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Old 18th July 2008, 02:51   #1906
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I have a slightly OT question.

Are all 12V CPU accent lighting (e.g. Cathode Tubes) which have the 12V inverters also compatible to be used in cars?
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Old 18th July 2008, 10:35   #1907
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I have recently upgraded my zen(2002 model ) lamps to 100/130. For two days I did not face any problem, But yesterday while driving home I had to wait for traffic signal ,since the signal was taking quit a long time I switch off my lamps, When the signal turned green I againg switch ON my head lamps. My lamps just would not get ON, Then after quite a bit of trying the lamps were On. Now the question, What would be the problem? can any one highlight the problem. It did happen two times yesterday.
My car is 2002 LXI ZEN, before installing 100/130 Philips lamps I did changed my wiring and relay.
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Old 18th July 2008, 11:06   #1908
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Some installers have the habit of wiring the horns and headlamps with a single relay kit instead of using 2 separate relays. That leads to malfunction at times.
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Old 18th July 2008, 11:25   #1909
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Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
suren you escaped with minor damage, sometimes 130/110W can damage the entire reflector.
True, Could have been worse. The reason I have escaped need to be attributed to the lesser night runs on the car, I guess.

Originally Posted by jkdas View Post
I too reported of the same with my friend's/tbhpians Swift. Do you do long drives at night?
No, Das, I don't do night driving on the highways. Prefer day runs. Inspite of this the results are there for all to see.

Originally Posted by yzfrj View Post
Hmmm... I'm using the same in my Zen for like 4yrs but it has Glass headlamps

It's not the reflective Plastic/Acrylic lens that has taken the beating. It's the reflector. So Glass here doesn't discount the factor of damage.

But thanks for posting the pic man, I was thinking of going for the 130/100 in the Swift.
Now I'm really scared.

jkdas has reported of damage to a swift with a similar configuration, remember the deterioration is slow and steady and not abrupt. So take that into account and change when you can.

Guys, will the same happen for a HID ?
does it generate the same/ or more heat than a Halogen ?
It is mentioned the wattage is 35 for normal HID kits.

Will the same thing suren181 faced will happen to the swift ?
Swift owners who has 130/100, or HID kits please share you experience.

AFAIK HID's, as mentioned earlier by other fellow members before. Do not heat up so much. Hence there should be no damage owing to the usage of those to the reflectors. A good change at that.

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Old 18th July 2008, 12:02   #1910
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Fog lamps in stock location for Lancer

Searched this thread but didn't find a answer to my query.

I drive a lot on the expressway and later on sections from panvel to thane. This section is under construction and hence has a lot of debris/extra divider cement blocks/ obstacles kept just next to the divider. to add to my misery people don't care if they are blinding oncoming traffic and always drive on high beams.

I need a good set of fog lamps for my lancer that i can focus on these dividers and can keep my car away from these fender benders.

Please suggest some makes and how can I retrofit them to the lancer stock location in the front bumper.
I am a total noob on auto lighting so please specify what make, what specs ,what price where can i source and get it fitted in mumbai/thane.

Last edited by leadf00t : 18th July 2008 at 12:08. Reason: spelling mistakes.
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Old 18th July 2008, 12:05   #1911
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Bright lights on your car(unless they are xenon HIDs) won't allow you to see when you are blinded. They can only force others to dip.
However when there is no oncoming traffic they can help
As for mounting HELLA fogs, go to any good accessory shop. They will drill holes in the bumper and mount a bracket there.
Don't go for "On the bumper" fogs as they hamper air flow to radiator, instead get the bumper cut use FRP etc., to have nice looking fogs inside the bumper.
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Old 18th July 2008, 12:21   #1912
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Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
As for mounting HELLA fogs, go to any good accessory shop. They will drill holes in the bumper and mount a bracket there.
Don't go for "On the bumper" fogs as they hamper air flow to radiator, instead get the bumper cut use FRP etc., to have nice looking fogs inside the bumper.

Thanks Tsk for your quick answer.
I feel that the stock location will not make any exceptional changes to the air flow since they are just too far away from the radiator.

and i dont want the bumper to be cut. Its too beautiful to be cut

see pic below.
Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here-lancer-front-bumper.jpg

can something be retrofitted in the existing foglight panels on the side.??
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Old 18th July 2008, 12:24   #1913
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Originally Posted by leadf00t View Post
Searched this thread but didn't find a answer to my query.

I drive a lot on the expressway and later on sections from panvel to thane. This section is under construction and hence has a lot of debris/extra divider cement blocks/ obstacles kept just next to the divider. to add to my misery people don't care if they are blinding oncoming traffic and always drive on high beams.

