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Old 16th May 2012, 08:37   #1276
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by moralfibre View Post
Guys, an important bulletin has been shared by fellow bhpian F150 here. Please be advised that your oil change cost has increased four fold if your car was manufactured with the mentioned engine.
moralfibre, that TSB was shared on this thread earlier as well. Read more here:

Our car' VIN is well inside the threshold. Yet, I was pushed by the SA to fill up synthetic oil during my 3rd service, but I didn't budge. Carried a copy of that TSB for the service. I am planning to stick with the mineral oil every 5K KM.
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Old 16th May 2012, 09:52   #1277
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by deetjohn View Post
Our car' VIN is well inside the threshold. Yet, I was pushed by the SA to fill up synthetic oil during my 3rd service, but I didn't budge. Carried a copy of that TSB for the service. I am planning to stick with the mineral oil every 5K KM.
I am also considering using Mineral Oil till atleast 20k before switching to Synthetic

Originally Posted by geeash View Post
Deliver of my car today. Yay!!. Pretty excited. Have taken a PDI printout. Anything else you guys recommend?
Enjoy your ride man. Don't worry too much. What ever is visible take photographs, for anything else the car is under warranty

Originally Posted by moralfibre View Post
Don't worry too much about it. I get around 15-18kmpl in the city with AC. The moment I drive to Bombay over a weekend, the FE on the MID drops to 13-15 kmpl levels. I do manage to get over 600 kms on a tank full regularly in Pune due to the traffic conditions and my work timings.
Not worried as such. Just that I was expecting higher road range before refilling while on Highway.
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Old 16th May 2012, 10:08   #1278
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Re: FE for new swift

Originally Posted by devil_klm View Post
What speed and rpm you travel in highways?
I keep my speed within 100 and rpm around 2000 and MID shows 30.
Never shown above 30 i think that is the limit set by maruti
In highways, I tend to shift between 2.5k and 3k after the engine is warmed up. once in 5th gear, I tend to maintain around 2.5k. Speed should be between 110 and 130.

When I was running in my car, I once drove very sedately in the highway with speed around 100 and rpm less than 2.2k. I got 21kmpl for that trip.

When you say MID shows 30, are you talking about instantaneous FE? That has an upper limit of 30kmpl. I'm not sure about the avg FE though.

Last edited by jingaboysr : 16th May 2012 at 10:10.
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Old 16th May 2012, 11:09   #1279
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

After 4.5 months of wait time, my ZDI is going in for registration today and delivery scheduled for tomorrow from Vishnu Cars Chromepet. Originally booked red but changed to Torque blue as red would take a month more. Did the PDI and the only sour note was MRF ZV2K on the car and not good year duraplus. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Planning to change the tyres to MRF ZLO or Yoko A drives. The best quote for selling the stock that I got was Rs 2500. A-Drives costing around Rs5000 (MRP 5300) the price seems to have increased a bit. Haven't got the quote for ZLO yet from a dealer who is willing to exchange my stock.

Took a bumber to bumper cover from HDFC ergo costing Rs 20800 including 20% NCB and IDV=100% of exshowroom. The dealer quote from IFFCO Tokyo & National was Rs 16684 at IDV= 95% of ex-showroom (20% NCB with no bumper to bumper). The dealer was complaining that I had knocked off the only source of margin to him in a ZDI and was pushing for accessories. Getting the door rub gaurds, sill plates and body cover. Also planned for the OE spoiler but later dropped it as the dealer was not giving 100% gaurantee for color matching.

Last edited by Sridhar K : 16th May 2012 at 11:10.
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Old 16th May 2012, 14:38   #1280
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Went and had my 2nd Free service done today at 4817 kms for my ZDI.

Total cost Rs. 1399.

Wheel balancing was done for 5 wheels which costed about Rs.300 for the balances
labour charge for wheel balancing - Rs 400
1 ltr Engine oil top up (Mobil) - Rs 442
Swift badge - Rs 55 (the T in mine was broken)
Wiper wash fluid - Rs 13.33
The rest was taxes.

