to the same it seems. As part of that there was numerous suggestions out of which it seems that the below 3 are the top suggestions.
ALL PR (Publicity Relations) hot air, if this is the kind of solutions people come up with.. LOL. Now people will ask me to get up off my chair and help make my country better.. I might but not unless I have a real idea.

1) Nothing new, smart switching needs tremendous infrastructure, Britain has dedicated weight sensors, a tireless effort by people sitting in a camera room of traffic footage 24/7, how long do they figure it will take to implement it in this nation? The cops are doing something of that sort here already, more rudimentary as it is done manually. How did this take the cake I wonder.

2) Again nothing new.. pooling has been around since forever and this is just the same idea with useless embellishments. The question is how do you popularize pooling? I would rather walk than pool because they may blast songs I don't like and I might have to share space with company I may not really like at all. Most women are not going to public pool if its only a single passenger, period. More accurately what is the guarantee of a ride back home? Is the app popular at all? We all thought that UBER can reduce traffic density, it increased it multi-fold.

3) Detect rough roads and do what? Our hands are tied in this nation as far as I know it. I think its a very bare-bones idea with no real value to it.

I know my post reeks of cynicism.. but lets look at the very definition of cynicism "an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; scepticism" this is how I'd describe almost anyone on earth.. I'm guilty of it too. I'm very much a Bangalorean and I'd say the only solution is in I.T being spread across other cities.. Mysore for one and others like Indore, NCR, Pune, Hyderabad etc. This will lead to a gradual thinning of the tech herd in this city which has grown way too much (yes I earn a living off of them too, yet I say it). Ultimately water, power, and oxygen will become much more precious resources than a rectangular paper with numbers written on it, its already happening - look at the ads of anti-pollution masks, water purifiers and air-purifiers, imagine it worsening 10 times more if equitable distribution of the over-population does not happen ASAP. Its not for us to decide but it is a truth nonetheless.

Practical solutions can be more like :

1) Work at home ideology should be adopted by tech firms, with alternate shifts ensuring only half the employees turn up any given day. I know this is happening but it should be more wide-spread.

2) Giving tax benefits to small-car owners, this is more of a government thingy though. This will ensure lesser pollution and lesser gridlocks - assuming a small car is 3.8-4 meters or so and assuming a sedan is on average 4.4 meters, for every 30 cars standing back-to-back the small cars cut the length by a minimum of 12 meters.

3) Public initiative to minimize transport, avoid peak-hours and to have a holistic view of the earth at large.

Again I know these are not all 100% viable solutions, there are none but its about trying the best at the end of the day. I wish well for the entire ecosystem at large be it here or anywhere else in India, we are a surprisingly large nation with just 4 major cities, time to make it 40 and then watch every overcrowding related problem disappear.

Last edited by dark.knight : 11th July 2017 at 02:10.
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Old 11th July 2017, 10:21   #14285
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Please see my responses inline.

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post

1) Work at home ideology should be adopted by tech firms, with alternate shifts ensuring only half the employees turn up any given day. I know this is happening but it should be more wide-spread.

I had proposed the same to one of the GM's of a business vertical mentioning that all the support groups (like HR, COE's , people on bench, and PM's) can do WFH and travel to office on a need basis. This will save cost to the company, benefit the people as well and also benefit the roads! But I am not sure how come the top people don't think like that. Instead they try to build more SEZ's and what not .

2) Giving tax benefits to small-car owners, this is more of a government thingy though. This will ensure lesser pollution and lesser gridlocks - assuming a small car is 3.8-4 meters or so and assuming a sedan is on average 4.4 meters, for every 30 cars standing back-to-back the small cars cut the length by a minimum of 12 meters.

This I don't agree to you. Govt should discourage people from buying more private vehicles actually. What we need is proper mass transport system. Increase the frequency of buses (esp on routes which have more traffic), reduce the prices and maintain the buses properly. Fast track metro and link that with the buses for end to end connectivity.

3) Public initiative to minimize transport, avoid peak-hours and to have a holistic view of the earth at large.

Easier said than done. As I have mentioned in the same thread earlier, there are only some things which can be initiated by the government. People themselves also have to work with them. As the saying goes, "You need two hands to clap". Ah, its all a dream to think of these kind of scenarios.