I need a good set of fog lamps for my lancer that i can focus on these dividers and can keep my car away from these fender benders.

Please suggest some makes and how can I retrofit them to the lancer stock location in the front bumper.
I am a total noob on auto lighting so please specify what make, what specs ,what price where can i source and get it fitted in mumbai/thane.
Hey Leadfoot, I have installed Hella Projectors in my Tavera. Don't go for yellow lights. Hella 550 will be more than sufficient for you. It has 60W bright white bulbs. As soon as I switch on my projectors, I get a lot of respect from morons with high-beams!

You will need a seperate relay and wiring. The total cost will not exceed Rs. 2500. I have fixed the projectors on my crash guard. So there was no need for drilling. If you want to do it from Pune, let me know.
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Old 18th July 2008, 12:28   #1914
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Oh ok, you have existing foglight panels. Thats good.
Try somethiing like this

Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here-21361.jpg
Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here-21366.jpg

These are yellow, but you can go for normal lights. @chevy_lover I am not a fan of crash guards because even in case of minor shunt which will otherwise damage only the radiator, crashguard vehicles can get chasis damage, which can permanently damage the car to an extent that it can never be set right.
Moreover you do not have crumple zones.

Last edited by tsk1979 : 18th July 2008 at 12:39.
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Old 18th July 2008, 13:00   #1915
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Originally Posted by suren181 View Post
True, Could have been worse. The reason I have escaped need to be attributed to the lesser night runs on the car, I guess.
Thanks buddy for the reply.

Its not like I go for long drive at night on highway's on a regular basis.
But once we have a trip it will sure be loooooong.

I'm worried about "cop" factor and how to figure out if the kit is good or not.
It seems a lot of money for more light the price hike which was around 16k did't help matters either.


It might be possible, but I'm not sure it that can take the current from the car battery. you see normal molex connectors from the SMPS can take like 5Amp

It might work but it might burn out too, the reason is the circuit (ballast and stuff inside the neon thingy) is not designed for running in such high current and there is a very high chance that it will just fry.

Its not like it will not work, if its gonna work for 100hrs in a SMPS supply it might work in the car for like 1 hr. (remember the blue LED like 4 yrs back with a small resistor connected, how long did it work ?)

You get the picture I guess.

Last edited by Technocrat : 18th July 2008 at 14:32.
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Old 18th July 2008, 14:06   #1916
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Originally Posted by tsk1979 View Post
Oh ok, you have existing foglight panels. Thats good.
Try somethiing like this

These are yellow, but you can go for normal lights.
no nothing ghastly of that sort goes to my car.
I know yellow light has the most penetration power while using in fog. however yellow doesn't really appeal me in the looks department. so a yellow fog lamp like the pic is a NO NO .

I think I can get my existing foglight panels cut and retrofit lights to it. but which one???

what specifications to look out for fog lamps???

Last edited by leadf00t : 18th July 2008 at 14:23. Reason: spelling mistakes
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Old 18th July 2008, 14:21   #1917
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Originally Posted by Chevy_lover View Post
Hey Leadfoot, I have installed Hella Projectors in my Tavera. Don't go for yellow lights. Hella 550 will be more than sufficient for you. It has 60W bright white bulbs. As soon as I switch on my projectors, I get a lot of respect from morons with high-beams!

You will need a seperate relay and wiring. The total cost will not exceed Rs. 2500. I have fixed the projectors on my crash guard. So there was no need for drilling. If you want to do it from Pune, let me know.
Please post pics of this mod. I might be interested

Leadfoot: Why not the stock projector Fog lamps that came with Lancer SFX?

They will not blind the oncoming car but will give you clear road view

Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here-lancer_foglamp.jpg

Last edited by Technocrat : 18th July 2008 at 14:30.
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Old 18th July 2008, 14:32   #1918
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Originally Posted by Technocrat View Post
Please post pics of this mod. I might be interested

Leadfoot: Why not the stock projector Fog lamps that came with Lancer SFX?
yes yes please post clear pics.

Yes stock projector fogs of SFX might make more sense but wont hey cost a bomb if i have to purchase them from HM - mitsu ?? will i get them else where???

my GLi doesn't have any existing wiring for it which means i still have to make custom wiring and it wont be a straight fit.
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Old 18th July 2008, 14:34   #1919
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call up your dealer & ask for the price.

You can get an extra switch on your dash for activating them.
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Old 18th July 2008, 14:38   #1920
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leadf00t, I posted the pic just for an example. You need not go for yellow lampls you can go for smaller lamps too,
I have seen Lancer SLX lamps, and they won't help much as illumination is not much unless you are planning to put in HID.
you can put in slghtly smaller hella white lapms without cutting the bumper at all.
You have to visit an accessory shop and choose
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