Took a total of 2.5 hrs. Had all the loose nuts and bolts tightened which is as per the service schedule, checked the belts etc and the customary wash.

I asked my SA why an engine oil top up was required at 5k only before he filled it, he showed the dip stick and the level was lower than the max. Infact, it was quite close to the half way mark. I know engine oil is used up by the engine but this seemed quite a significant amount. Anyone else faced similar consumption?
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Old 16th May 2012, 14:50   #1281
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Shome View Post
Went and had my 2nd Free service done today at 4817 kms for my ZDI.

Total cost Rs. 1399.

Wheel balancing was done for 5 wheels which costed about Rs.300 for the balances
labour charge for wheel balancing - Rs 400
1 ltr Engine oil top up (Mobil) - Rs 442
Swift badge - Rs 55 (the T in mine was broken)
Wiper wash fluid - Rs 13.33
The rest was taxes.

Took a total of 2.5 hrs. Had all the loose nuts and bolts tightened which is as per the service schedule, checked the belts etc and the customary wash.

I asked my SA why an engine oil top up was required at 5k only before he filled it, he showed the dip stick and the level was lower than the max. Infact, it was quite close to the half way mark. I know engine oil is used up by the engine but this seemed quite a significant amount. Anyone else faced similar consumption?
swift Diesel that too 2nd service would not be pre Dec 2011 model. If it is the newer model then it would have synthetic oil. And synthetic oil would cost over 442rs for a liter. Mineral would be less than 300 rs..

So which oil was used? which oil did it have in the engine?
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Old 16th May 2012, 14:56   #1282
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by Shome View Post
I asked my SA why an engine oil top up was required at 5k only before he filled it, he showed the dip stick and the level was lower than the max. Infact, it was quite close to the half way mark. I know engine oil is used up by the engine but this seemed quite a significant amount. Anyone else faced similar consumption?
It is mentioned in the manual how much is the normal oil consumption. You can refer it to make sure.

Does your car come under the later VINs where synthetic is advised? Did you get an option for the oil brands?
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Old 16th May 2012, 15:04   #1283
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

In the Maruti swift website, when we browse to downloads -> accessories, I downloaded a pdf file which contains the approved accessory list by MGA (unable to upload that here since it is >5mb). On page 2 of the brochure, they mention body styling kit which includes lower bumpers on the front and rear, side skirts and spoiler. Has anyone fitted this on their new Swift? If so, how does this affect the ground clearance?

I will be getting delivery of a Torque Blue ZDi in a few months, and was just preparing a list of what accessories to go for . If MGA is offering a body kit, I would rather opt for this company-provided full body kit than burn my hands with aftermarket stuff. Also on page 5, they have some wrap-around vinyl stickers on offer, which I might be interested in. Are all these really available with the dealers or is MGA just putting this in the brochure for showoff? I suspect the dealers will give an excuse of "no stock" later for these things.

I am thinking of upgrading the tyre to Michelin Primacy LC 195/60R15 after getting the car delivery. Let me see how well I can spruce up the beast after getting it. For now, just planning, planning and waiting.

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Old 16th May 2012, 18:34   #1284
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Just got delivery of my torque Blue Zdi Swift. Feeling on top of the world. Ownership thread is there in the piping in assembly line. will have to finish it today. Going to change my shoes to MRF ZLO 195/60 r15 on friday before car reaches 100k on the odo. Anything else you recommend guys?
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Old 16th May 2012, 18:54   #1285
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Originally Posted by geeash
Just got delivery of my torque Blue Zdi Swift. Feeling on top of the world. Ownership thread is there in the piping in assembly line. will have to finish it today. Going to change my shoes to MRF ZLO 195/60 r15 on friday before car reaches 100k on the odo. Anything else you recommend guys?
Congrats Ashwin,
Nice Choice of Color.
100K in Odo
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Old 16th May 2012, 19:43   #1286
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by livyodream View Post
swift Diesel that too 2nd service would not be pre Dec 2011 model. If it is the newer model then it would have synthetic oil. And synthetic oil would cost over 442rs for a liter. Mineral would be less than 300 rs..