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Last edited by bblost : 11th July 2017 at 15:38. Reason: See note added to the post. Thanks.
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Old 11th July 2017, 11:06   #14286
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
ALL PR (Publicity Relations) hot air, if this is the kind of solutions people come up with.. LOL.
Hot air indeed !! Some technology based "ideas" were expected.

3rd one is interesting. Laloo would be mighty pleased if he gets the app. He can make the roads smoother than the cheek !

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
I'd say the only solution is in I.T being spread across other cities. Ultimately water, power, and oxygen will become much more precious resources than a rectangular paper with numbers written on it
This is the only solution - unfortunately OR

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
Practical solutions can be more like :

2) Giving tax benefits to small-car owners, this is more of a government thingy though. This will ensure lesser pollution and lesser gridlocks - assuming a small car is 3.8-4 meters or so and assuming a sedan is on average 4.4 meters, for every 30 cars standing back-to-back the small cars cut the length by a minimum of 12 meters.

3) Public initiative to minimize transport, avoid peak-hours and to have a holistic view of the earth at large.
Tax ALL the private vehicles to such an extent that the people are forced to use public transport - Singapore model. Meanwhile remove all the hurdles to improve the public transport , provide last mile connectivity and make it world class.
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Old 11th July 2017, 15:02   #14287
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I dont know of the whole of Bangalore, but to cut down the traffic problems in ORR, BTP could employ a signal style stop mechanism for the tech parks.

Lets say 4-830 or so is the highest density of traffic in ORR.
430-5, no tech park can let out a private car. All two wheelers, company buses allowed.
5-530, tech park gates open for private cars also.
530-6, tech park gates closed for Private cars.
So on.

This would need BTP enforcing the rule on all the tech parks. This would force people to either start earlier or switch to two wheeler or public transport.

I dont know how feasible this is. May not be practical.
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Old 11th July 2017, 15:30   #14288
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Metro work has started between ITPL and Hopefarm.
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Old 11th July 2017, 17:27   #14289
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Thank you Parag and adi_gt for your inputs!! I reached the airport in 2 hours exactly! Took me around 1.5 hours to cross the city and reach Hebbal ! After that 30 mins to reach the airport. Need to see of the same route can be used for return tomorrow. Will be landing and starting from airport around 5pm.

P.s - unable to multi quote from mobile.
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Old 11th July 2017, 17:35   #14290
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sairamboko View Post
Will be landing and starting from airport around 5pm.
Which means peak traffic in city when you hit hebbal. I would not suggest the city route but the other routes are also going to be equally worse. Best bet would be to get onto a KIA bus to EC, find a cozy corner and sleep all the way back. Else if traffic conditions from Kanakpura road to Bagalur road are not bad, you can get to Jalahalli cross in about 40 min from Airport, Take the metro to JP Nagar - 30 min then JP Nagar to Bagalur

Edit: Fastest route by road is probably KIA - Budigere - Hoskote - Chikka Tirupathi - Bagalur.

Last edited by procrj : 11th July 2017 at 17:39.
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Old 11th July 2017, 17:36   #14291
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sairamboko View Post
Need to see of the same route can be used for return tomorrow. Will be landing and starting from airport around 5pm.

P.s - unable to multi quote from mobile.
NICE is a better bet. And now even ORR from Peenya till PESIT Entrance at NICE is signal free.

That one U Turn which caused crawls in evening around Laggere has been permanently close.

Interestingly, as I check now, even Google says the one via NICE an ORR will take Similar ETA as via City but from my experience, NICE will be faster any day and this whole corridor from Peenya to EC will take 40m max.

So Airport to Hebbal : 40m (including evening traffic)

Hebbal to Taj Vivanta : 20m

Taj Vivanta to PESIT Entrance (NICE): 20m

NICE to EC : 20m

EC to Hosur: 30m

So that's around 130 Minutes.