So which oil was used? which oil did it have in the engine?
You are correct. The cost is 842 for 1 litre of mobil. They added half a litre. Mine is after the VIN cut off, a Jan 12 model. Will edit my earlier post if allowed.

Looks like I can't edit it. Here is the revised break up

Wheel balancing was done for 5 wheels which costed about Rs.300 for the balances
labour charge for wheel balancing - Rs 400
0.5 ltr Engine oil top up (Mobil) - Rs 422
Swift badge - Rs 55 (the T in mine was broken)
Wiper wash fluid - Rs 13.33
The rest was taxes.

Originally Posted by jingaboysr View Post
It is mentioned in the manual how much is the normal oil consumption. You can refer it to make sure.

Does your car come under the later VINs where synthetic is advised? Did you get an option for the oil brands?
I did not get an option for brands. They just had Mobil.

Last edited by Shome : 16th May 2012 at 19:47.
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Old 16th May 2012, 19:59   #1287
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re: Maruti Swift : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by KarthikK View Post

I will be getting delivery of a Torque Blue ZDi in a few months, and was just preparing a list of what accessories to go for . If MGA is offering a body kit, I would rather opt for this company-provided full body kit than burn my hands with aftermarket stuff. Also on page 5, they have some wrap-around vinyl stickers on offer, which I might be interested in. Are all these really available with the dealers or is MGA just putting this in the brochure for showoff? I suspect the dealers will give an excuse of "no stock" later for these things.
Congrats and welcome to the torque blue ZDI club. Yes, dealers are offering the body kit (cost around 24k) and includes the spoiler. The decals are also available.

Last edited by Sridhar K : 16th May 2012 at 20:05.
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Old 16th May 2012, 21:43   #1288
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Re: FE for new swift

Originally Posted by jingaboysr View Post
In highways, I tend to shift between 2.5k and 3k after the engine is warmed up. once in 5th gear, I tend to maintain around 2.5k. Speed should be between 110 and 130.

When I was running in my car, I once drove very sedately in the highway with speed around 100 and rpm less than 2.2k. I got 21kmpl for that trip.

When you say MID shows 30, are you talking about instantaneous FE? That has an upper limit of 30kmpl. I'm not sure about the avg FE though.
Yes that is the instantaneous FE. On average i got more than 20KMPL on highways. I am getting some rattling from the front right side. Not able to find it from where exactly its coming. Next issue is when i take the car in 1st gear or shift to second and release clutch, i can hear a 'tic' sound. Is it so for all? It not happening in any other gears.
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Old 17th May 2012, 00:15   #1289
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Originally Posted by devil_klm

Yes that is the instantaneous FE. On average i got more than 20KMPL on highways. I am getting some rattling from the front right side. Not able to find it from where exactly its coming. Next issue is when i take the car in 1st gear or shift to second and release clutch, i can hear a 'tic' sound. Is it so for all? It not happening in any other gears.
In fact i was going to ask the same here. I am getting the tick sound only while pick up from 1st gear.
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Old 17th May 2012, 08:50   #1290
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Originally Posted by devil_klm

Yes that is the instantaneous FE. On average i got more than 20KMPL on highways. I am getting some rattling from the front right side. Not able to find it from where exactly its coming. Next issue is when i take the car in 1st gear or shift to second and release clutch, i can hear a 'tic' sound. Is it so for all? It not happening in any other gears.
I get the tick sound as well when I engage first. Looks like this is common for all. As far as the rattle goes, go to MASS immediately. It could be an issue with a nut in the front strut. The torque needs to be looked at and can be resolved immediately. It might be something else. But get it checked immediately as it will only get worse.
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