All of these above are realistic numbers as I do Yelahanka to EC almost everyday and can assess traffic in opposite direction when I drive back home

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-screenshot_20170711173103.png
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Old 11th July 2017, 17:36   #14292
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Originally Posted by procrj View Post
Which means peak traffic in city when you hit hebbal. I would not suggest the city route but the other routes are also going to be equally worse. Best bet would be to get onto a KIA bus to EC, find a cozy corner and sleep all the way back. Else if traffic conditions from Kanakpura road to Bagalur road are not bad, you can get to Jalahalli cross in about 40 min from Airport, Take the metro to JP Nagar - 30 min then JP Nagar to Bagalur
Ha ha ! True but I came to airport in my car because taxi fares is costlier than traveling in my car . Will explore the maps after arrival and see my options.
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Old 11th July 2017, 17:41   #14293
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sairamboko View Post
Ha ha ! True but I came to airport in my car because taxi fares is costlier than traveling in my car . Will explore the maps after arrival and see my options.
Own car then KIA - Budigere - Hoskote - Chikka Thirupathi - Bagalur is the fastest. Havent driven on Hoskote - Chikka Thirupathi - Bagalur but remember Ampere and NPV mentioning that its a deterministic 1 hours from Hosur to Hoskote via this route.
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Old 11th July 2017, 20:11   #14294
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
NICE is a better bet. And now even ORR from Peenya till PESIT Entrance at NICE is signal free.

That one U Turn which caused crawls in evening around Laggere has been permanently close.

Interestingly, as I check now, even Google says the one via NICE an ORR will take Similar ETA as via City but from my experience, NICE will be faster any day and this whole corridor from Peenya to EC will take 40m max.

So Airport to Hebbal : 40m (including evening traffic)

Hebbal to Taj Vivanta : 20m

Taj Vivanta to PESIT Entrance (NICE): 20m

NICE to EC : 20m

EC to Hosur: 30m

So that's around 130 Minutes.

All of these above are realistic numbers as I do Yelahanka to EC almost everyday and can assess traffic in opposite direction when I drive back home
I would second this route. Since you leave airport by 5, your direction of traffic will be free. Even in NICE the majority of traffic will be heading in the opposite direction. Hence the journey should be pretty smooth.

Originally Posted by procrj View Post
Which means peak traffic in city when you hit hebbal. I would not suggest the city route but the other routes are also going to be equally worse. Best bet would be to get onto a KIA bus to EC, find a cozy corner and sleep all the way back. Else if traffic conditions from Kanakpura road to Bagalur road are not bad, you can get to Jalahalli cross in about 40 min from Airport, Take the metro to JP Nagar - 30 min then JP Nagar to Bagalur

Edit: Fastest route by road is probably KIA - Budigere - Hoskote - Chikka Tirupathi - Bagalur.
The bus route has many takers as per what I witnessed last weekend. Seems to be a good option but in this case, it's not possible.

The Hoskote route isn't practical IMO when the end point is the airport. However it's a good bet if the requirement is to reach old madras road. The fastest I have done between Hoskote and Devanahalli is 45mins. This road has a considerable amount of heavy vehicles mashing the accelerator and in car it requires some overtaking skills since it is a single carriageway throughout. Instead, one can keep a decent pace throughout on the ORR-NICE route. But watch out for interceptors between Gorguntepalya and Nayandahalli. Not one but there will be two sometimes which is a little luring

If we go through Devanahalli another thing to keep in mind is the toll of 85 odd rupees which is a waste considering the fact that we dont make use of the road for a long distance and exit at Devanhalli itself. Instead the money can be paid to NICE toll and the paisa can be vasool'ed with a nice drive.

Originally Posted by sairamboko View Post
Thank you Parag and adi_gt for your inputs!! I reached the airport in 2 hours exactly! Took me around 1.5 hours to cross the city and reach Hebbal ! After that 30 mins to reach the airport. Need to see of the same route can be used for return tomorrow. Will be landing and starting from airport around 5pm.

P.s - unable to multi quote from mobile.
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Old 11th July 2017, 20:57   #14295
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Thank you all for your inputs!! Can anyone please share the NICE route please? Unable to find in Google maps.

Edit : missed reading Parag's reply. I got the route information now. Will update you tomorrow on my return journey

Last edited by sairamboko : 11th July 2017 at 21:17.
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